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杨志浩  吴鹏  吴梅林  刘基 《生态科学》2014,33(6):1224-1230
多溴联苯醚(Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs)作为一种阻燃剂在水体、土壤、沉积物和大气等自然环境中广泛存在。原本认为水溶性低而疏水性高的PBDEs 很难被生物所利用, 但近年研究表明微生物降解是PBDEs 降解的一种重要机制, 部分微生物能参与PBDEs 降解过程。在有氧条件下, 表面活性剂、共代谢基质和初始生长基质等都能影响微生物降解PBDEs; 双加氧酶在PBDEs 降解过程中起着关键作用。电子供体和助溶剂等则在微生物厌氧降解PBDEs 过程中发挥重要作用, 还原脱溴作用是微生物对PBDEs 进行厌氧降解的主要机制。筛选PBDEs 高效降解菌以及进一步揭示其降解机理对于修复PBDEs 污染问题具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

闵军  陈卫卫  李俊德  胡晓珂 《微生物学报》2020,60(12):2816-2835
硝基芳烃化合物作为一种重要的化工原料,广泛应用于医药、染料、农药等化工产品的合成。在给人类社会带来空前的物质繁荣的同时,其造成的环境污染问题也成为人类社会面临的重要挑战之一。微生物在这些环境污染物的降解中起着重要的作用。近几十年,环境微生物工作者对微生物降解硝基芳香污染物的各个步骤,包括趋化感应、分解代谢及生物修复进行了大量的研究工作,获得了丰富的知识。本文综述了硝基芳烃及其卤代衍生物的微生物代谢途径、代谢机理、趋化及修复研究进展,并对本领域的研究进行了展望,有助于全面认知硝基芳烃污染物的微生物降解过程,为污染环境修复提供理论基础。  相似文献   

二硝基苯胺类除草剂微生物降解研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
二硝基苯胺类除草剂是一类广谱、高效且广泛使用的除草剂,微生物的降解代谢作用是其在环境中消解的最主要因素。分离筛选除草剂的高效降解菌株、分析其降解途径并阐明其微生物降解机制,可为除草剂残留污染的微生物降解修复提供理论依据和优良的降解菌株、降解基因和酶资源。本文简述了二硝基苯胺类除草剂的微生物降解菌株、降解代谢途径和降解基因/酶的研究进展,为进一步研究该类除草剂的微生物降解及其污染生物修复提供理论依据和资源。  相似文献   

微生物降解多环芳烃(PAHs)的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从多环芳烃(PAHs)的降解菌株的筛选、降解机制以及PAHs污染的生物修复等方面介绍了微生物降解PAHs的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

曹礼  张浩  黄科  谷涛  洪青  李顺鹏 《微生物学通报》2012,39(11):1668-1676
六六六是一种曾在世界范围内广泛使用的有机氯杀虫剂。由于其具有高毒性和长残留性,目前在发达国家已经被限制或禁止使用,但是一些发展中国家和地区仍然在继续使用。即使在一些停用六六六多年的国家,六六六的残留依然存在。概述六六六降解菌的多样性和六六六4种主要同分异构体(α-、β-、γ-、δ-HCH)的微生物降解的最新研究进展,为六六六污染地区进行经济可行的生物修复提供参考。  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸酯的污染现状及微生物降解研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为环境内分泌干扰物的一种,邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)作为增塑剂被广泛应用于生产、生活诸多方面,目前已在大气、水、土壤等各种环境介质中被检测到,其污染普遍性和对整个生态系统的危害性已受到越来越多的关注。微生物降解被认为是去除环境中PAEs的最佳途径。本文综述了PAEs的污染现状及其微生物降解研究进展,为深入探讨PAEs污染的微生物修复提供参考,并对其微生物降解研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

微生物降解有机污染物的研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
从降解菌的筛选及检测技术、新的降解菌种及其作用酶和代谢途径、污染物对降解菌的作用以及环境因素对降解菌的影响等方面介绍了微生物降有毒有机污染物的最新研究进展,预期该领域具有十分广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

降解芳烃微生物的多样性   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
芳烃是一类生物异源物质,自然微生物群落利用其对环境的适应性,对这类物质由陌生到适应,微生物群落的遗传背景发生了变化,降解芳烃的微生物呈现出多样性,本文系统介绍了降解芳烃微生物的特性,物种资源,环境适应,遗传背景及演变;介绍了各遗传型物种的功能基因数量,表达及调控方式,指明芳烃环境污染的生物修复主要取决于高效工程构造及代谢过程的控制。  相似文献   

甲基叔丁基醚微生物降解研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
汽油添加剂甲基叔丁基醚(Methyl tert—Butyl Ether,MTBE)的水体污染问题近年引起广泛关注,因而微生物降解MTBE的研究也渐成热点。对MTBE的微生物降解研究现状进行简要综述,总结好氧条件下降解菌对MTBE的降解情况,以关键中间代谢物-叔丁基醇(tert-butyl alcohol,TBA)为分界点探讨微生物降解MTBE的两步可能途径,浅论MTBE微生物降解的影响因素。  相似文献   

取代脲类除草剂主要用来防除一年生禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草,自20世纪中期推入市场以来,在世界范围内被广泛使用,已成为重要的除草剂之一。随着取代脲类除草剂的持续施用,其在环境中的残留严重超标,危害日益凸显。因此,取代脲类除草剂在环境中的吸附、迁移和降解等行为备受关注。研究表明细菌降解N,N-二甲基取代脲类除草剂主要是通过连续脱甲基作用后断脲桥降解,而降解N-甲氧基-N-甲基取代脲类除草剂是通过脲桥的直接断裂。真菌降解取代脲类除草剂的途径则较为复杂,尚需进一步阐明。本文综述了近年来分离筛选的取代脲类除草剂降解菌株及其降解途径的最新研究进展,为取代脲类除草剂污染环境的生物修复研究提供参考。  相似文献   

磺酰脲类除草剂残留的微生物降解研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
磺酰脲类除草剂是一类高效、低毒和高选择性的除草剂, 此类除草剂能有效地防除阔叶杂草, 其中有些品种对禾本科杂草也有抑制作用。由于该类除草剂易残留药害及容易对地表水造成污染, 因而其在环境中的持久性和环境安全性备受人们关注。本文综述了磺酰脲类除草剂的应用概况及其作用机理、降解磺酰脲类除草剂的常见微生物种类及影响微生物降解效率的因素, 最后展望了微生物修复技术与抗除草剂的转基因作物是解决除草剂残留药害的最佳途径。  相似文献   

Microbial reductive dehalogenation of polychlorinated biphenyls   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Under anaerobic conditions, microbial reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) occurs in soils and aquatic sediments. In contrast to dechlorination of supplemented single congeners for which frequently ortho dechlorination has been observed, reductive dechlorination mainly attacks meta and/or para chlorines of PCB mixtures in contaminated sediments, although in a few instances ortho dechlorination of PCBs has been observed. Different microorganisms appear to be responsible for different dechlorination activities and the occurrence of various dehalogenation routes. No axenic cultures of an anaerobic microorganism have been obtained so far. Most probable number determinations indicate that the addition of PCB congeners, as potential electron acceptors, stimulates the growth of PCB-dechlorinating microorganisms. A few PCB-dechlorinating enrichment cultures have been obtained and partially characterized. Temperature, pH, availability of naturally occurring or of supplemented carbon sources, and the presence or absence of H(2) or other electron donors and competing electron acceptors influence the dechlorination rate, extent and route of PCB dechlorination. We conclude from the sum of the experimental data that these factors influence apparently the composition of the active microbial community and thus the routes, the rates and the extent of the dehalogenation. The observed effects are due to the specificity of the dehalogenating bacteria which become active as well as changing interactions between the dehalogenating and non-dehalogenating bacteria. Important interactions include the induced changes in the formation and utilization of H(2) by non-dechlorinating and dechlorinating bacteria, competition for substrates and other electron donors and acceptors, and changes in the formation of acidic fermentation products by heterotrophic and autotrophic acidogenic bacteria leading to changes in the pH of the sediments.  相似文献   

石油污染海域的微生物群落及烃的降解   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前世界海洋石油污染问题已经严重威胁到海洋生态环境的安全,生物修复是一种处理石油污染的新方法。综述了海洋环境中烃降解微生物生态学方面的一些研究进展,包括探测未培养细菌的新方法、新的分离方法及主要的烃降解菌株的特性,以便努力改进现有分离石油降解菌及石油乳化细菌的方法,同时发现对于石油降解有益的新菌种。  相似文献   

硫氰酸盐(SCN-)是一种常见的金矿、纺织、印染和焦化工业污染物,有毒性、给生物安全带来危害.目前,随着现代生物技术的发展,通过高通量测序、转录组测序、DNA指纹图谱和靶向基因扩增等技术已经阐明了微生物降解硫氰酸盐的群落结构、遗传和代谢多样性,表明微生物降解硫氰酸盐是最可行的修复方法.综述了降解硫氰酸盐的微生物种类,碳...  相似文献   

Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are stable environmental contaminants known to exert endocrine‐disrupting effects. Developmental exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) is correlated with impaired thyroid hormone signaling, as well as estrogenic and anti‐androgenic effects. As previous studies have focused on a single congener or technical mixture, the purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of gestational and early postnatal exposure to an environmentally relevant mixture of BFRs designed to reflect house dust levels of PBDEs and hexabromocyclododecane on postnatal developmental outcomes. Pregnant Sprague‐Dawley rats were exposed to the PBDE mixture from preconception to weaning (PND 21) through the diet containing 0, 0.75, 250, and 750 mg mixture/kg diet. BFR exposure induced transient reductions in body weight at PND 35 in male and from PND 30–45 in female offspring (250 and 750 mg/kg). Liver weights (PND 21) and xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme activities (PND 21 and 46) were increased in both male and female offspring exposed to 250 and 750 mg/kg diets. Furthermore, serum T4 levels were reduced at PND 21 in both,male and female offspring (250 and 750 mg/kg). At PND 21, Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was decreased in males exposed to 750 mg/kg dietat, and females exposed to 250 and 750 mg/kg diets. At PND 46 ALP was significantly elevated in males (250 and 750 mg/kg). Variations in the cervical vertebrae and phalanges were observed in pups at PND 4 (250 and 750 mg/kg). Therefore, BFR exposure during gestation through to weaning alters developmental programming in the offspring. The persistence of BFRs in the environment remains a cause for concern with regards to developmental toxicity  相似文献   

近年来,随着拟除虫菊酯类农药的大量及不合理使用,环境及食品中的农药残留对人类健康造成的负面影响日益显著。微生物降解农药作为去除农药污染安全高效的方法已成为当前研究热点之一。综述了国内外拟除虫菊酯类农药微生物降解菌的种类、降解机制、降解酶及降解菌应用的最新研究进展,并对亟须解决的重要问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

【目的】通过免培养的分子生物学方法,比较受溴代阻燃剂污染严重的河流底泥和与未污染水库底泥中细菌多样性差异,解析二者间细菌群落结构,为污染河流的治理与生物修复提供相关的理论依据。【方法】从中国贵屿溴代阻燃剂污染区练江底泥样品和未污染水库底泥样品中分别提取微生物总DNA,用细菌通用引物27F和1500R扩增16S rRNA基因,构建16S rRNA基因文库。用HhaⅠ和HinfⅠ2种限制性内切酶对克隆子进行扩增产物rDNA的限制性酶切分析(ARDRA),挑取不同的操作分类单元OUT中的克隆进行测序并构建系统发育树,比较代表克隆子的基本分类类群和生物多样性构成。【结果】未污染水库底泥中细菌群落组成主要包括变形细菌门(Proteobacteria)的α、β、γ和δ4个亚门、浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)。优势菌是酸杆菌,占文库克隆的30.2%。污染河流底泥中细菌群落组成包括变形细菌门(Proteobacteria)的α、β、δ和ε4个亚门、浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)、绿菌门或拟杆菌门(Chlorobi orBacteroidetes)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、待定菌群candidatedivision OP01、candidate division OP08和candidate division WS3的相似菌。优势菌是ε-变形细菌和绿弯菌,占文库克隆的44.9%。【结论】受溴代阻燃剂污染河流底泥中的细菌群落具有较高水平的多样性,与未污染底泥有显著区别,主要体现在ε-变形细菌和绿弯菌在细菌群落中具有优势地位。这种优势种群的改变可能与污染物的过度富集具有一定的相关性,对于我们进一步探索和了解溴代阻燃剂的微生物修复具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Arbeli Z  Ronen Z 《Biodegradation》2003,14(6):385-395
Tetrabromobisphenol-A is a reactive flame retardant used in the production of many plastic polymers. In previous research, it was demonstrated that anaerobic microorganisms from contaminated sediment debrominate tetrabromobisphenol-A to bisphenol-A, but an enrichment culture was not established. The current study was carried out to identify the intermediate metabolites in this process and to determine the factors facilitating enrichment of debrominating microorganisms. During the enrichment process in an anaerobic semi-continuous batch reactor, tetrabromobisphenol-A debromination gradually slowed down with concurrent accumulation of three intermediate products. These compounds were tentatively identified using GC-MS as tri-, di-, and mono-brominated bisphenol-A. GC-MS and HPLC analyses showed one dominant metabolite of dibromobisphenol-A, and NMR analysis identified it as 2,2'-dibromobisphenol-A. Addition of sterile sediment(15% wt/wt) to the reactor stimulated debromination of tetrabromobisphenol-A.Furthermore, different solid amendments such as surface soil and pulverized gray chalk from the site subsurface (100 m below ground) were also stimulating agents.We conclude that organic matter is involved in stimulation since the stimulationeffect of the sediment, soil and gray chalk was abolished after it was heat-treatedto 550 °C. Our study suggests that the debrominating culture requires someorganic components found in the sediment, soil, and chalk in order to sustain activityand perhaps to survive. The possible mechanisms of stimulation by these solids arediscussed.  相似文献   

Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is the most widely used brominated flame retardant and a known thyroid disruptor. We reported exposing Xenopus tropicalis embryos (NF10) to 0.01, 0.1 or 1 mg/L of TBBPA with or without 70 µg/L triiodothyronine (T3). Compared with the controls, 1 mg/L of TBBPA significantly reduced the body length of embryos after 24, 36 and 48 h of exposure. Embryos treated with TBBPA showed multiple malformations, including: abnormal eyes, skin hypopigmentation, enlarged proctodaeum, narrow fins and pericardial edemas. The effect of abnormal eyes manifested itself in the loss of pigmentation, reduction in size, or absence of external eyes. The degree of eye malformations was quantified with the index of eye malformations (IEM) with 0 being normal and 3 being severe. In the 1 mg/L TBBPA treatment groups, the incidence of total malformations (ITM) was 68–93%, and IEM was 0.8–0.9. T3 showed no teratogenic effects on embryos, but it significantly enhanced TBBPA-induced teratogenic effects. In the T3 + 1 mg/L TBBPA treatment groups, ITM was 91–99%, and IEM was 1.8–1.9. Histological observations showed that the retinas were generally smaller, and the lenses were underdeveloped or even absent. These results indicate that TBBPA at relatively high concentration has teratogenic effects on X. tropicalis embryos. The results also suggest that thyroid hormone signaling might be involved in TBBPA induced-teratogenicity.  相似文献   

微生物发酵生产多糖的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物是一种能生产多糖的可再生资源,微生物多糖因独特的生理活性和广阔的应用前景而备受人们的关注.本文阐述了微生物多糖的产生菌和发酵培养条件等方面的研究进展,以期对微生物多糖的深入研究和广泛应用有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

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