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DNA超甲基化在小麦耐盐胁迫中的作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用高效液相色谱技术测定小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)耐盐品种‘德抗961’和盐敏感品种‘豫麦34’盐胁迫后叶片和根DNA中5-甲基胞嘧啶百分含量的变化,结果表明,经150 mmol/L NaCl处理6 d后,‘德抗961’叶片和根DNA中的5-甲基胞嘧啶的百分含量显著下降,但经150 mmol/L NaCl处理10 d后,耐盐品种‘德抗961’叶片和根DNA中的5-甲基胞嘧啶的百分含量都比盐敏感品种‘豫麦34’的高。由此推测DNA超甲基化可能是植物耐盐机制的一部分。  相似文献   

Ovules of the wheat breeding line Veery #5 were excised and transferred to culture within 24 h after pollination. When ovules were cultured on Phytagel-solidified medium, and the pericarp removed exclusively at the micropylar tip and the abaxial side, zygotes from up to 79.2% of the ovules underwent embryogenesis with the same developmental pattern as found in planta. Embryos from more than 50% of the cultured ovules germinated when transferred to regeneration medium. More than 100 plantlets were randomly chosen for transfer to soil, all of which developed to phenotypically normal and fertile plants. With this system, the entire process of zygotic embryogenesis can be studied using living material. Furthermore, the method could be used as an embryo rescue technique for plant breeding purposes. Received: 17 June 1996 / Revision received: 22 October 1996 / Accepted: 15 December 1996  相似文献   

尾状山羊草(AegilopscaudataL.)具有丰富的抗病虫和高赖氨酸、高蛋白优良性状,是进行小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)遗传改良的重要遗传资源。合成了硬粒小麦(TriticumdurumDesf.)-尾状山羊草双二倍体、进行了普通小麦与双二倍体的杂交。并以作者克隆的尾状山羊草C基因组特异重复序列PAeca212为探针,对上述杂交后代的花粉母细胞进行了染色体原位杂交检测。证实了新合成的双二倍体中有7对C基因组染色体;在F2中检测到C基因组染色体的自发纯合易位,显示出从C基因组向小麦转移外源基因的光明前景。  相似文献   

Aegilops caudata L. carries resistance genes against wheat diseases as well as genes of high crude protein and lysine contents, which can be useful for wheat improvement. An amphiploid of Triticum durum - Ac. caudata was synthesized and the hybridization of T. aestivum with the amphiploid Am 8 was carried out. Chromosome in situ hybridization was carried out for the PMC (pollen mother cell) of the synthesized amphiploid (AABBCC) and ( T. aestivum Beijing 837 × Am 8) F2 by using the pAeca 212 as a probe. The results showed that the 7 bivalents from C genome had hybridization signals in the amphiploid. The detection for F2(Beijing 837× Am 8) indicated that translocation, even (pure) home translocation, occurred in F2 generations spontaneously. The study showed the bright prospect in transferring alien resistance genes from C genome to wheat.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical study of the basic characteristics of the tubulin and actin cytoskeleton (total content, orientation, structure, and stability) was performed for various root zones of the seedlings of winter wheat cultivars contrasting in their freezing tolerance. Plant cold hardening (3°C, 7 days) and ABA treatment (30 M, 3 days) increased the stability of tubulin microtubules (MT), that is, reduced the depolymerizing action of oryzalin in vivo. However, the mechanisms of hardening and ABA stabilizing action on the cytoskeleton were different: low temperature enhanced spatial MT aggregation and resulted in the formation of a dense network of thick MT bundles, whereas ABA reduced the content of tubulin components and induced microfilament (MF) depolymerization. Most pronounced temperature- and ABA-induced cytoskeleton changes were observed in the differentiation zone, which indicates an important role of this root zone in plant adaptation and development of root freezing tolerance. Low temperatures reduced the hormonal effect on the structural arrangement and stability of MT and MF in wheat cultivars of high and moderate freezing tolerance but increased hormonal effects in the slightly tolerant cultivar. MF depolymerization and an increase in the proportion of stable MT are supposed to be a necessary condition for seedling growth retardation after their treatment with ABA and for seedlings at the initial phase of their adaptation to low temperature. At the final phase of cold hardening, some growth acceleration is evidently determined by the accumulation of highly labile MT and greater actin polymerization.  相似文献   

八倍体小偃麦与不同需水性小麦气孔特性比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在温室大棚中对八倍体小偃麦(TAI 7045、中1)和不同需水性普通小麦(晋麦66、晋麦67、晋麦70和晋太170)开花期的气孔特性进行了比较研究.结果表明:正常生长条件下,八倍体小偃麦的气孔频率显著低于高水肥小麦晋麦66(P<0.01),而与中水肥及抗旱性小麦的差异不显著(P>0.05);八倍体小偃麦的光合速率显著高于普通小麦(P<0.05),这种差异主要是由高水肥品种晋麦66造成的,虽然八倍体小偃麦的气孔导度和羧化效率高于普通小麦,但差异不显著;光合速率与气孔频率呈负相关,与气孔导度呈显著正相关.  相似文献   

Immature and mature embryos of 12 common winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes were cultured in vitro to develop an efficient method of callus formation and plant regeneration from mature embryo culture, and to compare the responses of both embryo cultures. Fifteen days after anthesis, immature embryos were aseptically dissected from seeds and placed with the scutellum upwards on a solid agar medium containing the inorganic components of Murashige and Skoog (MS) and 2 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Mature embryos were moved slightly in the imbibed seeds. The seeds with moved embryos were placed furrow downwards in dishes containing 8 mg/l 2,4-D for callus induction. The developed calli and regenerated plants were maintained on 2,4-D-free MS medium. Plants regenerated from both embryo cultures were vernalized and grown to maturity in soil. Regenerated plantlets all maintained the hexaploid chromosome number. A strong genotypic effect on the culture responses was found for both explant cultures. Callus induction rate, regeneration capacity of callus and number of plants regenerated were independent of each other. Mature embryos had a high frequency of callus induction and regeneration capacity, and therefore, being available throughout the year, can be used as an effective explant source in wheat tissue culture. Received: 4 February 1997 / Revision received: 1 April 1997 / Accepted: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

Summary Immature pollen of two varieties of Triticum aestivum, at the stage right after the first pollen mitosis, was isolated from individual anthers and cultured in microcultures of microliter droplets. In a specifically designed medium, some of the pollen grains developed to maturity. These were applied to excised stigmas on agar, where they produced pollen tubes. Application to flowers in vivo led to seed set. Pollen was matured in vitro from a variety that produced a different protein banding pattern on SDS-PAGE as compared to the variety that was pollinated. The protein banding in the produced seeds showed the hybrid pattern, demonstrating that the seeds were not produced by self-pollination in this in-breeding species but by pollination with the in-vitro-matured pollen.  相似文献   

One to two cm long root tips of Triticum aestivum L., after three days' germination at 25 ℃, each were cut into three regions--the meristem region, elongation region and mature region. The cells in different regions were stained with Hochest 33258, Pymnin G and FITC respectively. Nuclear DNA was measured by micmfluorometry with VIDAS digital image analysis system. The relative contents of RNA and protein in the cells were measured with a MPV-Ⅲ microspectrofluorometer. It was shown that the nuclear DNA content increased during root tip cell differentiation, being maximum in the mature region. The relative content of RNA was maximum in the meristem region, but decreased continuously during the growth of tissue. The relative content of protein was maximum in the elongation region, but minimum in the meristem region. The relationships among DNA, RNA, protein and cell differentiation were discussed.  相似文献   

Bustos DM  Iglesias AA 《FEBS letters》2002,530(1-3):169-173
In wheat, non-phosphorylating, NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPN) was found to be encoded by one gene giving rise to a single protein. However, Western blots revealed two different subunits of about 58 and 60 kDa in endosperm and shoots. The latter was attributed to in vivo phosphorylation of shoot GAPN. No modification occurred in leaves, where the enzyme is composed by a single 58 kDa polypeptide. GAPN partially purified from shoots and endosperm was dephosphorylated in vitro with alkaline phosphatase. Phosphorylated GAPN exhibited similar affinity for substrates but a lower Vmax compared to the non-phosphorylated enzyme. Results suggest that reversible phosphorylation of GAPN could regulate NADPH production in the cytosol of heterotrophic plant cells.  相似文献   

Copper is a potent sulfhydryl reagent which can also catalyse the generation of active oxygen. Since nitrate reductase (EC is an SH-enzyme sensitive to oxidative environments, the relations among copper, active oxygen species and nitrate reductase (NR) activity are of interest. Foliar segments of wheat ( Triticum aestivum cv. Oasis) were floated on CuSO4 solutions (up to 250 μ M ) for 24 h under continuous light. Copper decreased NR activity before affecting active oxygen generation as estimated by changes in oxidative parameters, including malondialdehyde, K+ leakage and chlorophyll degradation. Cysteine and Na-benzoate counteracted this decrease, suggesting an oxidative damage of the enzyme in leaves exposed to high copper levels. Copper-induced NR inactivation was further studied in the partially purified enzyme. Preincubation with CuSO4 inhibited NR. Copper inhibition was reversed by subsequent incubation with EDTA, indicating that the metal bonded to key -SH groups of the enzyme. In addition, an ˙OH-generating system (composed of CuSO4, ascorbate and H2O2) irreversibly decreased the activity of purified NR to a greater extent than copper alone. Our results show that copper affects nitrogen metabolism by diminishing NR activity, involving a direct effect on key SH-groups and an indirect effect via attack by active oxygen species induced by the metal.  相似文献   

Little is known about the composition and diversity of the bacterial community associated with plant roots. The purpose of this study was to investigate the diversity of bacteria associated with the roots of canola plants grown at three field locations in Saskatchewan, Canada. Over 300 rhizoplane and 220 endophytic bacteria were randomly selected from agar-solidified trypticase soy broth, and identified using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles. Based on FAME profiles, 18 bacterial genera were identified with a similarity index >0.3, but 73% of the identified isolates belonged to four genera: Bacillus (29%), Flavobacterium (12%), Micrococcus (20%) and Rathayibacter (12%). The endophytic community had a lower Shannon-Weaver diversity index (1.35) compared to the rhizoplane (2.15), and a higher proportion of Bacillus, Flavobacterium, Micrococcus and Rathayibacter genera compared to rhizoplane populations. Genera identified in the endophytic isolates were also found in the rhizoplane isolates. Furthermore, principal component analysis indicated three clusters of bacteria regardless of their site of origin, i.e., rhizoplane or endophytic. In addition, the rhizoplane communities of canola and wheat grown at the same site differed significantly. These results indicate that diverse groups of bacteria are associated with field-grown plants and that endophytes are a subset of the rhizoplane community.  相似文献   

用植物组织培养的方法,研究了冬小麦品种鄂恩1号和品系鄂55072不同生理状态的幼穗和幼胚盾片与诱导分化的关系。结果表明,长度在0.4-2.0cm间的幼穗和直径在0.4-1.5mm间的盾片随生理状态不同,其诱导和分化频率有明显的差异,幼嫩的材料再生频率较高。经SAS统计分析,发现0.5-1.0cm长的幼穗和直径为0.4-1.1mm的盾片是处于诱导分化的最佳生理时期的实验材料,平均每个胚性愈伤组织的植株再生分别达到3.17和5.63株。通过比较幼穗和幼胚盾片的植物组织培养结果,发现幼胚盾片比幼穗愈伤组织出现早,生长快,植株再生绿苗率高,这表明小麦幼胚盾片是较好的植物组织培养的材料。  相似文献   

Abstract. Growth and cytology of root apical meristems of Chinese Spring wheat were studied in relation to temperature. The maximum rate of growth increased with temperature, a marked rise occurring between 10°C and 12°C. At all temperatures studied nucleolar volume increased to a maximum and then declined. The maximum nucleolar size achieved showed particular temperature sensitivity, higher volumes being attained at lower temperatures. The peak at 5°C was 70% higher than at 20°C. However, in comparison, cell and nuclear volumes were only 38% and 47% larger, respectively. Ultrastructural analysis of the nucleoli revealed a temperature-dependent relationship between the proportion of granular component and dense fibrillar component. The results are discussed in relation to the regulation of ribosome synthesis and function during growth and development at different temperatures.  相似文献   

Abstract Homologous internal controls were used as competitor DNA in the polymerase chain reaction for the quantitative detection of mycoplasma DNA. PCR primer sets were designed on the basis of the most conserved nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA gene of mycoplasma species. Amplification of this gene was examined in five different mycoplasma species: Mycoplasma orale, M. hyorhinus, M. synoviae, M. gallisepticum and M. pneumonias . To evaluate the primers, a number of different cell lines were assayed for the detection of mycoplasma infections. All positive cell lines showed a distinct product on agarose gels while uninfected cells showed no DNA amplification. Neither bacterial nor eukaryotic DNA produced any cross-reaction with the primers used, thus confirming their specificity. Internal control DNA to be used for quantitation was constructed by modifying the sizes of the wild-type amplified products and cloning them in plasmid vectors. These controls used the same primer binding sites as the wild-type and the amplified products were differentiated by a size difference. The detection limits for all the mycoplasma species by competitive quantitative PCR were estimated to range from 4 to 60 genome copies per assay as determined by ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels. These internal standards also serve as positive controls in PCR-based detection of mycoplasma DNA, and therefore accidental contamination of test samples with wild-type positive controls can be eliminated. The quantitative PCR method developed will be useful in monitoring the progression and significance of mycoplasma in the disease process.  相似文献   

不同冠温特征冬小麦籽粒灌浆过程中内源激素含量的变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
"豫麦50"在灌浆后期冠层温度明显降低,表现为冷尾型;而"豫麦34"和"豫麦70"则在灌浆后期冠层温度有上升趋势,表现为暖尾型,在灌浆末期冷尾型与暖尾型小麦冠层温度相差超过2.5℃.冷尾型"豫麦50"强势粒中ZR、IAA、GA3含量峰值均高于其它两个品种,其ZR/ABA、GA3/ABA、IAA/ABA峰值亦高于暖尾型"豫麦70"和"豫麦34",ABA含量在灌浆中期上升快,高峰值大于"豫麦70"和"豫麦34",达到高峰后下降较快;"豫麦50"弱势粒中的各种激素含量仍较高.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the anti-microtubule drug, oryzalin, on the content and spatial organization of reticuloplasmins (Ca2+-binding marker proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum) in winter wheat seedlings after their cold acclimation (3°C, 7 days) and treatment with ABA (30 M). For identification and visualization of reticuloplasmins, we applied one-dimensional SDS-PAGE with subsequent Western blotting and indirect fluorescent microscopy. We used polyclonal HSP70 and CRH antibodies against BiP and calreticulin (Cal), respectively. On immunoblots, the brightest bands corresponded to polypeptides with mol wts of 58 kD (calreticulin) and 79 kD (BiP). The content of calreticulins in roots was shown to be higher than in leaves. Cold acclimation enhanced, and ABA treatment reduced, the concentration of calreticulins in root cells. Both treatments increased the BiP concentration in roots. Oryzalin (10 M, treatment for 3 h) did not affect the level of reticuloplasmins in roots of unhardened, cold acclimated, treated with ABA and with a combination of cold and ABA plants. However, both oryzalin and low-temperature treatments resulted in the accumulation of reticuloplasmins in the two spherical structures in the vicinity of the plasmalemma and nuclear envelope. After the combined action of oryzalin and low temperature, the cortical sphere of BiP proteins was shifted into the endoplasm and calreticulins appeared in the nuclear matrix. We believe that these changes in the reticuloplasmin localization are related to the rearrangement of the endoplasmic reticulum determined by the cytoskeleton modification. They result in the improved capacity of reticuloplasmins to control Ca2+ behavior and/or to the function as chaperones. The results obtained permit the conclusion that cytoskeletal proteins interact with reticuloplasmins, and this interaction might be involved in the transduction of the external and internal signals.  相似文献   

Field-grown winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Castell) was used to study changes in the free amino acid pools of different plant parts and related enzyme activities in the flag leaf throughout the grain-filling period in three consecutive growing seasons. Amino acid analysis data indicated that, during senescence, the nitrogen flow in the flag leaf was directed towards the synthesis of glutamine as a specific nitrogen transport form. Of the enzymes involved, total glutamine synthetase (GS; EC and especially ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (Fd-GOGAT; EC activities declined continuously as senescence progressed. Unlike (chloroplastic) GS2, (cytosolic) GS1 was shown to be very persistent suggesting a special role for this isoenzyme in the N-reallocation process. Glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT; EC, glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT; EC and isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH; EC showed a characteristic biphasic activity profile after anthesis. It is proposed that these enzymes, for each of which at least two isoenzymes were demonstrated, are involved in glutamate synthesis at the later stages of leaf senescence. Ammonium levels were fairly constant throughout the flag leafs life span, an ultimate rise often following peak values of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH; EC activity. The enzymology of flag leaf amino acid metabolism during grain development is further discussed in relation to observations of NH3-volatilization from naturally senescing wheat plants.  相似文献   

The acylated, amidated and esterified derivatives of N-acetylglucosaminyl-α(1 → 4)-N-acetylmuramyl tri- and tetrapeptide were synthesized and examined as to their protective effect on pseudomonal infection in the mouse and pyrogenicity in the rabbit. Modifications of the terminal end function of the peptide moieties in their molecules caused enhancement of resistance to pseudomonal infection and reduction of pyrogenicity. Among the compounds tested, sodium N-acetylglucosaminyl-β(1 → 4)-N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutaminyl-(l)-stearoyl-(d)-meso-2,6-diaminopimelic acid-(d)-amide and sodium N-acetylglucosaminyl-β(1 → 4)-N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutaminyl-(l)-stearoyl-(d)-meso-2,6-diaminopimelic acid-(d)-amide-(l)-d-alanine were found to be advantageous and conceivably worthwhile for further investigation as immunobiologically active compounds.  相似文献   

孙琴  王晓蓉  袁信芳  丁士明 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2804-2809
采用溶液培养方式 ,研究了有机酸存在下小麦体内 Cd的生物毒性和植物络合素 (PCs)合成的相关关系 ,试图寻求一种与小麦体内 Cd的生物毒性高度相关的评价指标。结果显示 ,Cd胁迫对小麦产生明显的毒害效应并诱导小麦根系内 PCs的大量合成。EDTA、DTPA、柠檬酸、苹果酸和草酸的适量供应可不同程度减轻或消除 Cd的生物毒性 ,其强弱顺序为 EDTA >DTPA 柠檬酸 >苹果酸≈草酸。与此同时 ,小麦根系内 PCs的诱导量也有明显下降 ,与 Cd的生物毒性保持一定的线性关系 ,且在EDTA、DTPA和柠檬酸供应下尤为显著。表明 PCs可以作为一项敏感的生化指标 (biochem ical indicator)用来评价和预测环境中 Cd的污染 ,并有望成为重金属生物有效性评价系统中一种新的补充方法  相似文献   

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