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It has been established in experiments on 280 white randombred male rats weighing 100-120 g that the lifting of the animals from the valley (820 m above the sea level) to the mountains (3379 m above the sea level) brings about within the first day marked suppression of the mitotic activity of the epithelium of involuted renal tubules. This activity increases beginning from the end of the first week, approaches the control value by the 30th day of adaptation and almost completely returns to normal by the 60th day of the animals' stay in the mountains. The circadian rhythms of the mitotic activity appeared undisturbed and was monophasic in nature.  相似文献   

Kidney androgen-regulated protein (KAP) mRNA represents the most abundant [approximately 4% of the total poly(A) RNA] mRNA species that is induced by androgens in the mouse kidney. Comparison of the expression of several androgen-regulated mRNAs in this tissue, revealed that the mRNAs were differentially regulated by the hormone. KAP mRNA exhibited unusual sensitivity to low concentrations of the androgen-receptor complex. Because of its unusual characteristics, it was of interest to determine in what cells of the kidney KAP mRNA was being produced. Using the technique of in situ hybridization with single stranded RNA probes, we have identified the epithelial cells of the renal proximal convoluted tubules as the site of synthesis of KAP mRNA. Interestingly, only a subpopulation of these cells, those located in the juxtamedullary region of the renal cortex, contain KAP mRNA in castrated males. After androgen treatment, cortical proximal tubules are also induced to express KAP mRNA. These results suggest that two types of response to androgens occur in these cells. One is the progressive increase of KAP gene expression in the juxtamedullary region while the other involves recruitment of new cells in the cortical proximal tubules to synthesize KAP mRNA.  相似文献   

Successful pollination in animal‐pollinated plants depends on the temporal overlap between flower presentation and pollinator foraging activity. Variation in the temporal dimension of plant–pollinator networks has been investigated intensely across flowering seasons. However, over the course of a day, the dynamics of plant–pollinator interactions may vary strongly due environmental fluctuations. It is usually assumed there is a unimodal, diurnal, activity pattern, while alternative multimodal types of activity patterns are often neglected and deserve greater investigation. Here, we quantified the daily activity pattern of flower visitors in two different habitats contrasting high elevation meadows versus forests in Southwest China to investigate the role of abiotic conditions in the temporal dynamics of plant–pollinator interactions. We examined diurnal activity patterns for the entire pollinator community. Pollinator groups may differ in their ability to adapt to habitats and abiotic conditions, which might be displayed in their patterns of activity. We hypothesized that (a) pollinator communities show multimodal activity patterns, (b) patterns differ between pollinator groups and habitat types, and (c) abiotic conditions explain observed activity patterns. In total, we collected 4,988 flower visitors belonging to six functional groups. There was a bimodal activity pattern when looking at the entire pollinator community and in five out of six flower visitor groups (exempting solitary bees) regardless of habitat types. Bumblebees, honeybees, dipterans, lepidopterans, and other insects showed activity peaks in the morning and afternoon, whereas solitary bees were most active at midday. Activity of all six pollinator groups increased as solar radiation increased and then decreased after reaching a certain threshold. Our findings suggest that in habitats at higher elevations, a bimodal activity pattern of flower visitation is commonly employed across most pollinator groups that are diurnal foragers. This pattern may be caused by insects avoiding overheating due to elevated temperatures when exposed to high solar radiation at midday.  相似文献   

The diurnal rhythm of activity of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linné, 1758)) is examined under artificial and natural circumstances. Two male rabbits were examined actographically in special registration cages in artificial and natural light. A population of rabbits was observed in nature and its rhythm of activity investigated by different methods: counting the animals and marking their burrows. The rabbit shows a diurnal rhythm of activity with a main maximum just after sunset and a secondary maximum at sunrise. With artificial light the rabbit has a different rhythm than with natural light. The importance of the choice of the parameter of activity is shown, as is the fact that a change of the actual timegiver brings about greater changes than its absence.  相似文献   

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