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Neurons in two lower brain stem areas, the nucleus raphe magnus and the subcoeruleus region, have been shown to be part of the thermoafferent system. It is concluded from microcut experiments in unanaesthetized guinea pigs that inhibition of shivering caused by nucleus raphe magnus stimulation is mediated partly by ascending and partly by descending efferents of the nucleus raphe magnus. Electrical stimulation of the subcoeruleus area caused excitatory metabolic responses. Interruption of the ascending efferents of the subcoeruleus area did not prevent the metabolic activation. It is concluded that the excitatory responses are partly mediated by descending efferents of the subcoeruleus area. The descending pathways project mainly to motoneurone pools and to dorsal horn cells. In cold-acclimated guinea pigs, the average maximum activity of bell-shaped subcoeruleus cold-responsive units was reduced significantly in comparison with cold-responsive neurons in animals acclimated to normal room temperature. Furthermore, peak activity of warm-responsive units in the nucleus raphe magnus was larger in cold-acclimated animals than in animals acclimated to normal room temperature. These neuronal changes may contribute via descending lower loops and via ascending upper loops to long-term slope reduction of metabolic cold defence and shivering threshold displacements.  相似文献   

Acute heating in young rats increases visceral sympathetic nerve discharge (SND); however, renal and splanchnic SND responses to hyperthermia are attenuated in senescent compared with young Fischer 344 (F344) rats (Kenney MJ and Fels RJ. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 283: R513-R520, 2002). Central mechanisms by which aging alters visceral SND responses to heating are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that forebrain neural circuits are involved in suppressing sympathoexcitatory responses to heating in chloralose-anesthetized, senescent F344 rats. Renal and splanchnic SND responses to increased (38 degrees C-41 degrees C) internal temperature were determined in midbrain-transected (MT) and sham-MT young (3-mo-old), mature (12-mo-old), and senescent (24-mo-old) F344 rats and in cervical-transected (CT) and sham-CT senescent rats. Renal SND remained unchanged during heating in MT and sham-MT senescent rats but was increased in CT senescent rats. Splanchnic SND responses to heating were higher in MT vs. sham-MT senescent rats and in CT vs. MT senescent rats. SND responses to heating were similar in MT and sham-MT young and mature rats. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was increased during heating in MT but not in sham-MT senescent rats, whereas heating-induced increases in MAP were higher in sham-MT vs. MT young rats. These data suggest that in senescent rats suppression of splanchnic SND to heating involves forebrain and brain stem neural circuits, whereas renal suppression is mediated solely by brain stem neural circuits. These results support the concept that aging alters the functional organization of pathways regulating SND and arterial blood pressure responses to acute heating.  相似文献   

Antioxidative and metabolic responses to extended cold exposure in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this work, we investigated whether extended cold exposure increases oxidative damage and susceptibility to oxidants of rat liver, heart, kidney and lung which are metabolically active tissues. Moreover in this study the effect of cold stress on some of the lipid metabolic mediators were studied in rat experimental model. Male albino Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: The control group (n=12) and the cold-stress group (n=12). Tissue superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathion S-transferase (GST) and glutathion reductase (GR) activities and glutathion (GSH) were measured using standard protocols. The biochemical analyses for total lipid, cholesterol, trigliceride, HDL, VLDL and LDL were done on autoanalyzer. In cold-stress groups SOD activity was decreased in the lung whereas it increased in the heart and kidney. CAT activity was significantly decreased (except liver) in all the tissues in treated rats. GST activity of cold-induced rats increased in liver and heart while decreased in the lung. GR activity was significantly decreased (except in liver) in all the tissues in cold-stressed rats. GSH level was significantly increased in the heart but decreased in the lung of animals exposed to cold when compared to controls. It was found that among the groups trigliceride, total lipid, HDL and VLDL parameters varied significantly but cholesterol and LDL had no significant variance. In this study, we found that exposure of extended (48 h) cold (8 degrees C) caused changes both in the antioxidant defense system (as tissue and enzyme specific) and serum lipoprotein profiles in rats.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis plants show an increase in freezing tolerance in response to exposure to low nonfreezing temperatures, a phenomenon known as cold acclimation. In the present study, we evaluated the physiological and morphological responses of various Arabidopsis ecotypes to continuous growth under chilling (14°C) and cold (6°C) temperatures and evaluated their basal freezing tolerance levels. Seedlings of Arabidopsis plants were extremely sensitive to low growth temperatures: the hypocotyls and petioles were much longer and the angles of the second pair of true leaves were much greater in plants grown at 14°C than in those grown at 22°C, whereas just intermediate responses were observed under the cold temperature of 6°C. Flowering time was also markedly delayed at low growth temperatures and, interestingly, lower growth temperatures were accompanied by longer inflorescences. Other marked responses to low temperatures were changes in pigmentation, which appeared to be both ecotype specific and temperature dependent and resulted in various visual phenotypes such as chlorosis, necrosis or enhanced accumulation of anthocyanins. The observed decreases in chlorophyll contents and accumulation of anthocyanins were much more prominent in plants grown at 6°C than in those grown at 14°C. Among the various ecotypes tested, Mt‐0 plants markedly accumulated the highest levels of anthocyanins upon growth at 6°C. Freezing tolerance examination revealed that among 10 ecotypes tested, only C24 plants were significantly more sensitive to subzero temperatures. In conclusion, Arabidopsis ecotypes responded differentially to cold (6°C), chilling (14°C) and freezing temperatures, with specific ecotypes being more sensitive in particular traits to each low temperature.  相似文献   

The present investigation was designed to examine the influence of water temperature and prior hyperventilation on some of the potentially hazardous responses evoked by immersion in cold water. Eight naked subjects performed headout immersions of 2-min duration into stirred water at 5, 10, and 15 degrees C and at 10 degrees C after 1 min of voluntary hyperventilation. Analysis of the respiratory and cardiac data collected during consecutive 10-s periods showed that, at the 0.18-m/s rate of immersion employed, differences between the variables recorded on immersion in water at 5 and 10 degrees C were due to the duration of the responses evoked rather than their magnitude during the first 20 s. The exception to this was the tidal volume of subjects, which was higher on immersion in water at 15 degrees C than at 5 or 10 degrees C. The results suggested that the respiratory drive evoked during the first seconds of immersion was more closely reflected in the rate rather than the depth of breathing at this time. Hyperventilation before immersion in water at 10 degrees C did not attenuate the respiratory responses seen on immersion. It is concluded that, during the first critical seconds of immersion, the initial responses evoked by immersion in water at 10 degrees C can represent as great a threat as those in water at 5 degrees C; also, in water at 10 degrees C, the respiratory component of this threat is not influenced by the biochemical alterations associated with prior hyperventilation.  相似文献   

CCK involvement in stress- and pain-responsiveness was examined by studying the behavior of infant (11-12-days-old) and adult OLETF rats that do not express CCK1 receptors. Infant odor- and texture-preferences were also assessed. We hypothesized that OLETF rats will show behavioral patterns similar to those previously observed after CCK1 antagonist administration. Rate of separation-induced ultrasonic vocalization was significantly greater in OLETF compared to controls, in two separate studies. Infant pups of the two strains did not differ in odor- and texture-preference tests. OLETF rats showed consistently longer hot-plate paw-lift (as infants, in two separate studies) and paw-lick (as adults) latencies. SUMMARY: OLETF pups vocalized in isolation more than controls and showed relative hypoalgesic responses, evident also in adulthood, in concordance with the pharmacological literature.  相似文献   

Six resting men were exposed to three temperatures (15.5, 21, 26.5 degrees C) for 120 min at three altitudes (sea level, 2,500 m, 5,000 m). A 60-min sea-level control at the scheduled temperature preceded the nine altitude episodes. Comparison of the base-line results at any one temperature showed no differences between rectal temperatures (Tre) or mean weighted skin temperatures (Tsk). After 120 min, Tre and Tsk not only depended on ambient temperature but also altitude. The initial rate of fall in Tre increased with altitude and equilibrium occurred earlier. At 15.5 degrees C, Tre was 0.3 degrees C lower at 5,000 m and 0.2 degrees C lower at 2,500 m than at sea level. Tsk was almost 2 degrees C higher at 15.5 degrees C at 5,000 m and 1 degrees C higher at 2,500 m than at sea level. Similar, smaller differences were observed at 21 degrees C. Mean weighted body temperature showed no change with altitude, but, since the gradient between core and shell was reduced, a shift of blood toward the periphery is implied.  相似文献   

97 units of the hippocampal fields CA3 and CA1 were recorded extracellularly in chronic unanaesthetized rabbits after complete basal undercutting of the septum. In activity of about one third of the units slow rhythmic bursts (3,3-4,5 Hz) were present. Low frequency theta-like rhythm was present in EEG of the hippocampus. Reactivity to sensory stimuli was unusually low (46-47% of reactive units). Specific and phasic effects of stimuli, typical of the normal field CA1, were observed in both fields. The majority of the reactive neurons respond to sensory stimuli by prolonged shift of the mean frequency of discharges, by regularization of the rhythmic component, or by gradual increase of diffuse activation. Effects of suppression of activity by sensory stimuli were very rare. The data are discussed in the light of presumed difference of reinnervation by axonal sprouting in conditions of basal undercutting of the septum and complete septo-hippocampal disconnection.  相似文献   

《Journal of thermal biology》1999,24(5-6):433-437
The exposure to cold (6 h; 6°C) induced a significant decrease in both hypothalamic and brain stem CuZn-superoxide dismutase as well as an increase in Mn-superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in Wistar male rats, acclimated to 6±1°C as compared to those acclimated to 22±2°C. If the rats were administered with propranolol (15 mg/kg), which is a β-adrenoceptor blocker, there were no significant differences in the enzyme activities in any of the brain regions of the two groups studied. It was concluded that acute exposure to cold induces changes in the hypothalamic and brain stem antioxidant enzyme activities dependent on the previous acclimation to different ambient temperatures and propranolol administration.  相似文献   

In five anaesthetized cats (Nembutal 35 mg/kg) with 14 chronically implanted recording epidural electrodes the auditory brain stem responses (ABR) to monoaural stimulation (click) in symmetrical areas of the brain cortex were recorded. Each ABR to acoustic stimulus of sufficient intensity is formed by a complex of alternating five positive (P1-P5) and four negative (N1-N4) peaks; two further small peaks often follow on this complex. The amplitude of ABR peaks N3, P4, N4 and P5 to monoaural stimulation in symmetrical areas of cat's cortex was always higher in records from the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulated ear than in records from the ipsilateral one. The amplitude of P3 ABR peak behaved to the contrary--it was higher on ipsilateral hemisphere. On the other hand the amplitude of ABR peaks P1, N1, P2 and N2 to monoaural stimulation in symmetrical areas of the brain cortex showed no degree of lateralization in our experimental animals. The present findings support indirectly the presumption that each peak of the ABR is generated by a particular acoustic brain stem structure.  相似文献   

Summary Auditory brain stem responses (ABR) were recorded from the head surface of non-anesthetized and non-relaxed bottle-nosed dolphins, Tursiops truncatus. The region of best ABR recording was shown to be located 6–9 cm caudal to the blowhole. The threshold values were about 1 mPa for noise bursts and –3 dB re 1 mPa for tone bursts of the optimal frequency (80 kHz). The maximum frequency at which ABR could be evoked was 140 kHz. The duration of temporal summation reached 0.5 ms at intensities near the threshold and decreased with an increase in intensity. When the stimuli were paired clicks of the same intensity, the time to complete recovery from the second response was about 5 ms, while that to its 50% recovery was 0.7 ms. When the conditioning click exceeded the testing one in intensity, prolongation of the recovery period was observed. A 40-dB intensity difference led to an approximately 10-fold prolongation of this period.Abbreviations ABR auditory brain stem response - EP evoked potential  相似文献   

Motor activity of juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, and sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, was monitored in the laboratory during high and low light levels under a changing temperature regime over a 5 d period. Water temperatures were ambient (12 °C) for the first 24 h of observation, rapidly lowered to 3 °C for the next 48 h, then raised back to 12 °C for the final 48 h. We hypothesized that the fishes' behavior would either follow a simple bioenergetic response of lowered activity associated with reduced metabolic rates at the colder temperature, or an avoidance response, with increased activity at decreased temperatures. Results for walleye pollock were consistent with a bioenergetic response, with activity decreasing in the presence of cold water under both high and low light levels, then returning to initial levels when temperatures increased. The response of sablefish, in contrast, indicated avoidance of cold temperatures, depending on light level. During high light, when sablefish were typically highly active, cold water induced a slight but insignificant decrease in activity. At low light, however, the presence of cold water caused a marked increase in sablefish movement through the experimental tanks, with a seven fold increase in the measured index of activity. When water temperatures were raised back to 12 °C, sablefish activity at low light returned to its normal, minimal level. The sharp increase in activity of sablefish in cold water, followed by a decrease in activity when the temperature was raised to pre-test levels, is suggestive of an avoidance response. The contrasting responses of the two species to thermal changes are consistent with their separate life history patterns and natural distributions.  相似文献   

Incorporation of [3H]valine into trichloroacetic acid-(TCA)-precipitable, water-soluble or membrane-bound material of whole brain and brain-stem did not differ significantly in morphine-intoxicated, morphine abstinent and control rats. The animals were intoxicated with morphine (final dose 340 mg/kg b.w.) for 15 days, using an ingestion method with no impairment of the caloric intake compared to controls. Abstinent rats were withdrawn from morphine for 2 days after 13 days of intoxication. Measurements of [3H]valine or [14C]valine incorporated into soluble or membrane-bound brain stem proteins failed to demonstrate any significant changes in specific protein bands from morphinized rats. Separation was achieved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with or without sodium-dodecyl sulphate (SDS) or by isoelectric focusing. After immunoabsorption chromatography to remove those proteins antigenically similar to serum proteins, an increase in the staining intensity and in incorporation of [3H]valine into two protein bands (with isoelectric points (Ip:s) 5.75 and 7.7) was seen in brain stem from long-term morphine-intoxicated rats. The results show that macromolecular interactions are involved in long-term morphine actions.  相似文献   

Either systemic or central administration of apomorphine produced dose-related decreases in rectal temperature at ambient temperatures (Ta) of 8 and 22 degrees C in rats. At Ta = 8 degrees C, the hypothermia was brought about by a decrease in metabolic rate (M). At Ta = 22 degrees C, the hypothermia was due to an increase in mean skin temperature, an increase in respiratory evaporative heat loss (Eres) and a decrease in M. This increased mean skin temperature was due to increased tail and foot skin temperatures. However, at Ta = 29 degrees C, apomorphine produced increased rectal temperatures due to increased M and decreased Eres. Moreover, the apomorphine-induced hypothermia or hyperthermia was antagonized by either haloperidol or 6-hydroxydopamine, but not by 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine. The data indicate that apomorphine acts on dopamine neurons within brain, with both pre- and post-synaptic sites of action, to influence body temperature.  相似文献   

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