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Since most bird species are socially monogamous, variation among species in social mating systems is determined largely by variation in the frequency of mate desertion. Mate desertion is expected to occur when the benefits, in terms of additional reproductive opportunities, outweigh the costs, in terms of reduced reproductive success from the present brood. However, despite much research, the relative importance of costs and benefits in explaining mating system variation is not well understood. Here, we investigate this problem using a comparative method. We analyse changes in the frequency of mate desertion at different phylogenetic levels. Differences between orders and families in the frequency of desertion are negatively associated with changes in the potential costs of desertion, but are not associated with changes in the potential benefits of desertion. Conversely, differences among genera and species in the frequency of desertion are positively associated with increases in the potential benefits of desertion, but not with changes in the potential costs of desertion. Hence, we suggest that mate desertion in birds originates through a combination of evolutionary predisposition and ecological facilitation. In particular, ancient changes in life-history strategy determine the costs of desertion and predispose certain lineages to polygamy, while contemporary changes in the distribution of resources determine the benefits of desertion and thereby the likelihood that polygamy will be viable within these lineages. Thus, monogamy can arise via two very different evolutionary pathways. Groups such as albatrosses (Procellariidae) are constrained to social monogamy by the high cost to desertion, irrespective of the potential benefits. However, in groups such as the accentors (Prunellidae), which are predisposed to desertion, monogamy occurs only when the benefits of desertion are very limited. These conclusions emphasise the additional power which a hierarchical approach contributes to the modern comparative method.  相似文献   

Capsule Less than 32% of counters record disturbance at their site, with differences in causes between coastal and inland sites.

Aim Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) data were reviewed to investigate the sources and scale of potential disturbance to waterbirds in the UK.

Methods Between 1995/96 and 1998/99, WeBS volunteer counters recorded human activity and perceived waterbird disturbance during co-ordinated counts at wetland sites across the UK.

Results Over 68% of counters recorded no disturbance at their site and only a small proportion of these (< 2%) indicated very high levels. The frequency of disturbance peaked during the late summer. Just over 26% of disturbance events were attributed to human activities. The most perceived human-related disturbance was caused by people using motor-driven machines and shooters. Coastal waterbirds were more likely to be disturbed by walkers, shooters and large aircraft whereas those inland were more likely to be disturbed by motor-driven machines and unpowered boats.

Conclusions Volunteer-based surveys can be useful in monitoring the sources and distribution of potentially disturbing activities over large spatial scales.  相似文献   

The growth of inter-basin water transfers and the development of new irrigation facilities in southeastern Spain are responsible for a variety of ecological impacts. In spite of this, the construction of artificial ponds to keep water for intensive agriculture may also provide new habitats for breeding waterbirds. We counted waterbirds during the breeding season in artificial ponds that had been built up using different materials and measured their abiotic and biotic attributes. We found that ponds were used as breeding and foraging habitat by 22 different waterbird species and breeding numbers of a few of them seemed to be larger in these artificial facilities than in nearby natural and semi-natural wetlands. Abundance and richness of breeding waterbirds was influenced by construction materials. Ponds constructed with low density polyethylene and covered with sand and stones held more species and their numbers were higher than those constructed with other plastic materials. The presence of emergent and submerged vegetation as well as abiotic attributes, such as pond size, accounted for most of the deviance when modelling richness and species abundance.  相似文献   

Mate retention is classically considered advantageous for reproduction in monogamous birds: because of their low fecundity, long-lived species should show the highest year-to-year mate fidelity. However, this hypothesis remains controversial: several studies have found no correlation between mate fidelity and longevity, possibly because they did not control for potential confounding factors on each of these parameters, and one study found a negative correlation in the Procellariiformes (albatrosses and petrels). We re-examined the relations between mate fidelity and longevity, and between mate fidelity and site fidelity, in this group, using our data on 13 species and data from the literature, and after eliminating confounding factors. Procellariiformes are the most long lived of birds despite important interspecific variation in body size, and they show strong mate fidelity and bear high costs of divorce. All species lay only one egg, and the most long lived breed biennially. Because large organisms live longer than small ones and their reproductive effort is lower, we had to control for breeding frequency and body size. Mate fidelity and adult life expectancy were positively correlated, regardless of whether we controlled for these two parameters. We also evaluated whether mate fidelity was related to site fidelity. Biennial albatrosses show high mate fidelity, but low nest fidelity, although they are extremely faithful to a small area around their previous nest. After controlling for body size, adult life expectancy and breeding frequency, we found no correlation between mate fidelity and site fidelity. Because divorce is costly and mate retention advantageous in Procellariiformes, we suggest that mate fidelity does not passively result from site fidelity in these species. Rather, site fidelity would be a means for pairs to reunite, with sites serving as meeting points. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Nina Hewitt 《Oecologia》1998,114(3):432-440
Large seed size is a trait associated with plant species of mature, closed habitats, and is thought to supply an ample nutrient reserve necessary for seedling establishment. While this relationship has been shown for annuals and short-lived perennials, it is poorly documented for trees. A comparative method was used to determine whether North American temperate tree species which typically establish in shady conditions have larger seeds than those requiring more open conditions. Both angiosperms (hardwoods) and gymnosperms (conifers) were involved in the study. A significant relationship was found between large seed mass and shade-tolerance for angiosperms, but not for gymnosperms. These contrasting results seem to relate to unique evolutionary opportunities or constraints in different taxa. The absence of a relationship for gymnosperms is discussed in terms of character traits which might prevent seed size selection in response to shade. The finding for angiosperms underlines the importance of the regeneration niche in promoting coexistence among temperate hardwood species through seed size differentiation. Received: 18 March 1997 / Accepted: 26 November 1997  相似文献   

Salt evaporation ponds have existed in San Francisco Bay, California, for more than a century. In the past decade, most of the salt ponds have been retired from production and purchased for resource conservation with a focus on tidal marsh restoration. However, large numbers of waterbirds are found in salt ponds, especially during migration and wintering periods. The value of these hypersaline wetlands for waterbirds is not well understood, including how different avian foraging guilds use invertebrate prey resources at different salinities and depths. The aim of this study was to investigate the dietary flexibility of waterbirds by examining the population number and diet of three feeding guilds across a salinity and depth gradient in former salt ponds of the Napa-Sonoma Marshes. Although total invertebrate biomass and species richness were greater in low than high salinity salt ponds, waterbirds fed in ponds that ranged from low (20 g l−1) to very high salinities (250 g l−1). American avocets (surface sweeper) foraged in shallow areas at pond edges and consumed a wide range of prey types (8) including seeds at low salinity, but preferred brine flies at mid salinity (40–80 g l−1). Western sandpipers (prober) focused on exposed edges and shoal habitats and consumed only a few prey types (2–4) at both low and mid salinities. Suitable depths for foraging were greatest for ruddy ducks (diving benthivore) that consumed a wide variety of invertebrate taxa (5) at low salinity, but focused on fewer prey (3) at mid salinity. We found few brine shrimp, common in higher salinity waters, in the digestive tracts of any of these species. Dietary flexibility allows different guilds to use ponds across a range of salinities, but their foraging extent is limited by available water depths. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

Synopsis The patterns of mate size and parental care of a monogamous cichlid fish,Cichlasoma maculicauda, were studied in Gatun Lake, Panama. Males defend territories which serve as courtship and nest sites. Within a population most mates in pairs are of equal size rank. In each pair the male is larger than the female, probably because most mature males are larger than most mature females. Clutch size increases with female body size. Male size affects breeding success in two ways. First, larger males provide nest sites less susceptible to destructive wave action. Second, young of larger males grow faster than young of smaller males. Large males defeat small males in contests for position in feeding areas, and this may provide their young with better feeding conditions. In the laboratory young growth rates increase with food abundance, and at high levels of food surpass those observed in nature. Fast growth of young reduces their vulnerability to predators and should allow parents to breed more often. Young survival rates improve with the size of the parents, so that larger fish raise more offspring at each breeding attempt. These observations suggest why preference for large mates should occur.  相似文献   

The long distant, transcontinental migration of shorebirds entails many well identified costs in terms of time, energy, and direct mortality risk. Injuries from debris or from human structures and activities were observed as the major reasons for the direct mortality of shorebirds during migration worldwide. We recorded injured birds in major coastal wetlands of Kerala, for a period of 15 years from 2005 to 2019. The injured birds were observed in 9 different sites in various districts of Kerala. The highest instances of injuries were observed in Kadalundi-Vallikunnu Community Reserve, the major wintering and stop over site of migrant shorebirds in the west coast of India. During the study period, fifty-eight individuals of shorebirds belonging to four families were found to be injured. The highest proportion of injuries was recorded among the families Scolopacidae and Charadriidae comprising long distance migrant shorebird species and the lowest among Laridae and Ardeidae. We recommend that environmental authorities pay special attention to minimize anthropogenic debris along the flyways used by migratory birds thereby reducing the risk of injuries to some of these species. Proactive measures such as removal of discarded fishing gear or plastic debris from wintering areas as well as stopover areas could greatly reduce injuries in migratory birds arising from anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

Coloniality in birds has been intensively studied under the cost and benefit approach, but no general conclusion can be given concerning its evolutionary function. Here, we report on a comparative analysis carried out on 320 species of birds using the general method of comparative analysis for discrete variables and the contrast method to analyze the evolution of coloniality. Showing a mean of 23 convergences and 10 reversals, coloniality appears to be a rather labile trait. Colonial breeding appears strongly correlated with the absence of feeding territory, the aquatic habitat, and nest exposure to predators but was not correlated with changes in life-history traits (body mass and clutch size). The correlation of coloniality with the aquatic habitat is in fact explained by a strong correlation with the marine habitat. Unexpectedly, we found that the evolution toward a marine habitat in birds was contingent on coloniality and that coloniality evolved before the passage to a marine life. These results-along with the lack of transitions from the nonmarine to marine habitat in solitary species and the precedence of the loss of feeding territoriality on the passage to a marine life-contradict most of the hypotheses classically accepted to explain coloniality and suggest that we use a different framework to study this evolutionary enigma.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between mate fidelity and breeding site tenacity during a 5-year study of the black turnstone, Arenaria melanocephala, a socially monogamous sandpiper breeding in subArctic Alaska. We tested the predictions of several hypotheses regarding the incidence of divorce and the benefits of fidelity to mate and breeding site. Interannual return rates to the breeding grounds (88% for males, 79% for females) were among the highest yet recorded for any scolopacid sandpiper, and 88% of returning birds nested on their previous year's territory. The annual divorce rate was only 11%, and mate fidelity was significantly linked to fidelity to territory but independent of sex and year. Males arrived in spring significantly earlier than their mates and interannual fidelity was influenced by the relative timing of arrival of pair members. Reunited pairs had significantly higher fledging success than new pairs formed after death or divorce. The incidence of divorce was unrelated to reproductive success the previous year, although birds nested significantly further away after failure than after a successful nesting attempt. Sightings of marked individuals suggested that members of pairs do not winter together, and breeding site tenacity provides a mechanism through which pair members can reunite. We reject the 'incompatibility' hypothesis for divorce in turnstones, and our data contradict predictions of the 'better option' hypothesis. Alternatively, we propose the 'bet-hedging' hypothesis to explain the occurrence of divorce, which transpires when an individual pairs with a new mate to avoid the cost of waiting for a previous mate to return. Such costs can include remaining unmated, if the former mate has died, or experiencing lower reproductive success because of delayed breeding. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The impact of wetland loss on migratory waterbirds can be mitigated by the presence of anthropogenic habitats such as rice fields. In the Mediterranean basin, wetlands have been drained and altered to such a degree that their very existence is threatened. It is, therefore, essential to identify key buffer areas in the basin to develop conservation strategies for migratory waterbirds. In Extremadura, continental SW Spain, 30,000 ha of new rice fields have created since the 1960s. The present study describes for the first time the waterbird community associated with these inland rice fields, and addresses the question of the potential value of this area in buffering the loss of natural wetlands for populations of waterbirds using the East Atlantic Flyway (EAF). The waterbird community studied consisted of 45 species, with population levels reaching values of international importance (>1% of the biogeographical population using EAF) for the Common Crane Grus grus (19%), Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa (1.2%), Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (1.2%), and Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (1%). The presence of these rice fields may be modifying the wintering and/or feeding sites of some waterbird species such as the Common Crane and Black-tailed Godwit. Unfortunately, there is no legal protection for this area. We propose the designation of these rice fields as a Special Protection Area for birds.  相似文献   

Summary Intraspecific and intrasexual variation in home range size, body mass and ecological productivity is examined in three selected species of Carnivora (Felis rufus: Canis latrans; Ursus americanus), reflecting different diets. We then compare the intraspecific results with prior cross-species studies. Home range size and body mass inFelis rufus are positively and significantly correlated, similar to other comparative studies. For both intraspecific and intrasexual analyses of all three species, home range size and latitude are strongly correlated. Home range size scales with latitude more steeply as the proportion of meat increases in the diet of each species. That is, the slope of home range size on latitude is greatest in the meat-eatingFelis rufus followed by a shallower slope in the omnivorousCanis latrans and the most shallow slope in the frugivorous/folivorousUrsus americanus. These differences in slope are consistent with models of trophic level biomass change with variation in productivity, and parallel the dietary differences observed in cross-species differences in home range.  相似文献   

Social monogamy has evolved multiple times and is particularly common in birds. However, it is not well understood why some species live in long‐lasting monogamous partnerships while others change mates between breeding attempts. Here, we investigate mate fidelity in a sequential polygamous shorebird, the snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus), a species in which both males and females may have several breeding attempts within a breeding season with the same or different mates. Using 6 years of data from a well‐monitored population in Bahía de Ceuta, Mexico, we investigated predictors and fitness implications of mate fidelity both within and between years. We show that in order to maximize reproductive success within a season, individuals divorce after successful nesting and re‐mate with the same partner after nest failure. Therefore, divorced plovers, counterintuitively, achieve higher reproductive success than individuals that retain their mate. We also show that different mating decisions between sexes predict different breeding dispersal patterns. Taken together, our findings imply that divorce is an adaptive strategy to improve reproductive success in a stochastic environment. Understanding mate fidelity is important for the evolution of monogamy and polygamy, and these mating behaviors have implications for reproductive success and population productivity.  相似文献   

To test the avian-origin hypothesis of the 1918 Spanish influenza virus we surveyed influenza sequences from a broad taxonomic distribution and collected 65 full-length genomes representing avian, human and "classic" swine H1N1 lineages in addition to numerous other swine (H1N2, H3N1, and H3N2), human (H2N2, H3N2, and H5N1), and avian (H1N1, H4N6, H5N1, H6N1, H6N6, H6N8, H7N3, H8N4, H9N2, and H13N2) subtypes. Amino acids from all eight segments were concatenated, aligned, and used for phylogenetic analyses. In addition, the genes of the polymerase complex (PB1, PB2, and PA) were analyzed individually. All of our results showed the Brevig-Mission/1918 strain in a position basal to the rest of the clade containing human H1N1s and were consistent with a reassortment hypothesis for the origin of the 1918 virus. Our genome phylogeny further indicates a sister relationship with the "classic" swine H1N1 lineage. The individual PB1, PB2, and PA phylogenies were consistent with reassortment/recombination hypotheses for these genes. These results demonstrate the importance of using a complete-genome approach for addressing the avian-origin hypothesis and predicting the emergence of new pandemic influenza strains.  相似文献   

【背景】由于甲基营养菌被发现的时间较短,而且可以生产吡咯喹啉醌(pyrroloquinoline quinone,PQQ)的甲基杆菌属细菌只有少数菌株的全基因组序列被公布,增加了该类细菌基因组学和生物代谢途径研究的难度。【目的】将本实验室筛选的PQQ生产菌经多种诱变方式处理,用于提高PQQ的发酵产量。对高产突变菌株进行全基因组解析,以探究甲基杆菌PQQ合成的分子机制,为后续分子育种提供序列背景信息。【方法】将野生型PQQ生产菌株进行紫外诱变、亚硝基胍诱变、甲基磺酸乙酯诱变、硫酸二乙酯诱变和紫外-氯化锂复合诱变。将突变菌株利用PromethION三代测序平台和MGISEQ-2000二代测序平台测序,然后进行组装和功能注释。组装得到的全基因组序列与模式菌株扭脱甲基杆菌AM1 (Methylobacterium extorquens AM1)进行比较基因组学分析。【结果】经11轮诱变获得一株突变菌株NI91,其PQQ产量为19.49mg/L,相较原始菌株提高44.91%。突变菌株NI91的基因组由一个5 409 262 bp的染色体组成,共编码4 957个蛋白,与模式菌株M. extorqu...  相似文献   

Flowerpiercers are the most specialized nectar-feeding passerines in the Neotropics. They are nectar robbers that feed on the sucrose-rich diet of hummingbirds. To test the hypothesis that flowerpiercers have converged with hummingbirds in digestive traits, we compared the activity of intestinal enzymes and the gut nominal area of cinnamon-bellied flowerpiercers (Diglossa baritula) with those of eleven hummingbird species. We measured sucrase, maltase, and aminopeptidase-N activities. To provide a comparative context, we also compared flowerpiercers and hummingbirds with 29 species of passerines. We analyzed enzyme activity using both standard allometric analyses and phylogenetically independent contrasts. Both approaches revealed the same patterns. With the exception of sucrase activity, hummingbirds digestive traits were indistinguishable from those of passerines. Sucrase activity was ten times higher in hummingbirds than in passerines. Hummingbirds and passerines also differed in the relationship between intestinal maltase and sucrase activities. Maltase activity was two times higher per unit of sucrase activity in passerines than in hummingbirds. The sucrase activity of D. baritula was much lower than that of hummingbirds, and not unlike that expected for a passerine of its body mass. With the exception of aminopeptidase-N activity, the digestive traits of D. baritula were not different from those of other passerines.Abbreviations Km Michaelis-Menten constant - PDAP phenotypic diversity analysis program - PIC phylogenetic independent contrast - Vmax maximal reaction velocityCommunicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

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