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Beak shape in Darwin's ground finches (Geospiza) is emblematic of natural selection and adaptive radiation, yet our understanding of the genetic basis of beak shape variation, and thus the genetic target of natural selection, is still evolving. Here we reveal the genomic architecture of beak shape variation using genomewide comparisons of four closely related and hybridizing species across 13 islands subject to parallel natural selection. Pairwise contrasts among species were used to identify a large number of genomic loci that are consistently related to species differences across a complex landscape. These loci are associated with hundreds of genes that have enriched GO categories significantly associated with development. One genomic region of particular interest is a section of Chromosome 1A with many candidate genes and increased linkage. The distinct, pointed beak shape of the cactus finch is linked to an excess of intermediate frequency alleles and increased heterozygosity in significant SNPs, but not across the rest of the genome. Alleles associated with pointier beaks among species were associated with pointier‐beaked populations within each species, thus establishing a common basis for natural selection, species divergence and adaptive radiation. The adaptive genomic landscape for Darwin's finches mirrors theoretical expectations based on morphological variation. The implication that a large number of genes are actively maintained to facilitate beak variation across parallel populations with documented interspecies admixture challenges our understanding of evolutionary processes in the wild.  相似文献   

Darwin's finches are an iconic case of adaptive radiation. The size and shape of their beaks are key adaptive traits related to trophic niche that vary among species and evolve rapidly when the food supply changes. Building on recent studies, a paper in this issue of Molecular Ecology (Chaves et al. 2016 ) investigates the genomic basis of beak size variation in sympatric populations of three species of ground finch (Geospiza) by performing a Genome‐wide association study using RAD‐seq data. The authors find that variation in a small number of markers can explain a substantial proportion of variation in beak size. Some of these markers are in genomic regions that have previously been implicated in beak size variation in Darwin's finches, whereas other markers have not, suggesting both conservation and divergence in the genetic basis of morphological evolution. Overall, the study confirms that loci of large effect are involved in beak size variation, which helps to explain the high heritability and rapid response to selection of this trait. The independent identification of regions containing HMGA2 and DLK1 loci in a GWAS makes them prime targets for functional studies. The study also shows that under the right conditions, RAD‐seq can be a viable alternative to genome sequencing for GWAS in wild vertebrate populations.  相似文献   

Adaptive radiation unfolds as selection acts on the genetic variation underlying functional traits. The nature of this variation can be revealed by studying the tips of an ongoing adaptive radiation. We studied genomic variation at the tips of the Darwin's finch radiation; specifically focusing on polymorphism within, and variation among, three sympatric species of the genus Geospiza. Using restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD‐seq), we characterized 32 569 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), from which 11 outlier SNPs for beak and body size were uncovered by a genomewide association study (GWAS). Principal component analysis revealed that these 11 SNPs formed four statistically linked groups. Stepwise regression then revealed that the first PC score, which included 6 of the 11 top SNPs, explained over 80% of the variation in beak size, suggesting that selection on these traits influences multiple correlated loci. The two SNPs most strongly associated with beak size were near genes associated with beak morphology across deeper branches of the radiation: delta‐like 1 homologue (DLK1) and high‐mobility group AT‐hook 2 (HMGA2). Our results suggest that (i) key adaptive traits are associated with a small fraction of the genome (11 of 32 569 SNPs), (ii) SNPs linked to the candidate genes are dispersed throughout the genome (on several chromosomes), and (iii) micro‐ and macro‐evolutionary variation (roots and tips of the radiation) involve some shared and some unique genomic regions.  相似文献   

Animal mating signals evolve in part through indirect natural selection on anatomical traits that influence signal expression. In songbirds, for example, natural selection on beak form and function can influence the evolution of song features, because of the role of the beak in song production. In this study we characterize the relationship between beak morphology and song features within a bimodal population of Geospiza fortis on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos. This is the only extant population of Darwin's finches that is known to possess a bimodal distribution in beak size. We test the hypothesis that birds with larger beaks are constrained to produce songs with lower frequencies and decreased vocal performance. We find that birds with longer, deeper, and wider beaks produce songs with significantly lower minimum frequencies, maximum frequencies and frequency bandwidths. Results from the analysis of the relationship between beak morphology and trill rate are mixed. Measures of beak morphology correlated positively with 'vocal deviation', a composite index of vocal performance. Overall these results support a resonance model of vocal tract function, and suggest that beak morphology, a primary target of ecological selection in Darwin's finches, affects the evolution of mating signals. We suggest that differences in song between the two modes of the distribution may influence mate recognition and perhaps facilitate assortative mating by beak size and population divergence.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 489–498.  相似文献   

Hypotheses for divergence and speciation in rainforests generally fall into two categories: those emphasizing the role of geographic isolation and those emphasizing the role of divergent selection along gradients. While a majority of studies have attempted to infer mechanisms based on the pattern of species richness and congruence of geographic boundaries, relatively few have tried to simultaneously test alternative hypotheses for diversification. Here we discuss four examples, taken from our work on diversification of tropical rainforest vertebrates, in which we examine patterns of genetic and morphological variation within and between biogeographic regions to address two alternative hypotheses. By estimating morphological divergence between geographically contiguous and isolated populations under similar and different ecological conditions, we attempt to evaluate the relative roles of geographic isolation and natural selection in population divergence. Results suggest that natural selection, even in the presence of appreciable gene flow, can result in morphological divergence that is greater than that found between populations isolated for millions of years and, in some cases, even greater than that found between congeneric, but distinct, species. The relatively small phenotypic divergence that occurs among long-term geographic isolates in similar habitats suggests that morphological divergence via drift may be negligible and/or that selection is acting to produce similar phenotypes in populations occupying similar habitats. Our results demonstrate that significant phenotypic divergence: (1) is not necessarily coupled with divergence in neutral molecular markers; and (2) can occur without geographic isolation in the presence of gene flow.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of museum specimens offers a direct window into a past that can predate the loss of extinct forms. We genotyped 18 Galápagos finches collected by Charles Darwin and companions during the voyage of the Beagle in 1835, and 22 specimens collected in 1901. Our goals were to determine if significant genetic diversity has been lost since the Beagle voyage and to determine the genetic source of specimens for which the collection locale was not recorded. Using ‘ancient’ DNA techniques, we quantified variation at 14 autosomal microsatellite loci. Assignment tests showed several museum specimens genetically matched recently field-sampled birds from their island of origin. Some were misclassified or were difficult to classify. Darwin''s exceptionally large ground finches (Geospiza magnirostris) from Floreana and San Cristóbal were genetically distinct from several other currently existing populations. Sharp-beaked ground finches (Geospiza difficilis) from Floreana and Isabela were also genetically distinct. These four populations are currently extinct, yet they were more genetically distinct from congeners than many other species of Darwin''s finches are from each other. We conclude that a significant amount of the finch biodiversity observed and collected by Darwin has been lost since the voyage of the Beagle.  相似文献   

Open vegetation (campinas and campinaranas) associated with white sand patches occurs in the form of islands in a forested matrix throughout the Amazon basin. Bird species restricted to these habitats have patchy distributions, although connectivity may have been influenced by past glacial cycles as a result of the substitution of forest by savanna. Because these landscape changes are a matter of debate in the history of Amazonia, we studied the diversification of Xenopipo atronitens, a white sand specialist, aiming to infer the effects of past climate changes. The split of Xenopipo atronitens from its sister species, Xenopipo uniformis, may be related to Tepuis erosion and retreat of escarpments during the Miocene, or to a dispersal event. Compared with birds from terra firme forest, X. atronitens has low genetic structure. Low levels of unidirectional gene flow were found from the Guyana Shield to adjacent areas. Demographic expansion starting approximately 25 kyr BP was detected for some populations and is probably related to the Last Glacial Maximum and subsequent climate improvement. Landscape genetic analyses indicate that the forested (terra firme) matrix acts as a barrier for the dispersal of X. atronitens. The results of the present study indicate that glacial cycles have deeply influenced Amazonian biogeographical history, demonstrating a complex interaction between forest and nonforest habitats during the Pleistocene. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 60–76.  相似文献   

A recent workshop held at the University of Grenoble gathered the leading experts in the field of landscape genetics and spatial statistics. Landscape genetics was only recently defined as an independent research field. It aims to understand the processes of gene flow and local adaptation by studying the interactions between genetic and spatial or environmental variation. This workshop discussed the perspectives and challenges of combining emerging molecular, spatial and statistical tools to unravel how landscape and environmental variables affect genetic variation.  相似文献   

Understanding how environmental variation influences population genetic structure is important for conservation management because it can reveal how human stressors influence population connectivity, genetic diversity and persistence. We used riverscape genetics modelling to assess whether climatic and habitat variables were related to neutral and adaptive patterns of genetic differentiation (population‐specific and pairwise FST) within five metapopulations (79 populations, 4583 individuals) of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Columbia River Basin, USA. Using 151 putatively neutral and 29 candidate adaptive SNP loci, we found that climate‐related variables (winter precipitation, summer maximum temperature, winter highest 5% flow events and summer mean flow) best explained neutral and adaptive patterns of genetic differentiation within metapopulations, suggesting that climatic variation likely influences both demography (neutral variation) and local adaptation (adaptive variation). However, we did not observe consistent relationships between climate variables and FST across all metapopulations, underscoring the need for replication when extrapolating results from one scale to another (e.g. basin‐wide to the metapopulation scale). Sensitivity analysis (leave‐one‐population‐out) revealed consistent relationships between climate variables and FST within three metapopulations; however, these patterns were not consistent in two metapopulations likely due to small sample sizes (= 10). These results provide correlative evidence that climatic variation has shaped the genetic structure of steelhead populations and highlight the need for replication and sensitivity analyses in land and riverscape genetics.  相似文献   

The field of landscape genetics has been evolving rapidly since its emergence in the early 2000s. New applications, techniques and criticisms of techniques appear like clockwork with each new journal issue. The developments are an encouraging, and at times bewildering, sign of progress in an exciting new field of study. However, we suggest that the rapid expansion of landscape genetics has belied important flaws in the development of the field, and we add an air of caution to this breakneck pace of expansion. Specifically, landscape genetic studies often lose sight of the fundamental principles and complex consequences of gene flow, instead favouring simplistic interpretations and broad inferences not necessarily warranted by the data. Here, we describe common pitfalls that characterize such studies, and provide practical guidance to improve landscape genetic investigation, with careful consideration of inferential limits, scale, replication, and the ecological and evolutionary context of spatial genetic patterns. Ultimately, the utility of landscape genetics will depend on translating the relationship between gene flow and landscape features into an understanding of long‐term population outcomes. We hope the perspective presented here will steer landscape genetics down a more scientifically sound and productive path, garnering a field that is as informative in the future as it is popular now.  相似文献   

With the emergence of landscape genetics, the basic assumptions and predictions of classical population genetic theories are being re‐evaluated to account for more complex spatial and temporal dynamics. Within the last decade, there has been an exponential increase in such landscape genetic studies ( Holderegger & Wagner 2006 ; Storfer et al. 2010 ), and both methodology and underlying concepts of the field are under rapid and constant development. A number of major innovations and a high level of originality are required to fully merge existing population genetic theory with landscape ecology and to develop novel statistical approaches for measuring and predicting genetic patterns. The importance of simulation studies for this specific research has been emphasized in a number of recent articles (e.g., Balkenhol et al. 2009a ; Epperson et al. 2010 ). Indeed, many of the major questions in landscape genetics require the development and application of sophisticated simulation tools to explore gene flow, genetic drift, mutation and natural selection in landscapes with a wide range of spatial and temporal complexities. In this issue, Jaquiéry et al. (2011) provide an excellent example of such a simulation study for landscape genetics. Using a metapopulation simulation design and a novel ‘scale of phenomena’ approach, Jaquiéry et al. (2011) demonstrate the utility and limitations of genetic distances for inferring landscape effects on effective dispersal.  相似文献   

Divergence and speciation can sometimes proceed in the face of, and even be enhanced by, ongoing gene flow. We here study divergence with gene flow in Darwin''s finches, focusing on the role of ecological/adaptive differences in maintaining/promoting divergence and reproductive isolation. To this end, we survey allelic variation at 10 microsatellite loci for 989 medium ground finches (Geospiza fortis) on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos. We find only small genetic differences among G. fortis from different sites. We instead find noteworthy genetic differences associated with beak. Moreover, G. fortis at the site with the greatest divergence in beak size also showed the greatest divergence at neutral markers; i.e. the lowest gene flow. Finally, morphological and genetic differentiation between the G. fortis beak-size morphs was intermediate to that between G. fortis and its smaller (Geospiza fuliginosa) and larger (Geospiza magnirostris) congeners. We conclude that ecological differences associated with beak size (i.e. foraging) influence patterns of gene flow within G. fortis on a single island, providing additional support for ecological speciation in the face of gene flow. Patterns of genetic similarity within and between species also suggest that interspecific hybridization might contribute to the formation of beak-size morphs within G. fortis.  相似文献   

植物景观遗传学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋有涛  孙子程  朱京海 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7410-7417
植物景观遗传学是新兴的景观遗传学交叉学科的一个重要研究方向。目前植物景观遗传学的研究虽落后于动物,但其在生物多样性保护方面具有的巨大潜力不可忽视。从景观特征对遗传结构、环境因素对适应性遗传变异影响两个方面,系统综述了近十年来国际上植物景观遗传学的研究焦点和研究进展,比较了植物景观遗传学与动物景观遗传学研究在研究设计和研究方法上的异同,并基于将来植物景观遗传学由对空间遗传结构的描述发展为对景观遗传效应的量化分析及预测的发展框架,具体针对目前景观特征与遗传结构研究设计的系统性差、遗传结构与景观格局在时间上的误配、适应性位点与环境变量的模糊匹配、中性遗传变异与适应性遗传变异研究的分隔、景观与遗传关系分析方法的局限等五个方面提出了研究对策。  相似文献   

Comparative landscape genetics studies can provide key information to implement cost‐effective conservation measures favouring a broad set of taxa. These studies are scarce, particularly in Mediterranean areas, which include diverse but threatened biological communities. Here, we focus on Mediterranean wetlands in central Iberia and perform a multi‐level, comparative study of two endemic pond‐breeding amphibians, a salamander (Pleurodeles waltl) and a toad (Pelobates cultripes). We genotyped 411 salamanders from 20 populations and 306 toads from 16 populations at 18 and 16 microsatellite loci, respectively, and identified major factors associated with population connectivity through the analysis of three sets of variables potentially affecting gene flow at increasingly finer levels of spatial resolution. Topographic, land use/cover, and remotely sensed vegetation/moisture indices were used to derive optimized resistance surfaces for the two species. We found contrasting patterns of genetic structure, with stronger, finer scale genetic differentiation in Pleurodeles waltl, and notable differences in the role of fine‐scale patterns of heterogeneity in vegetation cover and water content in shaping patterns of regional genetic structure in the two species. Overall, our results suggest a positive role of structural heterogeneity in population connectivity in pond‐breeding amphibians, with habitat patches of Mediterranean scrubland and open oak woodlands (“dehesas”) facilitating gene flow. Our study highlights the usefulness of remotely sensed continuous variables of land cover, vegetation and water content (e.g., NDVI, NDMI) in conservation‐oriented studies aimed at identifying major drivers of population connectivity.  相似文献   

Darwin's finches represent a dynamic radiation of birds within the Galápagos Archipelago. Unlike classic island radiations dominated by island endemics and intuitive ‘conveyer belt’ colonization with little subsequent dispersal, species of Darwin's finches have populations distributed across many islands and each island contains complex metacommunities of closely related birds. Understanding the role of metacommunity and structured population dynamics in speciation within this heterogeneous island system would provide insights into the roles of fragmentation and dispersal in evolution. In this study, a large multi‐species dataset and a comparative ground finch dataset (two co‐distributed lineages) were used to show how landscape features influence patterns of gene flow across the archipelago. Factors expected to regulate migration including distance and movement from large, central islands to small, peripheral islands were rejected in the multi‐species dataset. Instead, the harsh northeast islands contributed individuals to the larger central islands. Successful immigration relies on three factors: arriving, surviving and reproducing, thus the dispersal towards the central islands may be either be due to more migrants orienting towards these land masses due to their large size and high elevation, or may reflect a higher likelihood of survival and successful reproduction due to the larger diversity of habitats and more environmentally stable ecosystems that these islands possess. Further, the overall directionality of migration was south‐southwest against the dominant winds and currents. In comparing dispersal between the common cactus finch and medium ground finch, both species had similar migration rates but the cactus finch had approximately half the numbers of migrants due to lower effective populations sizes. Significant population structure in the cactus finch indicates potential for further speciation, while the medium ground finch maintains cohesive gene flow across islands. These patterns shed light on the macroevolutionary patterns that drive diversification and speciation within a radiation of highly‐volant taxa.  相似文献   

Individuals of many species show high levels of fidelity to natal populations, often due to reliance on patchily distributed habitat features. In many of these species, the negative impacts of inbreeding are mitigated through specialized behaviours such as seasonal mating dispersal. Quantifying population structure for species with these characteristics can potentially elucidate social and environmental factors that interact to affect mating behaviour and population connectivity. In the northern part of their range, timber rattlesnakes are communal hibernators with high natal philopatry. Individuals generally recruit to the same hibernaculum as their mother and remain faithful to that hibernaculum throughout their lives. We examined the genetic structure of Crotalus horridus hibernacula in the northeastern USA using microsatellite loci. Sampled hibernacula exhibited only modest levels of differentiation, indicating a significant level of gene flow among them. We found no significant correlation between genetic differentiation and geographical distance, but did find significant positive correlation between genetic differentiation and a cost-based distance metric adjusted to include the amount of potential basking habitat between hibernacula. Therefore, thermoregulation sites may increase gene flow by increasing the potential for contact among individuals from different populations. Parentage analyses confirmed high levels of philopatry of both sexes to their maternal hibernaculum; however, approximately one-third of paternity assignments involved individuals between hibernacula, confirming that gene flow among hibernacula occurs largely through seasonal male mating dispersal. Our results underscore the importance of integrating individual-level behaviours and landscape features with studies of fine-scale population genetics in species with high fidelity to patchily distributed habitats.  相似文献   

Estimating population connectivity and species' abilities to disperse across the landscape is crucial for understanding the long‐term persistence of species in changing environments. Surprisingly, few landscape genetic studies focused on tropical regions despite the alarming extinction rates within these ecosystems. Here, we compared the influence of landscape features on the distribution of genetic variation of an Afromontane frog, Amietia wittei, with that of its more broadly distributed lowland congener, Amietia angolensis, on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. We predicted high gene flow in the montane species with movements enhanced through terrestrial habitats of the continuous rainforest. In contrast, dispersal might be restricted to aquatic corridors and reduced by anthropogenic disturbance in the lowland species. We found high gene flow in A. wittei relative to other montane amphibians. Nonetheless, gene flow was lower than in the lowland species which showed little population structure. Least‐cost path analysis suggested that dispersal is facilitated by stream networks in both species, but different landscape features were identified to influence connectivity among populations. Contrary to a previous study, gene flow in the lowland species was negatively correlated with the presence of human settlements. Also, genetic subdivision in A. wittei did not coincide with specific physical barriers as in other landscape genetic studies, suggesting that factors other than topography may contribute to population divergence. Overall, these results highlight the importance of a comparative landscape genetic approach for assessing the influence of the landscape matrix on population connectivity, particularly because nonintuitive results can alter the course of conservation and management.  相似文献   

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