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Spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 (SCA10) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease characterized by cerebellar ataxia and seizures. The disease is caused by a large ATTCT repeat expansion in the ATXN10 gene. The first families reported with SCA10 were of Mexican origin, but the disease was soon after described in Brazilian families of mixed Portuguese and Amerindian ancestry. The origin of the SCA10 expansion and a possible founder effect that would account for its geographical distribution have been the source of speculation over the last years. To unravel the mutational origin and spread of the SCA10 expansion, we performed an extensive haplotype study, using closely linked STR markers and intragenic SNPs, in families from Brazil and Mexico. Our results showed (1) a shared disease haplotype for all Brazilian and one of the Mexican families, and (2) closely-related haplotypes for the additional SCA10 Mexican families; (3) little or null genetic distance in small normal alleles of different repeat sizes, from the same SNP lineage, indicating that they are being originated by a single step mechanism; and (4) a shared haplotype for pure and interrupted expanded alleles, pointing to a gene conversion model for its generation. In conclusion, we show evidence for an ancestral common origin for SCA10 in Latin America, which might have arisen in an ancestral Amerindian population and later have been spread into the mixed populations of Mexico and Brazil.  相似文献   

Unpaired structures in SCA10 (ATTCT)n.(AGAAT)n repeats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A number of human hereditary diseases have been associated with the instability of DNA repeats in the genome. Recently, spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 has been associated with expansion of the pentanucleotide repeat (ATTCT)(n).(AGAAT)(n) from a normal range of ten to 22 to as many as 4500 copies. The structural properties of this repeat cloned in circular plasmids were studied by a variety of methods. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy detected local DNA unpairing in supercoiled plasmids. Chemical probing analysis indicated that, at moderate superhelical densities, the (ATTCT)(n).(AGAAT)(n) repeat forms an unpaired region, which further extends into adjacent A+T-rich flanking sequences at higher superhelical densities. The superhelical energy required to initiate duplex unpairing is essentially length-independent from eight to 46 repeats. In plasmids containing five repeats, minimal unpairing of (ATTCT)(5).(AGAAT)(5) occurred while 2D gel analysis and chemical probing indicate greater unpairing in A+T-rich sequences in other regions of the plasmid. The observed experimental results are consistent with a statistical mechanical, computational analysis of these supercoiled plasmids. For plasmids containing 29 repeats, which is just above the normal human size range, flanked by an A+T-rich sequence, atomic force microscopy detected the formation of a locally condensed structure at high superhelical densities. However, even at high superhelical densities, DNA strands within the presumably compact A+T-rich region were accessible to small chemicals and oligonucleotide hybridization. Thus, DNA strands in this "collapsed structure" remain unpaired and accessible for interaction with other molecules. The unpaired DNA structure functioned as an aberrant replication origin, in that it supported complete plasmid replication in a HeLa cell extract. A model is proposed in which unscheduled or aberrant DNA replication is a critical step in the expansion mutation.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 (SCA10) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by ataxia, seizures, and anticipation. It is caused by an expanded ATTCT pentanucleotide repeat in intron 9 of a novel gene, designated "SCA10." The ATTCT expansion in SCA10 represents a novel class of microsatellite repeat and is one of the largest found to cause human diseases. The expanded ATTCT repeat is unstably transmitted from generation to generation, and an inverse correlation has been observed between size of repeat and age at onset. In this multifamily study, we investigated the intergenerational instability, somatic and germline mosaicism, and age-dependent repeat-size changes of the expanded ATTCT repeat. Our results showed that (1) the expanded ATTCT repeats are highly unstable when paternally transmitted, whereas maternal transmission resulted in significantly smaller changes in repeat size; (2) blood leukocytes, lymphoblastoid cells, buccal cells, and sperm have a variable degree of mosaicism in ATTCT expansion; (3) the length of the expanded repeat was not observed to change in individuals over a 5-year period; and (4) clinically determined anticipation is sometimes associated with intergenerational contraction rather than expansion of the ATTCT repeat.  相似文献   

We analyzed the SCA8 CTA/CTG repeat in a large group of Japanese subjects. The frequency of large alleles (85-399 CTA/CTG repeats) was 1.9% in spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), 0.4% in Parkinson disease, 0.3% in Alzheimer disease, and 0% in a healthy control group; the frequency was significantly higher in the group with SCA than in the control group. Homozygotes for large alleles were observed only in the group with SCA. In five patients with SCA from two families, a large SCA8 CTA/CTG repeat and a large SCA6 CAG repeat coexisted. Age at onset was correlated with SCA8 repeats rather than SCA6 repeats in these five patients. In one of these families, at least one patient showed only a large SCA8 CTA/CTG repeat allele, with no large SCA6 CAG repeat allele. We speculate that the presence of a large SCA8 CTA/CTG repeat allele influences the function of channels such as alpha(1A)-voltage-dependent calcium channel through changing or aberrant splicing, resulting in the development of cerebellar ataxia, especially in homozygous patients.  相似文献   

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The validity and usefulness of the 7th edition of the UICC tumor node metastasis classification in the context of clinical management of gastric cancer are discussed. The most relevant new agent in gastric cancer therapy is trastuzumab for HER2-positive gastric carcinomas. This marks the success of continuous effort of translational research. Trastuzumab, initially applied in palliative settings, is currently being evaluated also in neoadjuvant treatment regimens. Several new meta-analyses support the carcinogenic effect of high salt intake and smoking in the context of Helicobacter pylori infection. Further data have become available on the efficacy of protective agents, acetyl salicylic acid/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and antioxidants. In search for a successful prevention strategy, the focus is on the identification of individuals at high risk who demand screening (testing) and surveillance. Serological assessment of gastric mucosal abnormalities with increased risk for gastric cancer development is extensively studied, and new data are presented from Asia as well as from Europe. New high-throughput techniques combined with bioinformatic vector analysis open the gate to the identification of new potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets. Furthermore, these approaches allow us to elucidate the interplay of bacterial virulence factors and the host's immune response as well as H. pylori-associated alterations of mucosal gene expression.  相似文献   

CAG and CTG repeat expansions are the cause of at least a dozen inherited neurological disorders. In these so-called "dynamic mutation" diseases, the expanded repeats display dramatic genetic instability, changing in size when transmitted through the germline and within somatic tissues. As the molecular basis of the repeat instability process remains poorly understood, modeling of repeat instability in model organisms has provided some insights into potentially involved factors, implicating especially replication and repair pathways. Studies in mice have also shown that the genomic context of the repeat sequence is required for CAG/CTG repeat instability in the case of spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7), one of the most unstable of all CAG/CTG repeat disease loci. While most studies of repeat instability have taken a candidate gene approach, unbiased screens for factors involved in trinucleotide repeat instability have been lacking. We therefore attempted to use Drosophila melanogaster to model expanded CAG repeat instability by creating transgenic flies carrying trinucleotide repeat expansions, deriving flies with SCA7 CAG90 repeats in cDNA and genomic context. We found that SCA7 CAG90 repeats are stable in Drosophila, regardless of context. To screen for genes whose reduced function might destabilize expanded CAG repeat tracts in Drosophila, we crossed the SCA7 CAG90 repeat flies with various deficiency stocks, including lines lacking genes encoding the orthologues of flap endonuclease-1, PCNA, and MutS. In all cases, perfect repeat stability was preserved, suggesting that Drosophila may not be a suitable system for determining the molecular basis of SCA7 CAG repeat instability.  相似文献   

Two 48,XXYY males, a young and an adult patient, have been clinically and molecularly analysed. Clinical findings seem less severe in the young patient. This clinical difference could be mainly due to the age of the younger patient or, alternatively, the different pattern of X-inactivation observed in the two patients could play a role in the degree of the clinical manifestations.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a genetically determinated, chronic inflammatory skin disorder associated with cutaneous erythema and severe pruritus, affecting 10-15% of children with increasing incidence and socio-economical relevance. Frequently, AD is associated with development of allergic rhinitis and/or asthma later in childhood. In most of patients AD is associated with a sensitization to food and/or environmental allergens and increased serum-IgE, while only a fewer percentage missed links to the classical atopic diathesis. Currently investigated pathogenetic aspects of AD include imbalanced Th1/Th2 responses, altered prostaglandin metabolism, intrinsic defects in the keratinocyte function, delayed eosinophil apoptosis, and IgE-mediated facilitated antigen presentation by epidermal dendritic cells. An inflammatory response of the two-phase-type and the effects of staphylococcal superantigens (SAgs) are also reported. At present a standardized cure of AD and a consensus on therapeutical approach of the severe form of the disease have not been established. Current management of AD is directed to the reduction of cutaneous inflammation and infection, mainly by S. aureus, and to the elimination of exacerbating factors (irritants, allergens, emotional stresses). Since patient with AD show abnormalities in immunoregulation, therapy directed to adjustment of their immune function could represent an alternative approach, particularly in the severe form of the disease. In this review, we analyse the clinical and genetic aspects of AD, the related molecular mechanisms, and the immunobiology of the disease, focusing our attention on current treatments and future perspectives on this topic.  相似文献   

Diseases of unstable repeat expansion: mechanisms and common principles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The list of developmental and degenerative diseases that are caused by expansion of unstable repeats continues to grow, and is now approaching 20 disorders. The pathogenic mechanisms that underlie these disorders involve either loss of protein function or gain of function at the protein or RNA level. Common themes have emerged within and between these different classes of disease; for example, among disorders that are caused by gain-of-function mechanisms, altered protein conformations are central to pathogenesis, leading to changes in protein activity or abundance. In all these diseases, the context of the expanded repeat and the abundance, subcellular localization and interactions of the proteins and RNAs that are affected have key roles in disease-specific phenotypes.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 (SCA10) is associated with expansion of (ATTCT)n repeats (where n is the number of repeats) within the ataxin 10 (ATX10/E46L) gene. The demonstration that (ATTCT)n tracts can act as DNA unwinding elements (DUEs) in vitro has suggested that aberrant replication origin activity occurs at expanded (ATTCT)n tracts and may lead to their instability. Here, we confirm these predictions. The wild-type ATX10 locus displays inefficient origin activity, but origin activity is elevated at the expanded ATX10 loci in patient-derived cells. To test whether (ATTCT)n tracts can potentiate origin activity, cell lines were constructed that contain ectopic copies of the c-myc replicator in which the essential DUE was replaced by ATX10 DUEs with (ATTCT)n. ATX10 DUEs containing (ATTCT)27 or (ATTCT)48, but not (ATTCT)8 or (ATTCT)13, could substitute functionally for the c-myc DUE, but (ATTCT)48 could not act as an autonomous replicator. Significantly, chimeric c-myc replicators containing ATX10 DUEs displayed length-dependent (ATTCT)n instability. By 250 population doublings, dramatic two- and fourfold length expansions were observed for (ATTCT)27 and (ATTCT)48 but not for (ATTCT)8 or (ATTCT)13. These results implicate replication origin activity as one molecular mechanism associated with the instability of (ATTCT)n tracts that are longer than normal length.  相似文献   

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