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Allometric patterns of skull‐shape variation can have significant impacts on cranial mechanics and feeding performance, but have received little attention in previous studies. Here, we examine the impacts of allometric skull‐shape variation on feeding capabilities in the cat family (Felidae) with linear morphometrics and finite element analysis. Our results reveal that relative bite force diminishes slightly with increasing skull size, and that the skulls of the smallest species undergo the least strain during biting. However, larger felids are able to produce greater gapes for a given angle of jaw opening, and they have overall stronger skulls. The two large felids in this study achieved increased cranial strength by increasing skull bone volume relative to surface area. Allometry of skull geometry in large felids reflects a trade‐off between the need to increase gape to access larger prey while maintaining the ability to resist unpredictable loading when taking large, struggling prey.  相似文献   

Variation in behaviour, performance and ecology are traditionally associated with variation in morphology. A neglected part of this ecomorphological paradigm is the interaction between behaviour and performance, the ability to carry out tasks that impact fitness. Here we investigate the relationship between biting behaviour and performance (bite force) among 20 species of ecologically diverse bats. We studied the patterns of evolution of plasticity in biting behaviour and bite force, and reconstructed ancestral states for behaviour and its plasticity. Both behavioural and performance plasticity exhibited accelerating evolution over time, and periods of rapid evolution coincided with major dietary shifts from insect‐feeding to plant‐feeding. We found a significant, positive correlation between behavioural plasticity and bite force. Bats modulated their performance by changing their biting behaviour to maximize bite force when feeding on hard foods. The ancestor of phyllostomids was likely a generalist characterized by high behavioural plasticity, a condition that also evolved in specialized frugivores and potentially contributed to their diversification.  相似文献   

The engineering analysis technique finite element analysis (FEA) is used here to investigate cranial stress and strain during biting and feeding in three phylogenetically disparate theropod taxa: Coelophysis bauri , Allosaurus fragilis and Tyrannosaurus rex . Stress patterns are generally similar in all taxa with the ventral region of the skull tensed whilst the dorsal aspect is compressed, although the skull is not purely behaving as a cantilever beam as there is no discernible neutral region of bending. Despite similarities, stress patterns are not wholly comparable: there are key differences in how certain regions of the skull contain stress, and it is possible to link such differences to cranial morphology. In particular, nasal morphology can be explained by the stress patterns revealed here. Tyrannosaurus models shear and compress mainly in the nasal region, in keeping with the indistinguishably fused and expanded morphology of the nasal bones. Conversely Allosaurus and Coelophysis models experience peak shear and compression in the fronto-parietal region (which is tightly interdigitated and thickened in the case of Allosaurus ) yet in contrast the nasal region is lightly stressed, corresponding to relatively gracile nasals and a frequently patent internasal suture evident in Allosaurus . Such differences represent alternate mechanical specializations between taxa that may be controlled by functional, phylogenetic or mechanical constraints. Creation of finite element models placed in a phylogenetic context permits the investigation of the role of such mechanical character complexes in the cranium of nonavian theropods and the lineage leading towards modern birds.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 144 , 309–316.  相似文献   

Rhynchocephalians were a successful, globally distributed group of diapsid reptiles that thrived in the Mesozoic. Multiple species of Clevosaurus existed worldwide in the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic, characterized by shearing bladelike teeth perhaps functionally analogous to the carnassial teeth of mammals. Morphometric analysis shows that the dentary morphospace of clevosaurs differs significantly from that of other rhynchocephalians. Five Clevosaurus species occupied islands in the Bristol Channel archipelago of the UK, but generally not those occupied by mammaliaforms, suggesting dietary character displacement. Identifying the diet of such ancient, small tetrapods has been difficult. To identify the nature of their feeding mechanics and ecology, we apply finite element analysis to two near complete three-dimensional skulls of the species Clevosaurus hudsoni and Clevosaurus cambrica to estimate bite force, resistance to bending and torsion and the distribution of stresses in the jaws during biting. Both species had bite forces and tooth pressures sufficient to break apart chitin indicating that, like early Mesozoic mammaliaforms, clevosaurs could feed on tough-shelled beetles and possibly small vertebrates. In addition, the mechanical advantage of the jaws falls within the range of early mammaliaforms, so though we cannot demonstrate niche partitioning between members of the two clades, it raises the prospect that they may have been functionally similar.  相似文献   

Morphological specialization is a complex interplay of adaptation and constraint, as similarly specialized features often evolve convergently in unrelated species, indicating that there are universally adaptive aspects to these morphologies. The evolutionary history of carnivores offers outstanding examples of convergent specialization. Among larger predators, borophagine canids were highly abundant during the tertiary of North America and are regarded as the ecological vicars of Afro‐Eurasian hyenas. Borophaginae is an extinct group of 60+ species, the largest forms evolving robust skulls with prominently domed foreheads, short snouts, and hypertrophied fourth premolars. These specializations have been speculated to enhance bone cracking. To test the extent that the skulls of derived borophagines were adapted for producing large bite forces and withstanding the mechanical stresses associated with bone cracking relative to their nonrobust sister clades, we manipulated muscle forces in models of six canid skulls and analyzed their mechanical response using 3D finite element analysis. Performance measures of bite force production efficiency and deformation minimization showed that skulls of derived borophagines Borophagus secundus and Epicyon haydeni are particularly strong in the frontal region; maximum stresses are lower and more evenly distributed over the skull than in other canids. Frontal strength is potentially coupled with a temporalis‐driven bite to minimize cranial stress during biting in the two derived genera, as tensile stress incurred by contracting temporalis muscles is dissipated rostro‐ventrally across the forehead and face. Comparison of estimated masticatory muscle cross section areas suggests that the temporalis‐masseter ratio is not strongly associated with morphological adaptations for bone cracking in Borophagus and Epicyon; larger body size may explain relatively larger temporalis muscles in the latter. When compared with previous studies, the overall cranial mechanics of the derived borophagines is more similar to bone‐cracking hyaenids and percrocutids than to their canid relatives, indicating convergence in both morphological form and functional capability. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Research on the evolution and adaptive significance of primate craniofacial morphologies has focused on adult, fully developed individuals. Here, we investigate the possible relationship between the local stress environment arising from masticatory loadings and the emergence of the supraorbital torus in the developing face of the crab‐eating macaque Macaca fascicularis. By using finite element analysis (FEA), we are able to evaluate the hypothesis that strain energy density (SED) magnitudes are high in subadult individuals with resulting bone growth in the supraorbital torus. We developed three micro‐CT‐based FEA models of M. fascicularis skulls ranging in dental age from deciduous to permanent dentitions and validated them against published experimental data. Applied masticatory muscle forces were estimated from physiological cross‐sectional areas of macaque cadaveric specimens. The models were sequentially constrained at each working side tooth to simulate the variation of the bite point applied during masticatory function. Custom FEA software was used to solve the voxel‐based models and SED and principal strains were computed. A physiological superposition SED map throughout the face was created by allocating to each element the maximum SED value from each of the load cases. SED values were found to be low in the supraorbital torus region throughout ontogeny, while they were consistently high in the zygomatic arch and infraorbital region. Thus, if the supraorbital torus arises to resist masticatory loads, it is either already adapted in each of our subadult models so that we do not observe high SED or a lower site‐specific bone deposition threshold must apply. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Representation of realistic muscle geometries is needed for systematic biomechanical simulation of musculoskeletal systems. Most of the previous musculoskeletal models are based on multibody dynamics simulation with muscles simplified as one-dimensional (1D) line-segments without accounting for the large muscle attachment areas, spatial fibre alignment within muscles and contact and wrapping between muscles and surrounding tissues. In previous musculoskeletal models with three-dimensional (3D) muscles, contractions of muscles were among the inputs rather than calculated, which hampers the predictive capability of these models. To address these issues, a finite element musculoskeletal model with the ability to predict contractions of 3D muscles was developed. Muscles with realistic 3D geometry, spatial muscle fibre alignment and muscle-muscle and muscle-bone interactions were accounted for. Active contractile stresses of the 3D muscles were determined through an efficient optimization approach based on the measured kinematics of the lower extremity and ground force during gait. This model also provided stresses and strains of muscles and contact mechanics of the muscle-muscle and muscle-bone interactions. The total contact force of the knee predicted by the model corresponded well to the in vivo measurement. Contact and wrapping between muscles and surrounding tissues were evident, demonstrating the need to consider 3D contact models of muscles. This modelling framework serves as the methodological basis for developing musculoskeletal modelling systems in finite element method incorporating 3D deformable contact models of muscles, joints, ligaments and bones.  相似文献   

Accurate representation of musculoskeletal geometry is needed to characterise the function of shoulder muscles. Previous models of shoulder muscles have represented muscle geometry as a collection of line segments, making it difficult to account for the large attachment areas, muscle–muscle interactions and complex muscle fibre trajectories typical of shoulder muscles. To better represent shoulder muscle geometry, we developed 3D finite element models of the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles and used the models to examine muscle function. Muscle fibre paths within the muscles were approximated, and moment arms were calculated for two motions: thoracohumeral abduction and internal/external rotation. We found that muscle fibre moment arms varied substantially across each muscle. For example, supraspinatus is considered a weak external rotator, but the 3D model of supraspinatus showed that the anterior fibres provide substantial internal rotation while the posterior fibres act as external rotators. Including the effects of large attachment regions and 3D mechanical interactions of muscle fibres constrains muscle motion, generates more realistic muscle paths and allows deeper analysis of shoulder muscle function.  相似文献   

Finite element analysis (FEA) is a widespread technique to evaluate the stress/strain distributions in teeth or dental supporting tissues. However, in most studies occlusal forces are usually simplified using a single vector (i.e., point load) either parallel to the long tooth axis or oblique to this axis. In this pilot study we show how lower first molar occlusal information can be used to investigate the stress distribution with 3D FEA in the supporting bone structure. The LM1 and the LP2‐LM1 of a dried modern human skull were scanned by μCT in maximum intercuspation contact. A kinematic analysis of the surface contacts between LM1 and LP2‐LM1 during the power stroke was carried out in the occlusal fingerprint analyzer (OFA) software to visualize contact areas during maximum intercuspation contact. This information was used for setting the occlusal molar loading to evaluate the stress distribution in the supporting bone structure using FEA. The output was compared to that obtained when a point force parallel to the long axis of the tooth was loaded in the occlusal basin. For the point load case, our results indicate that the buccal and lingual cortical plates do not experience notable stresses. However, when the occlusal contact areas are considered, the disto‐lingual superior third of the mandible experiences high tensile stresses, while the medio‐lingual cortical bone is subjected to high compressive stresses. Developing a more realistic loading scenario leads to better models to understand the relationship between masticatory function and mandibular shape and structures. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The skulls of animals have to perform many functions. Optimization for one function may mean another function is less optimized, resulting in evolutionary trade‐offs. Here, we investigate whether a trade‐off exists between the masticatory and sensory functions of animal skulls using echolocating bats as model species. Several species of rhinolophid bats deviate from the allometric relationship between body size and echolocation frequency. Such deviation may be the result of selection for increased bite force, resulting in a decrease in snout length which could in turn lead to higher echolocation frequencies. If so, there should be a positive relationship between bite force and echolocation frequency. We investigated this relationship in several species of southern African rhinolophids using phylogenetically informed analyses of the allometry of their bite force and echolocation frequency and of the three‐dimensional shape of their skulls. As predicted, echolocation frequency was positively correlated with bite force, suggesting that its evolution is influenced by a trade‐off between the masticatory and sensory functions of the skull. In support of this, variation in skull shape was explained by both echolocation frequency (80%) and bite force (20%). Furthermore, it appears that selection has acted on the nasal capsules, which have a frequency‐specific impedance matching function during vocalization. There was a negative correlation between echolocation frequency and capsule volume across species. Optimization of the masticatory function of the skull may have been achieved through changes in the shape of the mandible and associated musculature, elements not considered in this study.  相似文献   

Synopsis Pogonias cromis, black drum, is the largest durophagous sciaenid and feeds almost exclusively on hard-shelled bivalves and gastropods using powerful pharyngeal jaws. I estimated pharyngeal jaw bite forces used to crush live molluscs during feeding trials from juvenile and young adult Pogonias cromis, and they are the highest yet documented for bony fishes. Crushing ability in P. cromis scaled with strong positive allometry suggesting large adult fish may have one of the strongest bites among vertebrates. Physiological estimates of pharyngeal muscle strength derived from muscle cross sectional area accounted for only half of the force generated during actual feeding performance trials. The significant disparity between feeding performance and pharyngeal muscle strength in P. cromis indicates the presence of novel biomechanical linkages that enhance crushing ability for feeding on hard-shelled molluscs. I present a biomechanical model in which the lower pharyngeal jaw architecture of P. cromis emulates a second class lever mechanism that can amplify muscle forces transmitted to the shell of the prey.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we found systematic differences in the biomechanical behavior of modern human molars using finite element stress analyses (FESA), which led us to propose that molars are adapted to differently-directed loads depending on their position within the mouth (Spears and Macho [1998] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 106:467–482 ). While the FESA results thus derived have not been verified experimentally, such an interpretation seemed reasonable. To refine the model previously presented, this study assessed the effects of 1) food particle size on the biomechanical behavior of molars, and those of 2) differences in morphology, particularly enamel thickness, on stress distribution. In order to appraise the evolutionary significance of the findings, the FESA results for modern humans were subsequently compared with those obtained for molars of one individual of Pan and Pongo, respectively. Bearing in mind limitations imposed by the FESA models created and analyzed in this study, constant cleavage-type loads and cuspal tip loads at different directions were employed on all teeth: this facilitated comparisons of patterns of stress distribution across molars and species. In Pan and Homo, cleavage-type loads exerted by big food particles tended to be better dissipated anteriorly than posteriorly, although trends in Pongo were less clear-cut. Furthermore, similar to modern humans, the buccal cusps of mandibular molars appeared to be able to dissipate the loads associated with a pestle-type action, while maxillary molars were better designed to dissipate the loads which would result if they acted as mortars against which the food is crushed/ground. While increases in enamel thickness lowered the overall stress values in teeth only slightly, changes in outer morphology could have a more profound effect on these stress levels. Overall, Pan appeared to be most generalized, while Homo and Pongo showed a number of unique specializations, which are in accordance with what is currently understood about their respective masticatory apparatus and dietary niche. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:211–227, 1999.© 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Orangutans are amongst the most craniometrically variable of the extant great apes, yet there has been no attempt to explicitly link this morphological variation with observed differences in behavioral ecology. This study explores the relationship between feeding behavior, diet, and mandibular morphology in orangutans. All orangutans prefer ripe, pulpy fruit when available. However, some populations of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio and P. p. wurmbii) rely more heavily on bark and relatively tough vegetation during periods of low fruit yield than do Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii). I tested the hypothesis that Bornean orangutans exhibit structural features of the mandible that provide greater load resistance abilities to masticatory and incisal forces. Compared to P. abelii, P. p. morio exhibits greater load resistance abilities as reflected in a relatively deeper mandibular corpus, deeper and wider mandibular symphysis, and relatively greater condylar area. P. p. wurmbii exhibits most of these same morphologies, and in all comparisons is either comparable in jaw proportions to P. p. morio, or intermediate between P. p. morio and P. abelii. These data indicate that P. p. morio and P. p. wurmbii are better suited to resisting large and/or frequent jaw loads than P. abelii. Using these results, I evaluated mandibular morphology in P. p. pygmaeus, a Bornean orangutan population whose behavioral ecology is poorly known. Pongo p. pygmaeus generally exhibits relatively greater load resistance capabilities than P. abelii, but less than P. p. morio. These results suggest that P. p. pygmaeus may consume greater amounts of tougher and/or more obdurate foods than P. abelii, and that consumption of such foods may intensify amongst Bornean orangutan populations. Finally, data from this study are used to evaluate variation in craniomandibular morphology in Khoratpithecus piriyai, possibly the earliest relative of Pongo from the late Miocene of Thailand, and the late Pleistocene Hoa Binh subfossil orangutan recovered from Vietnam. With the exception of a relatively thicker M(3) mandibular corpus, K. piriyai has jaw proportions that would be expected for an extant orangutan of comparable jaw size. Likewise, the Hoa Binh subfossil does not differ in skull proportions from extant Pongo, independent of the effects of increase in jaw size. These results indicate that differences in skull and mandibular proportions between these fossil and subfossil orangutans and extant Pongo are allometric. Furthermore, the ability of K. piriyai to resist jaw loads appears to have been comparable to that of extant orangutans. However, the similarity in jaw proportions between P. abelii and K. piriyai suggest the latter may have been dietarily more similar to Sumatran orangutans.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly suggested that mammalian cranial sutures act not only to allow growth but also to reduce the levels of strain experienced by the skull during feeding. However, because of the added complexity they introduce, sutures are rarely included in finite element (FE) models, despite their potential to influence strain results. Because sutures present different morphologies and with differing degrees of internal fusion, many different methods of modeling may be necessary to accurately measure strain environments. Alternatively, these variables may exert very little influence on the scale of a whole‐skull model. To validate suture modeling methods, four alternative ways of including a suture in 3D FE models of the pig zygomatic arch were considered and compared with ex vivo experimental data from digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI). The use of DSPI rather than traditional strain gauge techniques allows strain gradients around the suture as well as the motions of the two bones to be observed. Results show that the introduction of 3D elements assigned more compliant material properties than the surrounding bone, is the most effective way of modeling both morphologies of suture, both in tension and compression. However, models containing no suture are almost indistinguishable from these compliant suture models, beyond the high strain gradient immediately adjacent to the suture. Conversely, modeling the suture as an open break in the mesh, or with spring elements assigned suture properties, fails to reproduce the experiment. Thus, although a solid but flexible model of sutures is preferred, the similarity between these models and those without sutures tentatively suggests that such extra detail may be unnecessary in pigs if the behavior of the whole skull is of interest. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dental trauma is one of the most common events in dental practice. However, few studies have investigated the biomechanical characteristics of these injuries. The objective of this study was to analyse the stress distribution in the dentoalveolar structures of a maxillary central incisor subjected to two situations of impact loading. The following loading forces were applied using a 3D finite element model: a force of 2000 N acting at an angle of 90°on the buccal surface of the crown and a vertical 2000 N force acting in the cleidocranial direction on the incisal surface of the tooth. Harmful stresses were observed in both situations, causing damage to both the tooth and adjacent tissue. However, the damage found in soft tissues such as periodontal ligament and dental pulp was negligible. In conclusion, injuries resulting from the traumatic situations were more damaging to the integrity of the tooth and its associated hard-tissue structures.  相似文献   

Plantar fascia (PF) is a heterogeneous thickness structure across plantar foot. It is important significance to investigate the biomechanical behavior of the medial, middle and lateral PF regions. To investigate the non-uniform macro/micro structures of the different PF regions, the uniaxial tensile test of PF strips were performed to assess the mechanical behavior of PF. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to visualize and measure the micro morphology of PF associated with collagen fibers. A three-dimensional foot finite element (FE) model was developed to quantify the tensile behavior of the internal PF. The elastic modulus of the lateral PF component (1560 MPa) was observed, followed by the medial (701 MPa), the central (1100 MPa) and the lateral (714 MPa) portions in the central component. Elongation of the central portion (0.192) was lower than the medial (0.223) and the lateral (0.227) portions. The corresponding SEM images showed that the fibers of the central portion were more densely packed and thicker compared to the ambilateral portions in the central component. While the FE model prediction also suggested that the greater elastic modulus of the central PF portion had lower strain (0.192) versus the ambilateral portions. Therefore, the lower elongation and greater elastic modulus at the central portion of PF would probably have a high risk of PF injury. The findings showed a relation between the mechanical tension and fibrous morphology of PF. This information would have a better understanding of the PF pathophysiology diseases related to tear and injury of PF.  相似文献   

Nanohairs, which can be found on the epidermis of Tokay gecko's toes, contribute to the adhesion by means of van der Waals force, capillary force, etc. This structure has inspired many researchers to fabricate the attachable nano-scale structures. However, the efficiency of artificial nano-scale structures is not reliable sufficiently. Moreover, the mechanical parameters related to the nano-hair attachment are not yet revealed qualitatively. The mechanical parameters which have influence on the ability of adhesive nano-hairs were investigated through numerical simulation in which only van der Waals force was considered. For the numerical analysis, finite element method was utilized and van der Waals force, assumed as 12-6 Lennard-Jones potential, was implemented as the body force term in the finite element formulation.  相似文献   

We develop a neuromechanical model for running insects that includes a simplified hexapedal leg geometry with agonist-antagonist muscle pairs actuating each leg joint. Restricting to dynamics in the horizontal plane and neglecting leg masses, we reduce the model to three degrees of freedom describing translational and yawing motions of the body. Muscles are driven by stylized action potentials characteristic of fast motoneurons, and modeled using an activation function and nonlinear length and shortening velocity dependence. Parameter values are based on measurements from depressor muscles and observations of kinematics and dynamics of the cockroach Blaberus discoidalis; in particular, motoneuronal inputs and muscle force levels are chosen to approximately achieve joint torques that are consistent with measured ground reaction forces. We show that the model has stable double-tripod gaits over the animal's speed range, that its dynamics at preferred speeds matches those observed, and that it maintains stable gaits, with low frequency yaw deviations, when subject to random perturbations in foot touchdown and lift-off timing and action potential input timing. We explain this in terms of the low-dimensional dynamics.  相似文献   

In the prediction of bone remodelling processes after total hip replacement (THR), modelling of the subject-specific geometry is now state-of-the-art. In this study, we demonstrate that inclusion of subject-specific loading conditions drastically influences the calculated stress distribution, and hence influences the correlation between calculated stress distributions and changes in bone mineral density (BMD) after THR.For two patients who received cementless THR, personalized finite element (FE) models of the proximal femur were generated representing the pre- and post-operative geometry. FE analyses were performed by imposing subject-specific three-dimensional hip joint contact forces as well as muscle forces calculated based on gait analysis data. Average values of the von Mises stress were calculated for relevant zones of the proximal femur. Subsequently, the load cases were interchanged and the effect on the stress distribution was evaluated. Finally, the subject-specific stress distribution was correlated to the changes in BMD at 3 and 6 months after THR.We found subject-specific differences in the stress distribution induced by specific loading conditions, as interchanging of the loading also interchanged the patterns of the stress distribution. The correlation between the calculated stress distribution and the changes in BMD were affected by the two-dimensional nature of the BMD measurement.Our results confirm the hypothesis that inclusion of subject-specific hip contact forces and muscle forces drastically influences the stress distribution in the proximal femur. In addition to patient-specific geometry, inclusion of patient-specific loading is, therefore, essential to obtain accurate input for the analysis of stress distribution after THR.  相似文献   

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