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ROBSON  M. J. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(3):321-329
Simulated swards of each of two selection lines of Lolium perennecv. S23 with ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ ratesof ‘mature tissue’ respiration were establishedin growth rooms at 20/15 °C day/night temperatures and studiedover four successive regrowth periods of 46, 30, 26 and 53 daysduration. The ‘slow’ line outyielded the ‘fast’,both in harvestable shoot (above a 5 cm cut) and in root andstubble. Its advantage increased over successive regrowth periodsto 23 per cent (total biomass). Gas analysis measurements onthe entire communities (including roots), during the final regrowthperiod, showed that the ‘slow’ line had a 22–34per cent lower rate of dark respiration per unit dry weight.This enabled it to maintain its greater mass of tissue for thesame cost in terms of CO2 efflux per unit ground area. Halfthe extra dry weight produced by the ‘slow’ line,relative to the ‘fast’, could be attributed to itsmore economic use of carbon. The rest could be traced to a 25per cent greater tiller number which enabled the ‘slow’line to expand leaf area faster (though not at a greater rateper tiller), intercept more light and fix more carbon, earlyin the regrowth period. Lolium perenne L., ryegrass, respiration, maintenance respiration, tiller production, simulated swards, canopy photosynthesis, carbon economy  相似文献   

ROBSON  M.J. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(3):331-339
Young plants of two selection lines of Lolium perenne cv. S23with ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ rates of ‘maturetissue’ respiration were individually grown from seed,together with plants of S23, their common parent, in 9.2 cmpots in a controlled environment at 20/15 °C day/night temperatures. No significant differences were found between the genotypesin leaf extension and tiller production during this early stageof their growth. They did differ however, by an average of 26%,in the rate of dark respiration of fully expanded leaf laminae.The use of a simple model demonstrated that such a differencein respiration could alone account for the different rates ofdry matter production shown by the selection lines when grownas young crops from seed. Possible penalties of ‘slow’respiration are also considered. Lolium perenne L., ryegrass, respiration, maintenance respiration, stimulated swards, leaf growth, tiller production, carbon economy  相似文献   

A range of sugars, sugar alcohols, sugar phosphates, organicacids, and monohydric alcohols have been tested as carbon sourcesfor growth and as respiratory substrates using Chlorella vulgaris,Brannon I, grown in darkness. Much higher rates of growth and respiration were obtained withd-glucose than with any other substance tested. Ethanol (at0·005 M.) sustained both growth and respiration at c.50 per cent, of the level with glucose (0·028 M. or higher).Evidence was obtained that the organism can become ‘adapted’to utilize d-galactose and sucrose as effective carbon sources.Sustained growth was not obtained with any of the other substancestested. The glucose monophosphates, methanol and certain organic acids(oxalacetate, -ketoglutarate, cis-aconitate, and pyruvate) clearlystimulated oxygen uptake but to a less extent than ethanol.The other substances tested were either inhibitory to respirationor inactive or of very low activity as substrates. The growth in darkness and in liquid culture of Chlorella whensupplied with d-glucose was insensitive to pH over the range4·5 to 7·0 and was markedly enhanced by a highlevel of aeration. Gains in cellular dry weight ranging from45 to 90 per cent, of the weight of d-glucose disappearing fromthe culture medium were recorded in growth experiments; measurementsof CO2 evolution in the Warburg indicated retention of up totwo-thirds of the glucose-C in cell material.  相似文献   

The flowering requirements of six European varieties of Loliumperenne L. were studied in controlled environments. In experimentson primary induction, flowering was recorded after transferto long days (LD) in a greenhouse at 12–24°C. In experimentson secondary induction, primary induction was first accomplishedat 6°C/10 h daylength for 12 weeks. When evaluated by the50% heading criterion, the requirement for duration of primaryinduction at 6°C/8 h daylength was <3 weeks in Mediterranean,5–6 weeks in Central European and 7–8 weeks in Scandinavianvarieties. While ‘Veyo’ (Italy) flowered profuselyregardless of temperature or daylength during primary induction,critical temperatures for primary induction in SD and LD were15 and 11°C in ‘Baca’ (Czech Republic) and 11and 7°C in ‘Falster’ (Denmark). The criticalphotoperiod for secondary induction at 15°C ranged from12 h in ‘Veyo’ and 14 h in ‘Baca’ to16.5 h in ‘Falster’ and 17.5 in ‘Kleppe’(Norway). The critical number of LD cycles varied correspondingly.While the Central and North European varieties required fewerLD cycles for 50% heading at 18 than at 12°C, ‘Veyo’showed the opposite response. It is concluded that the requirementsfor both primary and secondary induction of Lolium perenne increasewith increasing latitude of origin of the germplasm. In oneexperiment, 39–87% of the inflorescences came from tillersthat were not visible on transfer from primary to secondaryinduction, thus it is also concluded that there is no juvenilestage in tillers of Lolium perenne. Copyright 2000 Annals ofBotany Company Daylength, flowering, juvenility, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), primary induction, secondary induction, temperature, varieties, vernalization  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of [U-14C]sucrose in suspension culturesof Catharanthus roseus cells was monitored for 96 h after thecells were transferred to fresh complete (‘+Pi’)or to phosphate-deficient Murashige and Skoog (‘–Pi’)medium. Sucrose was hydrolysed extracellularly to glucose andfructose. The rate of uptake of sugars by the cells was 1.5–3times higher in ‘+Pi’ culture than in ‘–Pi’culture. Little difference in the rate of incorporation of radioactivityinto the ethanol-soluble fraction was found between the ‘+Pi’and ‘– Pi’ cultures during the initial 24h of culture, but after 48 h the rate in ‘ +Pi’cultures was higher than that in ‘–Pi’ cultures.Incorporation of radioactivity into ethanol-insoluble macromoleculeswas always significantly higher in the cells in ‘+Pi’cultures than in those in ‘–Pi’ cultures.The results suggest that Pi strongly affects the utilizationof sugars by cultured plant cells through the stimulation oftransport of sugars as well as through the activation of metabolism. Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture, inorganic phosphate, sucrose, transport, metabolism  相似文献   

The rapid and uniform establishment of soya bean [Glycine max(L.) Merr.] stands is conducive to higher yields. This studywas undertaken to determine the effects of cultivar, temperature,and seed size on the rate of germination and emergence. No cultivar effect on the germination rate was observed. However,in an emergence study from a sand-soil-peat mixture, cultivardifferences in emergence rates were noted(‘Chippewa 64’> ‘Wayne’ > ‘Amsoy 71’). In anotheremergence study (sand media) the cvs ‘Calland’ and‘Williams’ emerged faster than the cv. 'Wayne or‘Wells’. Time required for 50 per cent germination decreased (18.8–4.0days) as the temperature increased from 10 to 30 °C (5 °Cincrements). Emergence (50 per cent) from a sand-soil-peat mixturewas more rapid (19.8–6.3 days) as the simulated plantingdate (growth chamber set to simulate field temperatures) wasdelayed from 16 April to 15 June with an intermediate date of16 May. In addition, time required for 50 per cent emergence of thecultivars from sand decreased (793–76 h) as the temperaturewas increased from 10 to 30 °C with no decrease from 30to 35 °C. Seed size effects were apparent, with the very small seed germinatingslower than the three larger seed sizes. In the emergence studieswith both the sand and sand-soil-peat mixture there was a generaltrend toward more rapid emergence with the smaller seeds. However,the absolute differences were small. Significant cultivar x temperature interactions were observedfor the germination and emergence rates. In most cases the cultivarsmerged in terms of germination and emergence rates at temperaturesbetween 10 and 20 °C and at the higher temperatures thecultivar rankings were different from those observed at temperaturesbelow the merging point. Glycine max (L.) Merr, soya bean, seed germination, establishment of seedlings  相似文献   

Fiskeby V soya bean was grown from seed germination to seedmaturation with two contrasting patterns of nitrogen metabolism:either wholly dependent on dinitrogen fixation, or with an abundantsupply of nitrate nitrogen, but lacking root nodules. The carbonand nitrogen economies of the plants were assessed at frequentintervals by measurements of photosynthesis, shoot and rootrespiration, and organic and inorganic nitrogen contents. Plantsfixing atmospheric nitrogen assimilated only 25–30 percent as much nitrogen as equivalent plants given nitrate nitrogen:c. 40 per cent of the nitrogen of ‘nitrate’ plantswas assimilated after dinitrogen fixation had ceased in ‘nodulated’plants. The rates of photosynthesis and respiration of the shootsof soya bean were not markedly affected by source of nitrogen;in contrast, the roots of ‘nodulated’ plants respiredtwice as rapidly during intense dinitrogen fixation as thoseof ‘nitrate’ plants. The magnitude of this respiratoryburden was calculated to increase the daily whole-plant respiratory loss of assimilate by 10–15 per cent over thatof plants receiving abundant nitrate. It is concluded that ‘nodulated’plants grew more slowly than ‘nitrate’ plants inthese experiments for at least two reasons: firstly, the symbioticassociation fixed insufficient nitrogen for optimum growth and,secondly, the assimila tion of the nitrogen which was fixedin the root nodules was more energy-demanding in terms of assimilatethan that of plants which assimilated nitrogen by reducing nitratein their leaves.  相似文献   

FAWUSI  M. O. A. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(5):617-622
Three-month ‘old’ and ‘fresh’ seedsof Talinum triangulare were subjected to various treatmentsto induce early and rapid germination. Scarification and activated carbon were the most effective treatmentsin improving total germination in fresh seeds, while the 3 and5 per cent thiourea treatments were most effective in improvingtotal germination in old seeds. Activated carbon, scarificationand 5 per cent thiourea treatments enhanced early germinationin both old and fresh seeds. Cumulative percentage germinationwas very high in fresh seeds after scarification or after treatmentwith activated carbon and 5 per cent thiourea, and lowest inseeds treated with 3 per cent thiourea and hot water. In oldseeds, highest cumulative percentage germination was obtainedwith 3 and 5 per cent thiourea treatments and scarification.Generally, higher germination was obtained with fresh seedsthan with old seeds. Partial seed-coat removal and treatment with 5 per cent thiouriaresulted in a higher rate of and cumulative percentage germinationcompared with seeds with the coat partially removed but nottreated with thiourea. Constantly high temperature (34 °C) increased both rateand total germination compared with seeds planted at room temperature(20–23 °C). Treatments that did not induce germinationwere 1 per cent thiourea, H2SO4, cold water soaking at roomtemperature, 6 per cent hydrogen peroxide and soil planting.These treatments effected less than 3 per cent germination. Talinum triangulare L, seed scarification, activated charcoal, thiourea, germination  相似文献   

On page 379 in line 7 of the legend to Fig. 4 the closed squareshould be an open square. On page 380, under the heading Survival of pierced seeds, line3 should read ‘...and 94 per cent respectively, aftercooling at 1 °C h–1 to -20 °C with nucleationwicks. Apart from a small lesion...’  相似文献   

Impedance Spectroscopy in Frost Hardiness Evaluation of Rhododendron Leaves   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Impedance spectroscopy was used in studying frost hardinessof leaves of two diploid rhododendron cultivars, RhododendronL. ‘PJM’ and R. ‘Cunningham's White’,and their tetraploid derivatives, R. ‘Northern Starburst’(NSB) and CW4. After the growing season and initial hardeningin a greenhouse, plants were subjected to an acclimation regimein a phytotron: 3 consecutive weeks at +5, +1 and -2°C each.Hardiness was studied with controlled freezing tests beforeeach decrease in temperature and at the end of the experiment,based on data of extracellular resistance reand relaxation time of the frost-exposed leaves. The correlation of the two estimateswas 0.92. Generally, the diploid clones had better frost hardinessthan the tetraploid clones. At the end of the experiment, frosthardiness of the diploid ‘PJM’ was -28.7°C andthat of the tetraploid NSB -20.6°C. Leaves of the diploid‘Cunningham's White’ and of the tetraploid CW4 hardenedto -32.0°C and -20.9°C, respectively. Frost hardinessestimated by impedance spectroscopy correlated well with earlierresults based on visual scoring (r = 0.81–0.86) and electrolyteleakage tests (r = 0.84–0.90), but results from impedancespectroscopy indicated weaker hardiness than the other tests.The difference between the results from impedance spectroscopyand the other tests was smaller and more coherent within the‘Cunningham's White’ clones than within ‘PJM’and NSB. Changes in extracellular and intracellular resistanceof non-frozen leaves during the acclimation correlated withthe changes in frost hardiness of ‘Cunningham's White’clones, but not with those of ‘PJM’ and NSB, whichbelong to another subspecies.Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Cold resistance, evergreen, frost hardiness, impedance spectroscopy, polyploid, Rhododendron, tetraploid  相似文献   

Hypocotyls, cotyledons and etiolated half-expanded leaves ofCucumismelo‘Green Delica’ were used as explants for protoplastisolation and culture. Protoplasts isolated from cotyledonsand etiolated half-expanded leaves cultured in Durand, Potrykusand Donn (DPD) medium supplemented with 0.9 µMbenzylaminopurine(BAP), 3.6 µM2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and1% sucrose, using the agarose bead culture method, were ableto form cell walls and subsequently go through cell division.Pretreatment of half-expanded leaf explants in the dark for14 d provided the best material for protoplast isolation andcell division. Approximately one third of protoplasts from etiolatedhalf-expanded leaves formed microcolonies. For hypocotyl protoplasts,none of the treatments used were suitable to induce cell division.There was no significant difference between sucrose, glucose,and sucrose plus glucose, in culture media on the plating efficiencyof leaf protoplasts ofC. melo‘Green Delica’; however,bigger colonies were formed in media supplemented with 1% sucrose.No shoot or whole plant regeneration was achieved. However,the methods reported here provide further information onC. meloprotoplastculture.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Cucumis melo,protoplast culture, 2,4-D, BAP, yeast extract, casein hydrolysate.  相似文献   

One cultivar and one land-race of faba bean were subjected to18 potentially vernalizing pre-treatments (constant temperaturesof 1, 5 or 9 °C factorially combined with photoperiods of8 or 16 h d–1 for 10, 30 or 60 d), and then transferredinto four different growing regimes (‘day’/‘night’temperatures of 18/5 °C or 24/13 °C factorially combinedwith photoperiods of 11 or 16 h d–1). Control plants weregrown entirely in the latter four regimes. The times from sowingto appearance of first open flowers were recorded for all plants.Control plants of the land-race Zeidab Local flowered soonerin long days and in the warmer regime. Pre-treatment reducedthe subsequent time to flower in the four growing-on regimesbut most of the variation in the total time to first flowerfor the pre-treated plants was accounted for by differencesin the combined photothermal time accumulated in the two successiveenvironments - which was predicted by a simple photothermalmodel. Thus, there was neither a specific low-temperature nora short-day vernalization response in this accession. Similarly,no true low-temperature or short-day vernalization responsewas detected in the cv. Maris Bead. However, this UK cultivarflowered later than predicted in the 24/13 °C regime, indicatingthat the 24 °C ‘day’ temperature was supraoptimal.Delays to flowering at 24/13 °C were, however, less evidentwhen plants were grown in long days or following prolonged (30–60d) pre-treatments at cool temperatures. Viciafaba faba, bean, flowering, photoperiodism, vernalization, photothermal time, screening germplasm.  相似文献   

This study was conducted with Lolium temulentum, Festuca pratensis,and the two hybrids L. multiflorum x F. pratensis ‘Elmet’and L. perenne x F. pratensis ‘Prior’. In a comparisonof various durations (7–42 d) of pretreatment at 4 or7 °C the highest yield of microspore-derived callus of L.temulentum was obtained after pretreatment of spikes at 7 °Cfor 28 d, conditions which also proved optimal for panicle pretreatmentwith F. pratensis. For ‘Elmet’, durations of 21–42d were optimal, and for ‘Prior’ the responses tendedto decline with increasing duration. In L. temulentum addition of charcoal (1–2 g l–1)to medium containing 2, 4-D and KN wa  相似文献   

Pith callus tissues were grown under continuous blue (450 mµ),green (545 mµ), red (650 mµ), and ‘white’(full-spectrum) light, and in the dark for 22 days at 27±2°C at energy levels of 15,000 ergs cm–2 sec–1. Mean increases in fresh weight of tissues grown under ‘white’and blue light were significantly greater than those of tissuesgrown in green and red light and in the dark. Tissues grownin the dark yielded mean fresh weight increases significantlylower than tissues grown under blue, red, and ‘white’light. No significant differences were shown between blue and‘white’, red and green, and green and dark treatmentsrespectively. Cell differentiation occurred in all treatmentsonly to the extent of vessel element formation. There were nodifferences in degree of differentiation between treatments. It was proposed that the high-energy reaction of photomorphogenesiswas in operation in the Pelargonium callus tissue. The resultsindicated the presence in the tissue of high-energy photoreceptor(s).The use of high-intensity, incandescent illumination for experimentalprocedures approximating natural conditions of irradiation wasindicated as desirable for pith callus tissues of Pelargoniumzonale var. Enchantress Fiat.  相似文献   

Determination of Nitrate Reductase Activity in Barley Leaves and Roots   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The inactivation of nitrate reductase in the leaves and rootsof barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Mazurka) during and afterextracting was investigated. At 0 °C in the absence of casein,25 per cent of ‘total’. i.e. maximal in vitro, nitratereductase activity was lost during the 2 min extraction process,followed by a slower loss of activity while the extract wasstored in ice. Activity was maintained by adding a minimum of1 per cent casein to the extraction medium containing 0·1M phosphate (pH 7·5), 1 mM EDTA and 1 mM dithiothreitol.Nitrate reductase was stable for several hours in these extracts,but declined in a first order manner in the absence of dithiothreitol.Casein also prevented the initial loss while making root extracts,but had less effect during storage. Using casein and thiols, nitrate reductase activity in light,(as product of maximal in vitro rates and wt g–1) in leaveswas 98 per cent of the total activity in 31-day-old plants grownwith full nutrient in water culture and 60-day-old field-grownplants receiving no fertilizer. Field-grown plants, however,exhibited only 17 per cent of the activity of culture-grownplants. Nitrate reductase in leaves of barley plants grown in waterculture had a diurnal rhythm. During the first 3 h of the lightperiod, activity increased to 1·3 x the ‘dark’value. This was followed by a temporary decrease and then byanother increase to a maximum of 1·7 x the ‘dark’value, occurring about 8 h after illumination. Activity thendecreased during the rest of the light period and in darkness. Hordeum vulgare L., barley, nitrate reductase  相似文献   

Plant growth was assessed and cellular protein per nuclear DNAamount measured in root meristems and in callus derived fromembryos of a spring (‘Katepwa’) and a winter variety(‘Beaver’) of allohexaploid wheat exposed to lowtemperature treatment. The data obtained were used to test whetherthese genetically distinct varieties of wheat responded differentiallyto cold treatment. Seedlings were grown for 14 d at 20°Cand then transferred to 4°C for 14 d before returning themto 20°C, or else were maintained continuously at 20°C.In winter wheat, root growth at 4°C was significantly greaterover the first 7 d following transfer to 4°C compared withplants retained at 20°C, whereas in spring wheat it wasreduced at 4°C. The pattern of accumulation of cellularprotein for both root meristem cells and in callus cells wasalso generally enhanced at 4°C compared with 20°C inwinter wheat but not in spring wheat. Thus, clear inter-varietaldifferences were established both for dry weight accumulationand cellular protein, and the callus data clearly show thatthe low-temperature-induced accumulation of protein is a cellularphenomenon not necessarily linked to development. The extentto which cold-shock proteins are a component of this low temperature-inducedincrease in cellular protein is discussed. Copyright 2000 Annalsof Botany Company Protein, spring wheat, temperature, tissue culture, Triticum aestivum, winter wheat  相似文献   

Temperature Effects on Phenological Development and Yield of Muskmelon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Our goal was to construct a simple muskmelon phenology modelthat could be run with easily obtainable weather station dataand used by growers to quantify phenological development andaid in projecting harvest dates. A growth chamber experimentwas conducted with two cultivars of muskmelon (‘Gold Rush’and ‘Mission’) to determine how main vine leaf appearancerates responded to temperature. We identified three cardinaltemperatures for leaf appearance rate: the base temperature(10 °C) at which leaf appearance rate was zero; an optimumtemperature (34 °C) at which the rate of leaf appearancewas maximal; and an upper threshold temperature (45 °C)at which leaf appearance rate returned to zero. Using thesethree cardinal temperatures, we constructed a simplified thermalunit accumulator for hourly measurements of air temperature.Main vine plastochron interval (PI), thermal time to harvest,and final yield were determined for three cultivars of muskmelon(‘Explorer’, ‘Gold Rush’ and ‘Mission’)grown in the field at Overton, TX, USA, over six transplantingdates from March to June 1998. PI was calculated for each cultivarx transplanting date combination as the reciprocal of the slopeof main vine node number vs. accumulated hourly thermal units(  相似文献   

Growth analysis of plants raised under controlled environments(10–5, 12, 15, 18 and 20 °C, and 21 h photoperiod)was used to examine whether varietal differences in the minimumgermination temperature of four bean cultivars persist duringgrowth at suboptimal temperatures. A method to estimate theminimum vegetative growth temperature, based on axis relativegrowth rate, was developed. In order to compensate for ontogeneticdrift, the harvests were conducted at the same stage of developmentof the plants. Axis relative growth rates, reduction rates ofthe cotyledons and other growth parameters were calculated inorder to compare the cultivars. Cultivar ‘Marschall’showed better growth potential at 12 °C than the others,‘Pergousa‘ at 15 °C, and ‘Marschall’,‘Olsok’ and ‘Pergousa’ at 18 and 20°C. The effect of temperature on axis RGR was similar for‘Marschall’, ‘Olsok’ and ‘Pergousa’(Q10 = 2·1) and more pronounced than for ‘Processor’(Q10 = 1·3). Although there were significant differencesin the growth parameters among the cultivars within each temperatureused, the differences did not correspond with the differencesduring germination at low temperatures. The minimum vegetativegrowth temperature was close to 10 °C for all the cultivarstested. Phaseolus vulgaris L., beans, suboptimum temperature, growth analysis, minimum germination temperature, minimum vegetative growth temperature  相似文献   

The relationship between the induction of tracheary elementdifferentiation and exogenous L-methionine was examined in agar-growncultures of soya bean callus initiated from Glycine max L. ‘Wayne’and ‘Clark 63’. Although Wayne is a normal cultivarsoya bean, seedlings of Clark 63 exhibit abnormal growth at25 °C due to exessive ethylene biosynthesis at this temperature.Wayne callus showed increased xylogenesis in the presence ofexogenous L-methionine (3.7 µg 1–1) in comparisonto IAA–KN controls at both 20 and 25 °C. Clark 63callus produced greater numbers of tracheary elements in responseto exogenous L-methionine only at 25 °C. The induction ofxylem differentiation was independent of the maintenance temperatureof the stock cultures of both cultivars. Xylogenesis initiatedbyan IAA–KN medium was inhibited by the addition of AgNO3(20 mg 1–1) to the extent of 76.5 per cent in cv. Wayneand 6 per cent in cv. Clark 63. The inhibitory effect was partiallyreversed by the addition of L-methionine (3.7 µg 1–1)to the IAA–KN–AgNO2 medium. These data support thehypothesis that xylogenesis in vitro involves auxin, cytokininand ethylene. differentiation, xylogenesis, L-methionine, ethylene, Glycine max L., soya bean, callus culture, auxin, kinetin  相似文献   

Individual florets (4–5 mm long) of a purple cultivar(Fandango) of the horticultural chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemummorifolium Ramat) were taken from flower buds just prior toopening and cultured in a sterile liquid medium (containinginorganic salts and sucrose) at 15 °C under a 12-h day.For the first 14 days increase in wet weight was exponential.Anthocyanin appeared on the third day and was then synthesizedrapidly. Chlorophyll and carotenoid were present initially:carotenoid levels rose quickly while chlorophyll remained almostconstant. Highest pigment content and most growth were foundwhen the florets were grown on 3 per cent sucrose. However,the highest anthocyanin concentration was found with 4 per centsucrose, the highest carotenoid concentration with 0.6 per centsucrose. No anthocyanin was produced when the florets were grownat 6 or 30 °C; maximum yield was at 15 °C. Most carotenoidwas formed at 30 °C and most chlorophyll was found at 20–5°C. All florets from 1 to 7 mm long could be cultured. Theseresults are discussed in relation to flower colour and pigmentformation in vivo.  相似文献   

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