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Leishmania donovani are the causative agents of kala azar in humans. These organisms cycle between the proline-rich environment of the sand fly vector (extracellular promastigotes) and the sugar-rich condition in the mammalian host (intracellular amastigotes). Parasites have adapted to these extreme changes in proline concentrations: promastigotes utilize proline as a carbon source, whereas amastigotes utilize sugars and fatty acids. Previous studies have suggested that promastigotes and amastigotes express distinct proline transporters. However, the information available on these transporters is limited. In this work, proline transport was investigated in axenic L. donovani cultures. Three transport systems were identified: cation-dependent and -independent proline transporters in promastigotes (systems A and B, respectively) and a single cation-independent transporter in amastigotes (system C). Systems A and C have broad specificity to almost all amino acids and obtain optimum activity at acidic pH ranges (pH 6 and 5, respectively). System B is more specific to proline, as it is inhibited by only five amino acids. Temperature response analyses indicated that the transporters of both promastigotes and amastigotes perform best at 37 degrees C. The activity of system A during parasite differentiation was assessed. The transport activity of system A disappeared 3 days after promastigotes were induced to differentiate into amastigotes. In these cells, elevated temperature and acidic pH each suppressed the activity of system A. When amastigotes were induced to differentiate back into promastigotes, system A resumed its activity 24 h after differentiation was initiated. In conclusion, L. donovani obtain proline transport systems that are stage specific, regulated by both pH and temperature. This paper constitutes the first investigation of amino acid transport in axenic L. donovani.  相似文献   

Within the mammalian host, Leishmania donovani is an obligatory intracellular protozoan that resides and multiplies exclusively in the phagolysosomes of macrophages. The outcome of this infection is governed by the interaction between Leishmania and macrophage molecules that ultimately effect the expression of genes within both cells. To explore the effect of this intracellular infection on macrophage gene expression, a cDNA expression array analysis was performed to compare gene expression profiles in noninfected and L. donovani-infected macrophages. In this manner, it was possible to examine the effect of infection on the expression of several hundred well-characterized host cell genes in an unbiased manner. Interestingly, approximately 40% of the genes whose expression was detected in macrophages were down-regulated during infection with L. donovani. However, several genes were also induced during the infection process, some of which could play a role in recruitment of additional macrophages to the site of infection. Taken together, the general suppression of gene expression in addition to the selective induction of key genes is likely to play an important role in allowing the parasite to survive and proliferate within its host macrophage cell.  相似文献   

Xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (XPRT) from Leishmania donovani is a unique enzyme that lacks a mammalian counterpart and is, therefore, a potential target for antiparasitic therapy. To investigate the enzyme at the molecular and biochemical level, a cDNA encoding the L. donovani XPRT was isolated by functional complementation of a purine auxotroph of Escherichia coli that also harbors deficiencies in the prokaryotic phosphoribosyltransferase (PRT) activities. The cDNA was then used to isolate the XPRT genomic clone. XPRT encodes a 241-amino acid protein exhibiting approximately 33% amino acid identity with the L. donovani hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) and significant homology with other HGPRT family members. Southern blot analysis revealed that XPRT was a single copy gene that co-localized with HGPRT within a 4.3-kilobase pair (kb) EcoRI fragment, implying that the two genes arose as a result of an ancestral duplication event. Sequencing of this EcoRI fragment confirmed that HGPRT and XPRT were organized in a head-to-tail arrangement separated by an approximately 2.2-kb intergenic region. Both the 3.2-kb XPRT mRNA and XPRT enzyme were significantly up-regulated in Deltahgprt and Deltahgprt/Deltaaprt L. donovani mutants. Genetic obliteration of the XPRT locus by targeted gene replacement indicated that XPRT was not an essential gene under most conditions and that the Deltaxprt null strain was competent of salvaging all purines except xanthine. XPRT was overexpressed in E. coli and the recombinant protein purified to homogeneity. Kinetic analysis revealed that the XPRT preferentially phosphoribosylated xanthine but could also recognize hypoxanthine and guanine. K(m) values of 7.1, 448.0, and >100 microM and k(cat) values of 3.5, 2.6, and approximately 0.003 s(-1) were calculated for xanthine, hypoxanthine, and guanine, respectively. The XPRT gene and XPRT protein provide the requisite molecular and biochemical reagents for subsequent studies to validate XPRT as a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) catalyzes the inter conversion of serine and tetrahydrofolate (H(4)-folate) to form glycine and 5,10-methylene H(4)-folate and generates one-carbon fragments for the synthesis of nucleotides, methionine, thymidylate, choline, etc. In spite of being an indispensable enzyme of the thymidylate cycle, SHMT in Leishmania donovani remains uncharacterized. The study of L. donovani SHMT (ldSHMT) becomes important as this gene is preferentially expressed in the amastigote stage of parasite, which resides in human macrophages. Here we report cloning, expression and purification of a catalytically active ldSHMT. The homogeneity of recombinant protein was analyzed by denaturing gel electrophoresis and protein was found to be 95% pure having yield of 1mg/l. The recombinant protein is a tetramer of 216kDa as evidenced by gel filtration chromatography and uses serine and tetrahydrofolate as substrates with Km of 1.6 and 2.4mM, respectively. Further biochemical studies revealed that pH optimum of ldSHMT is 7.8 and enzyme is thermally stable up to 45 degrees C. ldSHMT was found sensitive towards denaturants as manifested by loss of enzyme activity at the concentration of 1M urea or 0.25M guanidine hydrochloride. This is the first report of purification and characterization of recombinant SHMT from any protozoan source. Studies on recombinant ldSHMT will help in evaluating this enzyme as potential drug target.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the Leishmania donovani medRNA gene.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Genetic analysis of nucleoside transport in Leishmania donovani.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Genetic dissection of nucleoside transport in Leishmania donovani indicates that the insect vector form of these parasites possesses two biochemically distinct nucleoside transport systems. The first transports inosine, guanosine, and formycin B, and the second transports pyrimidine nucleosides and the adenosine analogs, formycin A and tubercidin. Adenosine is transported by both systems. A mutant, FBD5, isolated by virtue of its resistance to growth inhibition by 5 microM formycin B, cannot efficiently transport inosine, guanosine, or formycin B. This cell line is also cross-resistant to growth inhibition by a spectrum of cytotoxic analogs of inosine and guanosine. A second parasite mutant, TUBA5, isolated for its resistance to 20 microM tubercidin, cannot take up from the culture medium radiolabeled tubercidin, formycin A, uridine, cytidine, or thymidine. Both the FBD5 and the TUBA5 cell lines have about a 50% reduced capacity to take up adenosine, indicating that adenosine is transported by both systems. A tubercidin-resistant clonal derivative of FBD5, FBD5-TUB, has acquired the combined biochemical phenotype of each single mutant. The wild-type and mutant cell lines transport purine bases and uracil with equal efficiency. Mutational analysis of the relative growth sensitivities to cytotoxic nucleoside analogs and the selective capacities to take up exogenous radiolabeled nucleosides from the culture medium have enabled us to define genetically the multiplicity and substrate specificities of the nucleoside transport systems in L. donovani promastigotes.  相似文献   

The methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT; EC mediated synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) is a two-step process, consisting of the formation of AdoMet and the subsequent cleavage of the tripolyphosphate (PPPi) molecule, a reaction induced, in turn, by AdoMet. The fact that the two activities--AdoMet synthesis and tripolyphosphate hydrolysis--can be measured separately is particularly useful when the site-directed mutagenesis approach is used to determine the functional role of the amino acid residues involved in each. This report describes the mutational analysis of the amino acids involved in both the ATP and L-methionine binding sites of Leishmania donovani MAT (GenBank accession number AF179714) the aetiological agent of visceral leishmaniasis. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to substitute neutral residues for the basic amino acid (Lys168, Lys256, Lys276, Lys280 and His17), acidic residues (Asp19, Asp121, Asp166, Asp249, Asp277 and Asp288) and Phe241 involved in AdoMet synthesis and PPPi hydrolysis. With the exception of D116N, none of these mutants was able to synthesize AdoMet at a significant rate, although H17A, H17N, K256A, K280A, D19N, D121N, D166N, D249N and D282N showed measurable tripolyphosphatase activity. Finally, the C-terminus domain of L. donovani MAT was truncated at three points (F382Stop, D375Stop, F368Stop), deleting a 3(10) one-turn helix motif in all three cases. Whilst none of the truncated proteins conserved MAT activity, they were able to hydrolyse PPPi, albeit at a lower rate than the wild-type enzyme. A fourth protein with an internal deletion (E376DeltaF382) in the C-terminal domain conserved high tripolyphosphatase activity, which was not, however, induced by 50 microM AdoMet.  相似文献   

The LD1 locus is a 27.5-kb region of chromosome 35 that is conserved among all species of Leishmania and is amplified in several different isolates. Here, we report the genomic distribution of ORFF, a gene from the LD1 region, and its expression at the RNA and protein levels in two Indian isolates of Leishmania donovani. In both of these isolates, ORFF was present as a single copy on chromosome 35. Densitometric analysis of ORFF mRNA abundance revealed relative abundance of 0.2 and 1.0 in AG83 and S-Lal, respectively. Antiserum against recombinant ORFF protein detected a protein of the predicted size ( approximately 34 kDa) in both strains. The protein is most abundant in mid-log-phase promastigotes and has a nuclear localization. The ORFF protein is preferentially expressed in L. donovani amastigotes but, in contrast, is expressed at higher levels in L. major promastigotes.  相似文献   

In addition to utilizing glycosylated phosphatidylinositols (GPIs) as anchors for surface proteins, protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania synthesize two novel classes of GPI: the polydisperse lipophosphoglycans (LPGs) and a family of low molecular weight glycoinositol phospholipids (GIPLs). We now show that LPG is expressed in high copy number (6 x 10(6) molecules/cell) in the promastigote (insect) stage of L. donovani but not in the amastigote stage, which infects mammalian macrophages. Detection of these molecules was by gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analyses and by a sensitive radiolabeling procedure. In contrast, a novel family of GIPLs was present in high copy number (approximately 10(7) molecules/cell) in both promastigote and amastigote stages of L. donovani. These glycolipids were purified and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, methylation analysis, and by chemical and enzymatic sequencing after deamination and NaB3H4 reduction. Promastigotes contained three major GIPLs species with the following generalized structure [formula: see text] where R = H for isoM2, Man alpha 1- for isoM3 or Man alpha 1-2Man alpha 1- for isoM4. Amastigotes contained two major GIPL species that lacked the alpha 1-3-linked mannose branch and had the linear structures Man alpha 1-6Man alpha 1-4GlcN (M2) and Man alpha 1-2Man alpha 1-6Man alpha 1-4GlcN (M3) linked to alkylacyl-PI. The 1-O-alkyl-2-acyl-PI moieties of all these species contained predominantly C18:0 alkyl chains and C16:0 or C18:0 fatty acids. Amastigotes contained, in addition, a GalNAc beta 1-3 terminating glycosphingolipid with homology to the mammalian para Forssman glycolipid. This glycolipid appeared to be a constituent of the parasite membrane but was not metabolically labeled with [3H]glucose, suggesting that it was acquired from host cells. These results suggest that LPG may not be required for amastigote survival in the mammalian host and that the GIPLs are likely to be major components on the surface membrane in both stages.  相似文献   

cDNA cloning and differential gene expression of three catalases in pumpkin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Three cDNA clones (cat1, cat2, cat3) for catalase (EC were isolated from a cDNA library of pumpkin (Cucurbita sp.) cotyledons. In northern blotting using the cDNA-specific probe, the cat1 mRNA levels were high in seeds and early seedlings of pumpkin. The expression pattern of cat1 was similar to that of malate synthase, a characteristic enzyme of glyoxysomes. These data suggest that cat1 might encode a catalase associated with glyoxysomal functions. Furthermore, immunocytochemical analysis using cat1-specific anti-peptide antibody directly showed that cat1 encoding catalase is located in glyoxysomes. The cat2 mRNA was present at high levels in green cotyledons, mature leaf, stem and green hypocotyl of light-grown pumpkin plant, and correlated with chlorophyll content in the tissues. The tissue-specific expression of cat2 had a strong resemblance to that of glycolate oxidase, a characteristic enzyme of leaf peroxisomes. During germination of pumpkin seeds, cat2 mRNA levels increased in response to light, although the increase in cat2 mRNA by light was less than that of glycolate oxidase. cat3 mRNA was abundant in green cotyledons, etiolated cotyledons, green hypocotyl and root, but not in young leaf. cat3 mRNA expression was not dependent on light, but was constitutive in mature tissues. Interestingly, cat1 mRNA levels increased during senescence of pumpkin cotyledons, whereas cat2 and cat3 mRNAs disappeared during senescence, suggesting that cat1 encoding catalase may be involved in the senescence process. Thus, in pumpkin, three catalase genes are differentially regulated and may exhibit different functions.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which promastigotes of Leismania donovani enter hamster peritoneal macrophages was studied in vitro by light and electron microscopy. Quantitative light microscope studies showed a time-dependent increase of intracellular parasites, which had no preferable orientation during entry. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed striking host-parasite surface interactions marked by the formation of whorled pseudopodia around the promastigotes in the early stage and engulfment of the parasites akin to normal phagocytosis in the later phase. Early host-parasite interactions were categorized quantitatively by scanning electron microscopy into several types, of which “head-first entry” and “tail-first entry” were approximately equal in frequency of occurrence, confirming light microscope observations. Cytochalasin B at 10 μg/ml prevented the intracellular entry of the parasites and the formation of macrophage-originated pseudopodia normally seen to seize the promastigotes. Killed, but morphologically intact, promastigotes were poorly taken up by macrophages and lacked certain types of interactions normally encountered with macrophage pseudopodia. Motility of promastigotes and their affinity to the surface of macrophages are suggested as elements of importance which parasites contribute to aid the process of their entry. The above results indicate that promastigotes of L. donovani depend on phagocytic activity of macrophages to gain intracellular entrance, but parasite-specific activities and/or properties may also play a role. It is suggested that “facilitated phagocytosis” may be used to describe this unique type of endocytosis associated with leishmania-macrophage interactions.  相似文献   

It was shown in an investigation of the phosphofructokinases of Leishmania donovani and Leishmania braziliensis that both enzymes are similar to that of Crithidia fasciculata. Although the enzymes are allosteric with respect to their substrates and require AMP for activation, there is no influence by other heterotropic modifiers. The Mg2+-ATP chelate activates these enzymes in a first order process and they can be inhibited by free ATP. The inhibition is reversed by the activator, AMP, in a competitive manner. The requirement for the nucleotide in L. donovani can be eliminated by decreasing the pH. The data indicate that phosphofructokinase, a pivotal enzyme in glycolysis for most organisms, probably does not play an important role in glycolysis in Leishmania.  相似文献   

Following transmission to the vertebrate host, the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani differentiates into the pathogenic amastigote stage that is adapted for intracellular survival. This developmental transition is induced by environmental factors including elevated temperature and acidic pH and is likely transduced by signaling cascades involving protein kinases and their downstream phosphoprotein substrates. These signaling networks are highly adapted to the specific nutritional and physiological requirements of the organism and thus studying Leishmania phosphorylation may allow important insight into the parasite-specific biology. We used a gel-based approach to investigate qualitative and quantitative changes of the phosphoproteome of the major L. donovani life cycle stages. Phosphoproteins were purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC), separated by IEF and SDS-PAGE using pH 4-7 IPG immobiline strips, revealed by fluorescent multiplex staining, and identified by MALDI-MS and MS/MS. Our analysis allowed us to establish a first repertoire of the Leishmania phosphoproteome and to identify phosphoproteins implicated in stress- and heat shock response, RNA/protein turnover, metabolism, and signaling.  相似文献   

Expression of an unusual acidic glycoconjugate in Leishmania donovani   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
An acidic glycoconjugate containing mannose, galactose and phosphate in approximately equimolar amounts was extracted from Leishmania donovani promastigotes and partially characterized. The glycoconjugate could be metabolically labeled with either [3H]mannose or [3H]galactose and was extractable from a delipidated residue fraction with water/ethanol/diethyl ether/pyridine/concentrated NH4OH (15:15:5:1:0.017) at 25 degrees C. The radioactively labeled glycoconjugate was found to possess the following characteristics: 1) comprised 45-60% of the total [3H]mannose label incorporated into macromolecules; 2) was soluble in alkaline solvents and 0.5% Triton X-100; 3) migrated as a broad band upon electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels with an approximate molecular weight of 15,000-30,000; 4) bound to DE52 cellulose and was eluted with a salt gradient of 0-0.1 M NaCl; 5) was insensitive to Pronase, hyaluronidase, chondroitinase, endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H, and endo-beta-galactosidase; and 6) possessed hydrophobic properties. An unusual feature of the glycoconjugate was its lability to mild acid hydrolysis (0.02 N HCl, 15 min, 60 degrees C). As determined by alkaline phosphatase and glycosidase digestion and paper chromatographic analysis, the major fragment generated by mild acid hydrolysis was found to be a phosphorylated galactosyl-beta-mannose disaccharide. All of these characteristics suggest that the glycoconjugate may be a polysaccharide and, possibly, may be important in parasite-host cell interactions.  相似文献   

The desert gerbil Psammomys obesus, an established model of type 2 diabetes (T2D), has previously been shown to lack pancreatic and duodenal homeobox gene 1 (Pdx-1) expression. Pdx-1 deficiency leads to pancreas agenesis in both mice and humans. We have therefore further examined the pancreas of P. obesus during embryonic development. Using Pdx-1 antisera raised against evolutionary conserved epitopes, we failed to detect Pdx-1 immunoreactivity at any time points. However, at E14.5, Nkx6.1 immunoreactivity marks the nuclei of all epithelial cells of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds and the only endocrine cell types found at this time point are glucagon and PYY. At E18.5 the pancreas is well branched and both glucagon- and ghrelin-positive cells are scattered or found in clusters, whereas insulin-positive cells are not found. At E22.5, the acini of the exocrine pancreas are starting to mature, and amylase and carboxypeptidase A immunoreactivity is found scattered and not in all acini. Ghrelin-, glucagon-, PYY-, gastrin-, somatostatin (SS)-, pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-, and insulin-immunoreactive cells are found scattered or in small groups within or lining the developing ductal epithelium as marked by cytokeratin 19. Using degenerate PCR, the P. obesus Neurogenin-3 (Ngn-3) gene was cloned. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences show high homology with known Ngn-3 sequences. Using specific antiserum, we can observe that Ngn-3-immunoreactive cells are rare at E14.5 but readily detectable at E18.5 and E22.5. In conclusion, despite the lack of detection of Pdx-1, the P. obesus pancreas develops similarly to Muridae species, and the Ngn-3 sequence and expression pattern is highly conserved in P. obesus.  相似文献   

Gene expression profiling is increasingly used in the field of infectious diseases for characterization of host, pathogen and the nature of their interaction. The purpose of this study was to develop a robust, standardized method for comparative expression profiling and molecular characterization of Leishmania donovani clinical isolates. The limitations and possibilities associated with expression profiling in intracellular amastigotes and promastigotes were assessed through a series of comparative experiments in which technical and biological parameters were scrutinized. On a technical level, our results show that it is essential to use parasite harvesting procedures that involve minimal disturbance of the parasite's environment in order to 'freeze' gene expression levels instantly; this is particularly a delicate task for intracellular amastigotes and for specific 'sensory' genes. On the biological level, we demonstrate that gene expression levels fluctuate during in vitro development of both intracellular amastigotes and promastigotes. We chose to use expression-curves rather than single, specific, time-point measurements to capture this biological variation. Intracellular amastigote protocols need further refinement, but we describe a first generation tool for high-throughput comparative molecular characterization of patients' isolates, based on the changing expression profiles of promastigotes during in vitro differentiation.  相似文献   

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