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The choroid plexus epithelium within the brain ventricles orchestrates blood‐derived monocyte entry to the central nervous system under injurious conditions, including when the primary injury site is remote from the brain. Here, we hypothesized that the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) serves a parallel role, as a gateway for monocyte trafficking to the retina following direct or remote injury. We found elevated expression of genes encoding leukocyte trafficking determinants in mouse RPE as a consequence of retinal glutamate intoxication or optic nerve crush (ONC). Blocking VCAM‐1 after ONC interfered with monocyte infiltration into the retina and resulted in a local pro‐inflammatory cytokine bias. Live imaging of the injured eye showed monocyte accumulation first in the RPE, and subsequently in the retina, and peripheral leukocytes formed close contact with the RPE. Our findings further implied that the ocular milieu can confer monocytes a phenotype advantageous for neuroprotection. These results suggest that the eye utilizes a mechanism of crosstalk with the immune system similar to that of the brain, whereby epithelial barriers serve as gateways for leukocyte entry.  相似文献   

Teleost fish regenerate their retinas after damage, in contrast to mammals. In zebrafish subjected to an extensive ouabain‐induced lesion that destroys all neurons and spares Müller glia, functional recovery and restoration of normal optic nerve head (ONH) diameter take place at 100 days postinjury. Subsequently, regenerated retinas overproduce cells in the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer, and the ONH becomes enlarged. Here, we test the hypothesis that a selective injury, which spares photoreceptors and Müller glia, results in faster functional recovery and fewer long‐term histological abnormalities. Following this selective retinal damage, recovery of visual function required 60 days, consistent with this hypothesis. In contrast to extensively damaged retinas, selectively damaged retinas showed fewer histological errors and did not overproduce neurons. Extensively damaged retinas had RGC axons that were delayed in pathfinding to the ONH, and showed misrouted axons within the ONH, suggesting that delayed functional recovery following an extensive lesion is related to defects in RGC axons exiting the eye and/or reaching their central targets. The atoh7, fgf8a, Sonic hedgehog (shha), and netrin‐1 genes were differentially expressed, and the distribution of hedgehog protein was disrupted after extensive damage as compared with selective damage. Confirming a role for Shh signaling in supporting rapid regeneration, shhat4+/‐ zebrafish showed delayed functional recovery after selective damage. We suggest that surviving retinal neurons provide structural/molecular information to regenerating neurons, and that this patterning mechanism regulates factors such as Shh. These factors in turn control neuronal number, retinal lamination, and RGC axon pathfinding during retinal regeneration. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 851–876, 2014  相似文献   

The pig is becoming an increasingly used non-primate model in experimental studies of human retinal diseases and disorders. The anatomy, size, and vasculature of the porcine eye and retina closely resemble their human counterparts, which allows for application of standard instrumentation and diagnostics used in the clinic. Despite many reports that demonstrate immunohistochemistry as a useful method for exploring neuropathological changes in the mammalian central nervous system, including the pig, the porcine retina has been sparsely described. Hence, to facilitate further immunohistochemical analysis of the porcine retina, we report on the successful use of a battery of antibodies for staining of paraformaldehyde-fixed cryosectioned retina. The following antibodies were evaluated for neuronal cells and structures: recoverin (cones and rods), Rho4D2 (rods), transducin-γ (cones), ROM-1 (photoreceptor outer segments), calbindin (horizontal cells), PKC-α (bipolar cells), parvalbumin (amacrine and displaced amacrine cells), and NeuN (ganglion cells and displaced amacrines). For detecting synaptic connections in fiber layers, we used an antibody against synaptobrevin. For detecting retinal pigment epithelium, we studied antibodies against cytokeratin and RPE65, respectively. The glial cell markers used were bFGF (Müller cells and displaced amacrine cells), GFAP (Müller cells and astrocytes), and vimentin (Müller cells). Each staining effect was evaluated with regard to its specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility in the identification of individual cells, specific cell structures, and fiber layers, respectively. The markers parvalbumin and ROM-1 were tested here for the first time for the porcine retina. All antibodies tested resulted in specific staining of high quality. In conclusion, all immunohistochemical protocols presented here will be applicable in fixed, cryosectioned pig retina. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:377–389, 2010)  相似文献   

A study was performed to determine the effect of zinc deficiency on the zinc concentration of the retina, lens, and the retinal pigment epithelium and choroid. Weanling, male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed ad libitum modified AIN-93 diets containing 3 mg zinc/kg diet (−Zn; n=10) for 6 wk. Control animals were pair-fed (+ZnPF; n=10) or fed ad libitum (+ZnAL; n=10) diets containing 100 mg zinc/kg diet. At 6 wk, plasma and tibia zinc were measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry to confirm zinc deficiency. The zinc concentration of ocular tissues was measured by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Mean (±SEM) lens zinc concentration was significantly depressed in the zinc-deficient group as compared to that of pair-fed or ad libitum-fed controls, suggesting that the role of zinc in cataract formation should be investigated. The zinc concentration of total neural retina was preserved in zinc deficiency. Previously reported deterioration of retinal function in zinc deficiency may be the result of a decline in the zinc concentration of a specific cell layer of the retina that cannot be detected on gross analysis of the entire retina. This work was presented in part at Experimental Biology 98, April 1998, San Francisco, CA [P. G. Paterson, B. H. Grahn, and J. S. Fabe, Retinal and lens zinc concentration in the zinc-deficient rat. FASEB J. 12, A521 (1998)].  相似文献   

The optimal source of stem cells for regenerative medicine is a major question. Embryonic stem (ES) cells have shown promise for pluripotency but have ethical issues and potential to form teratomas. Pluripotent stem cells have been produced from skin cells by either viral‐, plasmid‐ or transposon‐mediated gene transfer. These stem cells have been termed induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS cells. iPS cells may also have malignant potential and are inefficiently produced. Embryonic stem cells may not be suited for individualized therapy, since they can undergo immunologic rejection. To address these fundamental problems, our group is developing hair follicle pluripotent stem (hfPS) cells. Our previous studies have shown that mouse hfPS cells can differentiate to neurons, glial cells in vitro, and other cell types, and can promote nerve and spinal cord regeneration in vivo. hfPS cells are located above the hair follicle bulge in what we have termed the hfPS cell area (hfPSA) and are nestin positive and keratin 15 (K‐15) negative. Human hfPS cells can also differentiate into neurons, glia, keratinocytes, smooth muscle cells, and melanocytes in vitro. In the present study, human hfPS cells were transplanted in the severed sciatic nerve of the mouse where they differentiated into glial fibrillary‐acidic‐protein (GFAP)‐positive Schwann cells and promoted the recovery of pre‐existing axons, leading to nerve generation. The regenerated nerve recovered function and, upon electrical stimulation, contracted the gastrocnemius muscle. The hfPS cells can be readily isolated from the human scalp, thereby providing an accessible, autologous and safe source of stem cells for regenerative medicine that have important advantages over ES or iPS cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 1016–1020, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Free cholesterol is the predominant form of cholesterol in the neural retina. The vertebrate neural retina exhibits its own capacity to synthesize cholesterol and meets its demand also by taking it from the circulation. Defects in cholesterol synthesis and trafficking in the neural retina has detrimental consequences on its structure and function, highlighting the crucial importance of maintaining cholesterol homeostasis in the retina. Our purpose was to give a review on the functioning of the retina, the role of cholesterol and cholesterol metabolism therein, with special emphasis on cholesterol-24S-hydroxylase (CYP46A1). Similar to the brain, the retina expresses cholesterol-24S-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) and is enriched in its metabolic product, 24S-hydroxycholesterol. We recently published that one single nucleotide polymorphism in CYP46A1 gene, designated as rs754203, was a risk factor for glaucoma. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide, affecting more than 60 million people. Glaucoma is characterized by the loss of retinal ganglion cells, which show high CYP46A1 expression. These data suggest the potential involvement of CYP46A1 and 24S-hydroxycholesterol in the pathophysiology of glaucoma.  相似文献   

Glaucoma is characterized by the loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and optic nerve fibres. Previous studies noted fewer RGCs after immunization with ocular antigens at 28 days. It is known that changes in extracellular matrix (ECM) components conduct retina and optic nerve degeneration. Here, we focused on the remodelling of tenascin‐C and phosphacan/receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase β/ζ in an autoimmune glaucoma model. Rats were immunized with optic nerve homogenate (ONA) or S100B protein (S100). Controls received sodium chloride (Co). After 14 days, no changes in RGC number were noted in all groups. An increase in GFAP mRNA expression was observed in the S100 group, whereas no alterations were noted via immunohistochemistry in both groups. Extracellular matrix remodelling was analyzed after 3, 7, 14 and 28 days. Tenascin‐C and 473HD immunoreactivity in retinae and optic nerves was unaltered in both immunized groups at 3 days. At 7 days, tenascin‐C staining increased in both tissues in the ONA group. Also, in the optic nerves of the S100 group, an intense tenascin‐C staining could be shown. In the retina, an increased tenascin‐C expression was also observed in ONA animals via Western blot. 473HD immunoreactivity was elevated in the ONA group in both tissues and in the S100 optic nerves at 7 days. At 14 days, tenascin‐C and 473HD immunoreactivity was up‐regulated in the ONA retinae, whereas phosphacan expression was up‐regulated in both groups. We conclude that remodelling of tenascin‐C and phosphacan occurred shortly after immunization, already before RGC loss. We assume that both ECM molecules represent early indicators of neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

The development of stratified retinal cell architecture is highly conserved in all vertebrates, implying that a common fundamental molecular mechanism is involved in the generation of the organized retina. However, the detailed molecular mechanisms of retinal development are not fully understood. Here we have identified the Xenopus ortholog of prune and show that it is expressed in both differentiating and differentiated retinal domains during development. Interestingly, these spatial and temporal expression patterns coincide with the expression of prune binding partners, the NM23 family members. Overexpression of prune in retinal precursor cells significantly increases the ratio of Müller glial cells as observed by modulation of NM23 activity (Mochizuki et al., 2009). However, a mutated form of prune that has replacement of four aspartate (D) residues (D'Angelo et al., 2004), essential for phosphodiesterase activity, does not exhibit gliogenic activity. Our observations suggest that Xenopus prune may regulate Müller gliogenesis through phosphodiesterase-mediated regulation of NM23 family members.  相似文献   

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