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Thyroid dysfunctions are associated with many pathological signs in the body. One of these is lipid peroxidation that develops due to over- or under-secretion of thyroid hormones. The present study was conducted to determine lipid peroxidation that develops in different tissues including the brain, liver and heart of rats in experimental hyperthyroidism induced by L-thyroxin. The study was carried out on 30 male Sprague-Dawley rats. They were divided into three groups as control, sham hyperthyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels in rat tissues were determined at the end of a 3-weeks period of L-thyroxin administration. It was observed that MDA levels in the hyperthyroidism group were significantly higher in the cerebral cortex, liver and ventriculer tissue of heart (p < 0.001) than in the control and in sham hyperthyroidism groups. GSH levels were higher in the hyperthyroidism group than in control and sham hyperthyroidism groups in all tissues (p < 0.001). Results demonstrate that hyperthyroidism induced by L-thyroxin activates both oxidant and antioxidant systems in cerebral, hepatic and cardiac tissues. However, the increase in antioxidant activity cannot adequately prevent oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Administration of L-carnitine to rats was followed by an increase of deoxycarnitine in urine. Conversely, administration of deoxycarnitine caused an increase of carnitine. The latter treatment also produced a transient but significant diminution of L-carnitine in heart, skeletal muscle and kidney, but not in liver and plasma. Administration of D-carnitine to rats previously loaded with deoxycarnitine significantly depleted the elevated deoxycarnitine concentration in skeletal muscle and kidney while increasing it in plasma. These results suggest that the tissue exchange between L-carnitine and deoxycarnitine, already demonstrated in vitro, occurs also in vivo.  相似文献   

HepG2 cells were incubated with a medium containing fetal bovine serum enriched with RRR-gamma-tocopherol (gamma-TOH). After 48 h the medium was extracted and analyzed for gamma-TOH metabolites by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In addition to gamma-CEHC, the 3'-carboxychroman metabolite of gamma-TOH previously reported in human urine, these cells secreted a second substance whose extraction and mass spectral characteristics were consistent with those of the 5'-carboxychroman analog of gamma-CEHC, 2,7, 8-trimethyl-2-(delta-carboxymethylbutyl)-6-hydroxychroman. This is the first report of metabolism of gamma-TOH to carboxychroman metabolites in cell culture. Analysis of human urine samples revealed the consistent presence of the novel 5'-carboxychroman metabolite, along with that of gamma-CEHC. Oral supplementation with purified RRR-gamma-TOH resulted in elevated urinary concentrations of both metabolites, although the concentration of the 5'-gamma-carboxychroman metabolite was consistently and substantially less than that of gamma-CEHC. The presence of both metabolites is consistent with the involvement of an omega-oxidation-like process in the phytyl tail shortening of gamma-TOH to water soluble metabolites excreted in urine.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins E3 and F3 alpha, presumably of renal origin, were characterized for the first time in urine of volunteers after ingestion of n - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Quantitation of prostaglandins E3, E2, F3 alpha and F2 alpha using deuterated internal standards showed low levels of the 3 series prostaglandins in the control period. Levels of prostaglandins E3 and F3 alpha rose about 10-fold by the 12th week of the dietary trial and were still elevated 4-fold after a wash-out period of 20 weeks. Excretion of prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha tended to be depressed in the 12th week of the dietary trial and rose again to control values after the wash-out period. Our data indicate that n - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are incorporated into the human kidney and are retained there for a long time. Prostaglandins E3 and F3 alpha may contribute to the observed favorable effects of marine oils rich in n - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on certain renal diseases.  相似文献   

Urine samples, collected from Sprague Dawley rats treated with extracts of tobacco/masheri, benzo (a) pyrene, N'-nitrosonornicotine, N'-nitrosodiethylamine and maintained on semi-synthetic diets sufficient or deficient in Vitamin A, B and protein were tested for mutagenicity using Salmonella/microsome assay. The mutagenic activity of urine or various treated groups was in the order deficient diet greater than standard laboratory diet greater than nutritionally sufficient diet. Present results confirmed the earlier observations that nutritionally deficient animals are likely to have more exposure to mutagenic metabolites that are generated by increased phase I enzymes and decreased detoxification system.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for the separation and determination of dopamine-3-O-sulfate (DM-3-S) and dopamine-4-O-sulfate (DM-4-S) in the urine of subjects administered l-DOPA. The method consists of sample preparation using cation- and anion-exchange resins followed by determination of the sulfates by high-performance liquid chromatography. The addition recoveries were 96 ± 2.9% (S.D.) for DM-3-S and 93 ± 3.0% (S.D.) for DM-4-S. Twenty samples could be measured per day. When every 2-h urine specimen from normal subjects was analysed after l-DOPA administration (0.5 g), the maximum excretion of each sulfate was observed in the second 2-h specimen. For the first 6 h 7.5 ± 1.5% (S.D.) of the administered l-DOPA was excreted as DM-O-sulfates. During this time, the ratio of DM-4-S to the DM-O-sulfates was 11.7 ± 0.58% (S.D.).  相似文献   

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