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The effect of aging on soft tissue repair is poorly understood. We examined collagen fibril diameter in repairing patellar tendons from young adult and aging rabbits. We hypothesized that repairing tendons from older (geriatric) rabbits would have similar diameter fibrils compared with the younger (young adult) rabbits. Full-length, full-thickness, central-third (2.5 to 3 mm) patellar tendon injuries were made by cutting out the center of the tendon in twelve 1-y-old and thirteen 4- to 5.5 (average, 4.25)-y-old female New Zealand White rabbits. The contralateral tendon served as an unoperated control. The rabbits were euthanized at 6, 12, and 26 wk after surgery. The collagen fibril diameter was examined by electron microscopy at the patellar end, middle, and tibial end of the patellar tendon. There was no significant decline in collagen fibril diameter at any location in the aging rabbit healing patellar tendons compared with those of the 1-y-old rabbits. This study found that collagen fibril diameter was not altered with increasing age in the healing rabbit patellar tendon.  相似文献   

Normal tendon comprises coaxially aligned bundles of crimped collagen fibres each of which possesses a fibrillar substructure. In acute traumatic injury this level of organization is disrupted and the mechanical function of the tendon impaired. During repair, a degree of recovery of the fibrillar structure takes place. In this tudy we have assessed the re-establishment of tendon organization after injury on the basis of the collagen fibril diameter distribution and the collagen crimp parameters. Crimp became undetectable following injury but one month later was present throughout the tissue. At this time the periodicity was greatly reduced by comparison with that of the normal tendon and normal values were not re-established within 14 months following injury. Collagen fibril diameters remained abnormally small over this same period of time. In particular, fibrils of diameters in excess of 100 nm, commonly found in normal and contralateral tendons, were totally absent from the observed distributions in the healing tendons. Such large diameter fibrils often account for as much as 50% of the total mass of collagen present in the uninjured tissue. Thus the mechanical properties of the healing tendon may remain significantly different from those of normal tendon for a minimum time of 14 months after injury.  相似文献   

Cells in tendon deposit parallel arrays of collagen fibrils to form a functional tissue, but how this is achieved is unknown. The cellular mechanism is thought to involve the formation of intracellular collagen fibrils within Golgi to plasma membrane carriers. This is facilitated by the intracellular processing of procollagen to collagen by members of the tolloid and ADAMTS families of enzymes. The carriers subsequently connect to the extracellular matrix via finger-like projections of the plasma membrane, known as fibripositors. In this study we have shown, using three-dimensional electron microscopy, the alignment of fibripositors with intracellular fibrils as well as an orientated cable of actin filaments lining the cytosolic face of a fibripositor. To demonstrate a specific role for the cytoskeleton in coordinating extracellular matrix assembly, cytochalasin was used to disassemble actin filaments and nocodazole or colchicine were used to disrupt microtubules. Microtubule disruption delayed procollagen transport through the secretory pathway, but fibripositor numbers were unaffected. Actin filament disassembly resulted in rapid loss of fibripositors and a subsequent disappearance of intracellular fibrils. Procollagen secretion or processing was not affected by cytochalasin treatment, but the parallelism of extracellular collagen fibrils was altered. In this case a significant proportion of collagen fibrils were found to no longer be orientated with the long axis of the tendon. The results suggest an important role for the actin cytoskeleton in the alignment and organization of the collagenous extracellular matrix in embryonic tendon.  相似文献   

The glycosaminoglycan (GAG) dermatan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate side-chains of small leucine-rich proteoglycans have been increasingly posited to act as molecular cross links between adjacent collagen fibrils and to directly contribute to tendon elasticity. GAGs have also been implicated in tendon viscoelasticity, supposedly affecting frictional loss during elongation or fluid flow through the extra cellular matrix. The current study sought to systematically test these theories of tendon structure–function by investigating the mechanical repercussions of enzymatic depletion of GAG complexes by chondroitinase ABC in a reproducible tendon structure–function model (rat tail tendon fascicles). The extent of GAG removal (at least 93%) was verified by relevant spectrophotometric assays and transmission electron microscopy. Dynamic viscoelastic tensile tests on GAG depleted rat tail tendon fascicle were not mechanically different from controls in storage modulus (elastic behavior) over a wide range of strain-rates (0.05, 0.5, and 5% change in length per second) in either the linear or nonlinear regions of the material curve. Loss modulus (viscoelastic behavior) was only affected in the nonlinear region at the highest strain-rate, and even this effect was marginal (19% increased loss modulus, p = 0.035). Thus glycosaminoglycan chains of small leucine-rich proteoglycans do not appear to mediate dynamic elastic behavior nor do they appear to regulate the dynamic viscoelastic properties in rat tail tendon fascicles.  相似文献   

Analysis of the diameters of collagen fibrils provides insight into the structure and physical processes occurring in the tissue. This paper describes a method for analyzing the frequency distribution of the diameters of collagen fibrils from small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) patterns. Frequency values of fibril diameters were input into a mathematical model of the form factor to calculate the equatorial intensity which best fits the experimentally derived data from SAXS patterns. A minimization algorithm utilizing simulated annealing (SA) was used in the fitting procedure. The SA algorithm allowed for random sampling of the frequency values, and was run iteratively to build up an optimized frequency distribution of fibril diameters. Results were obtained for collagen samples from sheep spine ligaments. The mean fibril diameter value obtained from this data-fitting method was 73 nm+/-20 nm (S.D.). From scanning transmission electron microscopy, the mean diameter was found to be 69 nm+/-14 nm (S.D.). The good agreement between the two methods demonstrates the reliability of the SAXS method for the tissue examined. The non-destructive nature of this technique, as well as its statistical robusticity and capacity for large sampling, means that this method is both quick and effective.  相似文献   

The formation of collagen fibrils, fibril bundles, and tissue-specific collagen macroaggregates by chick embryo tendon fibroblasts was studied using conventional and high voltage electron microscopy. During chick tendon morphogenesis, there are at least three extracellular compartments responsible for three levels of matrix organization: collagen fibrils, bundles, and collagen macroaggregates. Our observations indicate that the initial extracellular events in collagen fibrillogenesis occur within narrow cytoplasmic recesses, presumably under close cellular regulation. Collagen fibrils are formed within these deep, narrow recesses, which are continuous with the extracellular space. Where these narrow recesses fuse with the cell surface, it becomes highly convoluted with folds and processes that envelope forming fibril bundles. The bundles laterally associate and coalesce, forming aggregates within a third cell-defined extracellular compartment. Our interpretation is that this third compartment forms as cell processes retract and cytoplasm is withdrawn between bundles. These studies define a hierarchical organization within the tendon, extending from fibril assembly to fascicle formation. Correlation of different levels of extracellular compartmentalization with tissue architecture provides insight into the cellular controls involved in collagen fibril and higher order assembly and a better understanding of how collagen fibrils are collected into structural groups, positioned, and woven into functional tissue-specific collagen macroaggregates.  相似文献   

Structural stability of the extracellular matrix is primarily a consequence of fibrillar collagen and the extent of cross-linking. The relationship between collagen self-assembly, consequent fibrillar shape and mechanical properties remains unclear. Our laboratory developed a model system for the preparation of self-assembled type I collagen fibers with fibrillar substructure mimicking the hierarchical structures of tendon. The present study evaluates the effects of pH and temperature during self-assembly on fibrillar structure, and relates the structural effects of these treatments on the uniaxial tensile mechanical properties of self-assembled collagen fibers. Results of the analysis of fibril diameter distributions and mechanical properties of the fibers formed under the different incubation conditions indicate that fibril diameters grow via the lateral fusion of discrete approximately 4 nm subunits, and that fibril diameter correlates positively with the low strain modulus. Fibril diameter did not correlate with either the ultimate tensile strength or the high strain elastic modulus, which suggests that lateral aggregation and consequently fibril diameter influences mechanical properties during small strain mechanical deformation. We hypothesize that self-assembly is mediated by the formation of fibrillar subunits that laterally and linearly fuse resulting in fibrillar growth. Lateral fusion appears important in generating resistance to deformation at low strain, while linear fusion leading to longer fibrils appears important in the ultimate mechanical properties at high strain.  相似文献   

Collagen XI is a fibril-forming collagen that regulates collagen fibrillogenesis. Collagen XI is normally associated with collagen II-containing tissues such as cartilage, but it also is expressed broadly during development in collagen I-containing tissues, including tendons. The goals of this study are to define the roles of collagen XI in regulation of tendon fibrillar structure and the relationship to function. A conditional Col11a1-null mouse model was created to permit the spatial and temporal manipulation of Col11a1 expression. We hypothesize that collagen XI functions to regulate fibril assembly, organization and, therefore, tendon function. Previous work using cho mice with ablated Col11a1 alleles supported roles for collagen XI in tendon fibril assembly. Homozygous cho/cho mice have a perinatal lethal phenotype that limited the studies. To circumvent this, a conditional Col11a1flox/flox mouse model was created where exon 3 was flanked with loxP sites. Breeding with Scleraxis-Cre (Scx-Cre) mice yielded a tendon-specific Col11a1-null mouse line, Col11a1Δten/Δten. Col11a1flox/flox mice had no phenotype compared to wild type C57BL/6 mice and other control mice, e.g., Col11a1flox/flox and Scx-Cre. Col11a1flox/flox mice expressed Col11a1 mRNA at levels comparable to wild type and Scx-Cre mice. In contrast, in Col11a1Δten/Δten mice, Col11a1 mRNA expression decreased to baseline in flexor digitorum longus tendons (FDL). Collagen XI protein expression was absent in Col11a1Δten/Δten FDLs, and at ~50% in Col11a1+/Δten compared to controls. Phenotypically, Col11a1Δten/Δten mice had significantly decreased body weights (p < 0.001), grip strengths (p < 0.001), and with age developed gait impairment becoming hypomobile. In the absence of Col11a1, the tendon collagen fibrillar matrix was abnormal when analyzed using transmission electron microscopy. Reducing Col11a1 and, therefore collagen XI content, resulted in abnormal fibril structure, loss of normal fibril diameter control with a significant shift to small diameters and disrupted parallel alignment of fibrils. These alterations in matrix structure were observed in developing (day 4), maturing (day 30) and mature (day 60) mice. Altering the time of knockdown using inducible I-Col11a1−/− mice indicated that the primary regulatory foci for collagen XI was in development. In mature Col11a1Δten/Δten FDLs a significant decrease in the biomechanical properties was observed. The decrease in maximum stress and modulus suggest that fundamental differences in the material properties in the absence of Col11a1 expression underlie the mechanical deficiencies. These data demonstrate an essential role for collagen XI in regulation of tendon fibril assembly and organization occurring primarily during development.  相似文献   

In our earlier analysis of intermolecular interactions between collagen molecules, a major concern with the program employed is that it compared numbers of interactions between residues located on edges of defined, identical width and thus would not necessarily compare the same number of residues in each edge. This would be particularly true of some values of θ where well-defined vertical ranking of residues occurs. We have examined ranking of residues in relation to intermolecular edge association between bovine skin [α1(I)]3 model collagen molecules by utilizing two different methods of counting intermolecular interactions between residues. The interaction peaks at θ = 27.69° and 36.00° are absent or relatively less intense in the plots obtained by utilizing radial distances between interacting residues instead of vertical bands of defined width. These studies suggest caution in accepting recently reported analyses of superhelix coiling of the collagen molecule which point to values of 27.69° or 36.00° for the twist of the superhelix. Although intramolecular interactions clearly point to interaction of collagen molecules at D intervals, they are insufficiently restricted in distribution to provide a reliable estimate of the superhelix angle by procedures so far employed.  相似文献   

The development and evolution of multicellular animals relies on the ability of certain cell types to synthesise an extracellular matrix (ECM) comprising very long collagen fibrils that are arranged in very ordered 3-dimensional scaffolds. Tendon is a good example of a highly ordered ECM, in which tens of millions of collagen fibrils, each hundreds of microns long, are synthesised parallel to the tendon long axis. This review highlights recent discoveries showing that the assembly of collagen fibrils in tendon is hierarchical, and involves the formation of fairly short "collagen early fibrils" that are the fusion precursors of the very long fibrils that occur in mature tendon.  相似文献   

High-molecular-mass aggregates were made soluble from insoluble collagens of bovine Achilles tendon and rat tail tendon by limited thermal hydrolysis. These polymeric collagen aggregates were cross-linked by 390-nm-fluorescent 3-hydroxy-pyridinium residues (excited at 325 nm) in the former tendon and by unknown non-fluorescent residues in the latter. With the solubilized insoluble-collagens from both tendons, as well as with acid-soluble collagen from rat tail tendon, other 350-385-nm fluorescence intensities (excited at 300 nm) were found to be higher in monomeric chains than in dimeric and polymeric chains. Low levels of ozone inhibited fibril formation of acid-soluble collagen particularly from young rat tail tendon, reacting with tyrosine residues and the 350-385-nm fluorophores. Aldehyde groups, involved in cross-linking, were not effectively modified by ozone. beta-Components (alpha-chain dimers) were not efficiently dissociated even by higher doses of ozone compared to gamma-components (alpha-chain trimers). Polymeric chain aggregates from bovine Achilles tendon collagen, whose 3-hydroxy-pyridinium cross-links are cleaved by ozone, were more readily dissociated by ozone than those from rat tail tendon collagen. Ultraviolet (300-nm) light, which destroyed the 350-385-nm fluorophores, inhibited fibril formation less effectively than ultraviolet (275-nm) light, which is absorbed by tyrosine residues, and did not dissociate collagen polymers from rat tail tendon. On the other hand, ultraviolet (320-nm) light, absorbed by 3-hydroxy-pyridinium cross-links which were rapidly photolyzed, partially dissociated polymeric collagen aggregates from bovine Achilles tendon after subsequent heating.  相似文献   

The association of proteogtycans with type I collagen fibrils in skin, tendon, cornea and bone has been determined by electron microscopy using an electrondense dye, Cupromeronic blue, in the critical electrolyte concentration mode, backed up by biochemical analysis and digestion by hyaluronidase or keratanase. A major proteoglycan of thesoft tissues, containing dermatan sulphat, is shown to be regularly and orthogonally arranged at the surface of the fibrils. Uranyl acetate counterstaining revealed that the main specific binding site is the d band, which previous work indicated is very close to the initial site of calcification of type I collagen fibrils. Bone, deminer-alized by a non-aqueous technique which preserves the proteoglycan in the tissue does not contain orthogonal arrays; the interfibrillar proteoglycan filaments are oriented parallel to the fibril axis. The main proteoglycan in bone is chondroitin sulphate-rich. It is suggested that dermatan sulphate proteoglycan plays a role in preventing soft connective tissues from calcifying.  相似文献   

Collagen content and cross-linking are believed to be major determinants of tendon structural integrity and function. Sex and chronic resistance training have been shown to alter tendon function and may also alter the key structural features of tendon. Patellar tendon biopsies were taken from untrained men [n = 8, 1 repetition maximum (RM) = 53 +/- 3 kg], untrained women (n = 8, 1 RM = 29 +/- 2 kg), and resistance-trained (10 +/- 1 yr of training) men (n = 8, 1 RM = 71 +/- 6 kg). Biopsies were analyzed for dry mass, collagen content, and collagen cross-linking (hydroxylysylpyridinoline). We hypothesized that these elements of tendon structure would be lower in women than men, whereas chronic resistance training would increase these parameters in men. Tendon dry mass was significantly lower in women than men (343 +/- 5 vs. 376 +/- 8 microg dry mass/mg tendon wet wt, P < 0.01) and was not influenced by chronic resistance training (P > 0.05). The lower tendon dry mass in women tended to reduce (P = 0.08) collagen content per tendon wet weight. Collagen content of the tendon dry mass was not influenced by sex or resistance training (P > 0.05). Similarly, cross-linking of collagen was unaltered (P > 0.05) by sex or training. Although sex alters the water content of patellar tendon tissue, any changes in tendon function with sex or chronic resistance training in men do not appear to be explained by alterations in collagen content or cross-linking of collagen within the dry mass component of the tendon.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Achilles tendon (AT) injury is high in various sports, and AT rupture patients have been reported to have a 200-fold risk of sustaining a contralateral rupture. Tendon adaptation to different exercise modes is not fully understood. The present study investigated the structural properties of the AT in male elite athletes that subject their AT to different exercise modes as well as in Achilles rupture patients. Magnetic resonance imaging of the foot and leg, anthropometric measurements, and maximal isometric plantar flexion force were obtained in 6 male AT rupture patients and 25 male elite athletes (kayak/control group n = 9, volleyball n = 8 and endurance running n = 8). AT cross-sectional area (CSA) was normalized to body mass. Runners had a larger normalized AT CSA along the entire length of the tendon compared with the control group (P < 0.05). The volleyball subjects had a larger normalized CSA compared with the control group (P < 0.05) in the area of thinnest tendon CSA. No structural differences of the AT were found in the rupture subjects compared with the control group. Rupture subjects did not subject their AT to greater force or stress during a maximal voluntary isometric plantar flexion than the other groups. The CSA of the triceps surae musculature was the strongest predictor of AT CSA (r(s) = 0.569, P < 0.001). This study is the first to show larger CSA in tendons that are subjected to intermittent high loads. AT rupture patients did not display differences in structural or loading properties of the tendons.  相似文献   

In nested collagen matrices, human fibroblasts migrate from cell-containing dermal equivalents into surrounding cell-free outer matrices. Time-lapse microscopy showed that in addition to cell migration, collagen fibril flow occurred in the outer matrix toward the interface with the dermal equivalent. Features of this flow suggested that it depends on the same cell motile machinery that normally results in cell migration. Collagen fibril flow was capable of producing large-scale tissue translocation as shown by closure of a approximately 1-mm gap between paired dermal equivalents in floating, nested collagen matrices. Our findings demonstrate that when fibroblasts interact with collagen matrices, tractional force exerted by the cells can couple to matrix translocation as well as to cell migration.  相似文献   

The synthesis of an extracellular matrix containing long (approximately mm in length) collagen fibrils is fundamental to the normal morphogenesis of animal tissues. In this study we have direct evidence that fibroblasts synthesise transient early fibril intermediates (approximately 1 micrometer in length) that interact by tip-to-tip fusion to generate long fibrils seen in older tissues. Examination of early collagen fibrils from tendon showed that two types of early fibrils occur: unipolar fibrils (with carboxyl (C) and amino (N) ends) and bipolar fibrils (with two N-ends). End-to-end fusion requires the C-end of a unipolar fibril. Proteoglycans coated the shafts of the fibrils but not the tips. In the absence of proteoglycans the fibrils aggregated by side-to-side interactions. Therefore, proteoglycans promote tip-to-tip fusion and inhibit side-to-side fusion. This distribution of proteoglycan along the fibril required co-assembly of collagen and proteoglycan prior to fibril assembly. The study showed that collagen fibrillogenesis is a hierarchical process that depends on the unique structure of unipolar fibrils and a novel function of proteoglycans.  相似文献   

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