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Summary The emergences of domestic Drosophila species from fruits and vegetables in a market are analysed by partitioning the species diversity. Confidence limits are determined for the components of diversity.Despite some coexistence of different species within the same breeding site, ecological differences between them are revealed. Partitioning of the breeding sites is more important than partitioning of the season. D. melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. subobscura are specialised on fruits and D. busckii on vegetables. D. immigrans and D. hydei are less specialised. The coexistence is explained by reference to ecological theory.  相似文献   

1. In organisms characterised by complex life cycles, habitat selection often occurs at multiple spatial scales. For instance, female mosquitoes searching for an appropriate aquatic habitat to oviposit their eggs should also consider the characteristics of the terrestrial landscape in which it is embedded. 2. In this study, a field experiment was conducted to test for multi‐scale oviposition site selection in two mosquito species. Artificial pools were placed in two adjacent landscapes, olive plantations and a citrus orchard, mainly differing in their blooming periods and nectar availability. Pools were organised in three pairs: predatory caged fish were present in both pools, in one pool, or in none. 3. Early during the season, most of the egg rafts were laid by Culiseta longiareolata females in pools located within the blooming citrus orchard. When blooming shifted to the olive plantation, C. longiareolata become opportunistic. Culex pipiens females appeared later on during the season, when egg rafts of C. longiareolata were scarce, and they exhibited a higher selectivity to the olive plantation, although its blooming ended. In addition, the selectivity of C. pipiens to fish‐free pools was stronger than that of C. longiareolata. 4. Culex pipiens was more selective, possibly due to its high dispersal ability, which can lower movement cost and enhance the ability to gather environmental information. A trade‐off among gonotrophic cycles, combined with a shorter breeding season and limited recognition ability of the predatory fish may have reduced C. longiareolata selectivity. These differential oviposition patterns can strongly affect the population and community dynamics of both species.  相似文献   

An association between female remating behavior, oogenesis and oviposition was examined in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila pseudoobscura to investigate mechanisms that elicit remating. Females receptive to remating oviposited more eggs in both species; however, the species differed in the association between remating behavior and the number and distribution of oocyte stages. We found no differences in the number of either developing eggs of different stages or mature eggs between female D. pseudoobscura that were either receptive or nonreceptive to remating. In contrast, D. melanogaster females that are receptive to remating had significantly more mature eggs in the ovaries than nonreceptive females. Nonremating females had a significantly greater number of immature, vitellogenic oocytes. These results suggest that factors associated with oogenesis are related to female remating behavior in D. melanogaster but not in D. pseudoobscura. We discuss these results in conjunction with other evidence on the role male ejaculatory components play in mediating female remating behavior.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1146-1159
The D. bipectinata complex contains four species which are sympatric over parts of their range. They are morphologically identical and hybridize in no-choice mating situations. They have similar but distinct courtship patterns and males of all species sing two songs, long song early and short song late in courtship. Each species has a unique song profile due to differences in at least one song parameter. This is circumstantial evidence that sounds function to maintain sexual isolation within the complex.  相似文献   

The behavioural sequence of the oviposition process can be quite distinct in herbivorous leaf beetles: eggs are either connected to the plant surface or laid into mesophyll tissue. Females of two beetle species were recorded with a digital camera in order to analyse their oviposition behaviour. The morphology of the plant-egg-interface was investigated in three species by histological studies and scanning electron microscopy. The lily leaf beetle, Lilioceris lilii, oviposits directly on the plant cuticle without damaging the plant tissue. Several eggs are released together with secretion and are laid in a row. The secretion sorbes in the plant cuticle. In the close relative, Lilioceris merdigera, the secretion can enter the leaf tissue via the stomata. The mustard leaf beetle, Phaedon cochleariae, gnaws a characteristic hole into the epidermis and part of the mesophyll. Into this cavity, it releases in an alternating sequence secretion, a single egg and again secretion. The egg, which is usually laid on plants growing in wetlands, is surrounded by an extrachorion that might possess a respiratory function. The potential eco-physiological relevance of the specific nature of the placement of eggs and secretion on or in the plant tissue is discussed.  相似文献   

An account is given of five species representing four genera of the family Drosophilidae, one of which is described as new and two are new records from India. The Indian species of Drosophilidae (excluding Drosophila species) are listed and a key to the genera is provided.  相似文献   

Metaphase chromosomes of four species of the Drosophila nasuta subgroup, D. nasuta, D. kepulauana, D. kohkoa, and D. neveifrons, were analysed by the C banding method to clarify the chromosomal differentiation during speciation. Four species were different in heterochromatic regions of their chromosomes, especially microchromosomes of the fourth chromosomes and the Y chromosomes. Intraspecific variations of heterochromatic regions were also found among isofemale lines from various localities of D. nasuta, D. kepulauana, and D. kohkoa. Intraspecific variations of heterochromatic regions were not different from interspecific variations morphologically. From these results, the evolutionary process of heterochromatic regions was discussed.  相似文献   

Many diverse traits are involved in gamete systems, and several models have analysed sperm length variation in terms of the intensity of sperm competition. This study investigates mating, sperm transfer and oviposition patterns in Drosophila bifurca, which possesses the longest sperm in the animal kingdom (about 6 cm). The prediction is that sperm gigantism should prevent male–male interaction. In this study, we examine how sperm transfer varies as males mate with a series of females, and how female receptivity changes with time after mating. As predicted, we found an extremely limited overlap of ejaculates owing to (1) reduced sperm transfer to females that had already mated, and (2) female remating depended both on the amount of sperm transferred and the modes of egg laying. The amount of sperm transferred to the female is discussed in relation to the peculiar morphology of the male reproductive tract and to sexual dimorphism and ecological hypotheses.  相似文献   

The preference–performance relationship in plant–insect interactions is a central theme in evolutionary ecology. Among many insects, eggs are vulnerable and larvae have limited mobility, making the choice of an appropriate oviposition site one of the most important decisions for a female. We investigated the evolution of oviposition preferences in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen and Drosophila simulans Sturtevant by artificially selecting for the preference for 2 natural resources, grape and quince. The main finding of our study is the differential responses of D. melanogaster and D. simulans. Although preferences evolved in the experimental populations of D. melanogaster, responses were not consistent with the selection regimes applied. In contrast, responses in D. simulans were consistent with expectations, demonstrating that this species has selectable genetic variation for the trait. Furthermore, crosses between D. simulans divergent lines showed that the genetic factors involved in grape preference appear to be largely recessive. In summary, our artificial selection study suggests that D. melanogaster and D. simulans possess different genetic architectures for this trait.  相似文献   

Matzkin LM  Watts TD  Markow TA 《Fly》2007,1(5):268-273
Desiccation resistance and body mass were measured in multiple populations of each of four species of Drosophila: two desert endemic species (D. nigrospiracula and D. mojavensis), and two with more widespread distributions (D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura). While flies from the desert species were more desiccation tolerant, there was, in certain cases, significant variation in desiccation resistance among populations of the same species. A significant difference in desiccation resistance was observed between the sexes, females were more resistant than males, but this relationship was reversed when taking into account body mass differences between the sexes. The degree of observed within-species variability demonstrates that studies focusing upon differences between species can produce different conclusions if they rely on observations for only single populations of a given species. Our data also suggest the existence of multiple mechanisms for desiccation resistance.  相似文献   

Larval pupation site preference (PSP) is an important event in preadult development. The PSP was studied on the basis of the number of larvae pupated at different sites in the cultures. The results revealed that the larval PSP in different species of Drosophila varies significantly at different sites. The sympatric species also differ in their PSP and the pupation behaviour does not correspond with the taxonomic relationship between the species.  相似文献   

Seven species of the montium subgroup of Drosophila found in South India were analysed with polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis. Eleven loci coding for enzymes were surveyed. The genetic distances between species have been measured. The dendrogram revealed three clusters. The first cluster includes D. nagarholensis, D. agumbensis, D. jambulina and D. kikkawai; the second group consists of D. truncata and D. anomelani; while D. mysorensis was the only species of the third group.We dedicate this paper to our Professor N. B. Krishnamurthy on the eve of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Mature, mated female Drosophila buzzatii were given a choice of nine microbial communities actively growing on cactus homogenate in laboratory population cages. All communities contained identical naturally occurring bacteria, and comprised bacteria only and bacteria plus one of eight yeast species. Relative frequency of each yeast species ingested and number of eggs laid on each community were measured daily for three successive days. Flies generally preferred to feed and oviposit on those yeast species which are most abundant in rots of Opuntia cactus, and Pichia caclophila was the most preferred yeast. Light intensity, position of the yeast in the cage, and probably aggregation behaviour affected preference. Direct observation of adults was found to be inadequate for determining feeding preference. The ability of the flies to discriminate between yeasts developed with time. By day three, there was a significant correlation ( r = 0.96) between the yeasts preferred for feeding and those preferred for oviposition. Feeding preference may be determined in part by oviposition preference; and the latter appears to be the most fruitful avenue for future research into habitat selection by D. buzzatii-  相似文献   

Endophytic egg‐laying odonates use an ovipositor to insert their eggs inside plant tissues. Before egg deposition, oviposition site selection consists of two crucial steps: (i) the initial choice, typically decided in species that oviposit in tandem within vertical substrates by the male when landing and then by the female by staying on the substrate or flying to another; and (ii) the insertion site choice, made by the female who uses her ovipositor to palpate the substrate. Some odonates prefer to deposit their eggs within specific plant species. Some are able to discriminate between living and dead substrates during the initial choice. However, the extent to which odonates discriminate among distinct plant species during the initial choice is unknown. We studied the initial site preference in Lestes macrostigma (Odonata: Lestidae) to determine whether the males and/or females show a distinct preference among five types of shoots when landing on or when palpating the substrate, respectively. Male L. macrostigma preferred to land on Bolboschoenus maritimus and dead Juncus spp. When focusing on J. maritimus, females preferentially palpated the substrate when the male landed on dead shoots. We suggest that the male preference for these substrates is consistent with that of the female during insertion site choice but also during egg deposition. Such behavior should reduce the duration of oviposition, with benefits of reducing the predation risk and increasing available time for foraging. The advantage in preferring these substrates should be linked to a selection pressure acting on egg development and/or survival.  相似文献   

The hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera: Syrphidae) is an abundant and efficient aphid‐specific predator. Several aphidophagous parasitoids and predators are known to respond positively to aphid‐infested plants. Semiochemicals from the latter association usually mediate predator/parasitoid foraging behavior toward sites appropriate for offspring fitness. In this study, we investigated the effect of aphid host plant and aphid species on foraging and oviposition behavior of E. balteatus. Behavioral observations were conducted using the Noldus Observer v. 5.0, which allows observed insect behavior to be subdivided into different stages. Additionally, the influence of aphid species and aphid host plant on offspring fitness was tested in a second set of experiments. Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris and Megoura viciae Buckton were equally attractive for E. balteatus whereas Aphis fabae Scopoli (all Homoptera: Aphididae) were less attractive. These results were correlated with (i) the number of eggs laid, which was significantly higher for the two first aphid species, and (ii) the fitness of hoverfly larvae, pupae, and adults. Two solanaceous plant species, Solanum nigrum L. and Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae), which were infested with Myzus persicae Sulzer (Homoptera: Aphididae), were also compared using the same approach. Discrimination between these two M. persicae host plants was observed, with S. tuberosum being preferred as an oviposition site by the predatory hoverfly. Larval and adult fitness was correlated with the behavioral observations. Our results demonstrated the importance of the prey–host plant association on the choice of the oviposition site by an aphid predator, which is here shown to be related to offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Larval pupation site preference (PSP) of different species of Drosophila was analyzed on fruit in the laboratory. The larvae of D. melanogaster, D. ananassae, D. virilis, D. novamexicana and D. hydei pupated on the surface of glass vials; D. simulans, D. yakuba, D. mauritiana and D. malerkotliana pupated in/on fruit; and D. rajasekari pupated on cotton plugs in all experiments. D. bipectinata larvae changed their preference from fruit in the control to glass surface for all of the fruits tested. The statistical analysis of PSP (glass and fruit) found a significant result in that compared to other species, D. mauritiana and D. ananassae preferred to pupate on cotton compared to the control.  相似文献   

The idea of energy transduction realized by the enzyme was the objective of many studies during the last decades. This paper tries to analyze the possible effect of the transferral of energy from the environment to the active site through the enzyme-protein and the protein structure necessary to permit this kind of activity.  相似文献   

Hosts often accelerate their reproductive effort in response to a parasitic infection, especially when their chances of future reproduction decrease with time from the onset of the infection. Because malignancies usually reduce survival, and hence potentially the fitness, it is expected that hosts with early cancer could have evolved to adjust their life‐history traits to maximize their immediate reproductive effort. Despite the potential importance of these plastic responses, little attention has been devoted to explore how cancers influence animal reproduction. Here, we use an experimental setup, a colony of genetically modified flies Drosophila melanogaster which develop colorectal cancer in the anterior gut, to show the role of cancer in altering life‐history traits. Specifically, we tested whether females adapt their reproductive strategy in response to harboring cancer. We found that flies with cancer reached the peak period of oviposition significantly earlier (i.e., 2 days) than healthy ones, while no difference in the length and extent of the fecundity peak was observed between the two groups of flies. Such compensatory responses to overcome the fitness‐limiting effect of cancer could explain the persistence of inherited cancer‐causing mutant alleles in the wild.  相似文献   

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