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The breast of 160 females clinically diagnosed as having diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy and 61 females without clinical manifestations of breast diseases were echographically studied. The ultrasonographic design included measurement of the layer thickness of glandular tissue and its echodensity. In all diffuse mastopathies, including cystic one, there was over 14-mm glandular tissue thickness in all the portions of the breast or in its any quadrant, as well as glandular tissue echodensity changes which do not correspondent to the patients' age. In the control group, the thickness of a glandular layer varied with age, but it was no greater than 14 mm. Thus, the studies have demonstrated that over 14-mm glandular layer thickness and age-unspecific glandular tissue changes are the symptoms of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy. The authors propose to include the measurement of these parameters into breast ultrasonographic methods since this allows one not only to make a more accurate diagnosis, but to clearly identify an echographic type of mastopathy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of breast lumps is a routine procedure, and the diagnostic accuracy can be 95%. Occasional discrepancies arise, and it would be valuable to have additional parameters for accurate diagnosis. We evaluated nuclear DNA content and mean nuclear area (MNA) using image cytometry in the diagnosis of preoperative breast cancers by FNA in those with a discrepancy between clinical, radiologic and cytologic diagnoses. STUDY DESIGN: One hundred eighteen consecutive preoperative FNA samples were evaluated for nuclear DNA and MNA and were compared to cytologic and postoperative histologic diagnoses. RESULTS: Sensitivity, accuracy and positive predictive value of routine cytology were 95%, 90%, 95% as compared to nuclear DNA (66%, 66%, 96%) and MNA (61%, 61%, 97%). Combining these 3 parameters gave a sensitivity of 97%, accuracy of 94% and positive predictive value of 99%. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that nuclear DNA and MNA combined with routine cytology may be useful adjuncts in preoperative breast cancer cytologic diagnosis when discrepancies arise. This may lead to better and more accurate planning of treatment regimens in preoperative breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

The nuclear DNA content of developing cotton fiber cells (Gossypium hirsutum, cv. MD51ne) increases ∼24% after 2 d postanthesis (dpa). The amount of nuclear DNA at 2 dpa is 5.4 ± 0.27 pg. At 3–4 dpa it increases to 6.7 ± 0.24 pg and by 5 dpa it is 6.8 ± 0.70 pg. These values were obtained by nuclear fluorescence after staining with Hoechst 33258. Human oral squamous cell nuclei were used as a DNA standard. Nuclear DNA content increases in fibers growing on either fertilized or unfertilized ovules. The increase also is detectable in Feulgen stained nuclei using two-wavelength cytospectrophotometry. All measurements were made on isolated fiber cell nuclei using a newly developed method tailored to cotton fiber cells. The results imply that during the early stages of development fiber cell nuclei either selectively amplify certain sequences or enter S-phase replicating a portion of their genome.  相似文献   

The predictive value of a previously described Multivariate Prognostic Index (which incorporates weighted values of the mitotic activity index, tumor size, and the axillary lymph node status), and the nuclear DNA content (DNA) was evaluated in 156 patients with primary invasive ductal breast cancer, diagnosed between 1980 and 1983. The results were analysed with respect to the occurrence of distant recurrence and survival of the patients after at least 3 yr of follow-up (range 36-73 months; median 44 months). Known prognostic factors such as lymph node status, tumor size, and the mitotic activity index correlated independently with distant recurrence. Furthermore, in respect to survival, the investigated prognostic factors (except DNA content) were significantly correlated. The results indicate that the predictive value of the Multivariate Prognostic Index (MPI) is stronger (P less than 0.001) than of the nuclear DNA content (P less than 0.005) with respect to distant recurrence. In a Cox multivariate regression analysis DNA ploidy turned out to be an independent prognostic factor once the MPI was selected. Furthermore, in Cox's analysis, DNA ploidy was the fourth selected variable after lymph node status, mitotic activity index, and tumor size in individual parameter analysis. The results of this study indicate that, with respect to breast cancer screening programs, it seems worthwhile to integrate morphometric features, the MPI, and DNA ploidy in a new prognostic model.  相似文献   

The recapitulation of primary tumour heterogenity and the existence of a minor sub-population of cancer cells,capable of initiating tumour growth in xenografts on serial passages, led to the hypothesis that cancer stem cells(CSCs) exist. CSCs are present in many tumours, among which is breast cancer. Breast CSCs(BCSCs) are likely to sustain the growth of the primary tumour mass, as wellas to be responsible for disease relapse and metastatic spreading. Consequently, BCSCs represent the most significant target for new drugs in breast cancer therapy. Both the hypoxic condition in BCSCs biology and proinflammatory cytokine network has gained increasing importance in the recent past. Breast stromal cells are crucial components of the tumours milieu and are a major source of inflammatory mediators. Recently, the antiinflammatory role of some nuclear receptors ligands has emerged in several diseases, including breast cancer. Therefore, the use of nuclear receptors ligands may be a valid strategy to inhibit BCSCs viability and consequently breast cancer growth and disease relapse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if the presence of cells having a DNA content > 5c and occurring at very low frequency is related to breast cancer outcome. STUDY DESIGN: Feulgen-stained imprints of fresh tumors used for routine standard DNA image cytometry were reanalyzed, with the aim of detecting hyperploid (> 5c) cells or minor stemlines. Specially adapted software was used. RESULTS: The new DNA analysis showed discordance of 47.3% with standard DNA cytometry. Minor stemline or rarely occurring 5c exceeding cells were found. These were not detected by the first DNA analysis. The presence of both DNA hyperploid cells occurring as rare events and a DNA hyperploid stemline was related to outcome. CONCLUSION: The detection of DNA hyperploid cells, even in very small numbers, appears essential to outcome, particularly in diploid or single DNA aneuploid breast cancers.  相似文献   

DNA content and p53 protein expression in ductal breast cancer
The DNA content of 85 ductal breast cancers of different histological grades was evaluated using static cytometry and correlated with immunocytochemical expression of p53 protein in tumour cells in cytological material. A statistically significant difference was observed between p53 protein expression and grade of malignancy ( P <0.001). The percentage of euploid tumours significantly decreased from grade I through grade II to grade III tumours ( P <0.001). Clonal DNA heterogeneity was observed in 26.6% of cases analysed and was correlated with p53 protein expression ( P <0.001). These changes probably reflect genomic alterations which may affect potential malignancy of breast cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish a suitable method for measurement of nuclear DNA content in breast tissues from frozen storage after frozen section diagnosis. STUDY DESIGN: For fundamental research, rat liver samples preserved in a deep freezer were used. Four protocols were used (1. fixation with 70% ethanol followed by naked nuclei preparation; 2. fixation with 10% neutral buffered formalin followed by naked nuclei preparation; 3. preparation for naked nuclei prior to fixation with 70% ethanol; and 4. preparation for naked nuclei prior to fixation with 70% neutral buffered formalin). For clinical research, 13 separate fresh frozen breast tissue samples were analyzed after frozen section diagnosis. One contained a malignant phyllodes tumor (MPT) consisting of 2 components, benign epithelial cells and malignant stromal cells; 3 were benign tumors containing fibroadenoma; and 9 cases were carcinomas, consisting of 5 scirrhous, 3 papillotubular and 1 mucinous. RESULTS: Protocols 1, 2 and 3 were not suitable methods for our purpose because remaining cytoplasm or cohesive nuclei were observed. In protocol 4 the cytoplasm was completely undetectable, and nuclei were suitably separated for nuclear DNA content measurement. Benign epithelial cell component nuclei presented a diploid pattern, and the malignant stromal cell component nuclei indicated a euploid pattern in MPT. All 3 cases of benign constituents in fibroadenoma showed a diploid pattern, as did the 3 carcinoma cases (1 mucinous, 1 scirrhous and 1 papillary). Four scirrhous and 2 papillary carcinomas showed an aneuploid pattern. CONCLUSION: Our findings show that it is possible to measure nuclear DNA content of human frozen storage tissues after frozen section diagnosis.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA contents of developing sperm were estimated for 17 species of bryophytes by cytophotometry in squash preparations of antheridia after Feulgen staining. Genome sizes are in the lower end of the range for land plants. Two homwort C-values have the lowest recorded for bryophytes at 0.17 and 0.26 pg DNA per nucleus. In liverworts, C-values range from 0.49 pg in Blasia pusilla to 4.05 pg in Pellia epiphylla, while moss genome sizes are less variable, ranging from 0.38 pg in Takakia ceratophylla to 0.92 pg in Atrichum oerstedianum. DNA content is not correlated with chromosome number in these bryophytes, but sperm cell size and cellular complexity are directly related to C-value. Structural variations in the locomotory apparatus are viewed as evolutionary modifications associated with changes in genomic complexity, with a generalized increase in complexity of the motile assemblage accompanying increases in DNA content. Nuclear DNA values are not as variable in bryophytes as they are in pteridophytes and seed plants. We suggest that in plants producing biflagellated gametes, lower DNA contents afford a selective advantage. Comparisons with plants that produce multiflagellated or pollen-dispersed sperm indicate operation of a nucleotypic effect in archegoniates with biflagellated sperm. This effect may be on sperm cell functioning, which in turn influences reproductive success.  相似文献   

Ductal epithelial proliferations of the mammary gland in biopsy material from 101 patients, including 52 with proliferative fibrocystic disease (mastopathy), were quantitatively analyzed by means of the Robotron A 6471 system together with AMBA/R software. Based on reproducible data obtained for distinct karyometric and histometric features, significant differences were found to exist between epithelial proliferations without atypical hyperplasia (mastopathy II) and those with atypia (mastopathy III). The multiparameter analysis also produced some hints that cases of proliferative mastopathy III can be divided into two groups having different risks of developing carcinoma.  相似文献   

DNA of rodlet cells and erythrocytes from three species of freshwater teleosts, Semotilus atromaculatus atromaculatus, Catostomus commersoni and Cyprinus carpio , was stained with the Feulgen reaction and examined by microdensitometry. Rodlet cells showed nuclear DNA content significantly different from erythrocytes of the same species, but the difference was less than a factor of C, assuming that erythrocytes reflect the normal 2C genome of somatic cells. In two species, S. atromaculatus and C. carpio , the rodlet cell nuclei contained less DNA than the erythrocytes; in C. commersoni they contained more. The identity of the rodlet cell is unknown; the results of these experiments lead to the rejection of the hypothesis that rodlet cells and erythrocytes of a species have the same DNA content, i.e. that the rodlet cell is a normal somatic component of fish tissue.  相似文献   

Correlates of nuclear DNA content in angiosperms have been noted previously for a range of features, cellular to geographic. A new hypothesis, the correlation between nuclear DNA content and reproductive developmental features (after Cavalier-Smith, Journal of Cell Science 34, 247–268, 1978) is posed and tested here. Of three features tested (megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis, and endosperm development), megasporogenesis alone was shown to be correlated with nuclear DNA amount. The hypothesis was examined in 107 families of angiosperms using nonparametric statistics, and in 53 families of monocotyledons and outgroups using a phylogenetic test of association. A correlation was found between large genomes and successive microsporogenesis for all angiosperms, but not for monocots and dicots analyzed separately, thus underlining the importance of taking into account phylogenetic relationships in such studies. A correlation between cellular endosperm and large genomes in dicotyledons needs to be confirmed in a phylogenetic context. A tendency for deviations from monosporic megasporogenesis to occur in taxa that have a nuclear DNA content of over 9.0 pg/C was demonstrated using both phylogenetic and nonphylogenetic tests. It is hypothesized that cytoskeleton dynamics are affected in reproductive cells, enabling decoupling between nuclear and cytoplasmic cell cycles and leading to variation in reproductive development.  相似文献   

The number of pore complexes per nucleus was determined for a wide variety of cultured cells selected for their variable DNA content over a range of 1-5,6000. The pore number was compared to DNA content, nuclear surface area, and nuclear volume. Values for pore frequency (pores/square micrometer) were relatively constant in the species studied. When the pore to DNA ratio was plotted against the DNA content, there was a remarkable correlation which decreased exponentially for the cells of vertebrae origin. Exceptions were the heteroploid mammalian cells which had the same ratio as the diploid mammalian cells despite higher DNA content. The results are interpreted to mean that neither the nuclear surface, the nuclear volume, nor the DNA content alone determines the pore number of the nucleus, but rather an as yet undetermined combination of different factors. The surface and volume of vertebrate nuclei do not decrease with decreasing DNA content below a given value. The following speculation is suggested to account for the anomalous size changes of the nucleus relative to DNA content in vertebrates. Species with small DNA complements have a relatively large proportion of active chromatin which determines the limits of the physical parameters of the nucleus. The amount of active chromatin maybe the same for at least the vertebrates with low DNA content, At high DNA content, the nuclear parameters may be determined by the relatively high proportion of inactive condensed chromatin which increases the nuclear surface and volume.  相似文献   

This investigation was based on the hypothesis that weakly immunogenic, breast cancer-associated Ags, the products of mutant or dysregulated genes in the malignant cells, will be expressed in a highly immunogenic form by semiallogeneic IL-2-secreting fibroblasts transfected with DNA from breast cancer cells. (Classic studies indicate that transfection of genomic DNA can stably alter both the genotype and the phenotype of the cells that take up the exogenous DNA.) To investigate this question, we transfected LM mouse fibroblasts (H-2k) modified to secrete IL-2 with genomic DNA from a breast adenocarcinoma that arose spontaneously in a C3H/He mouse (H-2k). To increase their nonspecific immunogenic properties, the fibroblasts were also modified before transfection to express allogeneic MHC determinants (H-2Kb). Afterward, the IL-2-secreting semiallogeneic cells were cotransfected with DNA from the spontaneous breast neoplasm, along with a plasmid (pHyg) conferring resistance to hygromycin. Pooled colonies of hygromycin-resistant cells were then tested in C3H/He mice for their immunotherapeutic properties against the growth of the breast neoplasm. The results indicated that tumor-bearing mice immunized with the transfected cells survived significantly longer than mice in various control groups. Similar beneficial effects were seen in C57BL/6 mice injected with a syngeneic breast carcinoma cell line (EO771) and semiallogeneic, IL-2-secreting fibroblasts transfected with DNA from EO771 cells. The immunity was mediated by CD8+ T cells since immunized mice depleted of CD8+ cells failed to resist tumor growth.  相似文献   

 The nuclear DNA content (ploidy level) of maize leaf-epidermal cells was investigated by Feulgen cytophotometry in two lines, Illinois High Protein (IHP) and Illinois Low Protein (ILP), their reciprocal hybrids, and their F2s. Epidermal cells have a 2C, 4C or 8C nuclear DNA content. The mean DNA content per nucleus in IHP was significantly higher than in ILP; the mean DNA content per nucleus in hybrids was intermediate between the parental lines, and the same DNA content was measured in reciprocal crosses. In F2s the same mean DNA content as in F1s was observed but with larger variability than in the F1, possibly indicating genetic segregation. It is inferred that the ploidy level in the leaf epidermis is inherited, and incomplete dominance occurs in hybrids. The same behaviour in the different genotypes was observed for epidermal cell-surface area, except that an increase of mean surface area occurred in the F1, probably due to heterotic effects. The difference in the accumulation of 4C and 8C nuclei in leaf epidermis parallels that reported between two genotypes for the endosperm tissue: to the greater chromosome endoreduplication found in the endosperm there were correspondingly higher frequencies of 4C and 8C nuclei in the leaf epidermis, indicating a higher general tendency to chromosome endoreduplication in IHP than in ILP. It is suggested that the accumulation of 4C nuclei (G2-block) in the leaf epidermis may be regarded as the initial step of chromosome endoreduplication, the two phenomena being related to the control of the sequence DNA synthesis-mitosis, possibly involving the same genes in both endosperm and leaf. However, the inheritance of DNA content per nucleus in epidermal tissue seems to be different from that observed in endosperm tissue of the same genotypes, suggesting that differences may occur in the regulation of the activity of these genes. Received: 19 November 1996 / Accepted: 29 November 1996  相似文献   

The trace elements antimony, bromine, cesium, cobalt, iron, rubidium, scandium, strontium and zinc were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis in breast tissue samples with fibrocystic disease and in samples with fibroadenoma tumors. The histological lesions of each breast sample with fibrocystic disease were recorded, and a statistical analysis of the lesions in combination with the determined trace elements was carried out. The results showed that the element mean values in fibroadenoma tumors are higher than those of fibrocystic disease. Some other remarkable results of statistical examination are also presented.  相似文献   

The tissue matrix consists of linkages and interactions of the nuclear matrix, cytoskeleton, and extracellular matrix. This system is a dynamic structural component of the cell that organizes and processes structural and functional information to maintain and coordinate cell function and gene expression. We have studied estrogen regulation of nuclear matrix associated proteins, including the intimately connected cytoskeletal intermediate filaments, in T-47D5 human breast cancer cells. Three proteins (identified as cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19) present in the nuclear matrix-intermediate filament fraction (NM-IF) of cells grown in estrogen-replete conditions were dramatically reduced when the cells were grown in acute (1 week) estrogen-depleted conditions. Replacing estrogen in the medium of acute estrogen-depleted cells restored expression of these proteins. T-47D5 cells that are chronically depleted of estrogen (T5-PRF) are estrogen-nonresponsive in culture. These cells overexpressed these three proteins, compared to parent cells grown in the presence of estrogen. Treatment of the T5-PRF cells with estrogen did not lead to further up-regulation of these proteins. Treating T-47D5 cells in estrogen-replete conditions with the antiestrogens 4-hydroxytamoxifen and ICI 164 384 (100 nM, 3 days) resulted in a significant reduction in these proteins, while no effect was seen in long-term chronic estrogen-depleted T-47D5 cells. In conclusion, we have identified NM-IF proteins (cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19) in human breast cancer cells that are estrogen regulated and may play a role in estrogen action in human breast cancer cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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