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There is an intense search for longevity genes in both animal models and humans. Human family studies have indicated that a modest amount of the overall variation in adult lifespan (approximately 20–30%) is accounted for by genetic factors. But it is not known if genetic factors become increasingly important for survival at the oldest ages. We study the genetic influence on human lifespan and how it varies with age using the almost extinct cohorts of Danish, Finnish and Swedish twins born between 1870 and 1910 comprising 20,502 individuals followed until 2003–2004. We first estimate mean lifespan of twins by lifespan of co-twin and then turn to the relative recurrence risk of surviving to a given age. Mean lifespan for male monozygotic (MZ) twins increases 0.39 [95% CI (0.28, 0.50)] years for every year his co-twin survives past age 60 years. This rate is significantly greater than the rate of 0.21 (0.11, 0.30) for dizygotic (DZ) males. Females and males have similar rates and these are negligible before age 60 for both MZ and DZ pairs. We moreover find that having a co-twin surviving to old ages substantially and significantly increases the chance of reaching the same old age and this chance is higher for MZ than for DZ twins. The relative recurrence risk of reaching age 92 is 4.8 (2.2, 7.5) for MZ males, which is significantly greater than the 1.8 (0.10, 3.4) for DZ males. The patterns for females and males are very similar, but with a shift of the female pattern with age that corresponds to the better female survival. Similar results arise when considering only those Nordic twins that survived past 75 years of age. The present large population based study shows genetic influence on human lifespan. While the estimated overall strength of genetic influence is compatible with previous studies, we find that genetic influences on lifespan are minimal prior to age 60 but increase thereafter. These findings provide a support for the search for genes affecting longevity in humans, especially at advanced ages.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that twinning may influence handedness through the effects of birth order, intra-uterine crowding and mirror imaging. The influence of these effects on handedness (for writing and throwing) was examined in 3657 Monozygotic (MZ) and 3762 Dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs (born 1893-1992). Maximum likelihood analyses revealed no effects of birth order on the incidence of left-handedness. Twins were no more likely to be left-handed than their singleton siblings (n = 1757), and there were no differences between the DZ co-twin and sibling-twin covariances, suggesting that neither intra-uterine crowding nor the experience of being a twin affects handedness. There was no evidence of mirror imaging; the co-twin correlations of monochorionic and dichorionic MZ twins did not differ. Univariate genetic analyses revealed common environmental factors to be the most parsimonious explanation of familial aggregation for the writing-hand measure, while additive genetic influences provided a better interpretation of the throwing hand data.  相似文献   

A K Foy  P Vernon  K Jang 《Twin research》2001,4(6):443-452
While it is widely assumed that twinsh p involves high levels of intimacy to the detriment of other relationships, an examination of twinship using measures of intimacy has not yet been conducted. Participants were 214 individua twins (128 MZ, 62 DZ same-sex, and 24 DZ mixed-sex) between 16-73 years of age. Twins completed measures of intimacy in reference to their co-twin, their closest same-sex friend, and their closest other-sex friend. As expected, the highest level of intimacy was reported for the co-twin. Contrary to expectation, MZ twins did not report significantly higher levels of intimacy with their co-twin, or significantly lower levels of intimacy with their closest friends when compared to DZ same-sex or DZ mixed-sex twins. Furthermore, twins who reported high levels of intimacy with their co-twin did not report significantly lower levels of intimacy with their closest friends. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


This study examines the responses of mothers of twin girls about similarities and differences of their monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins. After these measures had been completed and scored, the investigator obtained zygosity diagnoses of the twins made by extensive blood‐group analyses. Of the 61 pairs of twins, 11 were misclassified by their mothers. Despite these mothers’ erroneous beliefs about the zygosity of their twins, they described the twins as having similarities and differences appropriate to their true degree of genetic relatedness.  相似文献   

Models are presented for the analysis of longitudinal data from same-age twins which permit the exploration of a remarkably diverse array of alternative explanations for continuity and change during development. Data of this type permit the detection of new sources of genetic or environmental covariation during development that are not expressed at earlier ages and, because they include the effects of age-specific genes, the resulting heritability estimates are more reliable than those obtained from relatives who differ in age. The proposed models were applied to measurements of HDL cholesterol obtained on 81 pairs of monozygotic (MZ) twins and 69 dizygotic (DZ) pairs at 11, 12.5 and 14 years of age. All three MZ co-twin correlations were substantially higher than the self correlations across occasions, suggesting that new sources of genetic or environmental covariation must be expressed during early adolescence. This interpretation was confirmed by analysis of the full covariance matrices which showed that only models which assumed the expression of new or age-specific genes could explain the observed pattern of covariation. Because they include the effects of age-specific genes, the resulting heritabilities (0.80-0.83) were substantially higher than many previous estimates.  相似文献   

Fourier analysis of facial profiles of young twins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twins studies provide a powerful approach to determining the relative contribution of genetics and environment to observed variation. Such studies assume trait differences in monozygous (MZ) twins are due to environmental factors and those in dizygous (DZ) twins are due to both genetic and environmental factors. This study quantitated facial profiles of twins using Fourier equations, determining their value in profile analysis and the assessment of the genetic contribution to facial shape. Standardized profile slide photographs of 79 pairs of 4-6 year-old twins (37 MZ pairs, 42 DZ pairs) were scanned and x and y coordinates were extracted from each profile using sellion and Camper's plane as references. The coordinates were subjected to Fourier analysis and the normalised vertex projection coefficients were studied. The means of the differences between coefficients for MZ co-twins did not differ significantly from that of DZ co-twins, although the DZ group showed higher mean differences in the higher harmonics. Subjective examination of superimposed reconstructions showed wider variation between DZ co-twins than MZ co-twins. Correct classification of twins by discriminant function analysis using Fourier coefficients was similar for both groups (MZ: 70.3%; DZ: 73.8%). Fourier analysis could quantitate facial profiles of young children and differentiate some details, but was unable to discriminate between genetic and environmental influences, and any possible interactions between these influences, on their overall facial profiles at this developmental stage.  相似文献   

Lp(a) is a unique lipoprotein consisting of an LDL-like particle and a characteristic protein, apo(a). Increased levels of Lp(a) constitute a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Variation in the size of the apo(a) protein is a phenotype controlled by the apo(a) gene on chromosome 6 and is related to Lp(a) plasma levels. Based on 169 MZ and 125 DZ adult female twin pairs, this study's purpose was to estimate the proportion of the variation in Lp(a) levels that is due to genetic influences and to determine the extent to which the apo(a) locus explains this heritability. Lp(a) levels were significantly more similar in MZ twins than in DZ twins: mean co-twin differences were 3.9 +/- 5.7 mg/dl and 16.0 +/- 19.9 mg/dl (P less than .001), respectively. Intraclass correlations were .94 in MZ twins and .32 in DZ twins, resulting in a heritability estimate of .94 (P less than .001). Heritability was then calculated using only co-twins with the same apo(a) phenotype: the heritability estimate decreased to .45 but was still highly significant (P less than .001). Therefore, on the basis of heritability analysis of women twins, Lp(a) levels are almost entirely genetically controlled. Variation at the apo(a) locus contributes to this heritability, although other genetic factors could be involved.  相似文献   

Since each individual produced by the sexual process contains a unique set of genes, very exceptional combinations of genes are unlikely to appear twice even within the same family. E. O. Wilson (1978)The intraclass correlations of monozygotic twins who were separated in infancy and reared apart (MZA twins) provide estimates of trait heritability, and the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart [MISTRA: Bouchard et al. (1990), The sources of human psychological differences: the Minnesota study of twins reared apart, Science 250, 223-228] has demonstrated that MZA pairs are as similar in most respects as MZ pairs reared together. Some polygenic traits--e.g. stature, IQ, harm avoidance, negative emotionality, interest in sports--are polygenic-additive, so pairs of relatives resemble one another on the given trait in proportion to their genetic similarity. But the existence and the intensity of other important psychological traits seem to be emergent properties of gene configurations (or configurations of independent and partially genetic traits) that interact multiplicatively rather than additively. Monozygotic (MZ) twins may be strongly correlated on such emergenic traits, while the similarity of dizygotic (DZ) twins, sibs or parent-offspring pairs may be much less than half that of MZ pairs. Some emergenic traits, although strongly genetic, do not appear to run in families. MISTRA has provided at least two examples of traits for which MZA twins are strongly correlated, and DZA pairs correlate near zero, while DZ pairs reared together (DZTs) are about half as similar as MZTs. These findings suggest that even more traits may be emergenic than those already identified. Studies of adoptees reared together (who are perhaps more common than twins reared apart) may help to identify traits that are emergenic, but that also are influenced by a common rearing environment.  相似文献   

The estimation of genetic effects from twin studies usually relies upon the equal environment assumption--that monozygous (MZ) and dizygous (DZ) twin pairs experience equal similarity of their environments from prenatal experiences through adulthood. However, the sharing of a chorion may make a subset of identical twins more similar, or in some cases, more different, than twins that do not share a chorion. Recent studies suggest monochorionic MZ twins resemble one another more than dichorionic MZ twins in cognitive abilities, personality, and risk for psychiatric disorder. To the extent that prenatal environment affects these characteristics, the traditional twin method will yield biased estimates of genetic and environmental influences. We develop models for quantifying this bias and estimating the influence of chorion type on estimates of heritability.  相似文献   

The classical twin method was used to examine the genotype--phenotype relationship in color vision. Suprathreshold color differences were assessed by 5 pairs of monozygotic (MZ) and 3 pairs of dizygotic (DZ) twins. The control group included 3 unrelated normal trichromats, a non-twin sibling pair, and a previously diagnosed deuteranomal. Concordance rates were calculated by Spearman's correlation coefficients (rs) and Procrustean distances (gl) between the reconstructed color spaces for each related pair of observers. For 4 pairs of the MZ twins, the rs values were comparable to intraindividual variability in the control normal trichromat; they were significantly higher (0.94-0.97) than those for the DZ twins and siblings (0.72-0.82). The gl values for the MZ twins (0.008-0.029) were lower than for the DZ twins (0.073-0.079) and siblings (0.053). The high concordance between each pair of the MZ twins suggests that their shared photopigment genome constrains a contribution of possible individual variations in nongenetic factors to variability of their color spaces. Lower concordance rates in the DZ twins and siblings can be attributed to differences in the inherited arrays of photopigment genes. Contributions to intrapair variation in color spaces of twins from cognitive factors such as perceptual-cognitive color categorization and decision-process variability are discussed.  相似文献   

The East Flanders Prospective Twin Survey (EFPTS), started in 1964, is unique among the 17 major European twin registers because it is population based, the twins (and higher order births) are ascertained at birth, basic perinatal data are collected, chorion type is established and, when appropriate, genetic markers including DNA fingerprints, are determined. The total number of sets is 5089 twin, 158 triplet and 14 of higher order. Zygosity has been diagnosed on the basis of sex, placental structure and genetic markers in more than 95% of pairs. The EFPTS is the only large register that includes placental data and allows differentiation of three subtypes of monozygotic twins based on the time of the initial zygotic division: the dichorionic-diamnionic pairs (early), the monochorionic-diamnionic pairs (intermediate), and the monochorionic-monoamnionic pairs (late). Methodology and basic results in twins are considered in this article; detailed studies will be reported later. The sex proportion in dizygotic (DZ) twins is the same as in singletons, whereas monozygotic (MZ) twins number more girls than boys. The difference in perinatal mortality between DZ and MZ twins is limited to the monochorionic MZ subgroup. Birth weight is highest in DZ twins and diminishes stepwise in MZ dichorionic and MZ monochorionic twins. Duration of pregnancy follows the same trend but is limited to a few days. Iatrogenic pregnancies are increasing to the point of representing almost 50% of the twin births in 1997.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the hypothesis that monozygotic (MZ) twins in historical databases are less discordant for birth weight due to negative selection of severely discordant MZ twins. Furthermore, we test the hypothesis that MZ twins are less discordant for birth weight when comparing a volunteer based twin registry with a population based twin registry, due to selective registration. Data were available on 3927 twin pairs from the volunteer Australian Twin Registry born before 1964, 3059 volunteer twin pairs from the Netherlands Twin Register born 1987-1989 and 454 Belgian twin pairs from The East Flanders Prospective Twin Survey born 1987-1989. Intrapair relative birth weight differences (RBWD) were computed for MZ and dizygotic (DZ) twins from each twin registry. Comparing birth weight differences between MZ and DZ twins provides support for the hypothesis that MZ twins are subject to a negative selection in historical databases. Furthermore, Australian MZ twins have a lower RBWD compared to Dutch MZ twins when corrected for the RBWD of Australian and Dutch DZ twins, indicating circumstances which only affect MZ twins. Our hypothesis that MZ twins are less discordant for birth weight in a volunteer based twin registry compared to a population based twin registry had to be rejected. We suggest that investigators using historical databases to test the fetal origins hypothesis should be aware of this increased likelihood of selective exclusion of individuals with extreme morphometric parameters at time of birth.  相似文献   

Guo SW 《Human heredity》2001,51(3):121-132
It is widely regarded that twins can be used as a natural experiment to subject hypotheses to empirical testing regarding the contributions of genetic factors to phenotypic variability in human traits, especially behavioral traits. In genetic epidemiology, a higher concordance rate in monozygotic (MZ) twins than in dizygotic (DZ) twins is often taken as prima facie evidence for a genetic component. While twins studies have been used to estimate the contributions of genetic factors to phenotypic variability in human traits, the corresponding methodology that allows the estimation entails several crucial assumptions. The most critical is that MZ and DZ twins are equally similar environmentally. Although MZ twins are genetically more similar than DZ twins, they are often environmentally more similar. This paper demonstrates that, even in the complete absence of any genetic factor and of any biases, the greater environmental similarity alone in MZ twins can result in higher concordance rate in MZ twins than in DZ twins. This is especially true when there are multiple environmental factors, which may have multiple exposure levels and/or interact strongly, although each of them may be of low risk. This may serve as a sobering antidote to the uncritical reliance on twin studies without examining the validity of the underlying assumptions.  相似文献   

Summary Logarithmic proliferation rate (Days 1 to 6) of gingival fibroblasts derived from 15 pairs of monozygotic (MZ) and 9 pairs of dizygotic (DZ) human twins was compared under optimal and suboptimal growth conditions. Cell proliferation rates exhibited considerable variability among strains. For Caucasian donors (13 MZ, 6 DZ pairs) DZ twins demonstrated significantly greater (P<0.01) within-pair variance in cell proliferation rate compared to MZ twins when evaluated under optimal growth conditions. Heritability analysis indicated strong genetic control of proliferation rate of human gingival fibroblasts (HGF) under optimal growth conditions (1.0±0.67), whereas proliferation rate of HGF under suboptimal growth conditions revealed less genetic control (0.42±0.61). These findings emphasize the importance of carefully matching control and test HGF in assays dependent on cellular proliferation. This work was supported by grants DE-06671 and DE-07841 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Twin studies of BMI on the basis of Asian twins are extremely rare. Eight hundred eighty-eight pairs of twins [279 monozygotic (MZ) and 82 dizygotic (DZ) pairs of male twins, 319 MZ and 82 DZ pairs of female twins, and 126 opposite-sex pairs of DZ twins] completed items concerning height and weight through a mail and a telephone survey. A general sex-limitation model was applied to the data. Heritability estimate was greater among women than among men. However, there was little evidence of sex-specific genes. Under the best-fitting model, additive genetic variances were 82% [95% confidence interval (CI): 72% to 95%] for men and 87% (95% CI: 77% to 99%) for women; shared environmental variances were negligible in both men and women. These estimates of genetic and environmental factors in BMI found among South Korean adolescent twins were broadly in the range of those reported in previous studies of BMI based on Western twin samples.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate how much of an individual's appreciation of humour is influenced by genetic factors, the shared environment or the individual's unique environment. A population-based classical twin study of 127 pairs of female twins (71 monozygous (MZ) and 56 dizygous (DZ) pairs) aged 20-75 from the St Thomas' UK Adult Twin Registry elicited responses to five 'Far Side' Larson cartoons on a scale of 0-10. Within both MZ and DZ twin pairs, the tetrachoric correlations of responses to all five cartoons were significantly greater than zero. Furthermore, the correlations for MZ and DZ twins were of similar magnitude and in some cases the DZ correlation was greater than that of the MZ twins. This pattern of correlations suggests that shared environment rather then genetic effects contributes to cartoon appreciation. Multivariate model-fitting confirmed that these data were best explained by a model that allowed for the contribution of the shared environment and random environmental factors, but not genetic effects. However, there did not appear to be a general humour factor underlying responses to all five cartoons and no effect of age was seen. The shared environment, rather than genetic factors, explains the familial aggregation of humour appreciation as assessed by the specific 'off the wall' cognitive type of cartoons used in this study.  相似文献   

An adverse intra-uterine environment has been associated with abdominal fat distribution in singletons. Twins often have a low birth weight and a short gestation. Therefore, they may have an increased risk to develop abdominal obesity. Furthermore, monozygotic monochorionic twins (MZ MC) have a larger intra-pair birth weight difference compared to monozygotic dichorionic twins (MZ DC). If adult anthropometry is programmed in utero, this may affect the intra-pair correlations in adulthood and, consequently, also the results from the classic twin method to estimate genetic and environmental influences. In the present study, we compared the absolute values, the intra-pair differences, and the intra-pair correlations of body mass, height, BMI, and abdominal fat distribution of 424 MZ MC, MZ DC and dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs (aged 18-34 yrs). DZ, MZ DC and MZ MC twins did not differ for most anthropometric characteristics. Only MZ women tended (p = 0.03) to accumulate more abdominal fat compared to DZ twins. Overall, the contribution of zygosity and chorion type to adult anthropometry was rather low (< or = 1.7%). Although the intra-pair birth weight difference of MZ MC pairs (10.5% in men, 12.3% in women) was significantly larger compared to that of MZ DC pairs (6.9% and 9.2% resp.), the intra-pair differences in adult anthropometry were similar for both MZ twin types. Also the intra-pair correlations of MZ MC and MZ DC pairs were strikingly alike, suggesting no significant influence of the prenatal environment on adult concordance. In conclusion, the substantial difference in the prenatal environment of MZ MC and MZ DC twins did not result in a difference in intra-pair concordance of adult anthropometry and fat distribution. Therefore, we suggest that the chorion type of MZ twins does not bias the twin design and the estimation of the genetic contribution to adult anthropometry.  相似文献   

Sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and restless legs syndrome (RLS), are very common. The relative importance of genetic and nongenetic (environmental) influences on the symptomatology of these conditions has not been well studied. This study uses the twin design to examine this by evaluating OSA and RLS symptoms in monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins. Six thousand six hundred unselected female twin pairs, identified from a national volunteer twin register, were asked to complete a medical questionnaire. This questionnaire included questions on OSA and RLS symptoms, as well as questions on subject demographics, past medical history, smoking history and menopausal status. Responses were obtained from 4503 individuals (68% response rate). A total of 1937 twin pairs were evaluable: 933 MZ pairs (mean [range] age 51 [20-76] years) and 1004 DZ pairs (age 51 [20-80] years). Concordance rates were higher for MZ than DZ twins for OSA and RLS symptoms. Multifactorial liability threshold modeling suggests that additive genetic effects combined with unique environmental factors provide the best model for OSA and RLS symptoms. Heritability was estimated to be 52% (95% confidence interval 36% to 68%) for disruptive snoring, 48% (37% to 58%) for daytime sleepiness, 54% (44% to 63%) for restless legs, and 60% (51% to 69%) for legs jerking. These estimates dropped only slightly after adjustment for potential confounding influences on the symptoms of snoring and daytime sleepiness. These results suggest a substantial genetic contribution to the symptomatology of OSA and RLS. More research is needed to identify the genes responsible, and may ultimately lead to new therapies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish prevalence of hypodontia in the twin sample and to assess the degree of its heritability. A study was performed in a sample of 96 twin pairs, 38 pairs being monozygotic (MZ) and 58 pairs dizygotic (DZ), from north-west Croatia. The sample included 25.82% of all twins born in the region during a ten-year period. The twin zygosity was determined according to the WHO recommendations (1996). A revised Holzinger's index (Hc') according to Allen was applied to calculate the degree of heritability. Hypodontia was found in 22 out of the total of 192 twins analyzed (11.5%). Among 96 pairs of twins, hypodontia was observed in 17 pairs (7 MZ and 10 DZ pairs). Among the MZ, 4 pairs were found to be concordant for hypodontia, among the DZ one pair only. The heritability index was 0825. A prevalence of hypodontia in twins observed in this study is significantly higher than in the general population. A high index of heritability (Hc' = 0.825) points to a high genetic determination.  相似文献   

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