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The gene ade6 is located on chromosome III of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. It codes for the enzyme phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase involved in purine biosynthesis. A DNA fragment of 3043 nucleotides has been sequenced. It complements ade6 mutations when present on plasmids. An uninterrupted open reading frame of 552 amino acid residues was identified. A method for the cloning of chromosomal mutations by repair of gapped replication vectors in vivo has been developed. Twelve ade6 mutant alleles have been isolated. The sequence alterations of four mutant alleles have been determined. Among them are the ade6-M26 recombination hot spot mutation and the nearby ade6-M375 control mutation. Both are G to T base substitutions, converting adjacent glycine codons to TGA termination codons. They are suppressed by defined tRNA nonsense suppressors of the UGA type. The ade6-M26 mutation leads to a tenfold increase of the occurrence of conversion tetrads in comparison with other ade6 mutations. Possible explanations for the M26-induced increase of recombination frequency are discussed in relation to specific features of the nucleotide sequence identified in the region of the M26 mutation.  相似文献   

J B Virgin  J P Bailey 《Genetics》1998,149(3):1191-1204
Homologous recombination is increased during meiosis between DNA sequences at the same chromosomal position (allelic recombination) and at different chromosomal positions (ectopic recombination). Recombination hotspots are important elements in controlling meiotic allelic recombination. We have used artificially dispersed copies of the ade6 gene in Schizosaccharomyces pombe to study hotspot activity in meiotic ectopic recombination. Ectopic recombination was reduced 10-1000-fold relative to allelic recombination, and was similar to the low frequency of ectopic recombination between naturally repeated sequences in S. pombe. The M26 hotspot was active in ectopic recombination in some, but not all, integration sites, with the same pattern of activity and inactivity in ectopic and allelic recombination. Crossing over in ectopic recombination, resulting in chromosomal rearrangements, was associated with 35-60% of recombination events and was stimulated 12-fold by M26. These results suggest overlap in the mechanisms of ectopic and allelic recombination and indicate that hotspots can stimulate chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   

The Atf1 protein of Schizosaccharomyces pombe contains a bZIP (DNA-binding/protein dimerization) domain characteristic of ATF/CREB proteins, but no other functional domains or clear homologs have been reported. Atf1-containing, bZIP protein dimers bind to CRE-like DNA sites, regulate numerous stress responses, and activate meiotic recombination at hotspots like ade6–M26. We defined systematically the organization of Atf1 and its heterodimer partner Pcr1, which is required for a subset of Atf1-dependent functions. Surprisingly, only the bZIP domain of Pcr1 is required for hotspot activity and tethering of Atf1 to ade6 promotes recombination in the absence of its bZIP domain and the Pcr1 protein. Therefore the recombination–activation domain of Atf1-Pcr1 heterodimer resides exclusively in Atf1, and Pcr1 confers DNA-binding site specificity in vivo. Atf1 has a modular organization in which distinct regions affect differentially the osmotic stress response (OSA) and meiotic recombination (HRA, HRR). The HRA and HRR regions are necessary and sufficient to activate and repress recombination, respectively. Moreover, Atf1 defines a family of conserved proteins with discrete sequence motifs in the functional domains (OSA, HRA, HRR, bZIP). These findings reveal the functional organization of Atf1 and Pcr1, and illustrate several mechanisms by which bZIP proteins can regulate multiple, seemingly disparate activities.  相似文献   

Certain genomic loci, termed hot spots, are predisposed to undergo genetic recombination during meiosis at higher levels relative to the rest of the genome. The factors that specify hot-spot potential are not well understood. The M26 hot spot of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is dependent on certain trans activators and a specific nucleotide sequence, which can function as a hot spot in a position- and orientation-independent fashion within ade6. In this report we demonstrate that a linear element (LE) component, Rec10, has a function that is required for activation of some, but not all, M26-containing hot spots and from this we propose that, with respect to hot-spot activity, there are three classes of M26-containing sequences. We demonstrate that the localized sequence context in which the M26 heptamer is embedded is a major factor governing whether or not this Rec10 function is required for full hot-spot activation. Furthermore, we show that the rec10-144 mutant, which is defective in full activation of ade6-M26, but proficient for activation of other M26-containing hot spots, is also defective in the formation of LEs, suggesting an intimate link between higher-order chromatin structure and local influences on hot-spot activation.  相似文献   

In an effort to identify novel genes involved in recombination repair, we isolated fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutants sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and a synthetic lethal with rad2. A gene that complements such mutations was isolated from the S. pombe genomic library, and subsequent analysis identified it as the fbh1 gene encoding the F-box DNA helicase, which is conserved in mammals but not conserved in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An fbh1 deletion mutant is moderately sensitive to UV, MMS, and gamma rays. The rhp51 (RAD51 ortholog) mutation is epistatic to fbh1. fbh1 is essential for viability in stationary-phase cells and in the absence of either Srs2 or Rqh1 DNA helicase. In each case, lethality is suppressed by deletion of the recombination gene rhp57. These results suggested that fbh1 acts downstream of rhp51 and rhp57. Following UV irradiation or entry into the stationary phase, nuclear chromosomal domains of the fbh1Delta mutant shrank, and accumulation of some recombination intermediates was suggested by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Focus formation of Fbh1 protein was induced by treatment that damages DNA. Thus, the F-box DNA helicase appears to process toxic recombination intermediates, the formation of which is dependent on the function of Rhp51.  相似文献   

The effect of the strong promoter from the alcohol dehydrogenase gene on mitotic and meiotic intragenic recombination has been studied at the ade6 locus of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. A 700-bp fragment containing the functional adh1 promoter was used to replace the weak wild-type promoter of the ade6 gene. Analysis of mRNA showed that strains with this ade6::adh1 fusion construct had strongly elevated ade6-specific mRNA levels during vegetative growth as well as in meiosis. These increased levels of mRNA correlated with a 20- to 25-fold stimulation of intragenic recombination in meiosis and a 7-fold increased prototroph formation during vegetative growth. Analysis of flanking marker configurations of prototrophic recombinants indicated that simple conversions as well as conversions associated with crossing over were stimulated in meiosis. The strongest stimulation of recombination was observed when the adh1 promoter was homozygous. Studies with heterologous promoter configurations revealed that the highly transcribed allele was the preferred acceptor of genetic information. The effect of the recombinational hot spot mutation ade6-M26 was also investigated in this system. Its effect was only partly additive to the elevated recombination rate generated by the ade6::adh1 fusion construct.  相似文献   

Summary The ade6 mutant M26 of the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe uniquely influences both intragenic recombination and gene conversion of markers within its locus. To determine whether the marker effect of M26 is triggered by informational heterozygosity at that site, tetrads from the cross mat1-P mat2-P ade6-M26 Sup9 ura5xmat1-M mat2-O ade6-M26-M210 Sup9 ura5+ were analyzed and the conversion of the distal marker M210 scored. In a sample of 1005 tetrads 14 conversion tetrads were observed 8 of which were 3M26: 1M26-M210, 5 of which were 1M26:3M26-M210 and one of which was 2M26:1M26/M26-M210:1M26-M210. Since the 15.5 aberrant asci expected (frequency of an event at M26 X the probability that the M210 site will be included or (0.031+0.031) (0.25) (1005)=15.5) are not different from the 14 observed, the two doses of M26 act in an additive fashion in this cross. These results are consistent with an interpretation that conversion results from a sequence of events involving site specific breakage at M26, degradation of the broken strand, and the availability of an appropriate template which introduces new information as synthesis proceeds. This is congruent with the parity that is observed reflecting the fact intragenic recombination is signaled with equal probability on each of the strands due to the homozygosity of M26 in this cross. In addition, the single p.m.s. tetrad may be explained on the basis that hybrid DNA is formed, although its production is secondary and not a direct consequence of the processes leading to gene conversion. Given these results, it is possible to conclude that this marker effect is a result of the M26 leision itself and is not signaled as a consequence of specialized interactions involving the corresponding wild type nucleotide sequence.  相似文献   

Farah JA  Hartsuiker E  Mizuno K  Ohta K  Smith GR 《Genetics》2002,161(1):461-468
Palindromic sequences can form hairpin and cruciform structures that pose a threat to genome integrity. We found that a 160-bp palindrome (an inverted repeat of 80 bp) conferred a mitotic recombination hotspot relative to a control nonpalindromic sequence when inserted into the ade6 gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The hotspot activity of the palindrome, but not the basal level of recombination, was abolished by a rad50 deletion, by a rad50S "separation of function" mutation, or by a rad32-D25A mutation in the nuclease domain of the Rad32 protein, an Mre11 homolog. We propose that upon extrusion of the palindrome the Rad50.Rad32 nuclease complex recognizes and cleaves the secondary structure thus formed and generates a recombinogenic break in the DNA.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - In order to elucidate the mechanisms of illegitimate recombination in eukaryotes, we have studied the structure of DNA fragments integrated by illegitimate...  相似文献   

Schuchert P  Kohli J 《Genetics》1988,119(3):507-515
The ade6-M26 mutation of Schizosaccharomyces pombe increases conversion frequency in comparison with the nearby mutation ade6-M375. In order to investigate the effect of ade6-M26 on crossover frequency, heteroallelic ade6 duplications were constructed by integration of plasmids carrying the marker gene ura4. One ade6 gene carries either of the mutations M26 or M375 while the other ade6 copy carries the L469 mutation in both duplications. The duplication with ade6-M26 yields Ade(+) recombinants at significantly higher frequencies in meiosis, but not in mitosis. Tetrad analysis and physical characterization of spore clones from recombination tetrads demonstrate that conversions, unequal crossovers and intrachromatid exchanges occur at higher frequencies but with unaltered proportions among them. The conversion events show a pronounced bias when M26 is involved: they take place preferentially at the M26 allele. Thus the ade6-M26 mutation not only enhances conversion frequency as demonstrated before, but also crossover frequency. It displays the properties expected for a preferred site of initiation of general meiotic recombination. The duplications also yielded new information on ectopic recombination in S. pombe: ectopic crossovers occur in the duplications at much higher frequency than among naturally dispersed homologous sequences.  相似文献   

A new Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant (rad32) which is sensitive to gamma and UV irradiation is described. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of DNA from irradiated cells indicates that the rad32 mutant, in comparison to wild type cells, has decreased ability to repair DNA double strand breaks. The mutant also undergoes decreased meiotic recombination and displays reduced stability of minichromosomes. The rad32 gene has been cloned by complementation of the UV sensitive phenotype. The gene, which is not essential for cell viability and is expressed at a moderate level in mitotically dividing cells, has significant homology to the meiotic recombination gene MRE11 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Epistasis analysis indicates that rad32 functions in a pathway which includes the rhp51 gene (the S.pombe homologue to S.cerevisiae RAD51) and that cells deleted for the rad32 gene in conjunction with either the rad3 deletion (a G2 checkpoint mutation) or the rad2 deletion (a chromosome stability and potential nucleotide excision repair mutation) are not viable.  相似文献   

In fission yeast two RAD52 homologs have been identified, rad22A+ and rad22B+. Two-hybrid experiments and GST pull-down assays revealed physical interaction between Rad22A and Rad22B, which is dependent on the N-terminal regions. Interaction with Rhp51 is dependent on the C-terminal parts of either protein. Both Rad22A and Rad22B also interact with RPA. The expression of rad22B+ in mitotically dividing cells is very low in comparison with rad22A+ but is strongly enhanced after induction of meiosis, in contrast to rad22A+. Rad22B mutant cells are not hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents (X-rays, UV and cisplatin) and display normal levels of recombination. In these respects the Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad22B mutant resembles the weak phenotype of vertebrate cells deficient for RAD52. Mutation of rad22A+ leads to severe sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and to defects in recombination. In a rad22Arad22B double mutant a further increase in sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and additional mitotic recombination defects were observed. The data presented here indicate that Rad22A and Rad22B have overlapping roles in repair and recombination, although specialized functions for each protein cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

H Park  R Davis    T S Wang 《Nucleic acids research》1995,23(21):4337-4344
The status of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast) DNA polymerase alpha was investigated at different stages of the cell cycle. S.pombe DNA polymerase alpha is a phosphoprotein, with serine being the exclusive phosphoamino acid. By in vivo pulse labeling experiments DNA polymerase alpha was found to be phosphorylated to a 3-fold higher level in late S phase cells compared with cells in the G2 and M phases, but the steady-state level of phosphorylation did not vary significantly during the cell cycle. Tryptic phosphopeptide mapping demonstrated that the phosphorylation sites of DNA polymerase alpha from late S phase cells were not the same as that from G2/M phase cells. DNA polymerase alpha partially purified from G1/S cells had a different mobility in native gels from that from G2/M phase cells. The partially purified polymerase alpha from G1/S phase cells had a higher affinity for single-stranded DNA than that from G2/M phase cells. Despite the apparent differences in cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation, mobility in native gels and affinity for DNA, the in vitro enzymatic activity of the partially purified DNA polymerase alpha did not appear to vary during the cell cycle. The possible biological significance of these cell cycle-dependent characteristics of DNA polymerase alpha is discussed.  相似文献   

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