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Rectal temperature(Tre) is often used to adjustmeasurements of blood gases, but these adjusted measurements may notapproximate temperatures during intense exercise at main sites of gasexchange: muscle and lung. To evaluate differences in blood gasesbetween sites, temperatures (T) were measured with thermocouples in the rectum (re), in mixed venous blood (), ingluteal muscle (mu), and on the skin (sk) in seven Arabian horses asthey underwent an incremental exercise test on a treadmill. Bloodsamples were drawn from the carotid artery and pulmonary artery (mixedvenous) 30 s before each increase in speed and during recovery. Blood gases and pH were measured at 37°C, and all variables were adjusted to Tre,, andTmu. Adjusted variables duringexercise and recovery were significantly different from each other atthe three sites. Linear and polynomial equations described the timecourse of venous temperature and fromTre andTsk during exercise and fromTsk during recovery.Interpretation of changes in muscle metabolism and gas exchanges basedon blood-gas measurements is improved if they are adjustedappropriately to Tmu or, which may be predicted fromTsk in addition toTre during strenuous exercise andfrom Tsk during recovery.


Effects of themenstrual cycle on heat loss and heat production(M) and core and skin temperatureresponses to cold were studied in six unacclimatized female nonsmokers(18-29 yr of age). Each woman, resting supine, was exposed to acold transient (ambient temperature = mean radiant temperature = 20 to5°C at 0.32°C/min, relative humidity = 50 ± 2%, wind speed = 1 m/s) in the follicular (F) phase(days 2-6) and midluteal (L)phase (days 19-23) of her menstrual cycle. Clothed in each of two ensembles with different thermal resistances, women performed multiple experiments in the F andL phases. Thermal resistance was 0.2 and 0.4 m2 · K · W1for ensembles A andB, respectively. Esophagealtemperature (Tes), mean weightedskin temperature(sk),finger temperature (Tfing), andarea-weighted heat flux were recorded continuously. Rate of heat debt(S) and integrated mean bodytemperature(b,i)were calculated by partitional calorimetry throughout the cold ramp. Extensive peripheral vasoconstriction in the F phase during early periods of the ramp elevated Tesabove thermoneutral levels. Shivering thermogenesis(M = M  Mbasal,W /m2) was highly correlated withdeclines insk andTfing(P <0.0001). There was a reducedslope in M as a function ofb,i inthe L phase with ensembles A(P < 0.02) andB (P < 0.01). Heat flux was higher andS was less in the L phases withensemble A(P < 0.05). An analytic modelrevealed thatsk andTes contribute as additive inputsand Tfing has a multiplicativeeffect on the total control of Mduring cold transients(R2 = 0.9).Endogenous hormonal levels at each menstrual cycle phase, coretemperature andskinputs, vascular responses, and variations in body heat balance must beconsidered in quantifying thermoregulatory responses in women duringcold stress.


This study examined the dynamics of the middlecerebral artery (MCA) blood flow response to hypocapnia in humans(n = 6) by using transcranial Dopplerultrasound. In a control protocol, end-tidalPCO2(PETCO2) was heldnear eucapnia (1.5 Torr above resting) for 40 min. In ahypocapnic protocol, PETCO2was held near eucapnia for 10 min, then at 15 Torr below eucapnia for20 min, and then near eucapnia for 10 min. During both protocols,subjects hyperventilated throughout andPETCO2 and end-tidalPO2 were controlled by using thedynamic end-tidal forcing technique. Beat-by-beat values werecalculated for the intensity-weighted mean velocity (IWM),signal power (), and theirinstantaneous product(IWM).A simple model consisting of a delay, gain terms, time constants(f,on, f,off) and baseline levels offlow for the on- and off-transients, and a gain term(gs) and time constant(s) for a second slower component was fitted to the hypocapnic protocol. The cerebral bloodflow response to hypocapnia was characterized by a significant (P < 0.001) slowprogressive adaptation inIWM, with gs = 1.26 %/Torr ands = 427 s, that persistedthroughout the hypocapnic period. Finally, the responses at the onsetand relief of hypocapnia were asymmetric(P < 0.001), withf,on (6.8 s) faster thanf,off (14.3 s).


To test thehypothesis that muscle O2 uptake(O2) on-kinetics islimited, at least in part, by peripheralO2 diffusion, we determined theO2 on-kinetics in1) normoxia (Control);2) hyperoxic gas breathing(Hyperoxia); and 3) hyperoxia andthe administration of a drug (RSR-13, Allos Therapeutics), whichright-shifts the Hb-O2dissociation curve (Hyperoxia+RSR-13). The study was conducted inisolated canine gastrocnemius muscles(n = 5) during transitions from restto 3 min of electrically stimulated isometric tetanic contractions(200-ms trains, 50 Hz; 1 contraction/2 s; 60-70% peakO2). In all conditions,before and during contractions, muscle was pump perfused withconstantly elevated blood flow (), at a levelmeasured at steady state during contractions in preliminary trials withspontaneous . Adenosine was infusedintra-arterially to prevent inordinate pressure increases with theelevated . was measuredcontinuously, arterial and popliteal venousO2 concentrations were determinedat rest and at 5- to 7-s intervals during contractions, andO2 was calculated as · arteriovenous O2 content difference.PO2 at 50%HbO2saturation (P50) was calculated.Mean capillary PO2(cO2)was estimated by numerical integration.P50 was higher in Hyperoxia+RSR-13[40 ± 1 (SE) Torr] than in Control and in Hyperoxia (31 ± 1 Torr). After 15 s of contractions,cO2was higher in Hyperoxia (97 ± 9 Torr) vs. Control (53 ± 3 Torr) and in Hyperoxia+RSR-13 (197 ± 39 Torr) vs. Hyperoxia. Thetime to reach 63% of the difference between baseline and steady-stateO2 during contractions was 24.7 ± 2.7 s in Control, 26.3 ± 0.8 s in Hyperoxia, and 24.7 ± 1.1 s in Hyperoxia+RSR-13 (not significant). Enhancement ofperipheral O2 diffusion (obtainedby increasedcO2at constant O2 delivery) duringthe rest-to-contraction (60-70% of peakO2) transition did notaffect muscle O2on-kinetics.


Clark, Justin S., Yuxiang J. Lin, Michael J. Criddle,Antonio G. Cutillo, Adelbert H. Bigler, Fred L. Farr, and Attilio D. Renzetti, Jr. Cardiac output and mixed venous oxygen content measurements by a tracer bolus method: theory. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 884-896, 1997.We present a bolus method ofinert-gas delivery to the lungs that facilitates application ofmultiple inert gases and the multiple inert-gas-exchange technique(MIGET) model to noninvasive measurements of cardiac output (CO) andcentral mixed venous oxygen contentReduction in recirculation error is made possible by 1)replacement of sinusoidal input functions with impulse inputs and2) replacement of steady-state analyses with transientanalyses. Recirculation error reduction increases the inert-gasselection to include common gases without unusually high (and difficultto find) tissue-to-blood partition coefficients for maximizing thesystemic filtering efficiency. This paper also presents a practicalmethod for determining the recirculation contributions to inert expiredprofiles in animals and determining their specific contributions toerrors in the calculations of CO and from simulationsapplied to published ventilation-perfusion ratio(/) profiles.Recirculation errors from common gases were found to be reducible tothe order of 5% or less for both CO and whereassimulation studies indicate that measurement bias contributions fromrecirculation, / mismatch, andthe / extractionprocess can be limited to 15% for subjects with severe/ mismatch and high inspiredoxygen fraction levels. These studies demonstrate a decreasinginfluence of / mismatch onparameter extraction bias as the number of inert gases are increased.However, the influence of measurement uncertainty on parameterextraction error limits improvement to six gases.


The purpose ofthe present study was to determine the separate and combined effects ofaerobic fitness, short-term heat acclimation, and hypohydration ontolerance during light exercise while wearing nuclear, biological, andchemical protective clothing in the heat (40°C, 30% relativehumidity). Men who were moderately fit [(MF); <50ml · kg1 · min1maximal O2 consumption;n = 7] and highly fit[(HF); >55ml · kg1 · min1maximal O2 consumption;n = 8] were tested while theywere euhydrated or hypohydrated by ~2.5% of body mass throughexercise and fluid restriction the day preceding the trials. Tests wereconducted before and after 2 wk of daily heat acclimation (1-htreadmill exercise at 40°C, 30% relative humidity, while wearingthe nuclear, biological, and chemical protective clothing). Heatacclimation increased sweat rate and decreased skin temperature andrectal temperature (Tre) in HF subjects but had no effecton tolerance time (TT). MF subjects increased sweat rate but did notalter heart rate, Tre, or TT. In both MF and HF groups, hypohydration significantly increased Tre and heart rate and decreasedthe respiratory exchange ratio and the TT regardless of acclimationstate. Overall, the rate of rise of skin temperature was less, whileTre, the rate of rise of Tre, and the TTwere greater in HF than in MF subjects. It was concluded thatexercise-heat tolerance in this uncompensable heat-stress environmentis not influenced by short-term heat acclimation but is significantlyimproved by long-term aerobic fitness.


Increased ventilation-perfusion(A/)inequality is observed in ~50% of humans during heavy exercise andcontributes to the widening of the alveolar-arterialO2 difference(A-aDO2). Despite extensive investigation, the cause remains unknown. As a firststep to more direct examination of this problem, we developed an animalmodel. Eight Yucatan miniswine were studied at rest and duringtreadmill exercise at ~30, 50, and 85% of maximalO2 consumption (O2 max). Multipleinert-gas, blood-gas, and metabolic data were obtained. TheA-aDO2increased from 0 ± 3 (SE) Torr at rest to 14 ± 2 Torr duringthe heaviest exercise level, but arterialPO2(PaO2) remained at resting levels during exercise. There was normalA/inequality [log SD of the perfusion distribution(log) = 0.42 ± 0.04] at rest, and moderate increases(log = 0.68 ± 0.04, P < 0.0001) wereobserved with exercise. This result was reproducible on a separate day.TheA/inequality changes are similar to those reported in highly trainedhumans. However, in swine, unlike in humans, there was no inert gasevidence for pulmonary end-capillary diffusion limitation during heavyexercise; there was no systematic difference in the measuredPaO2 and the PaO2 as predicted from the inertgases. These data suggest that the pig animal model iswell suited for studying the mechanism of exercise-inducedA/ inequality.


Iturriaga, Rodrigo, and Julio Alcayaga. Effects ofCO2-on catecholamine efflux from cat carotid body. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1): 60-68, 1998.Using achronoamperometric technique with carbon-fiber microelectrodes andneural recordings, we simultaneously measured the effects of thefollowing procedures on catecholamine efflux (CA) andfrequency of chemosensory discharges (fx) fromsuperfused cat carotid body: 1) theaddition ofCO2- to Tyrode solution previously buffered withN-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N -2-ethanesulfonicacid, maintaining pH at 7.40; 2)hypercapnia (10% CO2, pH 7.10);3) hypoxia(PO2 h  40 Torr) with andwithoutCO2-;and 4) the impact of several bolusesof dopamine (DA; 10-100 µg) on hypoxic and hypercapnic challenges. WithCO2-,hypoxia increased fx which preceded CAincreases, whereas hypercapnia raised fx but didnot consistently increase CA. Repeated stimuli induced similarfx increases, but attenuated CA. AfterDA, hypoxia produced larger CA, which preceded chemosensoryresponses. WithoutCO2-, hypoxia produced a similar pattern of CA andfx responses. Switching to Tyrode solution withCO2-at pH 7.40 raised fx but did not increase CA.WithCO2- and after DA, hypoxic-induced CAs were larger than in its absence. Results suggest that DA release is not essential for chemosensory excitation.


Cardenas, Victor, Jr., Thomas A. Heming, and Akhil Bidani.Kinetics of CO2 excretion andintravascular pH disequilibria during carbonic anhydrase inhibition.J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2): 683-694, 1998.Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity (activity in redblood cells and activity available on capillary endothelium) results indecrements in CO2 excretion(CO2) and plasma-erythrocyteCO2--H+disequilibrium as blood travels around the circulation. To investigate the kinetics of changes in blood PCO2and pH during progressive CA inhibition, we used our previouslydetailed mathematical model of capillary gas exchange to analyzeexperimental data of CO2 and blood-gas/pH parameters obtained from anesthetized, paralyzed, andmechanically ventilated dogs after treatment with acetazolamide (Actz,0-100 mg/kg iv). Arterial and mixed venous blood samples werecollected via indwelling femoral and pulmonary arterial catheters, respectively. Cardiac output was measured by thermodilution. End-tidal PCO2, as a measure of alveolarPCO2, was obtained from continuousrecords of airway PCO2 above thecarina. Experimental results were analyzed with the aid of amathematical model of lung and tissue-gas exchange. Progressive CAinhibition was associated with stepwise increments in the equilibratedmixed venous-alveolar PCO2 gradient(9, 19, and 26 Torr at 5, 20, and 100 mg/kg Actz, respectively). Themaximum decrements in CO2were 10, 24, and 26% with 5, 20, and 100 mg/kg Actz, respectively,without full recovery ofCO2 at 1 h postinfusion. Equilibrated arterial PCO2overestimated alveolar PCO2, andtissue PCO2 was underestimated by themeasured equilibrated mixed venous bloodPCO2. Mathematical model computations predicted hysteresis loops of the instantaneousCO2--H+relationship and in vivo bloodPCO2-pH relationship due to thefinite reaction times forCO2--H+reactions. The shape of the hysteresis loops was affected by the extentof Actz inhibition of CA in red blood cells and plasma.


Lee, Dae T., Michael M. Toner, William D. McArdle, IoannisS. Vrabas, and Kent B. Pandolf. Thermal and metabolic responses tocold-water immersion at knee, hip, and shoulder levels.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1523-1530, 1997.To examine the effect of cold-water immersion atdifferent depths on thermal and metabolic responses, eight men (25 yrold, 16% body fat) attempted 12 tests: immersed to the knee (K), hip(H), and shoulder (Sh) in 15 and 25°C water during both rest (R) orleg cycling [35% peak oxygen uptake; (E)] for up to 135 min. At 15°C, rectal (Tre)and esophageal temperatures(Tes) between R and E were notdifferent in Sh and H groups (P > 0.05), whereas both in K group were higher during E than R(P < 0.05). At 25°C,Tre was higher(P < 0.05) during E than R at alldepths, whereas Tes during E washigher than during R in H and K groups.Tre remained at control levels inK-E at 15°C, K-E at 25°C, and in H-E groups at 25°C,whereas Tes remained unchanged inK-E at 15°C, in K-R at 15°C, and in all 25°C conditions (P > 0.05). During R and E, themagnitude of Tre change wasgreater (P < 0.05) than themagnitude of Tes change in Sh andH groups, whereas it was not different in the K group(P > 0.05). Total heat flow wasprogressive with water depth. During R at 15 and 25°C, heatproduction was not increased in K and H groups from control level(P > 0.05) but it did increase in Shgroup (P < 0.05). The increase inheat production during E compared with R was smaller(P < 0.05) in Sh (121 ± 7 W/m2 at 15°C and 97 ± 6 W/m2 at 25°C) than in H (156 ± 6 and 126 ± 5 W/m2,respectively) and K groups (155 ± 4 and 165 ± 6 W/m2, respectively). These datasuggest that Tre andTes respond differently duringpartial cold-water immersion. In addition, water levels above knee in15°C and above hip in 25°C cause depression of internal temperatures mainly due to insufficient heat production offsetting heatloss even during light exercise.


Neural-mechanical coupling of breathing in REM sleep   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Smith, C. A., K. S. Henderson, L. Xi, C.-M. Chow, P. R. Eastwood, and J. A. Dempsey. Neural-mechanical coupling of breathing in REM sleep. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(6): 1923-1932, 1997.During rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep theventilatory response to airway occlusion is reduced. Possiblemechanisms are reduced chemosensitivity, mechanical impairment of thechest wall secondary to the atonia of REM sleep, or phasic REM eventsthat interrupt or fractionate ongoing diaphragm electromyogram (EMG)activity. To differentiate between these possibilities, we studiedthree chronically instrumented dogs before, during, and after15-20 s of airway occlusion during non-REM (NREM) and phasic REMsleep. We found that 1) for a given inspiratory time the integrated diaphragm EMG(Di) was similar or reduced in REM sleep relativeto NREM sleep; 2) for a givenDi in response to airway occlusion and thehyperpnea following occlusion, the mechanical output (flow or pressure)was similar or reduced during REM sleep relative to NREM sleep;3) for comparable durations ofairway occlusion the Di and integratedinspiratory tracheal pressure tended to be smaller and more variable inREM than in NREM sleep, and 4)significant fractionations (caused visible changes in trachealpressure) of the diaphragm EMG during airway occlusion inREM sleep occurred in ~40% of breathing efforts. Thus reducedand/or erratic mechanical output during and after airwayocclusion in REM sleep in terms of flow rate, tidal volume, and/or pressure generation is attributable largely to reduced neural activity of the diaphragm, which in turn is likely attributable to REM effects, causing reduced chemosensitivity at the level of theperipheral chemoreceptors or, more likely, at the central integrator.Chest wall distortion secondary to the atonia of REM sleep maycontribute to the reduced mechanical output following airway occlusionwhen ventilatory drive is highest.


This study investigated the physiological function of suppressed melatonin through thermoregulation in a cold environment. Interactions between thermoregulation directly affected by exposure to a cold environment and indirectly affected by endogenous melatonin suppression by bright-light exposure were examined. Ten male subjects were exposed to two different illumination intensities (30 and 5000 lux) for 4.5?h, and two different ambient temperatures (15 and 27°C) for 2?h before sleep under dark and thermoneutral conditions. Salivary melatonin level was suppressed by bright light (p?<?0.001), although the ambient temperature condition had no significant effect on melatonin. During sleep, significant effects of pre-sleep exposure to a cold ambient temperature (p?<?0.001) and bright light (p?<?0.01) on rectal temperature (Tre) were observed. Pre-sleep, bright-light exposure led to an attenuated fall in Tre during sleep. Moreover, Tre dropped more precipitously after cold exposure than thermoneutral conditions (cold: ?0.54?±?0.07°C/h; thermoneutral: ?0.16?±?0.03°C/h; p?<?0.001). Pre-sleep, bright-light exposure delayed the nadir time of Tre under thermoneutral conditions (p?<?0.05), while cold exposure masked the circadian rhythm with a precipitous decrease in Tre. A significant correlation between the Tre nadir and melatonin level (r?=??0.774, p?<?0.05) indicated that inter-individual differences with higher melatonin levels lead to a reduction in Tre after cold exposure. These results suggest that suppressed endogenous melatonin inhibits the downregulation of the body temperature set-point during sleep. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Schmidt, W., A. Bub, M. Meyer, T. Weiss, D. Schneider, N. Maassen, and W. G. Forssmann. Is urodilatin the missing link inexercise-dependent renal sodium retention? J. Appl.Physiol. 84(1): 123-128, 1998.The purpose of thepresent study was to investigate the behavior of plasma atrialnatriuretic peptide [ANP-(99126)] concentration([ANP]) and renal urodilatin [Uro; ANP-(95126)] excretion during and after exercise and theirpossible effects on renal Na+retention. Ten male subjects performed a cycle ergometer test for 60 min at 60% of maximum workload. Blood and urine samples were collectedbefore, during, and up to 24 h after exercise. During exercise, plasma[ANP] and renal Uro excretion were oppositely affected:whereas [ANP] increased from 46.5 ± 5.1 to 124.1 ± 10.6 pg/ml, urinary Uro excretion decreased from 120.8 ± 16.0 to49.5 ± 9.8 fmol/min and remained at a lower level until 1 h afterexercise. Glomerular filtration rate showed lowest values duringexercise (from 164.9 ± 15.3 to 75.8 ± 10.1 ml/min), and urineflow and the fractional excretion rate ofNa+(FENa+) andCl()had their nadir during the first hour after exercise. Positiverelationships were observed between Uro excretion andFENa+(P < 0.05) and, whereas a tendency toward a negative correlation was obtained between[ANP] andFENa+. It seemspossible that Uro may be, among other factors, involved in theexercise-related regulation of renalNa+ retention. The specific rolesUro and ANP play during exercise, however, remain to be investigated.


Shah, Ashish R., Thomas G. Keens, and David Gozal.Effect of supplemental oxygen on supramaximal exercise performance and recovery in cystic fibrosis. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(5): 1641-1647, 1997.The effects ofsupplemental O2 on recovery fromsupramaximal exercise and subsequent performance remain unknown. Ifrecovery from exercise could be enhanced in individuals with chroniclung disease, subsequent supramaximal exercise performance could also be improved. Recovery from supramaximal exercise and subsequent supramaximal exercise performance were assessed after 10 min of breathing 100% O2 or room air(RA) in 17 cystic fibrosis (CF) patients [25 ± 10 (SD) yrold, 53% men, forced expired volume in 1 s = 62 ± 21%predicted] and 17 normal subjects (25 ± 8 yr old, 59% men,forced expired volume in 1 s = 112 ± 15% predicted). Supramaximalperformance was assessed as the work of sustained bicycling at a loadof 130% of the maximum load achieved during a graded maximal exercise.Peak minute ventilation(E) andheart rate (HR) were lower in CF patients at the end of eachsupramaximal bout than in controls. In CF patients, single-exponentialtime decay constants indicated faster recovery of HR(HR = 86 ± 8 and 73 ± 6 s in RA and O2,respectively, P < 0.01). Similarly, fast and slow time constants of two-exponential equations providing thebest fit for ventilatory recovery were improved in CF patients duringO2 breathing ( = 132.1 ± 10.5 vs. 82.5 ± 10.4 s; = 880.3 ± 300.1 vs. 368.6 ± 107.1 s,P < 0.01). However, no such improvements occurred in controls. Supramaximal performance after O2 improved in CF patients (109 ± 6% of the 1st bout after O2 vs. 94 ± 6% in RA, P < 0.01).O2 supplementation had no effect on subsequent performance in controls (97 ± 3% inO2 vs. 93 ± 3% in RA). Weconclude that supplemental O2after a short bout of supramaximal exercise accelerates recovery andpreserves subsequent supramaximal performance in patients with CF.


Brooks, E. M., A. L. Morgan, J. M. Pierzga, S. L. Wladkowski, J. T. O'Gorman, J. A. Derr, and W. L. Kenney. Chronic hormone replacement therapy alters thermoregulatory and vasomotor function in postmenopausal women. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(2): 477-484, 1997.This investigationexamined effects of chronic (2 yr) hormone replacement therapy (HRT),both estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) and estrogen plus progesteronetherapy (E+P), on core temperature and skin blood flow responses ofpostmenopausal women. Twenty-five postmenopausal women [9 not onHRT (NO), 8 on ERT, 8 on E+P] exercised on a cycle ergometer for1 h at an ambient temperature of 36°C. Cutaneous vascularconductance (CVC) was monitored by laser-Doppler flowmetry, and forearmvascular conductance (FVC) was measured by using venous occlusionplethysmography. Iontophoresis of bretylium tosylate was performedbefore exercise to block local vasoconstrictor (VC) activity at oneskin site on the forearm. Rectal temperature (Tre) was ~0.5°C lower forthe ERT group (P < 0.01) comparedwith E+P and NO groups at rest and throughout exercise. FVC: mean body temperature (Tb) and CVC:Tb curves were shifted~0.5°C leftward for the ERT group(P < 0.0001). Baseline CVC wassignificantly higher in the ERT group(P < 0.05), but there was nointeraction between bretylium treatment and groups once exercise wasinitiated. These results suggest that1) chronic ERT likely acts centrally to decrease Tre,2) ERT lowers theTre at which heat-loss effector mechanisms are initiated, primarily by actions on active cutaneous vasodilation, and 3) addition ofexogenous progestins in HRT effectively blocks these effects.


Li, M. H., J. Hildebrandt, and M. P. Hlastala.Quantitative analysis of transpleural flux in the isolated lung.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 545-551, 1997.In this study, the loss of inert gas through the pleura of anisolated ventilated and perfused rabbit lung was assessed theoreticallyand experimentally. A mathematical model was used to represent an idealhomogeneous lung placed within a box with gas flow(box) surrounding the lung. Thealveoli are assumed to be ventilated with room air(A) andperfused at constant flow () containinginert gases (x) with various perfusate-air partition coefficients(p,x).The ratio of transpleural flux of gas(plx)to its total delivery to the lung via pulmonary artery( ),representing fractional losses across the pleura, can be shown todepend on four dimensionless ratios:1)p,x,2) the ratio of alveolar ventilation to perfusion(A/), 3) the ratioof the pleural diffusing capacity(Dplx) to the conductance ofthe alveolar ventilation (Dplx /Ag,where g is the capacitancecoefficient of gas), and 4) theratio of extrapleural (box) ventilation to alveolar ventilation(box/A).Experiments were performed in isolated perfused and ventilated rabbitlungs. The perfusate was a buffer solution containing six dissolvedinert gases covering the entire 105-fold range ofp,x usedin the multiple inert gas elimination technique. Steady-state inert gasconcentrations were measured in the pulmonary arterial perfusate,pulmonary venous effluent, exhaled gas, and box effluent gas. Theexperimental data could be described satisfactorily by thesingle-compartment model. It is concluded that a simple theoreticalmodel is a useful tool for predicting transpleural flux from isolatedlung preparations, with known ventilation and perfusion, for inertgases within a wide range of .


González-Alonso, José, RicardoMora-Rodríguez, Paul R. Below, and Edward F. Coyle.Dehydration markedly impairs cardiovascular function inhyperthermic endurance athletes during exercise. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(4): 1229-1236, 1997.Weidentified the cardiovascular stress encountered by superimposingdehydration on hyperthermia during exercise in the heat and themechanisms contributing to the dehydration-mediated stroke volume (SV)reduction. Fifteen endurance-trained cyclists [maximalO2 consumption(O2 max) = 4.5 l/min] exercised in the heat for 100-120 min and either became dehydrated by 4% body weight or remained euhydrated by drinkingfluids. Measurements were made after they continued exercise at 71%O2 max for 30 minwhile 1) euhydrated with anesophageal temperature (Tes) of38.1-38.3°C (control); 2)euhydrated and hyperthermic (39.3°C);3) dehydrated and hyperthermic withskin temperature (Tsk) of34°C; 4) dehydrated withTes of 38.1°C and Tsk of 21°C; and5) condition4 followed by restored blood volume. Compared withcontrol, hyperthermia (1°C Tesincrease) and dehydration (4% body weight loss) each separatelylowered SV 7-8% (11 ± 3 ml/beat;P < 0.05) and increased heart ratesufficiently to prevent significant declines in cardiac output.However, when dehydration was superimposed on hyperthermia, thereductions in SV were significantly (P < 0.05) greater (26 ± 3 ml/beat), and cardiac output declined 13% (2.8 ± 0.3 l/min). Furthermore, mean arterialpressure declined 5 ± 2%, and systemic vascular resistanceincreased 10 ± 3% (both P < 0.05). When hyperthermia wasprevented, all of the decline in SV with dehydration was due to reducedblood volume (~200 ml). These results demonstrate that thesuperimposition of dehydration on hyperthermia during exercise in theheat causes an inability to maintain cardiac output and blood pressurethat makes the dehydrated athlete less able to cope with hyperthermia.


Xu, Fadi, Donald T. Frazier, Zhong Zhang, David M. Baekey,and Roger Shannon. Cerebellar modulation of cough motor pattern incats. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2):391-397, 1997.The cerebellum modulates respiratory muscleactivity in part via its influence on the central respiratory patterngenerator. Because coughing requires well-coordinated respiratorymuscle activity, studies were conducted to determine whether thecerebellum influences the centrally generated cough motor pattern.Integrated phrenic and lumbar efferent neurograms(PN and LN, respectively)were monitored in decerebrated, paralyzed, and ventilated cats.Mechanical probing of the intrathoracic trachea was used to evokefictive coughs; i.e., large increases inPN and LN amplitudes.Cerebellectomy resulted in a decrease in the number of coughsper trial (cough frequency) and LN peakamplitudes without any consistent change inPN peak amplitudes. Cerebellar nuclei [therostral interposed nucleus (INr) and the rostral fastigial nucleus(FNr)] known to be involved in respiratory control were ablatedto determine their potential role in the cough response. Control(eupneic) respiratory frequency was not affected by cerebellectomy orINr/FNr lesions. Cough frequency was depressed by lesion of the INr butnot by ablation of the FNr. No significant changes inPN and LN amplitudes wereobserved after lesion of either the INr or FNr. These results suggestthat the cerebellum, specifically the INr, is involved in modulation ofthe frequency of centrally generated coughing.


Cream, Carlos L., Aihua Li, and Eugene E. Nattie. RTNTRH causes prolonged respiratory stimulation. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 792-799, 1997.We injectedthyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; 10 nl; 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 10 mM),its inactive free acid form (TRHOH; 1 mM), or a metabolite with lowTRH-receptor binding affinity, histidine-proline diketopiperazine (cHP;1 mM), into the retrotrapezoid nucleus of anesthetized rats. Injectionlocation was verified by anatomic analysis. Lower doses (0.25-0.5mM) significantly increased both the product of integrated phrenicamplitude and frequency(Phr · f) and f for 20-30min compared with artificial cerebrospinal fluid control injections. Higher doses (1.0-10 mM) produced greater and long-lastingstimulation of Phr · f,Phr, and f and of blood pressure. Thisstimulation reached values 150% of baseline and durations of 270 minafter a single injection. TRHOH (1 mM ) or cHP (1 mM) had no effect onPhr but increased f, as did 1 mM TRH. We concludethat TRH has a very powerful stimulatory effect in the retrotrapezoidnucleus region on Phr · f, withthe Phr response seemingly specific for TRHreceptors. Similar responses of f to TRHOH and cHP suggest it may benonspecific.


The etiology of exercise hypocapnia is unknown.The contributions of exercise intensity (ExInt), lactic acid,environmental temperature, rectal temperature(Tre), and physicalconditioning to the variance in arterialCO2 tension(PaCO2) in the exercising sheep werequantified. We hypothesized that thermal drive contributes tohyperventilation. Four unshorn sheep were exercised at ~30, 50, and70% of maximal O2 consumption for30 min, or until exhaustion, both before and after 5 wk of physicalconditioning. In addition, two of the sheep were shorn and exercised ateach intensity in a cold (<15°C) environment.Tre andO2 consumption were measured continuously. Lactic acid and PaCO2 weremeasured at 5- to 10-min intervals. Data wereanalyzed by multiple regression onPaCO2. During exercise,Tre rose andPaCO2 fell, except at the lowest ExIntin the cold environment. Treexplained 77% of the variance in PaCO2,and ExInt explained 5%. All other variables were insignificant. Weconclude that, in sheep, thermal drive contributes to hyperventilation during exercise.


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