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Two variant mouse hepatoma cell lines had been separated from a parent cell line, Hepa-1c1c7, by fluorescence activated cell sorting. Earlier metabolic studies had shown that variant TAOc1BPrc1 was more active in the metabolism of the indirect carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene than was variant BPrc1. In an extension of these studies, the relationship between the metabolic capabilities of these two cell lines and the induction of sister-chromatid exchanges by B[a]P was investigated. It was observed that TAOc1BPrc1 yielded a significant dose-dependent increase in the induction of SCE by B[a]P whereas BPrc1 did not show a response significantly greater than control. Metabolic results indicated that the induction of SCE in TAOc1BPrc1 was due to the production of 7,8-dihydroxy-7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene by this variant. This metabolite did not appear to be produced by BPrc1. Furthermore, TAOc1BPrc1 required only 40 nM B[a]P to induce a 2-fold increase in SCE frequency. This concentration is considerably lower than that required to elicit a similar response in other reported cell lines. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the use of a mouse hepatoma cell line for determining the relationship of metabolic capability to the induction of SCE.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, e.g., benzo[a]pyrene (B(a)P) are known carcinogens/mutagens. These compounds may be metabolized by the P450 mixed function monooxygenase to more nucleophilic compounds which may form adducts to the cellular macromolecules, e.g., DNA, RNA, and proteins. We have used synchronous fluorescence scanning for the assay of DNA adduct formation. In our earlier work with in vitro exposed human lymphocytes we estimated the adduct formation (femtomoles B(a)P per microgram DNA) to be higher than that estimated by other workers. We suggested that this difference may be related to the DNA isolation method used. In order to elucidate these differences we compared DNA adduct formation in human lymphocytes where DNA was isolated by the two different methods, i.e., using phenol extraction or the Gene Clean method. The data demonstrate that the phenol extraction procedure gives a yield of adducts per microgram DNA lower than that obtained by the Gene Clean method. The principle of the Gene Clean method for DNA isolation is protein denaturation by means of NaI followed by catching of DNA by absorption on silica particles. In contrast, the phenol extraction method is based upon phenol-mediated denaturation of proteins in the cell lysate leaving the hydrophilic nucleotides in the aqueous phase. However, during adduct formation more lipophilic adducts derived from DNA may redistribute between the aqueous phase and the phenol phase. In support of this theory we found higher adduct concentration per microgram DNA by the Gene Clean method 40 to 60 times than that found by the phenol method.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The daily i.t. administration of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) to Sprague-Dawley rats, for 3 consecutive days, did not cause any toxicity or clastogenicity in bone marrow cells, as evaluated by monitoring the ratio of polychromatic to normochromatic erythrocytes and the frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes. However, BP produced a considerable enhancement of binucleated and micronucleated pulmonary alveolar macrophages, as well as a significant increase in polymorphonucleates recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage. These effects were prevented by administering the thiol N-acetylcysteine (NAC) by gavage 5 h before each BP instillation. In addition, the i.t. treatment with BP resulted in the formation of BP diolepoxide (BPDE)-DNA adducts in lungs and liver, as assessed by synchronous fluorescence spectrophotometry, with fluorescence peaks of similar magnitude in the 2 tissues. Pretreatment with NAC by gavage completely prevented BPDE adducts to liver DNA and significantly decreased those to lung DNA.  相似文献   

Determination of benzo[a]pyrene-DNA or protein adducts with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after acid hydrolysis at high temperature (90 degrees C) enables four isomers of benzo[a]pyrene tetrahydrotetrol to be identified and quantitated. We have investigated the effect of acid treatment of benzo[a]pyrene-tetrahydrotetrol isomers using HPLC and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) analysis. By HPLC, we found reversible epimerization of (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9, 10-tetrahydrotetrol to (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9, c-10-tetrahydrotetrol and of (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9, t-10-tetrahydrotetrol to (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9, 10-tetrahydrotetrol, but no interconversion between the two isomer groups. After acid hydrolysis, we found an equilibrium of 87% (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9,c-10-tetrahydrotetrol and 9% (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9,10-tetrahydrotetrol and 68% (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9,10-tetrahydrotetrol and 20% (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9,t-10-tetrahydrotetrol. Minor amounts of two unknown compounds with similar chromatographic characteristics were also found. We have established a NMR method for determination of underivatized (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9, c-10-tetrahydrotetrol and (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9, 10-tetrahydrotetrol confirming the epimerization of (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9,10-tetrahydrotetrol to (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9,c-10- tetrahydrotetrol. (+/-)-Benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9,10-tetrahydrotetrol was treated with aqueous hydrochloric acid in tetrahydro- furan-d8 to give (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9,c-10-tetrahydrotetrol at 57 degrees C while observing the 1H NMR resonances at 500 MHz. Gradient-selected correlation spectroscopy (COSY), heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation (HMQC) and heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC) experiments were performed to confirm the assignments of the aliphatic hydrogens in the product (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9, c-10-terahydrotetrol. Thus, when analyzing benzo[a]pyrene-DNA or protein adducts by cleaving the adducts with acid hydrolysis, the only ratio of biological significance is between (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9,c-10-tetrahydrotetrol plus (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9,10-tetrahydrotetrol and (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9,10-tetrahydrotetrol plus (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9,t-10-tetrahydrotetrol, due to interconversion (epimerization) at C-10.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are major cellular targets of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), a known carcinogen that also inhibits mitochondrial proliferation. Here, we report for the first time the effect of site-specific N2-deoxyguanosine (dG) and N6-deoxyadenosine (dA) adducts derived from BaP 7,8-diol 9,10-epoxide (BaP DE) and dA adducts from benzo[c]phenanthrene 3,4-diol 1,2-epoxide (BcPh DE) on DNA replication by exonuclease-deficient human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (pol γ) with and without the p55 processivity subunit. The catalytic subunit alone primarily misincorporated dAMP and dGMP opposite the BaP DE–dG adducts, and incorporated the correct dTMP as well as the incorrect dAMP opposite the DE–dA adducts derived from both BaP and BcPh. In the presence of p55 the polymerase incorporated all four nucleotides and catalyzed limited translesion synthesis past BaP DE–dG adducts but not past BaP or BcPh DE–dA adducts. Thus, all these adducts cause erroneous purine incorporation and significant blockage of further primer elongation. Purine misincorporation by pol γ opposite the BaP DE–dG adducts resembles that observed with the Y family pol η. Blockage of translesion synthesis by these DE adducts is consistent with known BaP inhibition of mitochondrial (mt)DNA synthesis and suggests that continued exposure to BaP reduces mtDNA copy number, increasing the opportunity for repopulation with pre-existing mutant mtDNA and a resultant risk of mitochondrial genetic diseases.  相似文献   

Human DNA polymerase ι (polι) is a Y-family polymerase whose cellular function is presently unknown. Here, we report on the ability of polι to bypass various stereoisomers of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) diol epoxide (DE) and benzo[c]phenanthrene (BcPh) DE adducts at deoxyadenosine (dA) or deoxyguanosine (dG) bases in four different template sequence contexts in vitro. We find that the BaP DE dG adducts pose a strong block to polι-dependent replication and result in a high frequency of base misincorporations. In contrast, misincorporations opposite BaP DE and BcPh DE dA adducts generally occurred with a frequency ranging between 2 × 10–3 and 6 × 10–4. Although dTMP was inserted efficiently opposite all dA adducts, further extension was relatively poor, with one exception (a cis opened adduct derived from BcPh DE) where up to 58% extension past the lesion was observed. Interestingly, another human Y-family polymerase, polκ, was able to extend dTMP inserted opposite a BaP DE dA adduct. We suggest that polι might therefore participate in the error-free bypass of DE-adducted dA in vivo by predominantly incorporating dTMP opposite the damaged base. In many cases, elongation would, however, require the participation of another polymerase more specialized in extension, such as polκ.  相似文献   

(±)-7β,8α-Dihydroxy-9β,10β-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (diol epoxide-1) and (±)-7β,8α-dihydroxy-9α,10α-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (diol epoxide-2) are highly mutagenic diol epoxide diastereomers that are formed during metabolism of the carcinogen (±)-trans-7,8-dihydroxy-7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene. Remarkable stereoselectivity has been observed on metabolism of the optically pure (+)- and (?)-enantiomers of the dihydrodiol which are obtained by separation of the diastereomeric diesters with (?)-α-methoxy-α-trifluoromethylphenylacetic acid. The high stereoselectivity in the formation of diol epoxide-1 relative to diol epoxide-2 was observed with liver microsomes from 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats and with a purified cytochrome P-448-containing monoxygenase system where the (?)-enantiomer produced a diol epoxide-2 to diol epoxide-1 ratio of 6 : 1 and the (+)-enantiomer produced a ratio of 1 : 22. Microsomes from control and phenobarbital-treated rats were less stereospecific in the metabolism of enantiomers of BP 7,8-dihydrodiol. The ratio of diol epoxide-2 to diol epoxide-1 formed from the (?)- and (+)-enantiomers with microsomes from control rats was 2 : 1 and 1 : 6, respectively. Both enantiomers of BP 7,8-dihydrodiol were also metabolized to a phenolic derivative, tentatively identified as 6,7,8-trihydroxy-7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene, which accounted for ~30% of the total metabolites formed by microsomes from control and phenobarbital-pretreated rats whereas this metabolite represents ~5% of the total metabolites with microsomes from 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats. With benzo[a]pyrene as substrate, liver microsomes produced the 4,5-, 7,8- and 9,10-dihydrodiol with high optical purity (>85%), and diol epoxides were also formed. Most of the optical activity in the BP 7,8-dihydrodiol was due to metabolism by the monoxygenase system rather than by epoxide hydrase, since hydration of (±)-benzo[a]pyrene 7,8-oxide by liver microsomes produced dihydrodiol which was only 8% optically pure. Thus, the stereospecificity of both the monoxygenase system and, to a lesser extent, epoxide hydrase plays important roles in the metabolic activation of benzo[a]pyrene to carcinogens and mutagens.  相似文献   

We review studies which investigate the presence, using structure-specific analytical methods, of DNA or protein adducts of the carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) in human tissues. The analytical methods include high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Although, for DNA detection these methods are somewhat less sensitive than non-specific techniques such as 32P-postlabeling and immunoassay, they have the distinct advantage of providing reliable structural information. In order to achieve adequate sensitivity, these methods often require the use of fairly large amounts of DNA (>100 microg) or protein (50-100mg). Most studies reviewed here measured tetraols released from DNA or protein by hydrolysis of adducts derived from (7R,8S)-dihydroxy-(9S,10R)-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE), a major ultimate carcinogen of BaP. BPDE-DNA adducts were detected in 39% of 705 samples analyzed. BPDE-protein adducts were found in 59% of 772 samples. There was no single exposure situation that led to an overwhelming presence of detectable adducts. For example, BPDE-DNA adducts were detected in 45% of smokers, 33% of former smokers, 52% of non-smokers, 39% of occupationally exposed individuals, and 34% of environmentally exposed people. Adduct levels were influenced by polymorphisms in carcinogen metabolizing genes such as GSTM1, the presence of which was frequently protective. The relatively high occurrence of non-detectable adducts may result from low levels of BaP exposure and host factors such as genetic polymorphisms. Our analysis demonstrates that the presence of BaP adducts in human tissues cannot be assumed, even in situations where exposure to BaP is relatively high.  相似文献   

Anti-benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE) adducts produced in vitro in SV40 initially inhibit SV40 DNA replication in vivo, in cells unexposed to BPDE. A single adduct in a replicon is probably sufficient to block DNA replication. The recovery process appears to begin immediately after infection. The rate of recovery of replicative capacity is inversely related to the initial adduct number. Holding the infected cells temporarily under conditions that prevent viral DNA replication results subsequently in increased recovery, proportional to the holding time. The mechanism of recovery appears to be constitutive and prereplicative. In addition, there is a second mode of recovery which is induced by pretreatment of the host cells with BPDE before infection. The effect of pretreatment is similar to that of extending the holding time before replication: the first molecules begin to replicate earlier but the subsequent rate of recovery is unchanged. The induced mechanism may be either a limited stoichiometric repair process or a slow replicative bypass.  相似文献   

S Shum  N M Jensen  D W Nebert 《Teratology》1979,20(3):365-376
Benzo[a]pyrene, at dose between 50 and 300 mg per kg body weight given at Day 7 or 10 of gestation, causes in utero toxicity and teratogenicity more so in genetically "responsive" C57BL/6 than in "nonresponsive" AKR inbred mice. With the use of AKR X (C57BL/6) (AKR)F1 and (C57BL/6) (AKR)F1 X AKR backcrosses, it was shown that allelic differences at the Ah locus in the fetus can be correlated with dysmorphogenesis. If the mother is nonresponsive (Ahd/Ahd), the Ahb/Ahd genotype in the fetus is associated with more stillborns and resorptions, decreased fetal weight, increased congenital anomalies, and enhanced P1-450-mediated covalent binding of BP metabolites to fetal protein and DNA, when compared with the Ahd/Ahd genotype in the fetus from the same uterus. If the mother is responsive (Ahb/Ahd), however, none of these parameters can be distinguished between Ahb/Ahd and Ahd/Ahd individuals in the same uterus, presumably because enhanced BP metabolism in maternal tissues and placenta cancels out these differences between individual fetuses. Of particular interest in our study is the fact that the mother and the father both must be of a particular genotype before differences in teratogenesis among fetuses (due to their genotype) will be expressed. These data might provide an example in attempting to explain clinically why only one child is affected with an apparent "drug-induced syndrome" although the mother has taken the same dose of the particular drug during each of numerous pregnancies.  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) is the most thoroughly studied polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH). Many mechanisms have been suggested to explain its carcinogenic activity, yet many questions still remain. K-region dihydrodiols of PAHs are metabolic intermediates depending on the specific cytochrome P450 and had been thought to be detoxification products. However, K-region dihydrodiols of several PAHs have recently been shown to morphologically transform mouse embryo C3H10T1/2CL8 cells (C3H10T1/2 cells). Because K-region dihydrodiols are not metabolically formed from PAHs by C3H10T1/2 cells, these cells provide a useful tool to independently study the mechanisms of action of PAHs and their K-region dihydrodiols. Here, we compare the morphological cell transforming, DNA damaging, and DNA adducting activities of the K-region dihydrodiol of B[a]P, trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol with B[a]P. Both trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol and B[a]P morphologically transformed C3H10T1/2 cells by producing both Types II and III transformed foci. The morphological cell transforming and cytotoxicity dose response curves for trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol and B[a]P were indistinguishable. Since morphological cell transformation is strongly associated with mutation and/or larger scale DNA damage in C3H10T1/2 cells, the identification of DNA damage induced in these cells by trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol was sought. Both trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol and B[a]P exhibited significant DNA damaging activity without significant concurrent cytotoxicity using the comet assay, but with different dose responses and comet tail distributions. DNA adduct patterns from C3H10T1/2 cells were examined after trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol or B[a]P treatment using 32P-postlabeling techniques and improved TLC elution systems designed to separate polar DNA adducts. While B[a]P treatment produced one major DNA adduct identified as anti-trans-B[a]P-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide-deoxyguanosine, no stable covalent DNA adducts were detected in the DNA of trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol-treated cells. In summary, this study provides evidence for the DNA damaging and morphological cell transforming activities of the K-region dihydrodiol of B[a]P, in the absence of covalent stable DNA adducts. While trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol and B[a]P both induce morphological cell transformation, their activities as DNA damaging agents differ, both qualitatively and quantitatively. In concert with the morphological cell transformation activities of other K-region dihydrodiols of PAHs, these data suggest a new mechanism/pathway for the morphological cell transforming activities of B[a]P and its metabolites.  相似文献   

Liver microsomal enzymes are essential for the detection of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P)-mediated mutagenesis in the Salmonella/mammalian microsome mutagenicity test and, furthermore, this mutagenicity is considerably enhanced by induction of hepatic enzymes involved with drug metabolism. Although Aroclor 1254 is most commonly used for induction of S9 enzymes, DDT is also capable of this induction. This paper reports a comparison of liver S9 fraction induced by the two agents: there is a marked difference in their concentration optima for metabolism of B[a]P; greater numbers of revertant colonies are seen with Aroclor-induced S9, which is optimal at a concentration of 10% (v/v), whereas DDT-induced S9 is optimal at 2.5% (v/v); Aroclor induces aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH), cytochrome P-450 and epoxide hydrase while DDT induces only AHH, to about half the level detected in the Aroclor-induced S9 fraction. A comparison of metabolite distribution for Aroclor- and DDT-induced hepatic microsomes reveals quantitative differences only. DDT-induced microsomes yield a greater proportion of B[a]P-4,5-oxide and its metabolic product B[a]P-4,5-dihydrodiol than do Aroclor-induced microsomes. Time course studies on the mutagen half-life measured on the agar plate provides good evidence that metabolites responsible for mutagenicity were different for each inducer.  相似文献   

Carcinogenic benzo[a]pyrene (BP) is generally considered to show genotoxicity by forming DNA adducts of its metabolite, BP-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide. We investigated oxidative DNA damage and its sequence specificity induced by BP-7,8-dione, another metabolite of BP, using (32)P-5'-end-labeled DNA. Formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase treatment induced cleavage sites mainly at G residues of 5'-TG-3' sequence and at poly(C) sequences, in DNA incubated with BP-7,8-dione in the presence of NADH and Cu(II), whereas piperidine treatment induced cleavage sites at T mainly of 5'-TG-3'. BP-7,8-dione strongly damaged the G and C of the ACG sequence complementary to codon 273 of the p53 gene. Catalase and a Cu(I)-specific chelator attenuated the DNA damage, indicating the involvement of H(2)O(2) and Cu(I). BP-7,8-dione with NADH and Cu(II) also increased 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine formation. We conclude that oxidative DNA damage, especially double base lesions, may participate in the expression of carcinogenicity of BP in addition to DNA adduct formation.  相似文献   

Quantitation of protein-benzo[a]pyrene adducts represent a more sensitive analysis method than quantitation of benzo[a]pyrene-DNA adducts. By accurate analysis of benzo[a]pyrene-protein adducts several different molecular adduct forms can be studied. Male Wistar rats were injected i.p. with benzo[a]pyrene, and serum albumin was isolated and subjected to acid hydrolysis at 90 degrees C for 3 h. The hydrolysate was analyzed by HPLC with fluorescence detection. The HPLC profiles obtained after albumin hydrolysis from benzo[a]pyrene exposed animals were compared to similar HPLC profiles from in vitro adducted bovine serum albumin (BSA) and direct hydrolysis of both r-10,t-9-dihydrodiol-c-7,8-oxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (syn-BPDE-III) and r-10,t-9-t-dihydrodiol-t-7,8-oxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (anti-BPDE-III). After acid hydrolysis of albumin from benzo[a]pyrene exposed rats, 6 fluorescent peaks were separated. Four of the peaks were isomers of benzo[a]pyrene-tetrahydrotetrols, (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9,10-tetrahydrotetrol, (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,9,c-10-tetrahydrotetrol, (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9,t-10-tetrahydrotetrol and (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9,10-tetrahydrotetrol. In addition we found two fluorescent peaks, named X1 and X2 with retention times similar to the benzo[a]pyrene-tetrols. The unknown fluorescent peaks reacted similar to the four known tetrols in both dose response experiments and time course experiments. Fluorescent material with retention times equal to X1 and X2 were found after acid hydrolysis of syn-BPDE-III and anti-BPDE-III in acid and in hydrolysates from BSA treated in vitro with syn-BPDE-III and anti-BPDE-III. The ratio X1/X2 was relatively constant indicating epimerization equilibrium between these to species. Synchronous fluorescence analysis of fractions containing X1 or X2 from both in vivo and in vitro experiments showed fluorescence spectra characteristic of benzo[a]pyrene tetrols using a wavelength difference of 34 nm.  相似文献   

Early events in the cellular response to DNA damage, such as double strand breaks, rely on lesion recognition and activation of proteins involved in maintenance of genomic stability. One important component of this process is the phosphorylation of the histone variant H2AX. To investigate factors explaining the variation in carcinogenic potency between different categories of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), we have studied the phosphorylation of H2AX (H2AXγ). A549 cells were exposed to benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide [(+)-anti-BPDE] (a bay-region PAH) and dibenzo[a,l]pyrene diol epoxide [(−)-anti-DBPDE] (a fjord-region PAH) and H2AXγ was studied using immunocytochemistry and Western blot. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was used to induce oxidative DNA damage and strand breaks. As showed with single cell gel electrophoresis, neither of the diol epoxides resulted in DNA strand breaks relative to H2O2. Visualisation of H2AXγ formation demonstrated that the proportion of cells exhibiting H2AXγ staining at 1 h differed between BPDE, 40% followed by a decline, and DBPDE, <10% followed by an increase. With H2O2 treatment, almost all cells demonstrated H2AXγ at 1 h. Western blot analysis of the H2AXγ formation also showed concentration and time-dependent response patterns. The kinetics of H2AXγ formation correlated with the previously observed kinetics of elimination of BPDE and DBPDE adducts. Thus, the extent of H2AXγ formation and persistence was related to both the number of adducts and their structural features.  相似文献   

1. The in vitro metabolism of [3H]benzo[a]pyrene (BP) and [14C]benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol (BP-7,8-diol) by liver of brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus) was characterized, as was the formation and persistence of BP-DNA adducts in vivo. 2. Compared to rat liver microsomes, bullhead liver microsomes produced relatively larger amounts of BP-7,8-diol (predominantly the [-] enantiomer) and smaller amounts of of BP-7,8-diol (predominantly the [-] enantiomer) and smaller amounts of BP-4,5-diol. 3. BP phase I metabolites were efficiently converted by freshly isolated bullhead hepatocytes to conjugates, predominantly glucuronides. 4. BP-7,8-diol was metabolized by hepatocytes 4-fold more rapidly than was BP and was converted to approximately equal amounts of glucuronides, glutathione conjugates and sulfates. 5. BP-DNA adducts formed in bullhead liver with a lag time of several days and maximum adduct formation at 25-30 days. The major adduct was anti-BPDE-deoxyguanosine.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The in vitro metabolism of [3H]benzo[a]pyrene (BP) and [14C]benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol (BP-7,8-diol) by liver of brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus) was characterized, as was the formation and persistence of BP-DNA adducts in vivo.
  • 2.2. Compared to rat liver microsomes, bullhead liver microsomes produced relatively larger amounts of BP-7,8-diol (predominantly the [−] enantiomer) and smaller amounts of BP-4,5-diol.
  • 3.3. BP phase I metabolites were efficiently converted by freshly isolated bullhead hepatocytes to conjugates, predominantly glucuronides.
  • 4.4. BP-7,8-diol was metabolized by hepatocytes 4-fold more rapidly than was BP and was converted to approximately equal amounts of glucuronides, glutathione conjugates and sulfates.
  • 5.5. BP-DNA adducts formed in bullhead liver with a lag time of several days and maximum adduct formation at 25–30 days. The major adduct was anti-BPDE-deoxyguanosine.

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