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Four species of caryophyllid scleractinians, Caryophylla ambrosia, C. scobinosa, C. alaskensis, and Polymyces montereyensis, were recorded for the first time in the Sea of Okhotsk off the Kuril Islands. These findings extend the range for the species, of which three had previously been considered to be restricted to the tropical and warm Indopacific waters. These data will supplement regional reports on the bottom fauna of the most fertile and extensively commercially exploited continental shelf region of the North Pacific.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Biologiya Morya, Latypov.  相似文献   

As part of an attempt to control the fertilization of a monoeciousbrown alga Fucusevanescens, the effects of EDTA on the releaseand fertilization of gametes were studied. When receptacleswere treated for liberation of gametes by soaking in plain seawater,egg-packets and spermatophores were discharged from oogoniaand antheridia, respectively, with the gametes retained withintheir packing envelopes. After a while, the envelopes were disruptedand the gametes were released. Thirty min after the soaking,over 99% of eggs were fertilized. However, when receptacleswere soaked in seawater that contained 0.5 mg m1–1 Na2.EDTAat 4°C, the release and fertilization of gametes were preventedafter egg-packets and spermatophores had been released fromthe receptacles. Release of gametes from such egg-packets andspermatophores occurred rapidly when the medium was dilutedwith an excess of plain seawater. The chelating agent affectedthe disruption of egg-packets and spermatophores, but it didnot affect the subsequent fertilization and development of thefertilized eggs. On the basis of these results, normal unfertilizedeggs and sperm were isolated separately by filtration and centrifugationof the released packing envelopes in the presence of 0.5 mgml–1 Na2EDTA at 4°C. Artificial insemination usingthe isolated gametes was successful. 3 Present address: Akan Board of Education, Akan, 085-02 Japan.  相似文献   

The paper describes brackish-water areas of Del'fin Bay and provides quantitative characteristics of macrobenthos communities in these areas considering changes that took place after the lowering of the island and a result of the earthquake of 1994. A comparative biogeographical analysis have been performed of brackish-water areas in Del'fin Bay in comparison with open seaward Gorobets Bay (Shikotan Island). The most peculiar elements of biota in the brackish-water areas are represented by marine eurybionthic and brackish-water species of the subtropical–low boreal complex. The communities of brackish-water areas of Del'fin Bay have been referred to the Amur-Japanese Subprovince of the Sino-Indian Brackish-Water Province, unlike the assemblage of organisms in typically marine coasts of Shikotan Island, which are referred to the Low-Boreal Subprovince (Subzone) of the marine Pacific Boreal Province (Zone).  相似文献   

We examined the content of the coelenteron of Oulactis orientalis, Cnidopus japonicus, and Aulactinia sp. (family Actiniidae) inhabiting the intertidal area of Shikotan and Kunashir Islands (South Kuril Islands). The feeding characteristics (food spectrum, the index of filling of the coelenteron, the index of food similarity of the species, occurrence frequency, the index of trophic importance, and the proportions of certain components in the food pellet) allowed us to determine that the examined species are euryphagous.  相似文献   

The introduced Fucus evanescens (hermaphroditic) and the native F. serratus (dioecious) have been in secondary contact along the Danish coast of the Kattegat Sea for 60–100 years and dioecious hybrids have been observed at Blushøj for several years. Hybridization in Fucus is unusual because it appears to always involve a hermaphroditic and a dioecious parental pair. We determined the degree and spatial patterns of introgression for 286 individuals using 10 microsatellite loci and cpDNA. Hybrids accounted for nearly 13% of the population, yet parental species were well differentiated (FST = 0.633). The presence of F. evanescens chloroplasts in 100% of F1 hybrids revealed asymmetrical hybridization. Fucus evanescens cpDNA was observed in 50% of introgressed and 5.4% of pure F. serratus, but no F. serratus cpDNA was found in F. evanescens. In contrast, nuclear DNA introgression was symmetrical with an equal amount (≈1.5%) of genes introgressed into each parental species. Survivorship and viability data suggest selection against hybrids in the hybrid zone.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of studies on the morphology of arrowhead flounders, the Kamchatka flounder Atheresthes evermanni (35 specimens), and the American arrowtooth flounder A. stomias (37 specimens) collected in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka in 1998–1999. The morphology of the discussed species is compared with that of arrowtooth flounders from other areas. From this comparison, available information on the sharp increase in the density of the American arrowtooth flounder in the surveyed area (since 1997), and similarities in size compositions of the fish in Kuril and Aleutian waters, a conclusion has been made about the penetration of this species from Aleutian Pacific waters into the area of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka. This is a result of expansion of the geographical range of this species due to general water warming in the northwestern Pacific during the second half of the 1990s.  相似文献   

The paper describes the feeding of two phenotypically different forms of the snailfish Careproctus roseofuscus (Scorpaeniformes, Liparidae) from the Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka. The diet in the first form is comprised of actiniae. The second form mostly feeds on fish eggs and the amphipod Metopa majuscula Gurjanova. The second form is supposed to be confined to the biocenosis of Ophiopholis aculeata + Spongia.  相似文献   

Genetic resemblance of chars Salvelinus alpinus krasheninnikovi (Salvelinus malma krasheninnikovi) of 35 samples collected in five Kuril Islands--Shumshu, Paramushir, Onekotan, Iturup, and Kunashir--has been studied by the PCR-RAPD method. In the limits of each island, both resident isolates and anadromous forms give strictly supported clusters distinct from samples from the other islands. The samples from five islands form three superclusters: the first from Kunashir and Iturup Islands, the second from Paramushir and Onekotan Islands, and the third from Shumshu Island. The possible reasons for genetic similarity of resident and anadromous forms of Dolly Varden chars inhabiting reservoirs of a definite island are considered (the founder effect, homing, limited migration).  相似文献   

This paper describes the feeding habits of the snailfish Careproctus cf. cyclocephalus (Scorpaeniformes, Liparidae). The diet consisted mostly of crustaceans, among which decapods predominated comprising up to 69.3% of the mean biomass of food organisms. Small shrimp (Eualus biunguis and E. townsendi) dominated the diet making up over 40.9% of the total stomach fullness index.  相似文献   

A fucoidanase preparation from the marine mollusk Littorina kurila cleaved some glycosidic bonds in fucoidan from the brown alga Fucus distichus, but neither fucose nor lower oligosaccharides were produced. The main product isolated from the incubation mixture was a polysaccharide built up of disaccharide repeating units -->3)-alpha-L-Fucp-(2,4-di-SO3(-))-(1-->4)-alpha-L-Fucp-(2SO3(-))-(1-->, the structure coinciding with the idealized formula proposed for the initial substance. A polymer fraction with the same carbohydrate chain but sulfated only at positions 2 and nonstoichiometrically acetylated at positions 3 and 4 of fucose residues was isolated as a minor component. It is suggested that the native polysaccharide should contain small amounts of non-sulfated and non-acetylated fucose residues, and only their glycosidic bonds are cleaved by the enzyme. The enzymatic hydrolysis showed that irregular regions of the native polysaccharide containing acetylated and partially sulfated repeating units were assembled in blocks.  相似文献   

We studied the possibility of stimulating physical activity in experimental animals using alginic acid, a polysaccharide isolated from a brown alga Laminaria cichorioides(family Laminaraceae). It is shown that the alginic acid increases working capacity, prevents fatigue, and activates restoration processes after muscular activity.  相似文献   

Fucus serratus and F. evanescens commonly occur on Northern European shores. Nine microsatellite loci were developed for F. serratus (8–22 alleles, observed heterozygosities = 0.367–0.850) and one for F. evanescens (seven alleles, observed heterozygosity = 0.804). Cross‐amplification was apparent, as five F. serratus loci were polymorphic in F. evanescens and 2–5 were polymorphic in F. vesiculosus, F. distichus, and F. spiralis.  相似文献   

The resistance of Salix to Cu, Cd, Ni, and Zn was investigated in hydroponic culture, with phytoextraction potential evaluated for Cu. Root elongation (indicative of resistance level) was significantly affected, with considerable variation between and within individual clones. Resistance appeared to be clone- or hybrid-specific, rather than species-specific. S. caprea clones (and hybrids) were among the most resistant, but a secondary S. caprea clone from a different provenance was much less tolerant. S. viminalis and S. triandra clones were the most sensitive. Highest resistance was found in response to Cd, while Cu and Ni were extremely toxic. A resistant S. caprea ecotype originating from a metalliferous mine spoil was identified using this technique. Copper concentration reached a maximum of 2000, 400, and 82 μg g-1 (d.wt) in roots, wood, and foliage, respectively, after 1 month in hydroponic culture. The level of variation in the response of Salix to metals may cause difficulties in phytoremediation screening programs, but may be essential in providing genetic variation for selection of metal resistance traits, where the contaminant profile is heterogeneous, mixed, or subject to change. Clone selection for metal phytoextraction is feasible, but a longer field-scale study on metal-contaminated soils is needed before their role in phytoremediation can be confirmed.  相似文献   

The effect of fucoidan from the brown alga Fucus evanescens on the spread of infection induced by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was investigated in the leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) of two cultivars (Ksanti-nk and Samsun). In the leaves of cv. Ksanti-nk inoculated with a mixture of TMV preparation (2 μg/ml) and fucoidan (1 mg/ml), the number of local necrotic lesions induced by the virus decreased by more than 90% as compared with the leaves inoculated with the virus alone. In tobacco leaves of cv. Samsun, virulence and the concentration of the virus 3 days after inoculation with the same mixture of TMV and fucoidan were by 62 and 66%, respectively, lower than in the leaves inoculated with TMV alone. As the infection spread, the inhibitory effect of fucoidan decreased. When the leaves were treated with fucoidan before and after the inoculation with TMV, its antiviral activity was less pronounced than when a mixture of the virus and the polysaccharide was used as inoculum. Electron microscopic investigation of TMV mixed with fucoidan often showed agglutinated virions. The highest virulence of the mixture (TMV preparation, 12 μg/ml, plus fucoidan, 1 mg/ml) was observed upon its twofold dilution, and after that it decreased. It was concluded that, when the leaves were inoculated with the mixture of TMV and fucoidan, the latter affected not only the plant but the virus as well. Treatment of tobacco leaves, cv. Ksanti-nk, with actinomycin D (10 μg/ml) 24 h before the inoculation with TMV almost completely suppressed the effect of fucoidan, indicating that fucoidan acted at a gene level.  相似文献   

Accumulation of heavy metals (HMs) in cultivated soils is a continuing environmental problem in many parts of the world. An increase in HM concentration can enhance uptake of toxic metals by crops and enter the human food chain. In this study, the uptake behavior of wheat and safflower was evaluated in a calcareous soil by using 12 undisturbed columns in which half were artificially contaminated. Heavy metals in the form of CdCl2 (15 mg Cd kg? 1), CuSO4 (585 mg Cu kg? 1), Pb(NO3)2 (117 mg Pb kg? 1), and ZnCl2 (1094 mg Zn kg? 1) were sprayed on the soil surface and completely mixed in the top 10 cm. The background total concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were 1.6, 29.5, 17.5 and 61.2 mg kg? 1, respectively. After metal application, half of the columns (3 contaminated and 3 uncontaminated) were sown with wheat (Triticum aestivum) and the other half with safflower (Carthamus tinctorious) and grown for 74 days until maturity. After harvesting, soil columns were cut into 10-cm sections and analyzed for HNO3- and DTPA-extractable metal concentrations. Metal concentrations were also measured in different plant tissues. The results showed that artificial contamination of topsoil decreased the transpiration rate of wheat by 12% and that of safflower by 6%. In contaminated columns, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn accumulation in wheat shoot was greater by 8.0-, 1.9-, 3.0-, and 2.1-fold than the control, respectively. Accordingly, these numbers were 46.0-, 1.3-, 1.7-, and 1.6-fold in safflower shoot. Soil contamination with HMs resulted in a 55% decrease in shoot dry matter yield of wheat while it had no significant effect on shoot dry matter of safflower. The normalized water consumption for safflower was therefore not affected by metal contamination (≈ 13 mm H2O g? 1 of dry weight for all safflower and uncontaminated wheat treatments), while contaminated wheat was much less water efficient at about 27 mm H2O g? 1 dry weight. It was concluded that although artificial contamination had a negative effect on wheat growth, it did not affect safflower's normal growth and water efficiency.  相似文献   

The marine algal species in the Baltic Sea are few due to the low sea water salinity. One of the few species that can be found is Fucus vesiculosus. Even this species is affected by the low salinity and becomes smaller in size in the Baltic. In present work the photosynthesis of F. vesiculosus in the northern Baltic (Bothnian Sea) was compared to the photosynthesis of F. vesiculosus in the Atlantic. Oxygen evolution was measured before and after exposure to 2.3 W of UV-B (280–320 nm) radiation for 5 h, as well as after 48 h recovery in low light. The plants were kept in their own sea water salinity as well as in a changed salinity, this to examine possible correlations between salinity and photosynthesis. The results show a significant higher initial maximal photosynthesis (P max) for Atlantic plants (10.3 nmol O2 g−1 FW s−1) compared to Baltic plants (4.0 nmol O2 g−1 FW s−1). The Baltic plants were found more sensitive to UV-B with a 40–50% decrease of P max as well as a lower degree of recovery (60–70% compared to 75–95% for the Atlantic plants). The higher salinity (35 psu) had a positive effect on the Baltic F. vesiculosus with increased P max as well as increased tolerance to UV-B. The lower salinity (5 psu) had a negative effect on the Atlantic plants with a decreased P max as well as a lower tolerance to UV-B. Pigment content was found higher in Atlantic F. vesiculosus. The pigment content decreased then the Atlantic plants were transferred to 5 psu. The concentration of Chl a as well as the total content of violaxanthin, diadinoxanthin and zeaxanthin in Baltic plants increased when transferred to 35 psu. The Atlantic F. vesiculosus can not survive the low salinity in the northern Baltic (died within 8 weeks). It is likely that a long time acclimation or adaptation to low salinity has taken place for F. vesiculosus in northern Baltic. If this is an ecotypic or genotypic development it is too early to say.  相似文献   

This work assesses the issue of whether the measured concentrations of heavy metals in soil, rocks, surface and ground waters in Addis Ababa can be related to anthropogenic contamination or natural weathering of rocks. Heavy metal analyses of rocks, soils, streams, springs and boreholes have been carried out to identify the presence of potentially harmful solutes. The maximum concentration of total chromium measured is 269 ppm in the northern, industry-free zone of Addis Ababa in the B 2-horizon of soil profile (cambisol). The Ni/Cr ratio in the rocks is higher than soils, which could indicate the presence of high concentrations of Cr in soils is from weathering processes. A comparative study of different samples collected from various parts of the city indicates that the chemical composition of the hydrothermally affected volcanic rocks plays an important role in increasing heavy metal concentration in the study area. The fresh country rocks contain relatively low concentrations of heavy metals, as shown by background values. The statistical evaluation indicates that the hydrothermally altered rocks contain far higher mean heavy metal concentrations than the fresh acidic rocks (background values). Consequently, soils derived from altered rocks are enriched with respect to heavy metals. From this study it was possible to observe that the rock and soil outcrops of Addis Ababa are anomalously rich in heavy metals derived from hydrothermal activity. Therefore, heavy metal concentrations in the surrounding rocks and soils are related to geogenic sources whereas anthropogenic contribution as a cause of these concentrations is minor.  相似文献   

Patterns of nuclear and organelle inheritance among artificial hybrids of the seaweeds Fucus serratus and F. evanescens were detected using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). Three alleles were identified in the 231?bp rDNA-ITS1 gene (nuclear): two in F. serratus and one in F. evanescens. Alleles differed by 1–2?bp and all hybrids possessed one allele from each parent. Two haplotypes were present in the 288?bp Rubisco spacer (chloroplast), differentiated by a 33?bp indel. Two haplotypes differing by a single nucleotide were found in a 135?bp region of nad11 gene (mitochondrion). Both organelles are maternally inherited, as all hybrids contained the haplotypes of the parent contributing the egg. Although laboratory hybrids among Fucus spp. have been produced previously, this is the first time that both nuclear and cytoplasmic genetic markers have been used to document inheritance patterns. SSCPs analysed on an automated sequencer offer a rapid and powerful approach for identifying suspected hybrids from field samples, as well as a screen for intraspecific and intra-individual variation in DNA regions prior to confirmation of variations by sequencing.  相似文献   

Heavy metals were assessed in four species of sea turtles from the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, representing the first report of heavy metal concentrations in tissues of post-yearling sea turtles from the Eastern Pacific. Concentrations of Cd measured in C. mydas kidney (653 μg/g dry wt) were the highest ever reported for any sea turtle species. Cd accumulated preferentially in kidney and the ratios of kidney to liver Cd in Baja California turtles were among the highest reported for sea turtles globally. Zn, Ni, and Mn concentrations were also significantly higher in kidney than other tissues, while Cu and Fe were greatest in liver, and all metals were lowest in muscle. With the exception of one value (69.9 μg/g in kidney of C. caretta), Pb was low in all tissues from Baja California. In comparisons across species, kidney of C. mydas had greater Zn and Ni concentrations as compared to other species, although there was no difference in liver metal levels among the species. Positive correlations were detected in the concentrations of Cd, Cu and Ni with the straight carapace length of C. caretta.  相似文献   

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