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Environmental monitoring of pollen grains in the atmosphere of Melbourne has been achieved using Burkard volumetric traps. Twenty-two families of flowering plants and confiers were identified in the pollen counts. About 62% of these pollen grains belonged to trees, 20% to grasses and 9% to herbs and weedy plants. During spring and summer, the atmosphere contained about 70% of the total annual pollen count. Tree pollen, predominantly elm and cypress, occurred abundantly in late winter and spring, with grass pollen predominantly in spring and early summer. These three types of pollen grains occurred in significant amounts, together accounting for more than 60% of the total annual catch. A seasonal incidence chart (pollen calendar) for Melbourne based on 2 years observation has been constructed. This pollen calendar is useful in identifying sources of allergies against particular seasonal airborne pollen types. Comparison of the time of occurrence of a particular pollen type using the pollen calendar and the time of allergic symptoms, can lead to accurate diagnosis and preventive measures being taken. This study has confirmed that grass pollen is the major source of allergenic pollen in the external environment triggering hay fever and allergic asthma in spring and early summer in Melbourne, Australia.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen was monitored in three major urban centers of the coastal plain of Israel during the years 1993–1995. Results show spatial and temporal variations among the three sites. Altogether, the number of identified species was rather low. Ornamental trees (Cupressaceae,Pinus, Olea, Casuarina, Ceratonia) and grasses, have constituted the main source of the pollen rain. A substantial contribution of the wild plants of the region was restricted toParietaria, Urtica, Mercurialis, Artemisia, grasses and members of the Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae.  相似文献   

The Pinus genus has an elevated pollen production and an anemophilous nature. Although considered to be hypoallergenic, numerous cases of allergies caused by Pinus pollen have been cited and different authors believe that its allergenicity should be studied in more depth. In the city of Vigo several patients have tested positive for Pinus pollen extracts in skin tests, some of them being mono-sensitive to such pollens. In order to ascertain the behaviour of Pinus pollen and its correlation to the main meteorological factors, we carried out an aerobiological study in the city of Vigo from 1995 to 1998 by using a Hirst active-impact volumetric sporetrap, model Lanzoni VPPS 2000, placed on the left bank of the Vigo estuary (42°14’15’’N, 8°43’30’’W). Pinus has high quantitative importance in the airborne pollen spectrum of the city. It is one of the best represented taxa constituting 13%–20% of the total annual pollen levels. The quantity of Pinus pollen present in the atmosphere of the city of Vigo throughout a year is 5751 grains (as the average for the sampled years), with a very long pollination period, from the middle of January until May. The maximum concentration was recorded in 1998 with 1105 grains/m3 on 3 March, a much greater value than those for the previous years. At the end of its pollination period there is usually a final increase in Pinus pollen concentrations coinciding with the pollination of Pinus silvestris, which are more abundant in mountainous areas far from the city. Received: 17 March 1999 / Revised: 20 December 1999 / Accepted: 20 December 1999  相似文献   

Pollen data collected in 1989 and recorded from four stations in Switzerland (Basle, Davos, Nyon on Lake Geneva and Lucerne in central Switzerland) are presented and compared as flowering calendars. The data highlight the importance, for production of a pollen calendar over the whole country, of the fact that the beginning and duration of flowering occur at different times at the four stations.  相似文献   

Summary The number of pollen grains placed upon a stigma influence both the development of pollen tubes and subsequently the progeny which result from fertilizations by gametes from these pollen tubes. The first influence is demonstrated by reduced pollen tube growth rates when pollen grains are few in number. This may indicate direct effects of pollen tubes upon the stylar tissues or perhaps more complex interactions between pollen and style. The second and potentially more important influence of limited pollination is upon the progeny. This was demonstrated with studies on three species. In each case, variation among the resultant plants was greater when pollen was limited than when normal, that is excessive, pollen was used. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not certain, but our data indicate that it is not simply an artefact of variation in seed size.  相似文献   

Summary A list of the principal airborne and allergenic pollen species in the Netherlands was compiled on the basis of the pollen lists of Leiden and Helmond, the Leiden pollen calendar, the hour-square frequencies of the species in question in the Netherlands and the degree of allergenicity of the extent known. Twenty-two trees and shrubs, 9 herbs and 32 grasses were selected.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments and observations conducted during the past 90 years have provided conflicting evidence concerning the existence of a size difference between pollen grains containing an X chromosome (female-determining) and those containing a Y chromosome (maledetermining) in dioecious Silene latifolia. Were such a size difference to exist, this might explain, at least in part, the observation that X-bearing pollen tubes reach the ovary more quickly, on average, than Y-bearing pollen tubes. We tested for such a size difference by separating pollen collected from single anthers into three size classes: small, large, and random. Fruit set (number of pollinated flowers that set fruit) and seed set (number of seeds per capsule) did not differ for these three pollination treatments. Progeny sex ratios resulting from these three pollen size classes also did not differ significantly. Thus, pollen grain size is not affected by which of the two sex chromosomes is present. Our experiment is the first direct test of this relationship. Based on our results, size differences should not be invoked to explain competitive differences in male- and female-determining microgametophytes.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the incidence of pollinosis in the Health District of Ascoli Piceno, Central Italy (U.S.L.24), this being an underestimated pathology from the clinical point of view and also as a result of the recent introduction of this taxa in the National Aeroallergen Network. Since 1990, 5055 patients of both sexes with respiratory symptomatology of suspected IgE mediated aetiology have been examined in our Centre with the Skin Prick Test (SPT) using allergen panels including Cypress; 171 (3.38%) patients were found to be positive to this allergen. These results show that the subjects with symptoms in the period January–March in most cases have a sensitization toCupressus pollen and new studies will evaluate the possibility of specific immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the incidence of pollinosis in the Health District of Ascoli Piceno, Central Italy (U.S.L.24). this being an underestimated pathology from the clinical point of view and also as a result of the recent introduction of this taxa in the National Aeroallergen Network. Since 1990, 5055 patients of both sexes with respiratory symptomatology of suspected IgE mediated aetiology have been examined in our Centre with the Skin Prick Test (SPT) using allergen panels including Cypress; 171 (3.38%) patients were found to be positive to this allergen. These results show that the subjects with symptoms in the period January–March in most cases have a sensitization toCupressus pollen and new studies will evaluate the possibility of specific immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Bernard Clot 《Aerobiologia》1998,14(2-3):267-268
A simple formula, intended to serve as an aid for the prevention of allergies, is proposed for forecasting the starting date of the grass pollination season in Switzerland. Parameters are daily mean air temperature and rainfall. The forecast is accurate in two thirds of the cases, and too early in one third, but still useful in practice.  相似文献   

The 2.4 meter-long core was extracted from the Diaojiao lake (41º18′N, 112º21′E) at the foot of the northern part of Daqingshan Mts. Pollen analysis from collections subsampled in the laboratory at 2 cm intervals, revealed plentiful pollen and spores from over 10 arboreal genera, including Pinus, Betula, Picea, Abies, Carpinus, Quercus, Ulmus and more than 20 non-arboreal genera, mainly of Artemisia, Labiatae, Nitraria, Polygonaceae, Ranunculus, Thalictrum, Umbel- liferae, Caryophyllaceae and Cyperaceae. Fern spores, aquatic pollen and algae were also observed in some parts of the core. The transfer functions were established by the stepwise regression analysis using the climatic factors and 13 pollen taxa. The different Fl and F2 value were used as the thresh- old value of F test (i. e. used for selecting and deleting factors). Each regressed equation was obtained from 70 times of calculations with a step-wise increase of 0.1 for Fl and F2 and those having the smallest regression deviation and the largest multiple correlation coefficient were the final four transfer functions. Substituting the pre-factor obtained from the stratigraphic sampled into the regression equations, the estimates of temperature and precipitation in January and in July, and annual mean temperature values could be calculated. Some climatic stages were inferred from total pollen influx and pollen percentage from the core using a transfer function: humid-cool (from 10 000 to 7 800 a BP), arid-cold (9 200 to 7 900 a BP), arid-warm (7 900 to 7 100 a BP), humid-warm (7 100 to 4 400 a BP), arid-warm (4 400 to 3 000 a BP), arid-cold (3 000 to 2 100 a BP). The highest annual mean temperature during Holocene was ca. 4 ℃ higher and the lowest was ca. 2 ℃ lower than the present temperature. Annual precipitation was 250 mm higher and 300 mm lower than the present.  相似文献   

Detailed results from a 2-year survey of airborne pollen concentrations of Artemisia in Murcia are presented. Three consecutive pollen seasons of Artemisia occurring each year, related to three different species (A. campestris, A. herba-alba and A. barrelieri), were observed. A winter blooming of Artemisia could explain the incidence of subsequent pollinosis in the Murcia area. With regard to meteorological parameters, mathematical analyses showed relationships between daily pollen concentrations of Artemisia in summer–autumn and precipitations that occurred 6–8 weeks before. The cumulative percentage of insolation from 1 March seemed to be related to blooming onsets. Once pollination has begun, meteorological factors do not seem to influence pollen concentrations significantly. Intradiurnal patterns of pollen concentrations were similar for late summer and winter species (A. campestris and A. barrelieri). During autumn blooming (A. herba-alba), the intradiurnal pattern was particularly erratic. Theoretical values of wind run were obtained for each pollen season by the graphical sum of hourly wind vectors. When theoretical wind run was mapped onto the vegetation pattern, supposed pollen source locations were obtained for each hour. By comparing supposed hourly pollen origins with the intradiurnal patterns of pollen concentrations, it can be seen that this simple model explains variations in mean pollen concentrations throughout the day. Received: 6 May 1998 / Revised: 24 February 1999 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

The effect of genotype, the origin of genotype, and germination temperature on Scots pine pollen grain size, hydration rate, germinability, and tube growth was studied in vitro. The mean sizes of dry and germinated pollen grains varied among pollen genotypes in different ways, thus the hydration rate varied among genotypes. Pollen from Scots pine that originates in northern Finland hydrated more than pollen from a population in southern Finland. Germination temperature had no effect on the hydration rate. Germinability and tube growth rate of northern genotypes were higher at 20 °C than at 15 °C. Differences among southern genotypes were not significant. At 15 °C, the germinability and pollen tube growth rate of northern genotypes were lower than southern genotypes. At 20 °C, the differences were not significant. It appears that germination and growth of pollen from northern populations are enhanced at higher temperatures whereas pollen from southern populations is unaffected.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate thephenological behaviour of Betula in Galicia, NW Spain, and to examine therelationship between the Betula pollencurves and the flowering phenophase. Threetrees were chosen from the each of ninepopulations of Betula located atdifferent altitudes and phytogeographicpositions. Phenological observations of theflowering periods of Betula were made ineach of them. Environmental factors such asfrequency of mist, latitudinal and topographicposition, proximity of the ocean, degree ofsolar exposure, and altitude result inphenological differences between theinvestigated populations. The correlationbetween the Pollinic Production Index of Betula pollen in Galicia and theaerobiological data of the seven monitoringstations showed that the period in which thehighest concentrations were registered wasalmost synchronous with the flowering times atmost of the phenological stations studied.Other factors such as transport and reflotationshould also be taken into account to provide anadequate interpretation of the aerobiologicaldata of Betula pollen in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

石家庄市空气花粉散布规律及与气候因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李英  李月丛  吕素青  许清海 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1575-1586
石家庄市2007—2009连续两年空气花粉分析表明:受植物花期影响,春季以木本植物花粉为主,夏、秋季以草本植物花粉为主,不同类型花粉通量存在一定年际差异。松属、杨属、胡桃属等当地花粉含量占花粉组合的80.0%以上,桦木属、栎属、虎榛子属等区域花粉含量低于20.0%,显示空气花粉能较好地反映周围植被,但也受区域植被的影响。依据空气花粉通量变化规律,石家庄市主要空气花粉类型通量从高到低排在前5位的依次为:胡桃属、悬铃木属、蒿属、杨属、藜科,均为高致敏类型,花粉过敏症患者在其花期或通量较高时期应早作防范。空气花粉百分含量与气候因子之间的(CCA)分析结果显示,其主要受风速与水汽压影响;不同季节主要花粉类型通量与气候因子的相关分析表明:春季和秋季空气花粉通量主要受气温和水汽压的影响,夏季主要受相对湿度和水汽压的影响,冬季与气候因子相关较弱。  相似文献   

Summary A steep, oscillating tip-focused gradient in cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+]c) has been implicated in pollen tube growth. Further understanding of the biological causes and consequences of these processes relies on the precise imaging of [Ca2+]c during the different growth phases. In this work, the minimum technical requirements for confocal [Ca2+]c imaging ofAgapanthus umbellatus pollen tubes were examined. A range of dyes, dye forms, and loading methods were compared. Non-ratio and ratio imaging were critically analysed, in terms of the detection of the [Ca2+]c gradient and its fluctuations over time. Both ratiometric and nonratiornetric methods detected relative changes in [Ca2+]c. However, visualisation of the [Ca2+]c gradient, with an accurate spatial definition, was only possible with ratiometric methods. The gradient observed in this study ranged from 1.8 M (tip) to 180–220 nM (basal level), within the first 4–10 m. Apical [Ca2+]c fluctuations with an amplitude between 415 nM and 1.8 M showed a period of 40 to 75 s. All protocols for dye-loading proved to have strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the choice of a dye and its loading procedure should consider the required imaging period, extent of sequestration, effect on cell performance and viability, ease of loading procedure, and aim of the study. The present study constitutes an examination of the [Ca2+]c gradient in pollen tubes by these criteria.Abbreviations CLSM confocal laser scanning microscope - [Ca2+]c cytosolic free calcium - PT pollen tube Dedicated to Professor Walter Gustav Url on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

云雾山天然草地物种分布与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用数量生态学中的梯度分析方法研究了云雾山天然草地群落类型、物种分布以及与环境因子的关系.研究结果表明,作为重要的人为管理措施,封育通过改善草地的水分、养分等环境条件,显著影响了云雾山草地的物种分布和群落类型.在封育草地,植被类型为本氏针茅群落,未封育草地为铁杆蒿群落.本氏针茅、百里香、大针茅、直茎点地梅、阿尔泰狗哇花等中旱生植物在封育草地中占优势,铁杆蒿、硬质早熟禾、星毛委菱菜等在退化草地中占优势.除封育措施以外,20~100cm 的土壤含水量对物种分布影响显著.同时,养分作为一个重要的环境因素对物种的分布也具有重要影响,特别是速效钾和NO-3-N.海拔、坡位、坡向等地形因素对植物分布的影响不明显.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study was carried out between aeroallergenic pollen spectra in Trieste and at Lozzo di Cadore. The two localities were found to be different on a five-day running mean basis as to the 8 pollen taxa monitored by the National Aerobiological Monitoring Network managed by the Italian Association of Aerobiology (AIA). In the zone of Lozzo the pollination curve of the spring flowering taxa showed a lag of about one month due to the colder climate. Lozzo di Cadore showed a poor airborne pollen content,Corylus and Graminaceae being prevailing. Trieste has a higher airborne pollen diversity and longer pollination times because of its higher floristic and vegetational complexity. In Trieste the allergenic pollen spectrum showed great quantities ofOstrya, Quercus, Oleaceae, Graminaceae and of ruderal taxa, widespread over the area, due to man's influence.  相似文献   

R. Wiermann  M. Buth-Weber 《Protoplasma》1980,104(3-4):307-313
Summary The occurrence of UDP-glucose: flavonol 3-O-glucosyltransferase activity in pollen extracts of various plant species was tested. In case ofAlnus, Quercus, Narcissus andTulipa pollen high enzyme activity could be detected. The high level of enzyme activity inTulipa pollen made short time extraction experiments possible, which showed that the O-glucosyltransferase activity might be located in the pollen wall, possibly in the exine.Abbreviations UDP-glucose uridine diphospho-D-glucose - UDP-rhamnose uridine diphospho-L-rhamnose - DTE dithioerythritol  相似文献   

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