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2012 年7 月到2013 年4 月,对云南白马雪山国家级自然保护区一个人工辅助投食的滇金丝猴群进行观察,采用全事件取样法对该群全部0-3 岁30 只个体(雄性12 只、雌性18 只) 的社会玩耍行为进行了研究。研究结果表明:不同年龄段的社会玩耍频次存在显著差异,且玩耍频次与年龄段呈明显负相关;0-3 岁的滇金丝猴倾向于选择相同年龄段的个体作为玩耍伙伴;0-1 岁的个体更喜欢追逐(67.5%) 的玩耍行为,1-2 岁内的个体主要采取抓打(26.6% )、撕咬(25.3% )、追逐(40.5% )的玩耍行为;2 -3 岁的个体各种玩耍行为的频次有明显差异。0-3 岁的雄性个体比雌性个体的玩耍频次更高。研究结果表明,0-3 岁滇金丝猴的社会玩耍行为符合年龄阶段假说、性别差异假说和运动技能训练假说。  相似文献   

向左甫 《生命科学》2020,32(7):692-703
金丝猴栖息于热带雨林,亚热带森林,温带高山、亚高山森林等多样自然生态系统中,对理解非人灵长类生态与行为适应的灵活性和复杂性非常有益;以一雄多雌为基本结构的重层社会,其形成与演化机制能为揭示早期人类社会形成及演化提供线索。由于栖息生境地形险陡、长期狩猎导致不易接近和个体识别困难等,其社会生态学研究难以取得进展。近年来,辅助投食种群突破了研究瓶颈,该文综述了几十年来金丝猴社会生态学的部分研究成果,以期抛砖引玉,推动金丝猴社会生态学的研究进程。  相似文献   

神农架川金丝猴投食群的攻击行为及等级序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨人工补食条件下川金丝猴的攻击行为在维持社会等级中的作用,2007 年1 ~ 6 月,采用行为取样法
和全事件记录法对神农架自然保护区投食群的攻击行为及等级序列进行研究。我们共记录到8 种攻击行为,按
体分别投食,以减少因争食发生的攻击行为。  相似文献   

为探讨人工补食条件下川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)的友好行为因补食产生的影响,2007年1~9月,采用行为取样法、扫描取样法和全事件记录法对湖北神农架自然保护区大龙潭投食猴群的友好行为进行了观察.共记录到11种友好行为,发生频次居前的是理毛、张嘴、拥抱、游戏、趋近.友好行为的发起者和承受者在性别间差异均不显著,但在年龄间差异均显著.在一雄多雌单元内发起者按次数多少为成年、少年、青年、亚成年猴,承受者的顺序亦如此.在全雄单元内发起者按次数多少为成年、少年、亚成年、青年猴,承受者的顺序亦如此.友好行为在单元内和单元间差异显著,单元内多于单元间.这在一定程度上说明川金丝猴社会单元内个体间的关系紧密,单元间的关系相对疏远.友好行为在繁殖和非繁殖季节差异不显著.  相似文献   

川金丝猴社会行为节目及其动作模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正确区分和定义川金丝猴各项社会行为节目及其动作模式是研究川金丝猴社会行为的重要基础。本文的目的是按照现代习性学的基本观点,探讨川金丝猴在演化过程中所形成的物种典型行为以及它们的固定动作模式。数据收集时间为1988~2005 年,采用焦点动物取样法和随意取样法,对川金丝猴笼养条件下的繁殖群、半笼养条件下的繁殖群和全雄群、以及其自然栖息地神农架林区的野生猴群进行观察,总计观察约3 000 h。初步确定了川金丝猴54 项物种典型行为节目及其动作模式,其中45 项是群内个体之间用以进行社会交往的社会行为节目,包括8 种在其他灵长类物种中目前还没有报道或比较少见的。  相似文献   

黔金丝猴的行为谱及PAE编码系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年10月~2014年4月,在贵州梵净山国家级自然保护区和北京动物园,采用焦点动物取样法和随意取样法,观察记录了野外和圈养黔金丝猴Rhinopithecus brelichi行为发生的过程及环境特征。按照以"姿势-动作-环境"(posture-act-environment,PAE)为轴心,以行为的生态功能为依据的PAE编码系统,对黔金丝猴的行为进行分类和系统编码并构建PAE行为谱。分辨并记录了黔金丝猴的16种姿势,107种动作及163种行为,将记录到的行为分别划归于摄食、排遗、调温、交配、分娩、育幼、亲密、作威、冲突、通讯、聚群、休息、运动和杂类等14个类别中;区别了各种行为在雄性、雌性、亚成体、幼猴和婴猴之间的相对发生频次以及发生季节。与川金丝猴R.roxellana和滇金丝猴R.bieti相比,黔金丝猴在个体行为和社会行为方面均有所不同,这可能与三者生活环境差异有关。  相似文献   

人工投食行为对非人灵长类社会生态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张鹏 《人类学学报》2008,27(3):274-283
近年来,国内开展了对几种非人灵长类投食群的研究。借鉴日本猴(Macaca fuscata)、恒河猴(M.mulatta)和黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes)长期积累的研究经验,有利于我们减少人工投食对非人灵长类带来的不利影响,也有利于推动国内非人灵长类社会生态学的深入研究。本文通过比较这三种灵长类野生群和投食群之间的差异,量化地分析了人工投食对灵长类动物社会生态学方面的影响。结果表明在社会行为方面,人工投食会导致灵长类动物的聚集、增加争斗频率、改变个体间等级关系、延缓分群现象、影响活动域和增加新兴行为。在种群数量方面,人工投食会缩短雌性性成熟时间、增加出生率和婴猴存活率、减少成年猴死亡率。而人工投食对雄性性成熟、出生间隔等方面的影响仍需要进一步考证。最后我们讨论了人工投食行为的利弊,并建议应谨慎和妥善地实施人工投食,和对非人灵长类投食群进行合理的监管。  相似文献   

非人灵长类接触人类或受人类活动干扰导致肠道寄生虫与宿主关系失衡,这种影响造成肠道寄生虫感染,进而增加肠道寄生虫种类和荷虫量。为检验生态旅游对川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)肠道寄生虫的种类和承载是否有影响,本研究收集神农架国家级自然保护区川金丝猴投食群和野生群粪便样品,采用福尔马林乙酸乙酯沉淀法,共发现5种肠道寄生虫:阿米巴原虫(Amoeba),鞭虫属(Trichuris sp.),蛔虫(Ascaris lumbricoides),蛲虫(Enterobius vermicularis),钩虫(Hookworms)。结果显示,投食群的阿米巴和蛲虫的荷虫量高于野生群;蛔虫在投食群和野生群均有发现,但两者之间无显著性差异;鞭虫和钩虫只在投食群中发现。投食群部分肠道寄生虫具有高荷虫量和新增的两个种类是由于非人灵长类直接或间接与人类接触(生态旅游等)所导致的。  相似文献   

依据取食优势判断秦岭川金丝猴群OMU的等级地位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2005 年5 月至2006 年5 月,对秦岭北坡周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙地区一个人工投食川金丝猴群的取食规律进行了研究,选择该猴群各一雄多雌单元(OMU)下地并进入投食区的取食时间、取食次数、取食顺序这3 个参数,通过计算各OMU 取食时的优势指数量化其取食优势从而对该猴群8 OMU 的等级地位进行了判断,结果表明这8 个OMU 的等级地位为:罗盘单元> 甲板单元> 八字头单元> 井字头单元> 刀疤单元> 朋克单元> 瑞星单元> 方片单元。此外,通过Spearman Correlation Test 将该方法的研究结果与利用攻击- 屈服行为优势指数法得到的研究结果进行了比较,二者具有极显著的正相关关系(R =0.976,P < 0.001)。可见, 利用取食参数的优势指数法判断各OMU 等级地位具有一定的可行性,且比攻击- 屈服行为的优势指数法在操作上更为简易,并以此试图为野外投食及笼养条件下非人灵长类等级地位的研究提供一个方法上的参考。  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴一个投食群等级关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
2002年7月至2003年6月,采用焦点动物取样法和全事件记录法对秦岭山脉周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙西梁川金丝猴投食群一雄多雌社会单元内部和社会单元间的攻击和屈服行为的指向和次数进行记录,应用计算优势指数的方法对社会单元内不同性别年龄组和社会单元间的等级进行排列。结果表明,在每一个社会单元内部成年雄性居最高地位,所有成年雌性占有第二阶层,亚成体处于第三阶层,青少年个体处于最低层。每个社会单元内成年雌性在一年内的等级序列并不是固定不变的,一般是雌性在产仔后顺位明显上升。八个社会单元在交配阶段和产仔阶段等级结构不同,等级最高的社会单元以及等级最低的社会单元的等级顺序没有发生变化,等级接近的社会单元间的等级顺序发生变化,其变化的原因可能主要与社会单元内部成员相互协作进行攻击有关。  相似文献   

A provisioned chimpanzee group in the Mahale Mountains was observed. The characteristic feature of chimpanzee behavior is that many types of behavior occur at one time as a bout of interactions. This can be seen in the booming situation in the wild. Similar situations were observed at the artificial feeding place. The behavior of the initiators of the interactions differed according to age, sex and social status. The chimpanzees' behavior was studied as a system. The relationships between each behavior pattern were investigated by analysis of the sequential behaviors of the same individual, and that of chains of signal-response behaviors, as well as that of behaviors which appeared when a third individual joined the initial interaction. Appeasement behaviors were more flexible, while others were more stereotyped. Part of the appeasement behavior resembled begging behavior. Appeasement behavior is thought to have a rather new phylogenetic origin. It is suggested that the various chimpanzee behaviors have evolved as a harmonious system which can be observed in the booming situation. The origin of chimpanzee society based on the evolution of their behavior system is discussed. Analysis of triplet interactions indicated that the types of triplet interaction in chimpanzees are quite different from those of multiple male group species such as macaques and baboons.  相似文献   

Non-agonistic social interactions in an unprovisioned troop of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) were analyzed with the spacing between individuals, leading-following interactions, and exchange of social grooming. The most frequent interactions were found between kin-related females. Unrelated females stayed with one another rather frequently, but rarely exchanged social behaviors. Interactions between males and females were infrequent though they were occasionaly observed between high-ranking males and high-ranking females. Very frequent exchange of grooming was observed between males, and even high-ranking males exchanged grooming more frequently with males than with females. Most non-agonistic social interactions in the study troop were based on bidirectional exchange of social behaviors, in which no clear tendency relevant to dominance or sex was found; while in provisioned Japanese macaque troops, associations between males and females, between unrelated females, and between males were formed mainly be subordinates' active roles in associative behaviors. This seems relevant to the idea that dominance grealty influence social life in provisioned troops. The present study provides guidelines for interspecific comparison of social interaction patterns of macaque species.  相似文献   

The competitive regime faced by individuals is fundamental to modelling the evolution of social organization. In this paper, we assess the relative importance of contest and scramble food competition on the social dynamics of a provisioned semi-free-ranging Cebus apella group (n = 18). Individuals competed directly for provisioned and clumped foods. Effects of indirect competition were apparent with individuals foraging in different areas and with increased group dispersion during periods of low food abundance. We suggest that both forms of competition can act simultaneously and to some extent synergistically in their influence on social dynamics; the combination of social and ecological opportunities for competition and how those opportunities are exploited both influence the nature of the relationships within social groups of primates and underlie the evolved social structure.  相似文献   

Power  M. 《Human Evolution》1986,1(3):251-265
Current understandings of chimpanzee behavior and social organization are based largely on twenty years of studies of provisioned chimpanzees in Gombe and Mahale National Parks. These data indicate that chimpanzees are aggressive, dominance-seeking and fiercely territorial. Reports from a number of naturalistic (nonprovisioning, unobtrusive) field studies contrast sharply. All report open groups of nonaggressive, nonhierarchical chimpanzees, which repeatedly fission for foraging and reunite as a larger social group. Because of the authority accorded the Mahale and Gombe reports, the naturalistic studies are often discounted. In this paper foraging theory is used to show that the recent behaviors of the artificially fed apes are maladaptive, while those of the nonprovisioned, wild chimpanzees are excellent foraging strategy. It is suggested, but not concluded, that the recent behaviors of the Gombe and Mahale chimpanzees may be frustration-induced responses to feeding methods which introduce a blockage between the apes and the desirable bait foods.  相似文献   

Long-term studies have shown remarkable similarity in the social behaviour and relationships of Japanese and rhesus macaques living in free-ranging groups. The vast majority of these studies have been of provisioned groups and many key principles have been derived from them. Provisioning is known to influence various aspects of life history and demography, as well as quantitative aspects of social behaviour, such as the frequencies of grooming and aggression. It has been widely assumed, however, that the fundamental characteristics of social behaviour and relationships observed in provisioned populations are representative of those that would occur under natural conditions. This paper reviews findings from fieldwork on Japanese macaques living under natural conditions, and compares them with patterns of social behaviour reported by multiple studies of provisioned groups of both species. Differences are apparent in the nature of social relationships between adult females, between adult males, and between adult males and females. Some of these differences can be attributed to the increased levels of aggression associated with provisioning. Others appear to be related to demographic peculiarities of provisioned groups, such as large size and skewed sex ratio. These differences can be used to generate predictions concerning the influence of ecological variables on the dynamics of social relationships and social structure. Ways in which these predictions could be tested by further fieldwork on provisioned and natural populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Historically, humans and other primates (primates henceforth) have coexisted across cultures and contexts, and many primate populations use anthropogenic food sources as their main or supplementary food. While primates may actively forage for such food, they are also directly provisioned by humans in many regions. Ethnoprimatology views humans and primates as cohabitants of integrated socioecological spaces who mutually influence each other’s ecologies and social lives. We contextualized provisioning of primates by humans within an ethnoprimatological framework and examined if the availability of anthropogenic food affected primate diets or the amount of time primates spent in anthropogenic habitats and whether primates influenced the human act of provisioning. To this end, we used scan sampling on a group of rhesus macaques across a year, and conducted interviews with 86 people who paused at a nearby tea shop for refreshments. We found that the macaques’ consumption of natural resources and dietary diversity decreased, and they spent more time in human-modified habitats when provisioned food was available. We also found that particular behaviors of the provisioned macaques stimulated provisioning by humans. Our findings show that provisioning influences macaque feeding ecology and habitat use, and that the behavior of the macaques themselves drives people to provide them with food subsidies, illustrating a complex web of interactions between the sympatric species.  相似文献   

群居灵长类动物等级序列是长期进化的结果,也是动物行为生态学研究的热点。灵长类动物个体间通过等级序列,合理的利用自然资源、避免过多的伤亡、保护群体内的幼弱者,从而更好地适应复杂的生态环境。2013年6月至2014年1月,采用焦点动物取样法对白马雪山国家级自然保护区人工辅助投食滇金丝猴群的6个一雄多雌单位之间等级序列进行了研究。通过对一雄多雌单元之间攻击-屈服行为数据分析发现:一雄多雌单位之间存在明显的等级序列(大个子单元>单疤单元>红脸单元>联合国单元>偏冠单元>花唇单元);单元之间成年雄性的攻击行为多于成年雌性;单位之间的等级序列与取食次数、第一序位取食总次数呈显著正相关,与各单元取食总时间无明显相关性;同时,一雄多雌单元之间的等级序列与单元内成年雌性数量呈显著正相关。研究结果符合群居灵长类动物攻击-屈服假说和资源优先占据-雌性高序列偏好假说。  相似文献   

Social hierarchy commonly exists in animal societies, affecting both the endocrine functioning and the behavior of animals. In nonhuman primates, the relationship between social rank and cortisol levels varies across species and even within species. Here, we assessed the relationships between social rank and fecal cortisol levels in adult male Taihangshan macaques (rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta tcheliensis) from the provisioned, free-ranging Wulongkou-2 (WLK-2) group inhabiting Wulongkou Scenic Area, Jiyuan, China. From March to May 2014, we recorded 195 agonistic behaviors and collected 54 fresh fecal samples from eight adult male Taihangshan macaques. Males were assigned a social rank according to an agonistic behavior matrix, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was then used to measure the cortisol concentration in the fecal samples. We found that social rank among the eight male Taihangshan macaques in WLK-2 group followed a strict linear hierarchy, and that fecal cortisol levels were significantly higher and more variable in low-ranking males than in more dominant individuals. Age was not significantly associated with social rank or fecal cortisol levels. Our results suggest that social rank and maintenance of the social hierarchy within the WLK-2 group is a chronic stressor, with low-ranking males maintaining heightened stress levels and enlarged reactive scope relative to dominant males. This provides new support for the theory that social environment can influence endocrine functioning.  相似文献   

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