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Monthly increments of weight growth for a sample of 246 Guatemala City private school children are analyzed for the presence of a seasonal pattern in rates of growth. Neither a seasonal pattern nor any other periodic rhythm is found. It is observed that a significantly greater number of children aged 5.0 to 6.9 years experience their minimum annual growth rate during the dry season, with up to 60% of them losing or not gaining weight in any one month. Patterns of diet, exercise and disease cannot explain this trend. A possible association between minimum weight growth and maximum growth in height is discussed.  相似文献   

Three groups of children, those of European parentage, those of Guatemalan parentage, and those of mixed European-Guatemalan parentage were measured for height, weight, and skeletal maturity. The children were born between 1945 and 1965, they were all of high socioeconomic status, and they all attended the same private school in Guatemala City. At 7 years, the boys of the European group were significantly taller than boys of the Guatemalan group. European and mixed European-Guatemalan girls were significantly taller than Guatemalan girls. These results are maturity independent. The influence of skeletal age was removed statistically by analysis of covariance. Girls of the mixed group were significantly heavier than girls of European and Guatemalan groups. Mixed group girls also had more significantly advanced skeletal ages than European girls. When the patterns of size and maturity status are analyzed by sex, there is evidence for a relatively greater environmental influence on the boys and a relatively greater genetic influence on the girls. Dividing the data into two birth year cohorts, 1945 to 1955, and 1956 to 1965, does not provide evidence for secular trends in growth or maturation. These results are similar to those from studies in developed nations that report an end to the secular trend for the “well off” population of those countries.  相似文献   

The rate of growth in height and the timing of adolescent growth events are analyzed for two samples of Guatemalan children. One sample includes Mayan school children, 33 boys and 12 girls between the ages of 5.00 to 17.99 years, living under poor conditions for growth and development. The second sample includes ladino children, 78 boys and 85 girls of the same age range, living under favorable conditions for growth. The Preece-Baines model I function is used to estimate mean values for rates and timing of childhood and adolescent growth events for the two groups. Significant statistical contrasts (t-tests) of these means show Mayan boys reach the age of "take-off" (TO; the onset of the adolescent growth spurt) 1.45 years later, achieve peak height velocity (PHV) 1.68 years later, and continue growing for about 2.0 years longer than do the ladino boys. Despite the Mayan boys' increased duration for growth they grow significantly more slowly than the ladinos. Mayan boys are 6.60 cm shorter than ladinos at the age of TO and are estimated to be 7.71 cm shorter than the ladinos at adulthood. Mayan girls reach the age of TO 0.93 years later than do the ladina girls, but the two groups do not differ in the age at PHV or the age at adulthood. The mean height of Mayan girls is significantly less than that of ladinas at the age of TO (6.5 cm), and this difference increases to an estimated 11.14 cm at adulthood. Possible causes of these ethnic and sex-related differences in amounts and rates of growth are discussed in relation to hypotheses about the genetic and environmental determinants of human development.  相似文献   

Under most normal conditions the serum level of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D is constant throughout the year, due to tight biochemical regulation. In contrast to this, the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D is variable through the year, being largest in late summer, due to photosynthesis in the skin. The vitamin D status is usually assessed by measuring the level of the latter vitamin D derivative, rather than that of the presumably most active derivative 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D.We here show that for persons with a high body mass index (BMI) there is a significant seasonal variation, not only of 25(OH) vitamin D, but also of 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D. The variation seems to be largest for those with the poorest vitamin D status. Furthermore, there seems to be a correlation between the levels of the two vitamin D metabolites, indicating that the regulation of 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D is not always tight, notably in persons with high BMI.  相似文献   

The effects of hereditary and environmental factors upon the growth in stature of children living in Guatemala City has been studied. Heights at yearly examinations were fitted, by individual, to a double logistic curve in samples of Guatemalan and European children attending a private school in Guatemala City. These two samples differed genetically yet shared the same environment. Their growth was compared, by a multivariate analysis of the parameterized curves, to that of children from the Berkeley Growth Study, genetically similar to the European sample, yet living in different environments. The European children in Guatemala grew, before adolescence, more similar to Guatemalan and differed significantly from the Berkeley sample children. However, the amount of growth during the adolescent years experienced by the European children was similar to that of the Berkeley sample and differed from their Guatemalan counterparts.  相似文献   

The relationship between diarrheal diseases and growth increments in total body length and weight was investigated in 716 rural Ladino Gautemalan children. Data on diarrheal diseases were provided by the mothers through retrospective surveys carried out at 14-day intervals. Increments in length and weight, semestral from near birth at four years and yearly thence to seven, were related to days ill with diarrheal diseases during the same time interval. Because the data here reported were collected over a two year period, a child may have had information for more than one period. In total, 1,343 child periods were investigated. Days ill with diarrheal diseases were found to be significantly associated with reduced growth in length and weight. It was assumed that the average differences in growth by seven years of age between children in the present sample and children from well-to-do societies, are mainly a function of environmental differences and consequently, a measure of the extent of growth retardation. By expressing the growth retardation specifically associated with diarrheal diseases as a fraction of the above differences it was then estimated that around 10% of this growth retardation was associated with diarrheal diseases.  相似文献   

We study the role of nano-scale cues in controlling neuronal growth. We use photolithography to fabricate substrates with repeatable line-pattern ridges of nano-scale heights. We find that neuronal processes, which are of micron size, have strong interactions with ridges even as low as 10 nm. The interaction between the neuronal process and the ridge leads to a deflection of growth direction and a preferred alignment with the ridges. The interaction strength clearly depends on the ridges' height. For 25 nm ridges approximately half of the neuronal processes are modified, while at 100 nm the majority of neurites change their original growth direction post interaction. In addition, the effect on growth correlates with the incoming angle between the neuronal process and the ridge. We underline the adhesion as a key mechanism in directing neuronal growth. Our study highlights the sensitivity of growing neurites to nano-scale cues thus opens a new avenue of research for pre-designed neuronal growth and circuitry.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of denitrification rate in Lake Suwa sediment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The seasonal variation of denitrification rate in sediments in the central station of Lake Suwa, Japan, was estimated by the acetylene-inhibition technique from March 20 to December 10, 1994. The denitrification rate ranged from 0 to 1800µmolNm–2day–1 and showed a distinct seasonal trend, i.e., relatively high rates in spring and winter, and low or negligible rates in summer. The denitrification rate was well correlated with NO3 concentration in overlying water, suggesting that NO3 in overlying water was the primary controlling factor for denitrification. The annual rate of denitrification was 0.15molNm–2year–1. Denitrification removed 5% of the annual nitrogen load from the lake, and this fraction was relatively small compared to the values reported for a variety of aquatic environments. In Lake Suwa, NO3 in the water column was depleted during summer, and this suppressed effective removal of nitrogen from the lake by denitrification.  相似文献   

Fetal growth restriction (FGR) affects up to 5% of pregnancies and is associated with significant perinatal complications. Maternal deficiency of vitamin D, a secosteroid hormone, is common in FGR-affected pregnancies. We recently demonstrated that decreased expression of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) in idiopathic FGR placentae could impair trophoblast growth. As strict regulation of cell-cycle genes in trophoblast cells is critical for optimal feto-placental growth, we hypothesised that pathologically decreased placental VDR contributes to aberrant regulation of cell-cycle genes. The study aims were to (i) identify the downstream cell-cycle regulatory genes of VDR in trophoblast cells, and (ii) determine if expression was changed in cases of FGR. Targeted cell-cycle gene cDNA arrays were used to screen for downstream targets of VDR in VDR siRNA-transfected BeWo and HTR-8/SVneo trophoblast-derived cell lines, and in third trimester placentae from FGR and gestation-matched control pregnancies (n = 25 each). The six candidate genes identified were CDKN2A, CDKN2D, HDAC4, HDAC6, TGFB2 and TGFB3. TGFB3 was prioritised for further validation, as its expression is largely unknown in FGR. Significantly reduced mRNA and protein expression of TGFB3 was verified in FGR placentae and the BeWo and HTR-8/SVneo trophoblast cell lines, using real-time PCR and immunoblotting respectively. In summary, decreased placental VDR expression alters the expression of regulatory cell-cycle genes in FGR placentae. Aberrant regulation of cell-cycle genes in the placental trophoblast cells may constitute a mechanistic pathway by which decreased placental VDR reduces feto-placental growth.  相似文献   

Migration of Maya refugees to the United States since the late 1970s affords the opportunity to study the consequences of life in a new environment on the growth of Maya children. The children of this study live in Indiantown, Florida, and Los Angeles, California. Maya children between 4 and 14 years old (n = 240) were measured for height, weight, fatness, and muscularity. Overall, compared with reference data for the United States, the Maya children are, on average, healthy and well nourished. They are taller and heavier and carry more fat and muscle mass than Maya children living in a village in Guatemala. However, they are shorter, on average, than children of black, Mexican-American, and white ethnicity living in Indiantown. Children of Maya immigrants born in the United States tend to be taller than immigrant children born in Guatemala or Mexico. Families that invest economic and social resources in their children tend to have taller children. More economically successful families have taller children. Migration theory and political economy theory from the social sciences are combined with plasticity theory and life history theory (parental investment) from biology to interpret these data. Am J Phys Anthropol 102:17–32, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Plant microfossils are reported from the late Tertiary Padre MiguelGroup and the Pliocene Herrería Formation of southeasternGuatemala. The most abundant palynomorphs are cf. Acrostichum(maximum 45%), Cyperaceae (29%), cf. Antrophyum(27%), monolete fern spores (16%), and Pinus(11%). Pollen grains of Picea, Juglans,Quercus, and Ulmus, primarily from the Padre Miguelflora, reveal the presence of a northern cool-temperate element. Theyounger Herrería flora is more lowland and warm temperate. Inthe absence of evidence for substantially higher elevations, thedifferences between the Neogene and modern vegetation are attributedmostly to climate. MAT (mean annual temperature) is estimated2°-3°C cooler than at present for the Padre Miguel flora,and ~3.5°C warmer for the Herrería flora. There islittle evidence for arid vegetation, and the tropical rain forest wasabsent or poorly represented. These data are consistent with those ofother fossil floras in the region and with trends suggested by isotopicpaleotemperature analysis and global sea-level changes. The Guatemalaassemblages further provide evidence that the current version of thetropical rain forest is recent in origin and has undergone considerablechange in its range and composition throughout the lateCenozoic.  相似文献   

The maximum growth rate of juvenile perch, PercaJuviatilis L., at different constant temperatures and in naturally changing day-lengths was studied in the laboratory. Standard metabolic rate was studied in starvation experiments at constant temperatures under short- and long-day conditions. Growth occurred in temperatures above 8 to 10°C. In winter, from mid-October until mid-April, maximal growth was considerably reduced and was relatively slow but constant. The standard metabolic rate was reduced c . 50% under short-day conditions. The seasonal change in metabolic rates, presumably controlled by an endogenous rhythm, was considered to be an adaptation to low food availability during the short winter days.  相似文献   

We determined the relationship between plant height and whole-plant relative growth rate (g g-1 day-1) for ten genotypes of Sporobolus kentrophyllus collected from an intensively grazed site on the Serengeti Plains, Tanzania. Plants were grown for 7 weeks in a greenhouse in Syracuse, N.Y., and harvested weekly. Plants that received simulated bovine urine showed a negative relationship between plant height and growth rate, suggesting a genetic tradeoff between competitive ability if ungrazed (height) and ability to recover from grazing (growth rate). There was no height-growth rate relationship under nitrogen addition rates similar to field mineralization rates. In addition, faster-growing, shorter plants tended to have relatively higher above-ground growth rates than slower-growing, taller plants. These results suggest that natural selection has maintained a gradient of morphologies within this species ranging from short, rapidly growing genotypes adapted to intense grazing conditions to tall, slow-growing, grazer-susceptible genotypes that are superior light competitors in absence of herbivory.  相似文献   

Serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) levels were investigated in 31 children living in an endemic goiter area and 33 healthy subjects living in an nonendemic area. Serum IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels of iodine- and selenium-deficient children were found to be lower than those of control subjects (p<0.001). There was a positive correlation between the IGF-I with chronological age and body mass index. There was also positive correlation between the IGF-I and IGFBP-3. No significant difference was found between the goitrous and nongoitrous children. These results suggest that IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels are affected by thyroid dysfunction as a result of iodine and selenium deficiency. However, IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels are not associated with goiter.  相似文献   

Cloud forests in central Guatemala are fragmented and decreasing in area due to slash-and-burn agricultural activities. We studied bird species composition, abundance, guild composition, and site tenacity of a 102 ha plot located in a cloud forest region of the Sierra Yalijux in Guatemala, half of which was primary forest and half young secondary forest (<7-years-old). Of the 100 species present 14 were restricted to the Endemic Bird Area ‘Northern Central American highlands’ (i.e. 66% of a total of 21 endemics). Five of the 100 analysed species, including one of the restricted-range species (Troglodytes rufociliatus), had a significantly different abundance in primary and secondary forests. Theoretical analysis suggests that seven species out of a community comprised of 141 bird species are already extirpated and only three out of the 14 present restricted-range species might survive the current state of deforestation. Insectivores were the dominant guild on the plot in terms of numbers of species, followed by omnivores, frugivores and granivores. However, in terms of individuals, omnivores made up nearly half of the bird individuals in primary forest, but declined by 44% in secondary forest, whereas granivores more than doubled in this habitat type. Numbers of species per guild were not significantly different between habitats, while numbers of individuals per guild were significantly different. In general, individuals per species are significantly different in the two habitats. Results suggest that most of the species that are currently surviving in the remnant forests of the Sierra Yalijux might be fairly well adapted to a range of forest conditions, but that populations of a number of restricted-range species might be small. Even generalists species like the Common Bush Tanager (Chlorospingus ophthalmicus) are less abundant in secondary vegetation than in primary forest of the study plot.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle in the horse involves a reduction in ovarian activity during short days. The absence of ovulatory activity during winter has important consequences for an equine industry eager to breed mares early during the year. The anovulatory season results from a reduction in the secretion of pituitary gonadotropin that is in turn triggered by the inhibitory effects of short photoperiod on the hypothalamus–pituitary axis. Recent studies have provided evidence that the response of the ovaries to endocrine stimuli during the anovulatory season is affected not only by circulating concentrations of trophic hormones but also by locally produced growth factors that are putative modulators of follicular responses to gonadotropins. The present review summarises current knowledge on ovarian dynamics during the equine anovulatory season and the regulatory mechanisms involved at both systemic and local levels.  相似文献   

The seasonal growth and nutrient status of the temperate subtidal macroalga Adamsiella chauvinii was determined at three soft sediment sites with different ranges of tidally-driven current speeds. A. chauvinii thalli exhibited maximum growth rates during the late summer (February) and no evidence of nitrogen limited growth in summer as often exhibited by macroalgae growing on hard substrata in temperate environments. We suggest that growth was maintained during the summer period, when seawater nitrogen concentrations were low, by localized sources of ammonium probably produced by sediments and fauna within the canopy. Growth rates were up to 50% lower at the site with the slowest water velocity throughout most of the experimental period. However a greater tissue nitrogen content of A. chauvinii thalli at the slow flow site did not support evidence for mass-transfer limitation. It is suggested that as a consequence of slow flow, sedimentation on blade surfaces reduced the amount of light available for photosynthesis and growth. Lower growth rates at the slow flow site reduced metabolic demand for nutrients resulting in accumulation of tissue nitrogen and phosphate.  相似文献   

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