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In plant cells, plastids divide by binary fission involving a complex pathway of events. Although there are clear similarities between bacterial and plastid division, limited information exists regarding the mechanism of plastid division in higher plants. Here we demonstrate that AtMinE1, an Arabidopsis homologue of the bacterial MinE topological specificity factor, is an essential integral component of the plastid division machinery. In prokaryotes MinE imparts topological specificity during cell division by blocking division apparatus assembly at sites other than midcell. We demonstrate that overexpression of AtMinE1 in E. coli results in loss of topological specificity and minicell formation suggesting evolutionary conservation of MinE mode of action. We further show that AtMinE1 can indeed act as a topological specificity factor during plastid division revealing that AtMinE1 overexpression in Arabidopsis seedlings results in division site misplacement giving rise to multiple constrictions along the length of plastids. In agreement with cell division studies in bacteria, AtMinE1 and AtMinD1 show distinct intraplastidic localisation patterns suggestive of dynamic localisation behaviour. Taken together our findings demonstrate that AtMinE1 is an evolutionary conserved topological specificity factor, most probably acting in concert with AtMinD1, required for correct plastid division in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Maple J  Vojta L  Soll J  Møller SG 《EMBO reports》2007,8(3):293-299
In plants, chloroplast division is an integral part of development, and these vital organelles arise by binary fission from pre-existing cytosolic plastids. Chloroplasts arose by endosymbiosis and although they have retained elements of the bacterial cell division machinery to execute plastid division, they have evolved to require two functionally distinct forms of the FtsZ protein and have lost elements of the Min machinery required for Z-ring placement. Here, we analyse the plastid division component accumulation and replication of chloroplasts 3 (ARC3) and show that ARC3 forms part of the stromal plastid division machinery. ARC3 interacts specifically with AtFtsZ1, acting as a Z-ring accessory protein and defining a unique function for this family of FtsZ proteins. ARC3 is involved in division site placement, suggesting that it might functionally replace MinC, representing an important advance in our understanding of the mechanism of chloroplast division and the evolution of the chloroplast division machinery.  相似文献   

Plastids have evolved from an endosymbiosis between a cyanobacterial symbiont and a eukaryotic host cell. Their division is mediated both by proteins of the host cell and conserved bacterial division proteins. Here, we identified a new component of the plastid division machinery, Arabidopsis thaliana SulA. Disruption of its cyanobacterial homolog (SSulA) in Synechocystis and overexpression of an AtSulA-green fluorescent protein fusion in Arabidopsis demonstrate that these genes are involved in cell and plastid division, respectively. Overexpression of AtSulA inhibits plastid division in planta but rescues plastid division defects caused by overexpression of AtFtsZ1-1 and AtFtsZ2-1, demonstrating that its role in plastid division may involve an interaction with AtFtsZ1-1 and AtFtsZ2-1.  相似文献   

Matos JL  Fiori CS  Silva-Filho MC  Moura DS 《FEBS letters》2008,582(23-24):3343-3347
Prohormone proteins in animals and yeast are typically processed at dibasic sites by convertases. Propeptide hormones are also found in plants but little is known about processing. We show for the first time that a dibasic site upstream of a plant peptide hormone, AtRALF1, is essential for processing. Overexpression of preproAtRALF1 causes semi-dwarfism whereas overexpression of preproAtRALF1(R69A), the propeptide with a mutation in the dibasic site, shows a normal phenotype. RALF1(R69A) plants accumulate only the mutated proprotein and not the processed peptide. In vitro processing using microsomal fractions suggests that processing is carried out by a kexin-like convertase.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis arc1 (accumulation and replication of chloroplasts 1) mutant has pale seedlings and smaller, more numerous chloroplasts than the wild type. Previous work has suggested that arc1 affects the timing of chloroplast division but does not function directly in the division process. We isolated ARC1 by map‐based cloning and discovered it encodes FtsHi1 (At4g23940), one of several FtsHi proteins in Arabidopsis. These poorly studied proteins resemble FtsH metalloproteases important for organelle biogenesis and protein quality control but are presumed to be proteolytically inactive. FtsHi1 bears a predicted chloroplast transit peptide and localizes to the chloroplast envelope membrane. Phenotypic studies showed that arc1 (hereafter ftsHi1‐1), which bears a missense mutation, is a weak allele of FtsHi1 that disrupts thylakoid development and reduces de‐etiolation efficiency in seedlings, suggesting that FtsHi1 is important for chloroplast biogenesis. Consistent with this finding, transgenic plants suppressed for accumulation of an FtsHi1 fusion protein were often variegated. A strong T‐DNA insertion allele, ftsHi1‐2, caused embryo‐lethality, indicating that FtsHi1 is an essential gene product. A wild‐type FtsHi1 transgene rescued both the chloroplast division and pale phenotypes of ftsHi1‐1 and the embryo‐lethal phenotype of ftsHi1‐2. FtsHi1 overexpression produced a subtle increase in chloroplast size and decrease in chloroplast number in wild‐type plants while suppression led to increased numbers of small chloroplasts, providing new evidence that FtsHi1 negatively influences chloroplast division. Taken together, our analyses reveal that FtsHi1 functions in an essential, envelope‐associated process that may couple plastid development with division.  相似文献   

In sexual organisms, division of the zygote initiates a new life cycle. Although several genes involved in zygote division are known in plants, how the zygote is activated to start embryogenesis has remained elusive.Here, we showed that a mutation in ZYGOTE-ARREST 3(ZYG3) in Arabidopsis led to a tight zygote-lethal phenotype.Map-based cloning revealed that ZYG3 encodes the transfer RNA(tRNA) ligase AtRNL, which is a single-copy gene in the Arabidopsis genome. Expression analyses showed that AtRNL is expressed throughout zygotic embryogenesis, and in meristematic tissues. Using pAtRNL::cAtRNL-sYFP-complemented zyg3/zyg3 plants, we showed that AtRNL is localized exclusively in the cytoplasm, suggesting that tRNA splicing occurs primarily in the cytoplasm. Analyses using partially rescued embryos showed that mutation in AtRNL compromised splicing of intron-containing tRNA.Mutations of two tRNA endonuclease genes, SEN1 and SEN2, also led to a zygote-lethal phenotype. These results together suggest that tRNA splicing is critical for initiating zygote division in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Two yeast Brix family members Ssf1 and Ssf2,involved in large ribosomal subunit synthesis, are essential for yeast cell viability and mating efficiency. Their putative homologs exist in the Arabidopsis genome; however, their role in plant development is unknown. Here, we show that Arabidopsis thaliana SNAIL1(At SNAIL1), a protein sharing high sequence identity with yeast Ssf1 and Ssf2, is critical to mitosis progression of female gametophyte development.The snail1 homozygous mutant was nonviable and its heterozygous mutant was semi-sterile with shorter siliques.The mutation in SNAIL1 led to absence of female transmission and reduced male transmission. Further phenotypic analysis showed that the synchronic development of female gametophyte in the snail1 heterozygous mutant was greatly impaired and the snail1 pollen tube growth, in vivo, was also compromised. Furthermore, SNAIL1 was a nucleolarlocalized protein with a putative role in protein synthesis.Our data suggest that SNAIL1 may function in ribosome biogenesis like Ssf1 and Ssf2 and plays an important role during megagametogenesis in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

FtsZ is a key protein involved in bacterial and organellar division. Bacteria have only one ftsZ gene, while chlorophytes (higher plants and green alga) have two distinct FtsZ gene families, named FtsZ1 and FtsZ2. This raises the question of why chloroplasts in these organisms need distinct FtsZ proteins to divide. In order to unravel new functions associated with FtsZ proteins, we have identified and characterized an Arabidopsis thaliana FtsZ1 loss-of-function mutant. ftsZ1-knockout mutants are impeded in chloroplast division, and division is restored when FtsZ1 is expressed at a low level. FtsZ1-overexpressing plants show a drastic inhibition of chloroplast division. Chloroplast morphology is altered in ftsZ1, with chloroplasts having abnormalities in the thylakoid membrane network. Overexpression of FtsZ1 also induced defects in thylakoid organization with an increased network of twisting thylakoids and larger grana. We show that FtsZ1, in addition to being present in the stroma, is tightly associated with the thylakoid fraction. This association is developmentally regulated since FtsZ1 is found in the thylakoid fraction of young developing plant leaves but not in mature and old plant leaves. Our results suggest that plastid division protein FtsZ1 may have a function during leaf development in thylakoid organization, thus highlighting new functions for green plastid FtsZ.  相似文献   

Plastids arise by division from pre-existing organelles, and with the recent characterization of several new components of plastid division our understanding of the division process in higher plants has improved dramatically. However, it is still not known how these different protein components act together during division. Here we analyse protein-protein interactions between all known stromal plastid division proteins. Using a combination of quantitative yeast two-hybrid assays, in planta co-localization studies, fluorescence resonance energy transfer and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays we show that these proteins do not act in isolation but rather in protein complexes to govern appropriate plastid division. We have previously shown that AtMinD1 forms functional homodimers and we show here that in addition to homodimerization AtMinD1 also interacts with AtMinE1. Furthermore, AtMinE1 has the ability to homodimerize. We also demonstrate that proteins from both FtsZ families (AtFtsZ1-1 and AtFtsZ2-1) not only interact with themselves but also with each other, and we show that these interactions are not dependent on correct Z-ring formation. Further to this we demonstrate that ARC6 specifically interacts with the core domain of AtFtsZ2-1, but not with AtFtsZ1-1, providing in planta evidence for a functional difference between the two FtsZ protein families in plants. Our studies have enabled us to construct a meaningful intraplastidic protein-protein interaction map of all known stromal plastid division proteins in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis cell growth defect factor-1 (Cdf1 in yeast, At5g23040) was originally isolated as a cell growth suppressor of yeast from genetic screening. To investigate the in vivo role of Cdf1 in plants, a T-DNA insertion line was analyzed. A homozygous T-DNA insertion mutant (cdf1/cdf1) was embryo lethal and showed arrested embryogenesis at the globular stage. The Cdf1 protein, when fused with green fluorescent protein, was localized to the plastid in stomatal guard cells and mesophyll cells. A promoter-β-glucuronidase assay found expression of Cdf1 in the early heart stage of embryogenesis, suggesting that Cdf1 was essential for Arabidopsis embryogenesis during the transition of the embryo from the globular to heart stage.  相似文献   

Angiosperm plastid genomes typically encode approximately 80 polypeptides, mainly specifying plastid-localized functions such as photosynthesis and gene expression. Plastid protein synthesis and expression of the plastid clpP1 gene are essential for development in tobacco, indicating the presence of one or more plastid genes whose influence extends beyond the plastid compartment. The plastid accD gene encodes the beta-carboxyl transferase subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and is present in the plastids of most flowering plants, including non-photosynthetic parasitic plants. We replaced the wild-type accD gene with an aadA-disrupted mutant allele using homologous recombination. Persistent heteroplasmy in the presence of antibiotics indicated that the wild-type accD allele was essential. The phenotype of the accD knockout was revealed in plastid transformants grown in the absence of antibiotics. Leaves contained pale green sectors and lacked part or all of the leaf lamina due to arrested division or loss of cells. Abnormal structures were present in plastids found in mutant plants, indicating that accD might be required to maintain the plastid compartment. Loss of the plastid compartment would be expected to be lethal. These results provide genetic evidence showing the essential role of plastid ACCase in the pathway leading to the synthesis of products required for the extra-plastidic processes needed for leaf development.  相似文献   

Bacteria and plastids divide symmetrically through binary fission by accurately placing the division site at midpoint, a process initiated by FtsZ polymerization, which forms a Z-ring. In Escherichia coli precise Z-ring placement at midcell depends on controlled oscillatory behavior of MinD and MinE: In the presence of ATP MinD interacts with the FtsZ inhibitor MinC and migrates to the membrane where the MinD-MinC complex recruits MinE, followed by MinD-mediated ATP hydrolysis and membrane release. Although correct Z-ring placement during Arabidopsis plastid division depends on the precise localization of the bacterial homologs AtMinD1 and AtMinE1, the underlying mechanism of this process remains unknown. Here we have shown that AtMinD1 is a Ca2+-dependent ATPase and through mutation analysis demonstrated the physiological importance of this activity where loss of ATP hydrolysis results in protein mislocalization within plastids. The observed mislocalization is not due to disrupted AtMinD1 dimerization, however; the active site AtMinD1(K72A) mutant is unable to interact with the topological specificity factor AtMinE1. We have shown that AtMinE1, but not E. coli MinE, stimulates AtMinD1-mediated ATP hydrolysis, but in contrast to prokaryotes stimulation occurs in the absence of membrane lipids. Although AtMinD1 appears highly evolutionarily conserved, we found that important biochemical and cell biological properties have diverged. We propose that correct intraplastidic AtMinD1 localization is dependent on AtMinE1-stimulated, Ca2+-dependent AtMinD1 ATP hydrolysis, ultimately ensuring precise Z-ring placement and symmetric plastid division.  相似文献   

Tobacco plastid ribosomal protein S18 is essential for cell survival   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Plastid genomes contain a conserved set of genes most of which are involved in either photosynthesis or gene expression. Among the ribosomal protein genes present in higher plant plastid genomes, rps18 is special in that it is absent from the plastid genomes of several non-green unicellular organisms, including Euglena longa and Toxoplasma gondii. Here we have tested whether the ribosomal protein S18 is required for translation by deleting the rps18 gene from the tobacco plastid genome. We report that, while deletion of the rps18 gene was readily obtained, no homoplasmic Δrps18 plants or leaf sectors could be isolated. Instead, segregation into homoplasmy led to severe defects in leaf development suggesting that the knockout of rps18 is lethal and the S18 protein is required for cell survival. Our data demonstrate that S18 is indispensable for plastid ribosome function in tobacco and support an essential role for plastid translation in plant development. Moreover, we demonstrate the occurrence of flip-flop recombination on short inverted repeat sequences which generates different isoforms of the transformed plastid genome that differ in the orientation a 70 kb segment in the large single-copy region. However, infrequent occurrence of flip-flop recombination and random segregation of plastid genomes result in the predominant presence of only one of the isoforms in many tissue samples. Implications for the interpretation of chloroplast transformation experiments and vector design are discussed.  相似文献   

The auxin influx carrier is essential for correct leaf positioning   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Auxin is of vital importance in virtually every aspect of plant growth and development, yet, even after almost a century of intense study, major gaps in our knowledge of its synthesis, distribution, perception, and signal transduction remain. One unique property of auxin is its polar transport, which in many well-documented cases is a critical part of its mode of action. Auxin is actively transported through the action of both influx and efflux carriers. Inhibition of polar transport by the efflux inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) causes a complete cessation of leaf initiation, a defect that can be reversed by local application of the auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), to the responsive zone of the shoot apical meristem. In this study, we address the role of the auxin influx carrier in the positioning and outgrowth of leaf primordia at the shoot apical meristem of tomato. By using a combination of transport inhibitors and synthetic auxins, we demonstrate that interference with auxin influx has little effect on organ formation as such, but prevents proper localization of leaf primordia. These results suggest the existence of functional auxin concentration gradients in the shoot apical meristem that are actively set up and maintained by the action of efflux and influx carriers. We propose a model in which efflux carriers control auxin delivery to the shoot apical meristem, whereas influx and efflux carriers regulate auxin distribution within the meristem.  相似文献   

Protein superfamilies can exhibit considerable diversification of function among their members in various organisms. The DJ-1 superfamily is composed of proteins that are principally involved in stress response and are widely distributed in all kingdoms of life. The model flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana contains three close homologs of animal DJ-1, all of which are tandem duplications of the DJ-1 domain. Consequently, the plant DJ-1 homologs are likely pseudo-dimeric proteins composed of a single polypeptide chain. We report that one A. thaliana DJ-1 homolog (AtDJ1C) is the first DJ-1 homolog in any organism that is required for viability. Homozygous disruption of the AtDJ1C gene results in non-viable, albino seedlings that can be complemented by expression of wild-type or epitope-tagged AtDJ1C. The plastids from these dj1c plants lack thylakoid membranes and granal stacks, indicating that AtDJ1C is required for proper chloroplast development. AtDJ1C is expressed early in leaf development when chloroplasts mature, but is downregulated in older tissue, consistent with a proposed role in plastid development. In addition to its plant-specific function, AtDJ1C is an atypical member of the DJ-1 superfamily that lacks a conserved cysteine residue that is required for the functions of most other superfamily members. The essential role for AtDJ1C in chloroplast maturation expands the known functional diversity of the DJ-1 superfamily and provides the first evidence of a role for specialized DJ-1-like proteins in eukaryotic development.  相似文献   

Squalene epoxidase converts squalene into oxidosqualene, the precursor of all known angiosperm cyclic triterpenoids, which include membrane sterols, brassinosteroid phytohormones, and non-steroidal triterpenoids. In this work, we have identified six putative Arabidopsis squalene epoxidase (SQE) enzymes and used heterologous expression in yeast to demonstrate that three of these enzymes, SQE1, SQE2, and SQE3, can epoxidize squalene. We isolated and characterized Arabidopsis sqe1 mutants and discovered severe developmental defects, including reduced root and hypocotyl elongation. Adult sqe1-3 and sqe1-4 plants have diminished stature and produce inviable seeds. The sqe1-3 mutant accumulates squalene, consistent with a block in the triterpenoid biosynthetic pathway. Therefore, SQE1 function is necessary for normal plant development, and the five SQE-like genes remaining in this mutant are not fully redundant with SQE1.  相似文献   

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