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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) frequently establishes a persistent infection, leading to chronic liver disease. The NS5A protein has been implicated in this process as it modulates a variety of intracellular signalling pathways that control cell survival and proliferation. In particular, NS5A associates with several proteins involved in the endocytosis of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and has been previously shown to inhibit epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated activation of the Ras–Erk pathway by a mechanism that remains unclear. As EGFR signalling involves trafficking to late endosomes, we investigated whether NS5A perturbs EGFR signalling by altering receptor endocytosis. We demonstrate that NS5A partially localizes to early endosomes and, although it has no effect on EGF internalization, it colocalizes with the EGFR and alters its distribution. This redistribution correlates with a decrease in the amount of active EGF–EGFR ligand–receptor complexes present in the late endosomal signalling compartment and also results in a concomitant increase in the total levels of EGFR. These observations suggest that NS5A controls EGFR signalling by diverting the receptor away from late endosomes. This represents a novel mechanism by which a viral protein attenuates cell signalling and suggests that NS5A may perturb trafficking pathways to maintain an optimal environment for HCV persistence.  相似文献   

Wang J  Tong W  Zhang X  Chen L  Yi Z  Pan T  Hu Y  Xiang L  Yuan Z 《FEBS letters》2006,580(18):4392-4400
Hepatitis C virus non-structural protein NS5A plays an important role in viral replication and various cellular events. To gain further insight into the function of NS5A, we screened a human fetal liver cDNA library for its interacting proteins using the yeast two-hybrid system. FKBP38, a 38 kDa immunosuppressant FK506-binding protein, was identified and its interaction with NS5A was confirmed by both in vitro and in vivo. The interaction was mapped to the amino acids 148-236 of NS5A containing a BH domain (Bcl-2 homology domain). Besides, both NS5A and FKBP38 were found to localize in mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover, NS5A stably expressing Huh7 hepatoma cells showed more resistance to apoptosis and such inhibition of apoptosis could specifically be abrogated by depletion of FKBP38 using RNA interference. These results indicate that HCV NS5A inhibits apoptosis through interaction with FKBP38.  相似文献   

Viral proteins bind to numerous cellular and viral proteins throughout the infection cycle. However, the mechanisms by which viral proteins interact with such large numbers of factors remain unknown. Cellular proteins that interact with multiple, distinct partners often do so through short sequences known as molecular recognition features (MoRFs) embedded within intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). In this study, we report the first evidence that MoRFs in viral proteins play a similar role in targeting the host cell. Using a combination of evolutionary modeling, protein–protein interaction analyses and forward genetic screening, we systematically investigated two computationally predicted MoRFs within the N‐terminal IDR of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) Core protein. Sequence analysis of the MoRFs showed their conservation across all HCV genotypes and the canine and equine Hepaciviruses. Phylogenetic modeling indicated that the Core MoRFs are under stronger purifying selection than the surrounding sequence, suggesting that these modules have a biological function. Using the yeast two‐hybrid assay, we identified three cellular binding partners for each HCV Core MoRF, including two previously characterized cellular targets of HCV Core (DDX3X and NPM1). Random and site‐directed mutagenesis demonstrated that the predicted MoRF regions were required for binding to the cellular proteins, but that different residues within each MoRF were critical for binding to different partners. This study demonstrated that viruses may use intrinsic disorder to target multiple cellular proteins with the same amino acid sequence and provides a framework for characterizing the binding partners of other disordered regions in viral and cellular proteomes.  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmids were constructed by fusing the gene fragments encoding the full-length (1-191aa) and the truncated (1-40aa and 1-69aa) HCV core proteins (HCc) respectively to the core gene of HBV at the position of amino acid 144 and expressed in E. coli. The products were analyzed by ELISA, Western blotting as well as the immunization of the mice. The results showed that those fusion proteins (B144C191, B144C69, B144C40) possessed the dual antigenicity and immunogenicity of both hepatitis B virus core antigen (HBcAg) and hepatitis C virus core protein (HCc). Analysis by electron microscopy and CsCl density gradient ultra-centrifugation revealed that similar to the HBcAg itself, all fusion proteins were able to form particles. Comparison of the antigenicity and immunogenicity of those fusion proteins showed that the length of HCc gene fused to HBeAg had no much effect on the antigenicity and immunogenicity of HBcAg, however, B144C69 and B144C40 induced higher titres antibodies against HCc than B14d  相似文献   

Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major risk factor for chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Once robust cell culture systems for production of recombinant infectious HCV became available, evidence on molecular mechanisms underlying assembly and release of the virus particles began to accumulate. Recent studies have demonstrated that lipid droplets and viral nonstructural proteins play key roles in HCV morphogenesis. This review considers the current knowledge about maturation of HCV structural proteins and production of viral infectious particles.  相似文献   

Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is a soluble innate immune protein that binds to glycosylated targets. MBL acts as an opsonin and activates complement, contributing to the destruction and clearance of infecting microorganisms. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) encodes two envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2, expressed as non-covalent E1/E2 heterodimers in the viral envelope. E1 and E2 are potential ligands for MBL. Here we describe an analysis of the interaction between HCV and MBL using recombinant soluble E2 ectodomain fragment, the full-length E1/E2 heterodimer, expressed in vitro, and assess the effect of this interaction on virus entry. A binding assay using antibody capture of full length E1/E2 heterodimers was used to demonstrate calcium dependent, saturating binding of MBL to HCV glycoproteins. Competition with various saccharides further confirmed that the interaction was via the lectin domain of MBL. MBL binds to E1/E2 representing a broad range of virus genotypes. MBL was shown to neutralize the entry into Huh-7 cells of HCV pseudoparticles (HCVpp) bearing E1/E2 from a wide range of genotypes. HCVpp were neutralized to varying degrees. MBL was also shown to neutralize an authentic cell culture infectious virus, strain JFH-1 (HCVcc). Furthermore, binding of MBL to E1/E2 was able to activate the complement system via MBL-associated serine protease 2. In conclusion, MBL interacts directly with HCV glycoproteins, which are present on the surface of the virion, resulting in neutralization of HCV particles.  相似文献   

An easy and reproducible procedure for purification and refolding of the full-length non-structural protein 3 (NS3) from hepatitis C virus has been developed. Refolding was achieved by simply diluting the protein into a suitable buffer. Low protein concentration, high pH, highly reducing conditions, the presence of detergent, and low viscosity were important parameters for high refolding efficiency. Refolding was insignificantly affected by the presence of Zn(2+) in the refolding buffer, while the addition of NS4A cofactor inhibited refolding. A comparison of the kinetic parameters showed that the refolded enzyme is not as catalytically competent as the native enzyme. Nevertheless, the activity of the refolded NS3 protease was dependent on the specific NS4A-peptide cofactor and was inhibited by the specific substrate-based NS3 protease inhibitor, which indicates that the refolded NS3 can be appropriate for inhibitor screening. The yield of pure protein from the insoluble fraction of cell lysate was 6 mg/L of bacterial culture, which is 18 times higher than obtained from the soluble fraction. Improvement of the refolding conditions has resulted in a 50-fold higher activity of the protease as compared to refolding in buffer with neutral pH and no additives.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) non-structural protein 5A (NS5A) is involved both in the viral replication and particle production. Its third domain (NS5A-D3), although not absolutely required for replication, is a key determinant for the production and assembly of novel HCV particles. As a prerequisite to elucidate the precise functions of this domain, we report here the first molecular characterization of purified recombinant HCV NS5A-D3. Sequence analysis indicates that NS5A-D3 is mostly unstructured but that short structural elements may exist at its N-terminus. Gel filtration chromatography, circular dichroism and finally NMR spectroscopy all point out the natively unfolded nature of purified recombinant NS5A-D3. This lack of stable folding is thought to be essential for primary interactions of NS5A-D3 domain with other viral or host proteins, which could stabilize some specific conformations conferring new functional features.  相似文献   

HCVisthemajorcauseofposttransfusionnonA,nonBhepatitis[1].About50%oftheinfectionswilldevelopintochronichepatitisandamongthemabout20%willresultinlivercirrhosisandhepatocellularcarcinoma[2].BecausethetiterofHCVparticleinpatient’sbloodisextremelylow,andthereisno…  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects approximately 180 million people worldwide. Significant progress has been made since the establishment of in vitro HCV infection models in cells. However, the replication of HCV is complex and not completely understood. Here, we found that the expression of host prion protein (PrP) was induced in an HCV replication cell model. We then showed that increased PrP expression facilitated HCV genomic replication. Finally, we demonstrated that the KKRPK motif on the N-terminus of PrP bound nucleic acids and facilitated HCV genomic replication. Our results provided important insights into how viruses may harness cellular protein to achieve propagation.

Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The treatment of HCV infection has become more complicated due to various genotypes and subtypes of HCV. The treatment of HCV has made significant advances with direct-acting antivirals. However, for the choice of medicine or the combination of drugs for hepatitis C, it is imperative to detect and discriminate the crucial HCV genotypes. The main objective of this study was to determine the pattern of circulating HCV genotypes in southern Iran, from 2016 until 2019. The other aim of the study was to determine possible associations of patients’ risk factors with HCV genotypes. A total of 803 serum samples were collected in 4 years (2016–2019) from patients with HCV antibody positive results. A total of 728 serum samples were HCV-RNA positive. The prevalence of HCV genotypes was detected using the genotype-specific RT-PCR test for serum samples obtained from 615 patients. The HCV genotype 1 (G1) was the most prevalent (48.8%) genotype in the area, with G1a, G1b, and mixed G1a/b representing 38.4%, 10.1%, and 0.3%, respectively. Genotype 3a was the next most prevalent (47.2%). Mixed genotypes 1a/3a were detected in 22 (3.6%) and finally G4 was found in 3 (0.5%) patients. The other HCV genotypes were not detected in any patient. Genotype 1 (1a and 1b alone, 1a/1b and 1a/3a coinfections) is the most prevalent HCV genotype in southern Iran. HCV G1 shows a significantly higher rate in people under 40 years old.  相似文献   

The secondary structures of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA and the cellular proteins that bind to them are important for modulating both translation and RNA replication. However, the sets of RNA-binding proteins involved in the regulation of HCV translation, replication and encapsidation remain unknown. Here, we identified RNA binding motif protein 24 (RBM24) as a host factor participated in HCV translation and replication. Knockdown of RBM24 reduced HCV propagation in Huh7.5.1 cells. An enhanced translation and delayed RNA synthesis during the early phase of infection was observed in RBM24 silencing cells. However, both overexpression of RBM24 and recombinant human RBM24 protein suppressed HCV IRES-mediated translation. Further analysis revealed that the assembly of the 80S ribosome on the HCV IRES was interrupted by RBM24 protein through binding to the 5′-UTR. RBM24 could also interact with HCV Core and enhance the interaction of Core and 5′-UTR, which suppresses the expression of HCV. Moreover, RBM24 enhanced the interaction between the 5′- and 3′-UTRs in the HCV genome, which probably explained its requirement in HCV genome replication. Therefore, RBM24 is a novel host factor involved in HCV replication and may function at the switch from translation to replication.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of magnesium ions in coupling ATP hydrolysis to the nucleic acid unwinding catalyzed by the NS3 protein encoded by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Analyses of steady-state ATP hydrolysis rates at various RNA and magnesium concentrations were used to determine values for the 15 dissociation constants describing the formation of a productive enzyme-metal-ATP-RNA complex and the four rate constants describing hydrolysis of ATP by the possible enzyme-ATP complexes. These values coupled with direct binding studies, specificity studies and analyses of site-directed mutants reveal only one ATP binding site on HCV helicase centered on the catalytic base Glu291. An adjacent residue, Asp290, binds a magnesium ion that forms a bridge to ATP, reorienting the nucleotide in the active site. RNA stimulates hydrolysis while decreasing the affinity of the enzyme for ATP, magnesium, and MgATP. The binding scheme described here explains the unusual regulation of the enzyme by ATP that has been reported previously. Binding of either free magnesium or free ATP to HCV helicase competes with MgATP, the true fuel for helicase movements, and leads to slower hydrolysis and nucleic acid unwinding.  相似文献   

The mechanisms related to the spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) havebeen primarily studied in regions where the infection is endemic. Results of priorstudies have been extrapolated to populations with low endemicity, such as Mexico.Herein, we determined the cytokine profiles in serum samples from Mexican patientswho spontaneously cleared HCV and patients chronically infected with HCV genotype 1a.Chronic HCV-infected patients displayed increased interleukin (IL)-8 and regulatedupon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted (CCL-5) secretion, whereaspatients who spontaneously cleared HCV showed augmented levels of IL-1 alpha, tumournecrosis factor-alpha, transforming growth factor-beta, monocyte chemoattractantprotein-2 (CCL-8), IL-13 and IL-15. Our study suggeststhat cytokine profiles maypredict disease outcome during HCV infection.  相似文献   

Yuk CS  Lee HK  Kim HT  Choi YK  Lee BC  Chun BH  Chung N 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(20):1563-1568
A protein chip diagnostic kit was developed for the diagnosis of hepatitis C virus (HCV) based on the protein chip technique and the immuno-concentration method. This kit was designed for low-density protein chips and also for the availability of multiple sample screening. Applicability of the chip was evaluated using 96 blood specimens and the results were compared to results of an anti-HCV enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test. With further development, the technology associated with the development of this chip could be applied to the simultaneous detection of multiple protein-protein, protein-ligand interactions.  相似文献   

We studied the mutation patterns of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and GB virus C/hepatitis G virus (HGV). Although the mutation patterns of the two viruses were similar to each other, they were quite different from that of HIV. In particular, the similarity of the patterns between HCV or HGV and human nuclear pseudogenes was statistically significant whereas there was no similarity between HIV and human nuclear pseudogenes. This finding suggests that the mutation patterns of HCV and HGV are similar to the patterns of spontaneous substitution mutations of human genes, implying that nucleotide analogues which are effective against HCV and HGV may have a side effect on the normal cells of humans.  相似文献   

A proteome‐wide mapping of interactions between hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human proteins was performed to provide a comprehensive view of the cellular infection. A total of 314 protein–protein interactions between HCV and human proteins was identified by yeast two‐hybrid and 170 by literature mining. Integration of this data set into a reconstructed human interactome showed that cellular proteins interacting with HCV are enriched in highly central and interconnected proteins. A global analysis on the basis of functional annotation highlighted the enrichment of cellular pathways targeted by HCV. A network of proteins associated with frequent clinical disorders of chronically infected patients was constructed by connecting the insulin, Jak/STAT and TGFβ pathways with cellular proteins targeted by HCV. CORE protein appeared as a major perturbator of this network. Focal adhesion was identified as a new function affected by HCV, mainly by NS3 and NS5A proteins.  相似文献   

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