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The efficiencies of intermolecular recombination at 12 different locations on the Bacillus subtilis chromosome were determined by transforming competent cells with a nonreplicative plasmid. The efficiencies varied by only about threefold but were significantly different (P less than 0.05 by a chi-square test) for approximately 20% of the locations. The recA gene product is required for recombination, and the addA gene product appears to affect the variation in a site-specific way.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis LrpC is a sequence-independent DNA-binding and DNA-bending protein, which binds both single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) DNA and facilitates the formation of higher order protein–DNA complexes in vitro. LrpC binds at different sites within the same DNA molecule promoting intramolecular ligation. When bound to separate molecules, it promotes intermolecular ligation, and joint molecule formation between a circular ssDNA and a homologous ssDNA-tailed linear dsDNA. LrpC binding showed a higher affinity for 4-way (Holliday) junctions in their open conformation, when compared with curved dsDNA. Consistent with these biochemical activities, an lrpC null mutant strain rendered cells sensitive to DNA damaging agents such as methyl methanesulfonate and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, and showed a segregation defect. These findings collectively suggest that LrpC may be involved in DNA transactions during DNA repair and recombination.  相似文献   

Summary The illegitimate recombination between Staphylococcus aureus plasmids pE194 (or pGG20, the hybrid between pE194 and Escherichia coli plasmid pBR322) and pBD17 (plasmid pUB110 without HpaII C-fragment) was studied in Bacillus subtilis. Cointegrates were generated with the frequency of 1–3x10-8. Among 22 hybrids analysed 9 types of recombinants were found. Nucleotide sequences of all three parental plasmids were involved in intermolecular recombination. Nucleotide sequencing of recombinant DNA junctions revealed that in 8 cases recombination occurred between short homologous regions (9–15 bp). One recombinant was formed using nonhomologous sites. The similarity was demonstrated between nucleotide sequences of the recombination sites of two types of cointegrates and those used for pE194 integration into the B. subtilis chromosome. Possible mechanisms of illegitimate recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

B Michel  B Niaudet    S D Ehrlich 《The EMBO journal》1982,1(12):1565-1571
We have constructed plasmids carrying direct internal repeats 260-2000 bp long. Monomers of such plasmids transformed Bacillus subtilis competent cells. The efficiency of transformation varied with the square of the length of repeats. The transformed clones harbored either the entire transforming plasmid and the plasmid arising by recombination between the repeats, or only the latter plasmid. Internally-repeated plasmids linearized by in vitro cleavage with restriction endonuclease could transform, yielding clones which exclusively harbored a plasmid resulting from recombination between the repeats. When the transforming plasmid carried repeats which differed slightly, conversion of one repeat into the other could occur. The following model of plasmid transformation accounts for these data: (1) plasmid DNA is cleaved and rendered linear in contact with competent cells; (2) a linear, at least partially double-stranded plasmid molecule is introduced or formed by repair within the cell; (3) a circular viable plasmid is produced by recombination between repeats carried on this molecule; (4) alternatively, a viable plasmid is produced by repairing the cut within one of the repeats by DNA synthesis which uses the other repeat as a template.  相似文献   

The illegitimate recombination between S. aureus plasmids pE194 (or pGG20-the hybrid between pE194 and E. coli plasmid pBR322) and pBD17 (plasmid pUB110 without Hpa-II-C-fragment) in B. subtilis was studied. Plasmid cointegrates were generated with the frequency of 1-3.10(-8). Among the 22 hybrids analysed 9 types of recombinants were found. Nucleotide sequences of all the parental plasmids were involved in intermolecular recombination. Nucleotide sequencing of recombinant DNA junctions has revealed that in 8 cases recombination occurred between short homologous regions (9-15 b.p.). One of the recombinants resulted from nonhomologous recombination. The similarity between nucleotide sequences of recombination sites of two types of contegrates and those used for pE194 integration into the B. subtilis chromosome (Bashkirov et al. 1987) was demonstrated. Possible mechanisms of illegitimate recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

The hypothesis on the role of protonmotive force in the transport of DNA through the membrane of Bac. subtilis cell during initial stages of genetic transformation was tested. A genetic transformation of arsenate-treated cells was observed. Treatment of cells by the protonophorous uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation-carbonylcyanide dichlorophenyl--hydrazone-led to the inhibition of initial stages of genetic transformation having no significant effect on the level of intracellular ATP concentration and on the viability of cells. The dissipation of protonmotive force by means of K+ and H+ fluxes catalyzed by valinomycin and nigericin also caused the inhibition of initial stages of genetic transformation. The inhibitory effect of cationic penetrant tetraphenyl phosphonium was observed, the effect being potentiated by low concentrations of anionic penetrant phenyldicarbaundecaborate. The value of the membrane potential in the energized valinomycin-treated cells calculated from the distribution of K+ was within the range of 70--100 mV (inside minus). These results support the conception that a protonmotive force drives DNA transport through the membrane of Bac. subtilis cells.  相似文献   

The pUB110 and pE194 plasmid cointegrates have been isolated and examined in rec+ and recE4 strains of Bacillus subtilis. Cointegrates were shown to be formed by recombination at the specific site present on both parental plasmids as a short region of homology designated RSA. The RSA consists of 63 nucleotides in pE194 and 49 in pUB110; the length of its fully conserved core segment is 10 nucleotides. All cointegrates examined were formed by single crossover event taking place within the core segment, and as a result they have identical nucleotide sequences of recombination junctions. No conversion of mismatched base pairs to nucleotide sequences originally belonging to one of the parental plasmids was found. Though the action of RecE gene did not affect the frequency of cointegrate formation, it was reduced in rec149 host by one order of magnitude. Cointegrates retained their stability during transformation.  相似文献   

Plasmid replication stimulates DNA recombination in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The effects of plasmid replication on the frequency of homologous recombination have been investigated. For that purpose Bacillus subtilis strains that carry in their chromosome directly repeated DNA sequences, and an integrated copy of plasmid pE194 either proximal or distal to the repeats, were constructed. The repeat consists either of 3.9 X 10(3) base pBR322 sequences or 2.1 X 10(3) base B. subtilis chromosomal sequences. As plasmid pE194 is naturally thermosensitive for replication, the activity of the replicon could be regulated. Recombination between the repeated sequences was infrequent (about 10(-4) per generation) when the integrated plasmid did not replicate. It was 20 to 450 times higher when the plasmid was allowed to replicate, provided that the repeats were in the proximity of the plasmid. These results show that plasmid replication stimulates DNA recombination.  相似文献   

Summary Diploid prototrophs were obtained from protoplast fusion of Bacillus subtilis strains. They are unstable but upon further cultivation they stabilize retaining diploidy but are genetically inactive. It has been suggested that recombination between the parental chomosomes is involved in the production of stable prototrophs and recombinants. In this work the occurrence of this recombination was searched for by determining genetic linkages in transformation experiments. In prototrophs two alleles: hisH2 and trpE8 carried originally on each parental chromosome, were shown to be 48% co-transformable in a stable clone whereas they were only cotransformed in 10% of the unstable colonies. For Trp- recombinants (the most frequent type of a Leu- Met- Thr- x Ade- Ura- Trp- fusion pair) lysed protoplasts were used as donor DNA for the transformations. High values of co-transfer for Ura+ Met+ were obtained. These results confirm the occurrence of recombination in stable diploid clones, prototrophs or recombinants.  相似文献   

Highly purified GTP-cyclohydrolase was obtained by fractionation of cell extracts with ammonium sulfate, ion-exchange and hydrophobic chromatography. The N-terminal amino acid sequence and amino acid composition of the protein were determined. According to SDS-PAGE data, the molecular weight of the enzyme is 45 kDa. The active enzyme has several isoforms separable by native electrophoresis. The maximal enzyme activity is determined at 1.5 mM Mn2+; 70% of enzymatic activity is detected with Mg2+. The enzyme is inhibited by heavy metal ions and chelators and is inactive in the absence of thiol-reducing agents. The enzyme activity is detected in a broad range of pH with a maximum at pH 8.2. The pyrimidine product of the GTP-cyclohydrolase reaction. 2.5-diamino-6-hydroxy-4-ribosylaminopyrimidine-5'-phosphate was purified and identified. Another product of this reaction is pyrophosphate.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis competent cells harboring plasmid pUB110 were transformed by plasmids unable to replicate in this host but carrying segments of pUB110, 260 to 4500 bp long. Recombinants between the incoming and the resident plasmids were found in the transformed cells. Transforming efficiency of the incoming plasmids depended strongly on their molecular form and the length of their region homologous with the resident plasmid. It increased with the fourth to fifth power of that length for monomers having at least 900 bp of homology. Activity of monomers having less than 900 bp homology was too low to be measured in our experiments. Transforming efficiency of dimers was much greater than that of monomers, and varied with the square of the length of the homologous region. These results indicate that dimeric and monomeric plasmid molecules are processed differently during transformation of B. subtilis competent cells.  相似文献   

The role of recombination in transfection of B. subtilis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Summary A comparative study of transfection with four different phage DNAs is being presented. Two types of transfection systems are distinguished, one with nearly linear dependence of the number of infective centers produced on the concentration of the phage DNA, the other type displaying multihit dose response. Studies of genetic recombination in transfection show that in systems of the latter type two (SPP 1) or three (SP 50) input genomes have to cooperate in a recombination event prior to replication. This obligatory process, termed primary recombination, is exclusively mediated by the host recombination system and cannot be effected by the phage recombination system.  相似文献   

Mejlhede N  Neuhard J 《Biochemistry》2000,39(27):7984-7989
Cytidine deaminase (CDA) from Bacillus subtilis is a zinc-containing enzyme responsible for the hydrolytic deamination of cytidine to uridine and 2'-deoxycytidine to 2'-deoxyuridine. Titration of the cysteinyl groups of the enzyme with p-hydroxymercuriphenyl sulfonate (PMPS) resulted in release of one zinc ion per subunit. Addition of EDTA to chelate the zinc and dithiothreitol (DTT) to remove PMPS, followed by removal of the low molecular weight compounds by gel filtration, resulted in an apoenzyme with no enzymatic activity. The apoenzyme was almost fully reactivated by addition of zinc chloride, indicating that the zinc ion played a central role in catalysis, in keeping with what has been observed with Escherichia coli CDA [Betts, L., Xiang, S., Short, S. A., Wolfenden, R., and Carter, C. W. J. (1994) J. Mol. Biol. 235, 635-656]. Addition of Cd(2+) or Co(2+) caused partial reactivation of the apoenzyme. Zinc reconstitution of the apoenzyme was strictly dependent on the presence of reducing agents, suggesting that the zinc-ligating cysteines, when unligated, participated in disulfide bond formation. An enzymatically active isoform of the tetrameric CDA protein, containing an extension of 13 amino acids at the C-terminus of each subunit, was used in conjunction with the wild-type CDA in subunit-subunit dissociation studies to show that the zinc ion does not assist in the thermodynamic refolding of the protein. After treatment with PMPS and EDTA, the enzyme existed as unfolded unassociated subunits. Immediately following DTT addition to remove PMPS, the subunits refolded into a tetrameric structure, independent of the presence of zinc.  相似文献   

Radiation inactivation and recombination repair in Bacillus subtilis spores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Y Sadaie  T Kada 《Mutation research》1973,17(1):138-141

Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] (ACP) reductase is a key enzyme in type II fatty-acid synthases that catalyzes the last step in each elongation cycle. The FabI component of Bacillus subtilis (bsFabI) was identified in the genomic data base by homology to the Escherichia coli protein. bsFabI was cloned and purified and exhibited properties similar to those of E. coli FabI, including a marked preference for NADH over NADPH as a cofactor. Overexpression of the B. subtilis fabI gene complemented the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of an E. coli fabI mutant. Triclosan was a slow-binding inhibitor of bsFabI and formed a stable bsFabI.NAD(+). triclosan ternary complex. Analysis of the B. subtilis genomic data base revealed a second open reading frame (ygaA) that was predicted to encode a protein with a relatively low overall similarity to FabI, but contained the Tyr-Xaa(6)-Lys enoyl-ACP reductase catalytic architecture. The purified YgaA protein catalyzed the NADPH-dependent reduction of trans-2-enoyl thioesters of both N-acetylcysteamine and ACP. YgaA was reversibly inhibited by triclosan, but did not form the stable ternary complex characteristic of the FabI proteins. Expression of YgaA complemented the fabI(ts) defect in E. coli and conferred complete triclosan resistance. Single knockouts of the ygaA or fabI gene in B. subtilis were viable, but double knockouts were not obtained. The fabI knockout was as sensitive as the wild-type strain to triclosan, whereas the ygaA knockout was 250-fold more sensitive to the drug. YgaA was renamed FabL to denote the discovery of a new family of proteins that carry out the enoyl-ACP reductase step in type II fatty-acid synthases.  相似文献   

Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis. The role of exoprotease   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
1. Intracellular turnover of protein was measured in wild-type Bacillus subtilis, which produces exoprotease at stage I in the sporulation process. Protein is degraded at a rate of 8–10%/hr. 2. As a result of this turnover, the proteins of the mother cell are extensively degraded and resynthesized by about 6hr., so that the later stages of spore formation occur in a cytoplasm containing mainly `new' protein. 3. The same protease appears to be responsible both for the intracellular turnover of protein and for extracellular proteolytic activity. In mutants that have lost the exoenzyme the intracellular protein is stable for many hours. In addition, these mutants fail to produce antibiotic and are asporogenous. When the exoprotease is regained as a result of back-mutation all the lost capacities of the cell are restored together. 4. Protease activity also accounts for the change in antigenic pattern of extracts of cells sampled during sporulation. Immunoelectrophoresis shows that, in the wild-type, the antigens characteristic of the vegetative cell have largely disappeared after a few hours; in the proteaseless mutants the vegetative-cell pattern is conserved. Apart from changing the protein pattern of the cell the protease could also have the function of removing protein inhibitors of sporulation. Other possible interpretations of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Effect of caffeine on the recombination process of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary The effect of caffeine on the recombination process was studied by using transformation and transfection of Bacillus subtilis as genetic systems. Data were obtained showing that caffeine reduces strongly both transformation and transfection. The inhibitory effect seems ascribable to an interference of caffeine with the process of recombination.  相似文献   

Summary From recombination-proficient competent cells of Bacillus subtilis in which the donor DNA entered at 17°, and which were kept at the same temperature, a complex of donor DNA and the recipient chromosome can be obtained which has a relatively high buoyant density in CsCl gradients. Exposure of the isolated complex to nuclease S1 liberates donor radioactivity. The limited biological activity of DNA re-extracted from cells attempting to recombine at 17° is decreased upon incubation with nuclease S1. If recombination is allowed to proceed at 30°, the high buoyant density of the donor-recipient complex decreases to normal values and less radioactivity can be liberated from the complex by nuclease S1. Concomitantly the biological activity of re-extracted DNA becomes less vulnerable to nuclease S1 under these conditions. On the basis of these observations we assume that the intermediate complex partly consists of unpaired single-stranded donor DNA.Support for the correctness of this assumption is derived from experiments with a mutant, which is delayed in the processing of high buoyant density donor-recipient complex to normal buoyant density donor-recipient complex. This delay is reflected in the time of acquisition of resistance to nuclease S1 digestion of the isolated complex.  相似文献   

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