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离体培养黑麦花药,单核花粉可以通过不等分裂和均等分裂由营养性质的核发育成花粉胚状体或愈伤组织,并且最后形成了单倍体植株。接种前对穗子进行适当的低温处理,可以有效地提高胚状体和愈伤组织的生成率。根据多核和多细胞花粉的败育情况,认为新壁的形成和花粉外壁的适时破裂是已经启动分裂的小孢子能否发育成胚状体和愈伤组织的两个关键问题。  相似文献   

Hybrid rye breeding and seed production is based on the cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS)-inducing Pampa (P)-cytoplasm. For restoring male fertility in the hybrids, dominant, nuclear restorer genes are necessary. However, current pollinator lines are only partial restorers. Effective restorers were recently detected in the German inbred line L18 and in materials originating from the Argentinian rye cultivar Pico Gentario and an Iranian primitive rye accession called IRAN IX. F2 populations were developed for each of these three restorer sources to map the responsible genes by means of RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) markers. For this purpose, homo- and heterologous DNA probes were used leading to 101 polymorphic marker loci in total. For phenotypic evaluation, 100 to 134 randomly chosen plants from each of the populations were cloned and grown at two or three locations with two plants each. Segregation ratios of pollen fertility in the F2 populations with L18 and IRAN IX were in accordance with a monogenic dominant inheritance. The segregation pattern for Pico Gentario indicated complementary gene action. Major dominant restorer genes were detected on chromosomes 1RS (L18) and 4RL (Pico Gentario, IRAN IX). The gene on 1RS explained 54% of the phenotypic variation and that on 4 RL 59% and 68% in the Pico Gentario and IRAN IX populations, respectively. Additionally, three minor genes from L18 were identified on chromosomes 3RL, 4RL and 5R. In the Pico Gentario population, a dominant modifier gene contributed by the female parent was found on chromosome 6R. This gene significantly enhanced the expression of the major restorer gene but on its own was not able to restore any degree of fertility. The map-distances between the major restorer loci and at least one flanking marker were small in all three F2 populations (5–6 cM). In Pico Gentario an unfavorable linkage exists between the major restorer gene and a QTL for plant height. Since highly effective restorers are scarce in actual breeding populations, the major restorer genes detected on chromosomes 1 RS and 4RL should be introgressed into actual restorer lines. This is facilitated by using the closely linked molecular markers described. Received: 10 February 2000 / Accepted: 31 March 2000<@head-com-p1a.lf>Communicated by G. Wenzel  相似文献   

The regenerated plants had high frequencies of changes in chromosome number and the pairing variation. The chromosome number was more or less variably decreased in different pollen mother cells. Most of regenerated plants were mixoploids. Some had higher frequency of homolgous chromosome pairing because double doses of rye genome had inhibited the effect of Ph gene. But, there was obvious different of chromosome pairing among regenerted plants. The difference was related to numerical chromosome change. Meiosis in a regenerant was analysed with Giemsa-C banding technigue. Partial rye chromosomes did not pair homologously or only very loosely paired. There was moderate level of wheat-wheat homologous partial pairing, however, wheat-rye chromosome pairing also occurred.  相似文献   

Práce studuje vzájemný vztah mezi konopím (Cannabis sativa L.) a ?item (Secale cereale L.) ve vodní kultu?e p?i nedoplňované minerální vý?ivě. Po 18 dnech kultivace v ?ivném roztoku s32P byly nalezeny pr?kazné rozdíly v sorpci fosforu a rozdíly v transpiraci mezi kontrolními rostlinami a ve směsi. Konopí kontrola vy?erpalo za 18 dn? 85,5% fosforu, konopí ve směsi 94%, ?ito kontrola 95,3% a ?ito ve směsi 106,7%, v?dy p?epo?teno na jednu rostlinu. R?st ovlivněn nebyl. Výsledky nelze vysvětlit pouhou konkurencí o ?iviny mezi zú?astněnými druhy, ale jen p?ítomností dal?ího faktoru.  相似文献   

国内首次以“胜利”黑麦品系为材料,在电镜下观察联会复合作并分析了联会复合体核型。在同染色体核型比较后,认为“胜利”黑麦存在着两个可能的易位:1R长臂的一小段易位到6R短臂;4R长臂向2R长臂易位三单位长度,使4R长臂变成短臂。从而判断“胜利”黑麦为易位杂合体。这个研究方法可以在植物实验分类学研究中得到应用。  相似文献   

The effect of individual rye chromosomes on the induction of callus and the character of its regenerating capacity was studied with cultured immature embryos of wheat–rye (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Saratovskaya 29–Secale cereale L. cv. Onokhoiskaya) substitution lines. The genotypic diversity of the substitution lines proved to significantly affect variation of parameters characterizing the major types of callus cultures, that is, frequencies of embryogenic calli, which are capable of shoot regeneration, and of morphogenic calli, which produce root structures. Functioning in the genotypic background of common wheat cultivar Saratovskaya 29, chromosomes 2R and 3R of rye cultivar Onokhoiskaya stimulated significantly the induction of embryogenic callus highly capable of shoot regeneration. Rye chromosome 2R present in place of chromosome 2D in the common wheat genome suppressed the induction of callus producing root structures. Rye chromosomes 1R and 6R suppressed the induction of embryogenic callus capable of shoot regeneration.  相似文献   

细胞融合是指一个花粉母细胞中染色质穿壁转移到相邻的花粉母细胞中,它是一种自发的和正常的过程。这种现象又在黑麦两个品种中观察到。由于这一现象的出现,其结果可使花粉母细胞中期Ⅰ染色体数目发生改变,变异的幅度在5—9之间,n=7。花粉母细胞染色体数目的增加与减少,可能就是细胞融合的结果。最后,还讨论了细胞融合在细胞学上的后果和进化上的意义。  相似文献   

Location of the loci that control preharvest sprouting and alpha-amylase activity in rye was studied based on intercross S120×S76, consisting of 110 genotypes of F2 and F3 progenies. The genetic map currently consists of 141 loci distributed in 11 linkage groups, covering a distance of 506.4 cM, and was enriched during this study with 24 sequence-specific markers (7 SCARs, 7 SSRs, and 10 STSs). The extended map was applied for composite interval mapping of the loci controlling preharvest sprouting and α-amylase activity, revealing 3 significant QTLs for preharvest sprouting, located on chromosomes 3R, 5R and 6R (in 1999), and one QTL for α-amylase activity found on chromosome 2R (in 2000).  相似文献   

The characteristic features of androgenesis in six wheat–rye substitution lines Triticum aestivumL. (cv. Saratovskaya 29)/Secale cerealeL. (cv. Onokhoiskaya) and triticale (2n= 56) using anther culture at different concentrations of 2,4-D in the growth medium were studied. Under variable cultivation conditions, the significant effect of genotypic diversity on the variability of such androgenesis parameters as the frequency of productive anthers, the frequency of embryoid formation, and the frequency of total regenerated plantlets, was shown. It was demonstrated that chromosomes 1R, 3R, and 7R stimulated the formation of androgenous embryoids, while chromosome 5R produced an opposite effect. In triticale and substitution lines, the regeneration ability of androgenous embryoids induced by elevated 2.4-D concentrations was inhibited. Chromosome 1R of the Onokhoiskaya cultivar was suggested to contain genes suppressing regeneration of green plantlets, while chromosome 3R, conversely, stimulated their formation. Chromosomes 1R, 2R, 3R, and 7R of the Onokhoiskaya cultivar did not inhibit the spontaneous formation of androgenous hexaploids in the substitution lines.  相似文献   

G. Jenkins 《Chromosoma》1985,92(2):81-88
The chromosomes of Lolium temulentum are longer and contain on average 50% more nuclear DNA than the chromosomes of L. perenne. In the hybrid, despite the difference in length and DNA content, pairing between the homoeologous chromosomes at pachytene is effective and the chiasma frequency at first metaphase in pollen mother cells is high, about 1.6 per bivalent, comparable to that in the L. perenne parent. Electron microscopic observations from reconstructed nuclei at pachytene show that synaptonemal complex (SC) formation in 40% of bivalents is perfect, complete and continuous from telomere to telomere. In others, SCs extend from telomere to telomere but incorporate lateral component loops in interstitial chromosome segments. Even in these bivalents, however, pairing is effective in the sense of chiasma formation. The capacity to form perfect SCs is achieved by an adjustment of chromosome length differences both before and during synapsis. Perfect pairing and SC formation is commoner within the larger bivalents of the complement. At zygotene, in contrast to pachytene, pairing is not confined to homoeologous chromosomes. On the contrary there is illegitimate pairing between non-homologous chromsomes resulting in multivalent formation. There must, therefore, be a mechanism operative between zygotene and pachytene that corrects and modifies associations in such a way as to restrict the pairing to bivalents comprised of strictly homoeologous chromosomes. Such a correction bears comparison with that known to apply in allopolyploids. In the hybrid and in the L. perenne parent also, certain specific nucleolar organisers are inactivated at meiosis.  相似文献   

G. Jenkins 《Chromosoma》1985,92(5):387-390
Chromosome pairing and synaptonemal complex formation at zygotene and pachytene are described from serial section reconstructions of pollen mother cell nuclei in a triploid hybrid containing two haploid sets of Lolium perenne chromosomes, one of L. temulentum and two acces-sory B chromosomes. At pachytene the homologous L. perenne chromosomes form complete and continuous synaptonemal complexes while the L. temulentum chromosomes show extensive nonhomologous pairing both within and between themselves. At zygotene however, homoeologous pairing in the form of a trivalent and very little non-homologous pairing is observed. Evidently, there exists a mechanism that eliminates homoeologous association during zygotene to ensure strict bivalent formation between homologous chromosomes at pachytene. In Lolium this mechanism is under the influence of the B chromosomes and bears close similarity with that in allohexaploid wheat controlled by the Ph locus.  相似文献   

The interrelations between biochar (BC) and soil microbiota remain unclear. Addressing this will be important for understanding how BC affects soil properties and plant growth. Here, we tested the influence of wood-derived BC with immobilised Trichoderma viride on rye Secale cereale L. in sandy soil. We found that the addition of BC leads to a significant (P?2+ and Mg2+, as well as a decrease in the concentration of Al3+, irrespective of BC particle size and the presence of T. viride. Plant growth was stimulated in the presence of small (<2?mm) particle-sized BC. Fungal diversity, as well as an absolute and relative abundance of Trichoderma spp., was tested by cultivation-dependent methods and qPCR. Both of these approaches revealed a positive effect of BC on the survival of Trichoderma spp. under the tested conditions, especially in the presence of a small particle size fraction.  相似文献   

Predlo?ená práce sleduje vzájemný vztah mezi ?item a konopím ve vodní kultu?e p?i konstantní minerální vý?ivě. Po 24 dnech kultivace nebyly nalezeny pr?kazné rozdíly v r?stu rostlin kontrolních a ze směsi. Pr?kazné rozdíly byly v?ak zji?těny v sorpci iont? H2PO4, p?i?em? byl pou?it radioisotop32P. Ovlivněna byla i spot?eba vody u rostlin ve směsi. Zji?těné rozdíly jsou vysvětlovány vlivem specifických látek v ko?enových výmě?cích zú?astněných rostlin.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance to blackmold, a disease of ripe tomato fruit caused byAlternaria alternata, was studied in two interspecific crosses. The parents, F1 and F2 generations of a cross between the susceptibleLycopersicon esculentum Mill. cultivar Hunt 100 and the resistantL. Cheesmanii f.typicum Riley accession LA 422, and the parents, F1, F2, F3, and BC1 P2 generations of a cross between the susceptibleL. Esculentum cv. VF 145B-7879 and LA 422 were evaluated. The following disease evaluation traits were used: symptom rating (a symptom severity rating based on visual evaluation of lesions), diseased fruit (the number of diseased fruits divided by the total number of fruit scored), and lesion size (a function derived from the actual lesion diameter). Generation means analysis was used to determine gene action. The data of the Hunt 100 × LA 422 cross fit an additive-dominance model for all three traits. The VF 145B-7879 × LA 422 cross data best fit a model that included the additive × additive and additive × dominance interaction components for the trait diseased fruit, whereas higher-order epistatic models would have to be invoked to fit the data for the traits symptom rating and lesion size. A minimum of one gene segregated for all three traits. Broad-sense heritability estimates ranged from 0.09 to 0.16 for all three traits, indicating that selection for improved resistance to blackmold will require selection on a family performance basis.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis was performed to finely map and assess the mode of inheritance of two unlinked nuclear genes Scs1 and Scs2 involved in incompatibility of the nuclear genome of the cultivated pea Pisum sativum subsp. sativum with the cytoplasm of the wild pea of the subspecies P. sativum subsp. elatius, accession VIR320. Based on the segregation of genotypes in the progeny of the test-crosses, we concluded that if the cytoplasm was inherited from the wild pea VIR320, the Scs1 allele from the cultivated pea was gametophyte lethal and sporophyte recessive lethal. The Scs2 allele from the cultivated pea reduced male gametophyte viability. In homozygote, Scs2 from cultivated parent brought about nuclear–cytoplasmic conflict manifested as chlorophyll deficiency, reduction of blade organs, and low pollen fertility of about 20%. In heterozygote, Scs1 and Scs2 genes reduced pollen fertility by ca 50 and 30%, respectively. The Scs1 and Scs2 genes involved in nuclear–cytoplasmic incompatibility were genetically mapped. The distance between the markers bordering Scs1 comprised about 2.5 cM on linkage group III. The map distance between the bordering markers in the neighborhood of Scs2 varied substantially from cross to cross in the range of 2.0–15.1 cM on linkage group V.  相似文献   

The metabolic precursor of vitamin A, ??-carotene, is essential for human health. The gene(s) controlling ??-carotene quantity (Q??C) has been introgressed from Xishuangbanna gourd (XIS, possessing ??-carotene; Cucumis sativus L. var. xishuangbannanesis Qi et Yuan; 2n?=?2x?=?14) into cultivated cucumber (no ??-carotene; Cucumis sativus L.). To determine the inheritance of Q??C in cucumber fruit endocarp, F1 progeny and a set of 124 F7 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cultivated cucumber line CC3 and XIS line SWCC8 were evaluated for Q??C during 2009 and 2010 in Nanjing, China. Segregation analysis revealed that endocarp Q??C of greenhouse-grown fruit was controlled by a single recessive gene. Further, marker analysis indicated the gene controlling Q??C was linked to seven SSR markers on linkage group 3, where their order was SSR20710?CSSR19511?CSSR15419?CSSR07706?Core?CSSR23231?CSSR11633?CSSR20270. These markers and the putative candidate gene were mapped to cucumber chromosome 3DS. An evaluation of 30 genetically diverse cucumber lines indicated that marker SSR07706 has utility in further genetic analyses of the Q??C orange endocarp gene, designated ore. Moreover, the markers defined herein may have utility for marker-assisted selection directed towards the development of cucumber germplasm with high fruit ??-carotene content.  相似文献   

. In vitro-grown shoot tips excised from preconditioned stock shoots of 'Troyer' citrange were successfully cryopreserved by encapsulation-dehydration. Optimal survival of cryopreserved shoot tips was achieved when encapsulated shoot tips were dehydrated to 17.1% water content. The sucrose concentration in the preconditioning medium significantly influenced the growth and dry matter percentage of the stock shoots as well as subsequent survival of the cryopreserved shoot tips. Maximal growth of stock shoots was obtained in sucrose concentrations in the range of 0.15 M to 0.29 M, while the dry matter percentage increased as sucrose concentration increased up to 0.44 M. The survival of cryopreserved shoot tips increased from 40% to approximately 80% as the sucrose concentration for stock shoots increased from 0.09 M to 0.22 M or 0.29 M. The benzyladenine concentration in the post-culture medium significantly affected the survival and regrowth of the cryopreserved shoot tips. Survival of the shoot tips was lowest when they were post-cultured on benzyladenine-free medium. However, high benzyladenine concentrations (3-4 µM) induced callus formation. Optimal recovery was obtained in post-culture medium containing 2 µM benzyladenine and 0.05 µM !-naphthalene acetic acid. The extraction of shoot tips from alginate beads greatly improved the regrowth of cryopreserved shoot tips.  相似文献   

Rye is a crop with relatively high resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. However, the resistance to brown rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. secalis) and pre-harvest sprouting are still not satisfactory. High α-amylase activity is also among the main disadvantages of this species. Therefore, effective tools, e.g. molecular markers, allowing precise and environmentally independent selection of favourable alleles are desirable. In the present study, two kinds of association mapping—genome-wide association mapping (GWAM) based on sequences of DArTSeq markers and candidate gene association mapping (CGAM) based on sequences of ScBx genes—were chosen for development of molecular markers fulfilling these criteria. The analysed population consisted of 149 diverse inbred lines (DILs). Altogether, 67 and 11 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified in, respectively, GWAM and CGAM, were significantly associated with the investigated traits: 2 SNPs with resistance to brown rust, 71 SNPs with resistance to pre-harvest sprouting and 5 SNPs with α-amylase activity in the grain. Fifteen SNPs were stable across all environments. The highest number (13) of environmentally stable SNPs was associated with pre-harvest sprouting resistance. The test employing the Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR method proved the versatility of four markers identified in both GWAM and CGAM.  相似文献   

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