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Electrostatic properties of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) were investigated using numerical solutions to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. Experimentally, it has been shown that CCMV particles swell in the absence of divalent cations when the pH is raised from 5 to 7. CMV, although structurally homologous, does not undergo this transition. An analysis of the calculated electrostatic potential confirms that a strong electrostatic repulsion at the calcium-binding sites in the CCMV capsid is most likely the driving force for the capsid swelling process during the release of calcium. The binding interaction between the encapsulated genome material (RNA) inside of the capsid and the inner capsid shell is weakened during the swelling transition. This probably aids in the RNA release process, but it is unlikely that the RNA is released through capsid openings due to unfavorable electrostatic interaction between the RNA and capsid inner shell residues at these openings. Calculations of the calcium binding energies show that Ca(2+) can bind both to the native and swollen forms of the CCMV virion. Favorable binding to the swollen form suggests that Ca(2+) ions can induce the capsid contraction and stabilize the native form.  相似文献   

Viruses use sophisticated mechanisms to allow the specific packaging of their genome over that of host nucleic acids. We examined the in vitro assembly of the Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV) and observed that assembly with viral RNA follows two different mechanisms. Initially, CCMV capsid protein (CP) dimers bind RNA with low cooperativity and form virus-like particles of 90 CP dimers and one copy of RNA. Longer incubation reveals a different assembly path. At a stoichiometry of about ten CP dimers per RNA, the CP slowly folds the RNA into a compact structure that can be bound with high cooperativity by additional CP dimers. This folding process is exclusively a function of CP quaternary structure and is independent of RNA sequence. CP-induced folding is distinct from RNA folding that depends on base-pairing to stabilize tertiary structure. We hypothesize that specific encapsidation of viral RNA is a three-step process: specific binding by a few copies of CP, RNA folding, and then cooperative binding of CP to the "labeled" nucleoprotein complex. This mechanism, observed in a plant virus, may be applicable to other viruses that do not halt synthesis of host nucleic acid, including HIV.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations of a small protein, carmbin, were carried out with and without hydration energy. The methodology presented here is characterized, as compared with the other similar simulations of proteins in solution, by two points: (1) protein conformations are treated in fixed geometry so that dihedral angles are independent variables rather than cartesian coordinates of atoms; and (2) instead of treating water molecules explicitly in the calculation, hydration energy is incorporated in the conformational energy function in the form of g i A i, whereA i is the accessible surface area of an atomic groupi in a given conformation, andg i is the free energy of hydration per unit surface area of the atomic group (i.e., hydration-shell model). Reality of this model was tested by carrying out Monte Carlo simulations for the two kinds of starting conformations, native and unfolded ones, and in the two kinds of systems,in vacuo and solution. In the simulations starting from the native conformation, the differences between the mean propertiesin vacuo and solution simulations are not very large, but their fluctuations around the mean conformation during the simulation are relatively smaller in solution thanin vacuo. On the other hand, in the simulations starting from the unfolded conformation, the molecule fluctuates much more largely in solution thanin vacuo, and the effects of taking into account the hydration energy are pronounced very much. The results suggest that the method presented in this paper is useful for the simulations of proteins in solution.  相似文献   

Garcia LG  Araújo AF 《Proteins》2006,62(1):46-63
Monte Carlo simulations of a hydrophobic protein model of 40 monomers in the cubic lattice are used to explore the effect of energetic frustration and interaction heterogeneity on its folding pathway. The folding pathway is described by the dependence of relevant conformational averages on an appropriate reaction coordinate, pfold, defined as the probability for a given conformation to reach the native structure before unfolding. We compare the energetically frustrated and heterogeneous hydrophobic potential, according to which individual monomers have a higher or lower tendency to form contacts unspecifically depending on their hydrophobicities, to an unfrustrated homogeneous Go-type potential with uniformly attractive native interactions and neutral non-native interactions (called Go1 in this study), and to an unfrustrated heterogeneous potential with neutral non-native interactions and native interactions having the same energy as the hydrophobic potential (called Go2 in this study). Folding kinetics are slowed down dramatically when energetic frustration increases, as expected and previously observed in a two-dimensional model. Contrary to our previous results in two dimensions, however, it appears that the folding pathway and transition state ensemble can be significantly dependent on the energy function used to stabilize the native structure. The sequence of events along the reaction coordinate, or the order along this coordinate in which different regions of the native conformation become structured, turns out to be similar for the hydrophobic and Go2 potentials, but with analogous events tending to occur at lower pfold values in the first case. In particular, the transition state obtained from the ensemble around pfold = 0.5 is more structured for the hydrophobic potential. For Go1, not only the transition state ensemble but the order of events itself is modified, suggesting that interaction heterogeneity, in addition to energetic frustration, can have significant effects on the folding mechanism, most likely by modifying the probability of different contacts in the unfolded state, the starting point for the folding reaction. Although based on a simple model, these results provide interesting insight into how sequence-dependent switching between folding pathways might occur in real proteins.  相似文献   

Yantao Chen  Jiandong Ding 《Proteins》2010,78(9):2090-2100
To explore the role of non‐native interactions in the helix‐coil transition, a detailed comparison between a Gō‐like model and a non‐Gō model has been performed via lattice Monte Carlo simulations. Only native hydrogen bonding interactions occur in the Gō‐like model, and the non‐native ones with sequence interval more than 4 is also included into the non‐Gō model. Some significant differences between the results from those two models have been found. The non‐native hydrogen bonds were found most populated at temperature around the helix‐coil transition. The rearrangement of non‐native hydrogen bonds into native ones in the formation of α‐helix leads to the increase of susceptibility of chain conformation, and even two peaks of susceptibility of radius of gyration versus temperature exist in the case of non‐Gō model for a non‐short peptide, while just a single peak exists in the case of Gō model for a single polypeptide chain with various chain lengths. The non‐native hydrogen bonds have complicated the temperature‐dependence of Zimm‐Bragg nucleation constant. The increase of relative probability of non‐native hydrogen bonding for long polypeptide chains leads to non‐monotonous chain length effect on the transition temperature. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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