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Understanding the factors determining genetic diversity and structure in peripheral populations is a long‐standing goal of evolutionary biogeography, yet little empirical information is available for tropical species. In this study, we combine information from nuclear microsatellite markers and niche modelling to analyse the factors structuring genetic variation across the southernmost populations of the tropical oak Quercus segoviensis. First, we tested the hypothesis that genetic variability decreases with population isolation and increases with local habitat suitability and stability since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Second, we employed a recently developed multiple matrix regression with randomisation (MMRR) approach to study the factors associated with genetic divergence among the studied populations and test the relative contribution of environmental and geographic isolation to contemporary patterns of genetic differentiation. We found that genetic diversity was negatively correlated with average genetic differentiation with other populations, indicating that isolation and limited gene flow have contributed to erode genetic variability in some populations. Considering the relatively small size of the study area (<120 km), analyses of genetic structure indicate a remarkable inter‐population genetic differentiation. Environmental dissimilarity and differences in current and past climate niche suitability and their additive effects were not associated with genetic differentiation after controlling for geographic distance, indicating that local climate does not contribute to explain spatial patterns of genetic structure. Overall, our data indicate that geographic isolation, but not current or past climate, is the main factor determining contemporary patterns of genetic diversity and structure within the southernmost peripheral populations of this tropical oak.  相似文献   

Climate oscillations have left a significant impact on the patterns of genetic diversity observed in numerous taxa. In this study, we examine the effect of Quaternary climate instability on population genetic variability of a bumble bee pollinator species, Bombus huntii in western North America. Pleistocene and contemporary B. huntii habitat suitability (HS) was estimated with an environmental niche model (ENM) by associating 1,035 locality records with 10 bioclimatic variables. To estimate genetic variability, we genotyped 380 individuals from 33 localities at 13 microsatellite loci. Bayesian inference was used to examine population structure with and without a priori specification of geographic locality. We compared isolation by distance (IBD) and isolation by resistance (IBR) models to examine population differentiation within and among the Bayesian inferred genetic clusters. Furthermore, we tested for the effect of environmental niche stability (ENS) on population genetic diversity with linear regression. As predicted, high‐latitude B. huntii habitats exhibit low ENS when compared to low‐latitude habitats. Two major genetic clusters of B. huntii inhabit western North America: (a) a north genetic cluster predominantly distributed north of 28°N and (b) a south genetic cluster distributed south of 28°N. In the south genetic cluser, both IBD and IBR models are significant. However, in the north genetic cluster, IBD is significant but not IBR. Furthermore, the IBR models suggest that low‐latitude montane populations are surrounded by habitat with low HS, possibly limiting dispersal, and ultimately gene flow between populations. Finally, we detected high genetic diversity across populations in regions that have been climatically unstable since the last glacial maximum (LGM), and low genetic diversity across populations in regions that have been climatically stable since the LGM. Understanding how species have responded to climate change has the potential to inform management and conservation decisions of both ecological and economic concerns.  相似文献   

Empirical species distribution models are widely used to predict the effects of climate change on biodiversity distribution but rely on multiple assumptions about the certainty of the locality and climate data. Here, we assess the effect of historical climate data variability when forecasting geographic responses of California mammals to 20th century climate change. We first used two methods to derive gridded climate surfaces from weather station data (ANUSPLIN and PRISM) representing two sampling eras: historic (1900–1940) and current (1980–2005). We then used the two sources of climate data in conjunction with a maximum entropy algorithm (MAXENT) to predict both the historic and current distributions of all major mammal species vouchered historically in California. Results indicate that levels of disagreement between the two climate datasets are considerably greater in the historical era than in the current era. For the bioclimatic variables used in modeling historical mammal distributions, precipitation variables were less concordant than temperature variables. These discrepancies are reflected in the low agreement between historic mammal range predictions and further propagated when the historic models are projected to present day. Nonetheless, some common patterns exist across mammal species and climate estimates. Range stability is the most common prediction between the two eras, followed by expansion and contraction. Jepson ecoregions with relatively high levels of range stability include parts of the Great Central Valley and Sierra Nevada, while other parts of the Central Valley, the Sonoran desert, and Central- and Southwestern California yield predictions of range shifts. Historical species distribution modeling can greatly inform studies attempting to describe how species will continue to move geographically in response to future changes in climate. We suggest that alternative estimates of historical climate and their uncertainties are ultimately required in order to provide a quantitative measure of the confidence in predicted changes in distribution.  相似文献   

Investigating the properties of ecological landscapes that influence gene flow among populations can provide key insights into the earliest stages of biological divergence. Both ecological and geographical factors can reduce gene flow, which can lead to population divergence, but we know little of the relative strengths of these phenomena in nature. Here, we use a novel application of structural equation modelling to quantify the contributions of ecological and geographical isolation to spatial genetic divergence in 17 species of Anolis lizards. Our comparative analysis shows that although both processes contributed significantly, geographical isolation explained substantially more genetic divergence than ecological isolation (36.3 vs. 17.9% of variance respectively), suggesting that despite the proposed ubiquity of ecological divergence, non‐ecological factors play the dominant role in the evolution of spatial genetic divergence.  相似文献   

Divergent host use has long been suspected to drive population differentiation and speciation in plant‐feeding insects. Evaluating the contribution of divergent host use to genetic differentiation can be difficult, however, as dispersal limitation and population structure may also influence patterns of genetic variation. In this study, we use double‐digest restriction‐associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing to test the hypothesis that divergent host use contributes to genetic differentiation among populations of the redheaded pine sawfly (Neodiprion lecontei), a widespread pest that uses multiple Pinus hosts throughout its range in eastern North America. Because this species has a broad range and specializes on host plants known to have migrated extensively during the Pleistocene, we first assess overall genetic structure using model‐based and model‐free clustering methods and identify three geographically distinct genetic clusters. Next, using a composite‐likelihood approach based on the site frequency spectrum and a novel strategy for maximizing the utility of linked RAD markers, we infer the population topology and date divergence to the Pleistocene. Based on existing knowledge of Pinus refugia, estimated demographic parameters and patterns of diversity among sawfly populations, we propose a Pleistocene divergence scenario for N. lecontei. Finally, using Mantel and partial Mantel tests, we identify a significant relationship between genetic distance and geography in all clusters, and between genetic distance and host use in two of three clusters. Overall, our results indicate that Pleistocene isolation, dispersal limitation and ecological divergence all contribute to genomewide differentiation in this species and support the hypothesis that host use is a common driver of population divergence in host‐specialized insects.  相似文献   

Water vole Arvicola amphibius populations have recently experienced severe decline in several European countries as a consequence of both reduction in suitable habitat and the establishment of the alien predator American mink Neovison vison. We used DNA microsatellite markers to describe the genetic structure of 14 island populations of water vole off the coast of northern Norway. We looked at intra‐ and inter‐population levels of genetic variation and examined the effect of distance among pairs of populations on genetic differentiation (isolation by distance). We found a high level of genetic differentiation (measured by FST) among populations overall as well as between all pairs of populations. The genetic differentiation between populations was positively correlated with geographic distance between them. A clustering analysis grouped individuals into 7 distinct clusters and showed the presence of 3 immigrants among them. Our results suggest a small geographic scale for evolutionary and population dynamic processes in our water vole populations.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers were used to examine spatio-temporal genetic variation in the endangered eastern freshwater cod Maccullochella ikei in the Clarence River system, eastern Australia. High levels of population structure were detected. A model-based clustering analysis of multilocus genotypes identified four populations that were highly differentiated by F-statistics (F(ST) = 0·09 - 0·49; P < 0·05), suggesting fragmentation and restricted dispersal particularly among upstream sites. Hatchery breeding programmes were used to re-establish locally extirpated populations and to supplement remnant populations. Bayesian and frequency-based analyses of hatchery fingerling samples provided evidence for population admixture in the hatchery, with the majority of parental stock sourced from distinct upstream sites. Comparison between historical and contemporary wild-caught samples showed a significant loss of heterozygosity (21%) and allelic richness (24%) in the Mann and Nymboida Rivers since the commencement of stocking. Fragmentation may have been a causative factor; however, temporal shifts in allele frequencies suggest swamping with hatchery-produced M. ikei has contributed to the genetic decline in the largest wild population. This study demonstrates the importance of using information on genetic variation and population structure in the management of breeding and stocking programmes, particularly for threatened species.  相似文献   

Using a combination of population‐ and individual‐based analytical approaches, we provide a comprehensive examination of genetic connectivity of Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) along ~1,200 km of the California Current System (CCS). We sampled individuals at 33 sites in 2012 to establish a baseline of genetic diversity and hierarchal population genetic structure and then assessed interannual variability in our estimates by sampling again in 2014. Genetic diversity showed little variation among sites or across years. In 2012, we observed weak genetic differentiation among sites (FST range = ?0.005–0.014) following a pattern of isolation by distance (IBD) and significantly high relatedness among individuals within nine sampling sites. In 2014, pairwise FST estimates were lower (FST range = ?0.014–0.007), there was no spatial autocorrelation, and fewer sites had significant evidence of relatedness. Based on these findings, we propose that interannual variation in the physical oceanographic conditions of the CCS influences larval recruitment and thus gene flow, contributing to interannual variation in population genetic structure. Estimates of effective population size (Ne) were large in both 2012 and 2014. Together, our results suggest that Dungeness crab in the CCS may constitute a single evolutionary population, although geographically limited dispersal results in an ephemeral signal of IBD. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that populations of marine organisms may be susceptible to temporal changes in population genetic structure over short time periods; thus, interannual variability in population genetic measures should be considered.  相似文献   

Neutral and selective processes can drive repeated patterns of evolution in different groups of populations experiencing similar ecological gradients. In this paper, we used a combination of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers, as well as geometric morphometrics, to investigate repeated patterns of morphological and genetic divergence of European minnows in two mountain ranges: the Pyrenees and the Alps. European minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus) are cyprinid fish inhabiting most freshwater bodies in Europe, including those in different mountain ranges that could act as major geographical barriers to gene flow. We explored patterns of P. phoxinus phenotypic and genetic diversification along a gradient of altitude common to the two mountain ranges, and tested for isolation by distance (IBD), isolation by environment (IBE) and isolation by adaptation (IBA). The results indicated that populations from the Pyrenees and the Alps belong to two well differentiated, reciprocally monophyletic mtDNA lineages. Substantial genetic differentiation due to geographical isolation within and between populations from the Pyrenees and the Alps was also found using rapidly evolving AFLPs markers (isolation by distance or IBD), as well as morphological differences between mountain ranges. Also, morphology varied strongly with elevation and so did genetic differentiation to a lower extent. Despite moderate evidence for IBE and IBA, and therefore of repeated evolution, substantial population heterogeneity was found at the genetic level, suggesting that selection and population specific genetic drift act in concert to affect genetic divergence.  相似文献   

  1. Highlands are ideal research areas for improving our understanding of the influence of ecological factors on the diversity and spatial patterns of natural species. Elevation-driven physical and environmental isolation greatly affect the evolution of plants. The mechanisms and essential drivers underlying these processes may differ among research scales, habitats and landscapes. Wetlands are important elements of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, which is the highest plateau in the world, and these habitats harbour high aquatic organismal diversity. However, how the environments shape the genetic variation and structure of hydrophilous plants is poorly understood.
  2. Using microsatellite markers and a chloroplast fragment, we quantified the genetic diversity and spatial genetic pattern of Stuckenia filiformis, one of the most widespread aquatic plants on the plateau. The relative contributions of geography, climate and local conditions to intra- and interpopulation variation were estimated. The results showed that intrapopulation genetic variation of the plant is moderate to high and not constrained by high-altitude environments. Topographical isolation mainly contributes to the genetic structure of S. filiformis, as inferred by simple sequence repeats and chloroplast DNA data. Significant effects of environmental variables on the spatial genetic patterns of this freshwater species were also suggested by landscape genetic analysis.
  3. Infrequent long-distance dispersal, sexual recruitment and annual growth are probably important for the maintenance and distribution of this variation. Our findings imply a combined effect of geography and elevation-driven environmental heterogeneity on the evolution of aquatic organisms in highlands.

Within their natural distribution ranges, plant species exhibit a genetic structure that has been created by global climate change and natural selection over long periods. This genetic structure needs to be conserved for sustainable use of genetic resources. To conserve local forests with different genetic structures, genetic guidelines for seed and seedling transfer in individual species are necessary. Genetic guidelines have been published for 43 Japanese tree species using population genetic data; however, for practical use, more detailed genetic borders between important genetic lineages should be clarified to inform seed collection and planting. Thus, we investigated in detail the genetic borders between two important Japanese oak species, Quercus serrata and Quercus crispula, in the Chubu region of Japan using chloroplast and nuclear DNA markers, and we discuss the factors that influenced border creation using the results of species distribution modeling (SDM). The chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) haplotype was clearly different within the Chubu region of Japan but the difference in nuclear DNA between northern and southern haplotype populations was very small, both in Q. serrata and Q. crispula. The results of SDM showed that during the last glacial maximum (LGM) Q. serrata was distributed mostly along the coastline but Q. crispula was distributed not only along the coast but also in mountainous areas further inland. The cpDNA genetic borders of these two oak species are complex and seem to have been influenced by topography and their distribution during the LGM. We propose and discuss genetic guidelines for these two oak species based on the results of this study.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the common European pipistrelle bat ( Pipistrellus pipistrellus ) comprises two cryptic species, P. pipistrellus and Pipistrellus pygmaeus , which differ in echolocation call frequency and mitochondrial DNA sequence. However, levels of divergence based on nuclear markers have not been examined, and hence the potential for male-mediated gene flow between the species cannot be discounted. Moreover, little is known about population structure and migration patterns in either species. Here, we describe the use of microsatellites to investigate nuclear DNA differentiation between, and the pattern of population genetic structure within, the two cryptic pipistrelle species. In total, 1300 individuals from 82 maternity colonies were sampled across the British Isles and Continental Europe. We show, using multivariate analyses, that colonies of the same species are generally genetically more similar to each other than to those from the other species regardless of geographical location. Our findings support the hypothesis that the species are reproductively isolated. Significant patterns of genetic isolation by distance were identified in both species, indicating that mating may occur before any long-distance autumnal migration. The presence of a sea channel does not confer higher levels of genetic differentiation among colonies over and above distance alone in either species. Differences in genetic population structure were identified between the species, with P. pipistrellus showing a wider range of levels of genetic differentiation among colonies and a stronger relationship between genetic and geographical distance than P. pygmaeus . Differences in dispersal, mating behaviour, colony size and/or postglacial colonization patterns could contribute to the differences observed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 539–550.  相似文献   

Brito PH 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(16):3423-3437
A recent study of mitochondrial phylogeography of tawny owls (Strix aluco) in western Europe suggested that this species survived the Pleistocene glaciations in three allopatric refugia located in Iberia, Italy, and the Balkans, and the latter was likely the predominant source of postglacial colonization of northern Europe. New data from seven microsatellite loci from 184 individual owls distributed among 14 populations were used to assess the genetic congruence between nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. Microsatellites corroborated the major phylogeographical conclusions reached on the basis of the mtDNA sequences, but also showed important differences leading to novel inferences. Microsatellites corroborated the three major refugia and supported the Balkan origin of northern populations. When corrected for differences in effective population size, microsatellites and mtDNA yielded generally congruent overall estimates of population structure (N*ST=0.12 vs. RST=0.16); however, there was substantial heterogeneity in the RST among the seven nuclear loci that was not correlated with heterozygosity. Populations representing the Balkans postglacial expansion interact with populations from the other two refugia forming two clines near the Alps and the Pyrenees. In both cases, the apparent position of the contact zones differed substantially between markers due to the genetic composition of populations sampled in northern Italy and Madrid. Microsatellite data did not corroborate the lower genetic diversity of northern, recently populated regions as was found with mtDNA; this discrepancy was taken as evidence for a recent bottleneck recovery. Finally, this study suggests that congruence among genetic markers should be more likely in cases of range expansion into new areas than when populations interact across contact zones.  相似文献   

The relatively recent fields of terrestrial landscape and marine seascape genetics seek to identify the influence of biophysical habitat features on the spatial genetic structure of populations or individuals. Over the last few years, there has been accumulating evidence for the effect of environmental heterogeneity on patterns of gene flow and connectivity in marine systems. Here, we investigate the population genetic patterns of an anemonefish, Amphiprion bicinctus, along the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea. We collected nearly one thousand samples from 19 locations, spanning approximately 1500 km, and genotyped them at 38 microsatellite loci. Patterns of gene flow appeared to follow a stepping‐stone model along the northern and central Red Sea, which was disrupted by a distinct genetic break at a latitude of approximately 19°N. The Red Sea is characterized by pronounced environmental gradients along its axis, roughly separating the northern and central from the southern basin. Using mean chlorophyll‐a concentrations as a proxy for this gradient, we ran tests of isolation by distance (IBD, R2 = 0.52) and isolation by environment (IBE, R2 = 0.64), as well as combined models using partial Mantel tests and multiple matrix regression with randomization (MMRR). We found that genetic structure across our sampling sites may be best explained by a combined model of IBD and IBE (Mantel: R2 = 0.71, MMRR: R2 = 0.86). Our results highlight the potential key role of environmental patchiness in shaping patterns of gene flow in species with pelagic larval dispersal. We support growing calls for the integration of biophysical habitat characteristics into future studies of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Empirical population genetic studies have been dominated by a neutralist view, according to which gene flow and drift are the main forces driving population genetic structure in nature. The neutralist view in essence describes a process of isolation by dispersal limitation (IBDL) that generally leads to a pattern of isolation by distance (IBD). Recently, however, conceptual frameworks have been put forward that view local genetic adaptation as an important driver of population genetic structure. Isolation by adaptation (IBA) and monopolization (M) posit that gene flow among natural populations is reduced as a consequence of local genetic adaptation. IBA stresses that effective gene flow is reduced among habitats that show dissimilar ecological characteristics, leading to a pattern of isolation by environment. In monopolization, local genetic adaptation of initial colonizing genotypes results in a reduction in gene flow that fosters the persistence of founder effects. Here, we relate these different processes driving landscape genetic structure to patterns of IBD and isolation by environment (IBE). We propose a method to detect whether IBDL, IBA and M shape genetic differentiation in natural landscapes by studying patterns of variation at neutral and non‐neutral markers as well as at ecologically relevant traits. Finally, we reinterpret a representative number of studies from the recent literature by associating patterns to processes and identify patterns associated with local genetic adaptation to be as common as IBDL in structuring regional genetic variation of populations in the wild. Our results point to the importance of quantifying environmental gradients and incorporating ecology in the analysis of population genetics.  相似文献   

Populations of the Calafia pearl oyster Pinctada mazatlanica ofthe American Pacific coasts have been considered endangeredbecause of overfishing and/or alteration to coastal areas. Weassessed genetic variability and the pattern of populationstructure among 9 samples collected from Mexico to Panama, usingmtDNA RFLP analysis of two genes: 12S rRNA and subunit one ofCytochrome oxydase (COI). Haplotype diversity varied from 0.000to 0.856. The Panama population appeared to be monomorphic, whilethe other samples exhibited a level of haplotypic variabilitysimilar to those reported in the literature for the same kind ofanalysis on other bivalves species. A test for the impact ofdemographic history on genetic diversity was applied on thesequence data, and the results were congruent with a recentdecline of population sizes. Genetic differentiation was shown tofollow a scheme of isolation by distance, with low levels ofdifferentiation at the scales of ten to one hundred kilometres,whereas stronger and significant genetic structure was detectedat a larger scale. Three significantly distinct groups could thenbe defined, which correspond to Northern Mexico, Southern Mexico,and Panama.  相似文献   

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