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Summary Out of three attempts to induce neoplasia in normal C57B1 mammary epithelial cells with the mouse mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) only one presented signs of tumorigenicity. Immunofluorescence showed that virus synthesis took place in all three sublines but tumorigenicity as detected by cell aggregation viability (CAV) and transplantation into syngeneic mice failed to occur in two of them. By comparison, cells from a BALB/c spontaneous mammary tumor that do not express MuMTV were 100% tumorigenic, whereas cells from a BALB/cfC3H tumor with a 95% virus-producing cell population had a normal CAV and were tumorigenic only in 60% of the test animals. This lack of correlation suggested that many of the virus-producing cells were not neoplastic and that neoplasia might occur under virus stimulation only if a restricted population of genetic cell variants existed. Accelerated tissue culture passages of virus-free C57B1 and BALB/c normal mammary cells resulted in their spontaneous neoplasia at Passages 23 and 50 respectively; when duplicated cells cryopreserved in early passages were revived and cultivated in the same manner, neoplasia occurred at Passages 27 and 58. The similarity of the passage numbers appears to confirm the existence of genetic cell variants among the normal cell population. This investigation was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant R01-CA-08515 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Retroviruses are believed to induce tumors by acting as insertional mutagens that activate expression of cellular protooncogenes. Indeed, almost 90% of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-induced mammary tumors in C3H/He mice show upregulation of Int protooncogenes. We have analyzed three different MMTV variants [MMTV(C3H), MMTV(HeJ), and a genetically engineered MMTV hybrid provirus (HP)] for tumorigenicity in mice from two distinct genetic backgrounds. All three viruses were tumor causing in BALB/cJ mice. However, only MMTV(C3H), but not MMTV(HeJ) or HP, induced mammary tumors in C3H/He mice. All of the viruses were infectious on either background and up-regulated expression of Int genes in tumors they induced. Like HP, MMTV(HeJ) was found to be a genetic recombinant between endogenous Mtv1 provirus and exogenous MMTV(C3H). Sequence comparison of MMTV variants linked the tumorigenicity of MMTV(C3H) to the gag region of the retrovirus.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor stimulated cell proliferation in a primary mammary epithelial cell culture derived from mice at different stages of pregnancy. Moreover, the peptide hormone inhibited casein production induced by the synergistic actions of insulin, cortisol and prolactin. The inhibitory effect of epidermal growth factor was influenced by the gestational stages of the mammary gland. These effects of epidermal growth factor were exerted at physiological concentrations. The dual actions of epidermal growth factor on mammary cells implicate its participation in regulation of the growth and differentiation of the mammary gland during pregnancy.  相似文献   

While the role of the H-2 complex in the resistance to virally induced tumors has been extensively studied, little is known about its influence on the development of epithelial tumors of non-viral etiology, although such tumors are most prevalent in humans. Therefore, we analyzed the role of the H-2 complex in susceptibility to mammary tumors induced by hormonal stimulation from heterotopic hypophyseal isografts in H-2 congenic strains from C57BL/10, BALB/c, and 020/A backgrounds. This method of induction allows an assessment of the effect ofH-2 genes on the function of various organs involved in this process. We found that the tumor susceptibility genes map to two segments: PE-S, and to the right of S. The mechanisms by which the H-2 complex affects the induction of mammary tumors in C57BL/10 congenic strains seem to include an influence on several factors involved in the hormonal stimulation, because the susceptible B10 congenic strains have higher plasma levels of prolactin and the H-2 complex also affects the growth of hypophyseal isografts. Their size correlates with tumor development in individual mice in the resistant C57BL/10 congenic strains. We reported previously H-2-dependent differences in levels of the estrogen receptor in hypophysis. For this study, we measured the levels of estrogen receptors in uteri to assess the tissue specificity of this effect of H-2. However, no influence of the H-2 complex on estrogen receptor levels was observed in uteri. Strains from BALB/c and 020 backgrounds developed mammary tumors much earlier than the B10 congenic strains, indicating a strong influence of non-H-2 genes.  相似文献   

The frequency with which int-1 and int-2 are rearranged in mouse mammary tumors by mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-induced insertional mutagenesis is a consequence of the host genetic background. In 75% of C3H mammary tumors, int-1 is rearranged by MMTV insertion, whereas only 30% of BALB/cfC3H tumors contain a virus-induced rearrangement of int-1. This difference is significant (P less than 0.005) and could not be accounted for by the potentially additive effect of the genetically transmitted Mtv-1-encoded virus in C3H mice. Similarly, MMTV-induced rearrangement of the int-2 gene in mammary tumors of the R111 mouse strain (59%) occurred at a significantly (P less than 0.025) higher frequency than in BALB/cfR111 (25%) mammary tumors. Moreover, in BALB/cfR111 mammary tumors, there is evidence that rearrangement of int-1 and int-2 does not occur independently (P less than 0.025). These results suggest that the long history of inbreeding for high tumor incidence of C3H and R111 mouse strains has selected for the fixation of host mutations which either complement the action of the particular int gene or affect the sensitivity of specific subpopulations of mammary epithelium to infection by particular strains of MMTV.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) induces breast cancer with almost 100% efficiency in susceptible strains through insertional activation of protooncogenes, such as members of the wnt and fibroblast growth factor (fgf) families. We previously showed that expression of the MMTV envelope protein (Env) in normal immortalized mammary epithelial cells grown in three-dimensional cultures caused their morphological transformation, and that this phenotype depended on an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) present in Env and signaling through the Syk tyrosine kinase (E. Katz, M. H. Lareef, J. C. Rassa, S. M. Grande, L. B. King, J. Russo, S. R. Ross, and J. G. Monroe, J. Exp. Med. 201:431-439, 2005). Here, we examined the role of the Env protein in virus-induced mammary tumorigenesis in vivo. Similar to the effect seen in vitro, Env expression in the mammary glands of transgenic mice bearing either full-length wild-type provirus or only Env transgenes showed increased lobuloalveolar budding. Introduction of the ITAM mutation into the env of an infectious, replication-competent MMTV or into MMTV/murine leukemia virus pseudotypes had no effect on incorporation of Env into virus particles or on in vitro infectivity. Moreover, replication-competent MMTV bearing the ITAM mutation in Env infected lymphoid and mammary tissue at the same level as wild-type MMTV and was transmitted through milk. However, mammary tumor induction was greatly attenuated, and the pattern of oncogene activation was altered. Taken together, these studies indicate that the MMTV Env protein participates in mammary epithelial cell transformation in vivo and that this requires a functional ITAM in the envelope protein.  相似文献   

On mouse complement: genetic variants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Summary To define more clearly the in vitro conditions permissive for hormonal induction of functional differentiation, we cultured dissociated normal mammary cells from prelactating mice in or on a variety of substrates. Cultivation of an enriched epithelial cell population in association with living adult mammary stroma in the presence of lactogenic hormones resulted in both morphological and biochemical differentiation. This differentiation, however, was not enhanced over that seen when the cells were associated with killed stroma, provided that the killed stroma had a flexibility similar to that of the living stroma. Cells cultured in inflexible killed stroma usually did not differentiate. Cells cultured within the flexible environment of a collagen gel, but removed from the gas-medium interface, differentiated in a manner similar to those cultured in flexible stroma. Cells cultured on the surface of an attached collagen gel were squamous, and their basolateral surfaces were sequestered from the medium; they did not differentiate. Cells cultured on floating collagen gels were cuboidal-columnar, with basolateral surfaces exposed to the medium, and showed good functional differentiation. Cells cultured on inflexible floating collagen gels were extremely flattened and had exposed basolateral surfaces, and showed no evidence of functional differentiation. We infer that assumption of cuboidal to columnar shapes similar to those of mammary cells in vivo may be important to the induction of functional differentiation in vitro. The additional requirement of basolateral cell surface exposure also is important. This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grants CA-05045 and CA-09041 from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

No hormone combination was successful in maintaining long term primary cultures of pregnancy-dependent mammary tumors. Insulin provided the most consistent dose dependent stimulatory effect on short term proliferation as measured by 3H-TdR incorporation into DNA. Insulin in combination with corticosterone and prolactin produced the greatest stimulatory effect in most tumors. Both insulin at 5 microgram/ml and insulin, prolactin and hydrocortisone induced a partially synchronous wave of DNA synthesis in restimulated cultures. The time course of the wave of DNA synthesis was different for different hormone treatments. Insulin as 5 microgram/ml caused an earlier wave of DNA synthesis than insulin, prolactin plus corticosterone.  相似文献   

A series of dibucaine-resistant (DibR) variants of the mouse lymphoid cell line L5178Y have been induced by mutagen (EMS) and isolated by selection for resistance to a short (48 h), high concentration (0.045 mM) drug pulse. DibR isolates grow exponentially in the presence of 0.025-– 0.030 mM dibucaine, drug concentrations that are toxic to the parent cell line. Like L5178Y, these variants are pseudodiploid. The dibucaine-resistant phenotype has remained stable in four independently derived populations, subcultured for 7 or 11 months in growth medium without drug. Also, the frequency of DibR variants increases as the concentration of inducing mutagen is increased. These latter two findings suggest, but do not prove, that the dibucaine-resistant phenotype occurs because of gene mutation. All DibR isolates were found to be cross-resistant to the growth-inhibiting effects of tetracaine, but sensitive to procaine and benzocaine. Chromosome number or cell size is an important consideration in evaluating the cytotoxicity of dibucaine because normal pseudotetraploid cells are more tolerant to the toxic effects of this drug than are wild-type pseudodiploid cell populations. Hybridization studies indicate that the dibucaine-resistant phenotype of one variant may be dominant, and that of another recessive. DibR variants will be important for future studies of the mechanism of local anesthetic action.  相似文献   

The involvement of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MTV) in spontaneous and hormone-induced mammary tumors in low-mammary-tumor mouse strains was studied by comparing the amounts of MTV RNA and MTV DNA sequences in mammary tumors and other tissues of mice with an without hormonal treatments. The following results were obtained. (i) Mammary tumors which appeared in C3H mice as a result of an infection with MTV contained more MTV DNA compared with noninfected organs; these mammary tumors also contained more MTV RNA than was present in lactating mammary gland cells. (ii) Hormonal stimulation by administration of excessive amounts of prolactin via hypophyseal isografts in C3Hf and O20 mice resulted in an increased expression of MTV RNA in the mammary glands. This elevated level of MTV RNA expression was, however, not maintained in the hormone-induced mammary tumors. (iii) Spontaneous mammary tumors in BALB/c mice contained similar levels of MTV DNA and MTV RNA sequences as were found in other cells of these animals.  相似文献   

Possible role of prostaglandins in the regulation of mouse myoblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A differentiation-defective mouse myoblast subclone (DD-1), cells of which do not fuse into myotubes nor synthesize muscle-specific proteins, was employed to help define the role of eicosanoids in mouse myoblast differentiation. We observed by hplc, tlc, and radioimmunoassay that the DD-1 cells release strikingly higher levels of cyclooxygenase pathway products prostaglandin E2 and F2 alpha into the culture medium than the parental non-differentiation-defective cells (DZ). In contrast, the levels of 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE), a lipoxygenase product, and a putatively identified second lipoxygenase product (LLP) did not differ greatly in the two cell types. The DD-1 cells also have strikingly higher levels of cyclooxygenase activity than the parental cells as determined by intact and broken cell assays. Additional fusion-defective clones were isolated on the basis of their flattened appearance and ability to grow in "mitogen-poor" medium and these cells also released strikingly higher levels of prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha into the growth medium. The "turn on" of the cyclooxygenase pathway in the DD-1 cells and other fusion-defective cells is consistent with the hypothesis that the products of this pathway contribute to the inability of myoblasts to fuse with one another. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that there is a dose-dependent decrease in fusion of DZ cells when PGE2 is added to commitment medium.  相似文献   

DNAs extracted from the mammary tumors of GR mice were analyzed for mouse mammary tumor virus proviral sequences by the restriction enzyme-Southern blot procedure. The tumor DNAs contain more proviral copies of mouse mammary tumor virus than DNA from a nonmalignant tissue. The degree of proviral amplification is small (ca. one to five additional copies) and appears to be variable from tumor to tumor. The restriction patterns of the amplified proviral sequences suggest a clonal origin for the tumor mass. In addition, the restriction patterns observed after digestion with the enzymes BglII and SacI indicate that only one of the proviruses endogenous to GR mice is amplified. The amplified provirus found in GR mammary tumors is identical to the provirus that is missing in GR-Mtv-2- mice, a congenic line exhibiting a low mammary tumor incidence.  相似文献   

Rates of histone phosphorylation were measured in explants of mammary glands from mouse strains with high and low tumor incidence. Explants of hormone dependent and independent mouse mammary tumors were also investigated. All mouse strains studied showed predominant phosphorylation of H2A histone at serine and threonine residues. No differences in rates of H2A phosphorylation in glands were found between strains having different mammary tumor susceptibility. Hormone-dependent GR mouse mammary tumors also showed high H2A phosphorylation, but in some tumors also H1 and H3 were phosphorylated. Hormone-dependent GR tumors had 2–5 times higher histone phosphorylation at serine and threonine than hormone-independent tumors.  相似文献   

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