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Introduced predators are important drivers of ecosystem change and can threaten native species. The European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) was introduced from Britain into New Zealand where it is currently widespread, including in braided-river environments of the interior cold drylands where it might threaten native species such as riparian ground-nesting birds. The establishment of hedgehogs in braided-river environments may be facilitated by adjacent pastoral landscapes that provide food, primarily invertebrates, and dry shelter. Forays by hedgehogs into native prey habitats, such as riverbed floodplains, increase predation pressure. Understanding the spatial ecology of introduced predators can improve effectiveness of control measures. We assessed spatial resource selection by hedgehogs in a braided-river environment by tracking 27 individuals for 4–8 days in summer and autumn using microGPS-backpacks. We extracted fine-scale landscape variables from a map created using very high resolution satellite imagery to model home range placement within the study area. We also assessed habitat composition and ranking within high-use areas using compositional analysis. Hedgehogs established home ranges in pastoral landscapes containing abundant edges and high vegetation productivity (mainly green pastures and shrubs), and selected pastures and patches of shrubs as high-use areas. Hedgehogs avoided riverbed floodplains, suggesting that reported predation events on ground-nesting birds might be a consequence of secondary predation or individual specialization. We recommend that predation of native species by hedgehogs might be best alleviated if trapping is focused on those areas selected by native fauna of conservation concern (e.g. riverbed floodplains), as well some biologically-determined buffer surrounding these sites.  相似文献   

The control of introduced mammalian predators (IMP) through trapping campaigns relies on operator experience to deploy traps in sites with an expected high probability of IMP presence, where the maximum number of captures is anticipated. We tested the limitations of available information on fine-scale spatial use by feral cats modelled from remote data collection methods (small-resolution satellite imagery and GPS-telemetry) in an intensive control campaign conducted over 8 years in an ecologically sensitive area of New Zealand. We calculated dichotomous optimal/sub-optimal areas for cats and found that operators placed traps in or close to optimal areas. Over a continuous range of probabilities of cat use, trap sites were not principally placed in hot spots of cat use. Logistic regression revealed that the probability of cat use was significantly associated with the probability of capture. However, regressing catch-effort against the probability of cat use showed no association between sites of high probability of cat use and higher capture rates. The incorporation in the models of bait, trap type, and habitat suitability for rabbits, as variables of operator’s choice showed that rabbit suitability, and the combination of baits/traps were significant. Results suggest that trapping feral cats is a complex process that likely relies on variables of space, time, and individual cognition. However, control programmes could improve trap deployment by identifying sites of high probability of cat use to maximize capture probability, while traps in sub-optimal areas could be removed (cost reduction), reallocated to optimal areas, or used to “fence” core conservation areas.  相似文献   

Cats are generalist predators that have been widely introduced to the world's ~179 000 islands. Once introduced to islands, cats prey on a variety of native species many of which lack evolved defenses against mammalian predators and can suffer severe population declines and even extinction. As islands house a disproportionate share of terrestrial biodiversity, the impacts of invasive cats on islands may have significant biodiversity impacts. Much of this threatened biodiversity can be protected by eradicating cats from islands. Information on the relative impacts of cats on different native species in different types of island ecosystems can increase the efficiency of this conservation tool. We reviewed feral cat impacts on native island vertebrates. Impacts of feral cats on vertebrates have been reported from at least 120 different islands on at least 175 vertebrates (25 reptiles, 123 birds, and 27 mammals), many of which are listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. A meta‐analysis suggests that cat impacts were greatest on endemic species, particularly mammals and greater when non‐native prey species were also introduced. Feral cats on islands are responsible for at least 14% global bird, mammal, and reptile extinctions and are the principal threat to almost 8% of critically endangered birds, mammals, and reptiles.  相似文献   

One of the key gaps in understanding the impacts of predation by small mammalian predators on prey is how habitat structure affects the hunting success of small predators, such as feral cats. These effects are poorly understood due to the difficulty of observing actual hunting behaviours. We attached collar-mounted video cameras to feral cats living in a tropical savanna environment in northern Australia, and measured variation in hunting success among different microhabitats (open areas, dense grass and complex rocks). From 89 hours of footage, we recorded 101 hunting events, of which 32 were successful. Of these kills, 28% were not eaten. Hunting success was highly dependent on microhabitat structure surrounding prey, increasing from 17% in habitats with dense grass or complex rocks to 70% in open areas. This research shows that habitat structure has a profound influence on the impacts of small predators on their prey. This has broad implications for management of vegetation and disturbance processes (like fire and grazing) in areas where feral cats threaten native fauna. Maintaining complex vegetation cover can reduce predation rates of small prey species from feral cat predation.  相似文献   


The identification of introduced and native predators is important for many conservation studies within New Zealand. Carcasses of Hutton's shearwaters were collected over three field seasons, and where predation was probable, the bodies were autopsied. Paired bites identified stoats as the principal predator of Hutton's shearwater, but also revealed that a feral cat was present within the colony. Stoats killed their prey with a bite to the back of the neck or head, and commenced feeding on the neck or head. Despite the limited number of cat‐killed birds, cats appeared to feed on Hutton's shearwaters differently from stoats, starting on the breast muscles. Harriers and kea left sign that allowed birds killed or scavenged by these native birds to be distinguished from those killed by stoats or cats.  相似文献   

Ecological interactions between native species are often disturbed by invasive species. However, to understand their impact on wild native animal populations on a country scale it is necessary to develop a predictive model. Therefore, I followed the species density distribution modelling approach to explore how feral domestic cats (Felis catus) along with environmental predictors determined densities of two bird species, the Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) and the Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava) on the whole area of Poland. As a modelling method, I used the Generalised Additive Model to develop two models for each of the two bird species: The first with the feral cat density as an additional predictor, and the second without it. As a result, I demonstrated the negative impact of cat density on native bird populations, illustrated by reduced density of the two studied species in their preferred habitats, in which cats reached a high density. Although it cannot be explicitly asserted that cats lead to a local extinction of the two bird species, these predators should not be underestimated. In many locations feral populations are fed with new individuals, and they do not follow the same internal mechanisms regulating their population as the native bird fauna. Thus, on a large spatial scale species density distribution models of birds should include cats’ population size as an additional predictor when this predator's environmental preferences overlap with preferences of the studied target groups.  相似文献   

Linear clearings, such as roads and tracks, are an obvious anthropogenic feature in many remote environments, even where infrastructure is sparse. Predator species have been shown to prefer moving down linear clearings, and therefore, clearings could increase predation risk for other species. We investigated whether tracks cleared for seismic surveys are preferentially used by predators and herbivores in a landscape inhabited by bilbies (Macrotis lagotis), a vulnerable species of conservation concern. We used a paired camera trap array to investigate the use of cleared seismic lines at four time points after clearing (1 month, 3 months, 7 months, 48 months) by six mammal species. Bilbies, cattle (Bos indicus/B. taurus), dingoes (Canis familiaris), feral cats (Felis catus) and agile wallabies (Macropus agilis) preferred to use seismic lines compared with adjacent undisturbed vegetation for almost all surveys, while spectacled hare wallabies (Lagorchestes conspicillatus) avoided them. Bilbies and agile wallabies showed similar temporal activity patterns on and off seismic lines but feral cats, dingoes and cattle used seismic lines at different times of day to control areas. We also investigated microhabitat selection by spool tracking individual bilbies. Bilbies selected a route through vegetation that was more open than surrounding vegetation. While spatial and temporal funnelling of bilbies and their predators (especially cats) may increase the frequency of encounter between the two, it is important to note that bilbies were active at significantly different times to predators both on and off seismic lines. The identified selection for seismic lines, and changes in spatial and temporal overlap between species, can be used to develop effective management strategies, to minimize potential impacts on native species.  相似文献   

Large predators can have profound impacts on community composition. Not only do they directly affect prey abundance, they also indirectly affect prey abundance through their direct effects on smaller predators. In Australia, dingoes fill the role of a large predator and, in southern Australia, have clear impacts on introduced foxes. Their effect on introduced cats, however, is less clear. Here we present data from multiple sites across northern Australia (where foxes are absent), which reveal a negative correlation between cat and dingo activity. This relationship could arise because cats avoid areas where dingoes are active, or because cats are less abundant in areas with high dingo densities, or a combination of both. At a subset of our study sites, we experimentally reduced dingo (but not cat) abundance by poison baiting. This resulted in a 55% drop in dingo activity within 4 weeks of baiting, but without a compensatory increase in cat activity. This suggests the negative correlation between cat and dingo activity is not a simple consequence of cats reactively avoiding areas with higher dingo traffic, but rather, that there are fewer cats in areas where dingoes are more active. This study is a rare demonstration of the potential for dingoes to affect the behaviour and potentially the population size of feral cats, and therefore reduce the impact of feral cats on vulnerable native prey species.  相似文献   

In tropical Australian rainforests, predators and scavengers aggregate beneath emergent trees that house large colonies of metallic starlings (Aplonis metallica), feeding in the nutrient‐rich open areas below. Analysis of camera‐trap records shows that the presence of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) is associated with an absence of birds (cockatoos and brush turkeys), presumably reflecting behavioural avoidance (pigs pose a direct danger to birds). However, bird numbers increase as soon as pigs depart, then fall if pigs are absent for long periods. Feral pigs thus displace native birds from these resource hotspots; but by turning over the soil and enhancing the birds' access to food, the pigs also have a positive impact on food availability for the avifauna. Thus, although invasive species have caused irreparable environmental damages worldwide, they may also provide positive benefits for certain species. The net benefit of such interspecific interactions will depend on the outcome of both positive and negative effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In a study of predation on ground-nesting birds at South San Francisco Bay (South Bay), California, USA, we analyzed stomach contents and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to identify commonly consumed prey. We obtained the stomach contents from 206 nonnative red foxes (Vulpes vulpes regalis) collected in the South Bay area and Monterey County during 1995–2001 and from 68 feral cats (Felis silvestris) from the South Bay area during 2001–2002. We determined prey identity, biomass, and frequency, described seasonal diet trends, and derived an Index of Relative Importance. Avian species were the most frequent prey we found in the stomachs of red foxes from South Bay (61%), whereas small rodents were most frequent for red foxes from Monterey County (62%). Small rodents were the most frequent prey we found in feral cats (63%). Carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures for foxes supported stomach content findings. However, isotope results indicated that cats received a majority of their energy from a source other than rodents and outside the natural system, which differed from the stomach content analysis. We demonstrated the utility of both stable isotope and stomach content analyses to establish a more complete understanding of predators' diets. This information aids natural resource managers in planning and evaluating future predator-removal programs and increases our understanding of the impacts of nonnative foxes and cats on native species.  相似文献   

Control of introduced predators to mitigate biodiversity impacts is a pressing conservation challenge. Across Australia feral cats (Felis catus) are a major threat to terrestrial biodiversity. Currently feral cat control is hindered by the limited utility of existing predator baiting methods. Further proposed control methods include use of the novel poison para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) which may present a hazard to some native animal populations. Here we used experimental and predictive approaches to evaluate feral cat bait take by a large native Australian predatory reptile the Lace monitor (Varanus varius). These lizards would be expected to readily detect, ingest and consume a lethal dose (depending on toxin) from surface-laid baits intended for feral cat control if a precautionary approach was not adopted when baiting. We modelled V. varius bait take using experimental and predictive biophysical modelling approaches to evaluate temporal effects of climate variables on V. varius activity and hence potential for bait removal. Finally we conducted a pre-PAPP baiting site occupancy assessment of V. varius within Wilson Promontory National Park (WPNP) to provide a basis for monitoring any longer term population effects of cat baiting. V. varius removed 7 % of deployed baits from 73 % of bait stations across another study area in Far Eastern Victoria. Daily bait removal was positively correlated with maximum temperature and solar radiation. Biophysical modelling for Far Eastern Victoria predicted that maximum temperatures <19.5 °C prevented V. varius activity and hence opportunity for bait removal. V. varius in WPNP was undetectable suggesting aerial baiting posed limited hazard to this species at this location. Depending how climate influences annual activity patterns and the specific poison, surface-laid baits could pose a significant mortality risk to V. varius. However, use of biophysical models to predict periods of V. varius inactivity may provide a novel means to reduce non-target bait take by this predator.  相似文献   

This radio-tracking study reports the daily activity rhythms in autumn and spring of 11 stoats (Mustela erminea) (9 male, 2 female), 20 ferrets (M.furo) (8 m, 12 f) and 11 feral house cats (Felis catus) (7 m, 4 f) resident on coastal grassland, Otago Peninsula, New Zealand. Activity rhythms differed markedly amongst individual stoats in autumn, but little amongst individual cats and ferrets in either season. Stoats were equally active day and night in autumn, but were more active at day than at night in spring. Cats showed moderate day activity, but were mainly active at night in both seasons. Ferrets showed low activity during daylight in autumn and were entirely nocturnal in spring. Overall, stoats were more active during daylight than cats or ferrets; and cats were more active during daylight than ferrets. Therefore, cats and especially stoats may pose the main predation threat to diurnal native species in New Zealand. Effective biological control of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) may effect the absolute abundance and daily activity of the predators, so is impossible to predict the overall impact of predation on diurnal and nocturnal native species.  相似文献   

Introduced carnivores have had a significant impact on the fauna of a number of countries, particularly on islands. In the British Isles, several offshore islands holding internationally important aggregations of seabirds and shorebirds support self-sustaining feral ferret Mustela furo populations, often as the top terrestrial predator. However, little is known about the interactions between ferrets and both native and nonnative prey in these locations. We examined the diet of feral ferrets on Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland. We determined the frequency of occurrence of prey items and constructed energetic models to determine their potential impact on both native and introduced prey. Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus occurred in 75% of scats, while birds, carrion, and brown rats Rattus norvegicus were important secondary items. There was little difference between the diets of males and females. Estimates of the energy requirements of the population at current, and with hypothetically reduced, rabbit availability revealed the potential for carrion to maintain the ferret population over winter. Management options could thus focus on reducing anthropogenic food sources as an immediate way of mitigating the threat to ground-nesting birds, while other strategies, including eradication, are considered.  相似文献   

Feral cats have been directly responsible for the extinction of numerous species on islands worldwide, including endemic species of mammals, birds and reptiles. The diet of feral cats in the main habitats of the Canary Islands, as generally occurred on oceanic islands, is mainly composed of introduced mammals, and native species of birds, reptiles and insects. The impact of feral cat upon the endangered species was assessed by evaluating their relative abundance in the cats’ diet and by considering their current conservation status. A total of 68 different preys were identified at species level in all studies carried out in the Canary Islands (5 mammals, 16 birds, 15 reptiles and 32 invertebrates). From all the species preyed by feral cats in the Canary Islands, only four of them are considered threatened by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: one endemic bird Saxicola dacotiae and three endemic giant lizards, Gallotia simonyi, Gallotia intermedia, and Gallotia gomerana. Although some efforts on management control have been carried out, it is necessary to enforce these conservation activities on those areas of Tenerife, La Gomera and El Hierro where giant lizards are still present. Furthermore some local areas where endangered bird species are highly predated should be protected. Nevertheless, it is important to take into account the presence of other introduced species such as rats, mice or rabbits in order to avoid problems derived from the hyperpredation process and mesopredator release effect.  相似文献   

Wild pigs (Sus scrofa; i.e., feral hogs, feral swine) are considered an invasive species in the United States. Where they occur, they damage agricultural crops and wildlife habitat. Wild pigs also depredate native wildlife, particularly ground-nesting bird species during nesting season. In areas inhabited by wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo), nest destruction caused by wild pigs may affect recruitment. There is debate whether wild pigs actively seek ground-nesting bird nests or depredate them opportunistically. To address this debate, in 2016 we examined the movements of wild pigs relative to artificial wild turkey nests (i.e., control [no artificial nests], moderate density [12.5–25 nests/km2], and high density [25–50 nests/km2]) throughout the nesting season (i.e., early, peak, and late) in south-central Texas, USA. We found no evidence that wild pigs learned to seek and depredate wild turkey nests relative to nest density or nesting periods. Despite wild pigs being important nest predators, depredation was not a functional response to a pulsed food resource and can only be associated with overlapping densities of wild pigs and nests. Protecting reproductive success of wild turkeys will require reducing wild pig densities in nesting habitat prior to nesting season. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Apex predators can limit the abundance and behaviour of mesopredators, thereby reducing predation on smaller species. We know less about whether native apex predators are effective in suppressing invasive mesopredators, a major global driver of vertebrate extinctions. We use the severe disease‐induced decline of an apex predator, the Tasmanian devil, as a natural experiment to test whether devils limit abundance of invasive feral cats and in turn protect smaller native prey. Cat abundance was c. 58% higher where devils had declined, which in turn negatively affected a smaller native prey species. Devils had a stronger limiting effect on cats than on a native mesopredator, suggesting apex predators may have stronger suppressive effects on evolutionarily naive species than coevolved species. Our results highlight how disease in one species can affect the broader ecosystem. We show that apex predators not only regulate native species but can also confer resistance to the impacts of invasive populations. Apex predators could therefore be a powerful but underutilised tool to prevent biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

Artiodactyl prey species of Chile, especially guanacos (Lama guanicoe), are reported to be very susceptible to predation by pack‐hunting feral dogs. It has been previously suggested that guanacos and endemic South American deer may have evolved in the absence of pack‐hunting cursorial predators. However, the paleoecology of canid presence in southern South America and Chile is unclear. Here, we review the literature on South American and Chilean canids, their distributions, ecologies, and hunting behavior. We consider both wild and domestic canids, including Canis familiaris breeds. We establish two known antipredator defense behaviors of guanacos: predator inspection of ambush predators, for example, Puma concolor, and rushing at and kicking smaller cursorial predators, for example, Lycalopex culpaeus. We propose that since the late Pleistocene extinction of hypercarnivorous group‐hunting canids east of the Andes, there were no native species creating group‐hunting predation pressures on guanacos. Endemic deer of Chile may have never experienced group‐hunting selection pressure from native predators. Even hunting dogs (or other canids) used by indigenous groups in the far north and extreme south of Chile (and presumably the center as well) appear to have been used primarily within ambush hunting strategies. This may account for the susceptibility of guanacos and other prey species to feral dog attacks. We detail seven separate hypotheses that require further investigation in order to assess how best to respond to the threat posed by feral dogs to the conservation of native deer and camelids in Chile and other parts of South America.  相似文献   

Cats are among the most successful and damaging invaders on islands and a significant driver of extinction and endangerment. Better understanding of their ecology can improve effective management actions such as eradication. We reviewed 72 studies of insular feral cat diet from 40 islands worldwide. Cats fed on a wide range of species from large birds and medium sized mammals to small insects with at least 248 species consumed (27 mammals, 113 birds, 34 reptiles, 3 amphibians, 2 fish and 69 invertebrates). Three mammals, 29 birds and 3 reptiles recorded in the diet of cats are listed as threatened by the IUCN. However, a few species of introduced mammals were the most frequent prey, and on almost all islands mammals and birds contributed most of the daily food intake. Latitude was positively correlated with the predation of rabbits and negatively with the predation of reptiles and invertebrates. Distance from landmass was positively correlated with predation on birds and negatively correlated with the predation of reptiles. The broad range of taxa consumed by feral cats on islands suggests that they have the potential to impact almost any native species, even the smallest ones under several grams, that lack behavioral, morphological or life history adaptations to mammalian predators. Insular feral cat??s reliance on introduced mammals, which evolved with cat predation, suggests that on many islands, populations of native species have already been reduced.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(6):377-385
The European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) is an endangered felid impacted by genetic introgression with the domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus). The problem of hybridization has had different effects in different areas. In non-Mediterranean regions pure forms of wildcats became almost extinct, while in Mediterranean regions genetic introgression is a rare phenomenon. The study of the potential factors that prevent the gene flow in areas of lower hybridization may be key to wildcat conservation. We studied the population size and spatial segregation of wildcats and domestic cats in a typical Mediterranean area of ancient sympatry, where no evidence of hybridization had been detected by genetic studies. Camera trapping of wild-living cats and walking surveys of stray cats in villages were used for capture–recapture estimations of abundance and spatial segregation. Results showed (i) a low density of wildcats and no apparent presence of putative hybrids; (ii) a very low abundance of feral cats in spite of the widespread and large population sources of domestic cats inhabiting villages; (iii) strong spatial segregation between wildcats and domestic/feral cats; and (iv) no relationship between the size of the potential population sources and the abundance of feral cats. Hence, domestic cats were limited in their ability to become integrated into the local habitat of wildcats. Ecological barriers (habitat preferences, food limitations, intra-specific and intra-guild competition, predation) may explain the severe divergences of hybridization impact observed at a biogeographic level. This has a direct effect on key conservation strategies for wildcats (i.e., control of domestic cats).  相似文献   

During a comprehensive survey in 1999, 2000 and 2001, we investigated the number of breeding yellow-eyed penguin pairs on Stewart Island, where cats are present, and on adjacent cat-free islands. We found 79 pairs of yellow-eyed penguin breeding in 19 discrete locations on Stewart Island (4.2 pairs per location), and 99 pairs breeding in 10 discrete locations on all cat-free islands (9.9 pairs per location). Large-scale humaninduced habitat modifications have not occurred on Stewart Island, nor on any of its adjacent offshore islands. While the extensive coastline of Stewart Island (673 km) offers potentially large areas of breeding habitat for penguins, the highest number of breeding pairs were found on the smaller, predator-free Codfish Island (25 km coastline), where a total of 61 breeding pairs were recorded. On Stewart Island, where mustelids do not occur, only feral cats can pose a serious threat to penguin offspring. Results from this study suggest that feral cats may prey on yellow-eyed penguins on Stewart Island. Further work is necessary to investigate whether the observed low numbers of yellow-eyed penguins on Stewart Island are caused by feral cat predation. If so, it may be possible to develop appropriate measures to protect this penguin species from a population decline.  相似文献   

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