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The chemical and kinetic mechanisms of purified aspartate-beta-semialdehyde dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli have been determined. The kinetic mechanism of the enzyme, determined from initial velocity, product and dead end inhibition studies, is a random preferred order sequential mechanism. For the reaction examined in the phosphorylating direction L-aspartate-beta-semialdehyde binds preferentially to the E-NADP-Pi complex, and there is random release of the products L-beta-aspartyl phosphate and NADPH. Substrate inhibition is displayed by both Pi and NADP. Inhibition patterns versus the other substrates suggest that Pi inhibits by binding to the phosphate subsite in the NADP binding site, and the substrate inhibition by NADP results from the formation of a dead end E-beta-aspartyl phosphate-NADP complex. The chemical mechanism of the enzyme has been examined by pH profile and chemical modification studies. The proposed mechanism involves the attack of an active site cysteine sulfhydryl on the carbonyl carbon of aspartate-beta-semialdehyde, with general acid assistance by an enzyme lysine amino group. The resulting thiohemiacetal is oxidized by NADP to a thioester, with subsequent attack by the dianion of enzyme bound phosphate. The collapse of the resulting tetrahedral intermediate leads to the acyl-phosphate product and liberation of the active site cysteine.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death in animals is usually associated with apoptotic morphology and requires caspase activation. Necrosis and caspase-independent cell death have been reported, but mostly in experimental conditions that lead some to question their existence it in vivo. Loss of interdigital cells in the mouse embryo, a paradigm of cell death during development [1], is known to include an apoptotic [2] and caspase-dependent [3] [4] mechanism. Here, we report that, when caspase activity was inhibited using drugs or when apoptosis was prevented genetically (using Hammertoe mutant mice, or mice homozygous for a mutation in the gene encoding APAF-1, a caspase-activating adaptor protein), interdigital cell death still occurred. This cell death was negative for the terminal-deoxynucleotidyl-mediated dUTP nick end-labelling (TUNEL) assay and there was no overall cell condensation. At the electron microscopy level, peculiar 'mottled' chromatin alterations and marked mitochondrial and membrane lesions, suggestive of classical necrotic cell death, were observed with no detectable phagocytosis and no local inflammatory response. Thus, in this developmental context, although caspase activity confers cell death with an apoptotic morphotype, in the absence of caspase activity an underlying mechanism independent of known caspases can also confer cell death, but with a necrotic morphotype. This cell death can go undetected when using apoptosis-specific methodology, and cannot be blocked by agents that act on caspases.  相似文献   

Mutations are typically perceived as random, independent events. We describe here nonrandom clustered mutations in yeast and in human cancers. Genome sequencing of yeast grown under chronic alkylation damage identified mutation clusters that extend up to 200 kb. A predominance of "strand-coordinated" changes of either cytosines or guanines in the same strand, mutation patterns, and genetic controls indicated that simultaneous mutations were generated by base alkylation in abnormally long single-strand DNA (ssDNA) formed at double-strand breaks (DSBs) and replication forks. Significantly, we found mutation clusters with analogous features in sequenced human cancers. Strand-coordinated clusters of mutated cytosines or guanines often resided near chromosome rearrangement breakpoints and were highly enriched with a motif targeted by APOBEC family cytosine-deaminases, which strongly prefer ssDNA. These data indicate that hypermutation via multiple simultaneous changes in randomly formed ssDNA is a general phenomenon that may be an important mechanism producing rapid genetic variation.  相似文献   

Methods for the differentiation between equilibrium and nonequilibrium steady-state kinetic mechanisms based on fluctuation and noise analysis are discussed. Specifically, the "sharpening" in the auto noise power spectrum is shown to be a useful indicator in identifying a nonequilibrium steady state.  相似文献   

Equilibrium and kinetic studies of the guanidine hydrochloride induced unfolding-refolding of dimeric cytoplasmic creatine kinase have been monitored by intrinsic fluorescence, far ultraviolet circular dichroism, and 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate binding. The GuHCl induced equilibrium-unfolding curve shows two transitions, indicating the presence of at least one stable equilibrium intermediate in GuHCl solutions of moderate concentrations. This intermediate is an inactive monomer with all of the thiol groups exposed. The thermodynamic parameters obtained by analysis using a three-state model indicate that this intermediate is similar in energy to the fully unfolded state. There is a burst phase in the refolding kinetics due to formation of an intermediate within the dead time of mixing (15 ms) in the stopped-flow apparatus. Further refolding to the native state after the burst phase follows biphasic kinetics. The properties of the burst phase and equilibrium intermediates were studied and compared. The results indicate that these intermediates are similar in some respects, but different in others. Both are characterized by pronounced secondary structure, compact globularity, exposed hydrophobic surface area, and the absence of rigid side-chain packing, resembling the "molten globule" state. However, the burst phase intermediate shows more secondary structure, more exposed hydrophobic surface area, and more flexible side-chain packing than the equilibrium intermediate. Following the burst phase, there is a fast phase corresponding to folding of the monomer to a compact conformation. This is followed by rapid assembly to form the dimer. Neither of the equilibrium unfolding transitions are protein concentration dependent. The refolding kinetics are also not concentration dependent. This suggests that association of the subunits is not rate limiting for refolding, and that under equilibrium conditions, dissociation occurs in the region between the two unfolding transitions. Based upon the above results, schemes of unfolding and refolding of creatine kinase are proposed.  相似文献   

Accurate allele frequencies are important for measuring subclonal heterogeneity and clonal evolution. Deep-targeted sequencing data can contain PCR duplicates, inflating perceived read depth. Here we adapted the Illumina TruSeq Custom Amplicon kit to include single molecule tagging (SMT) and show that SMT-identified duplicates arise from PCR. We demonstrate that retention of PCR duplicate reads can imply clonal evolution when none exists, while their removal effectively controls the false positive rate. Additionally, PCR duplicates alter estimates of subclonal heterogeneity in tumor samples. Our method simplifies PCR duplicate identification and emphasizes their removal in studies of tumor heterogeneity and clonal evolution.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0420-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

B N Leichus  J S Blanchard 《Biochemistry》1992,31(12):3065-3072
Lipoamide dehydrogenase is a flavoprotein which catalyzes the reversible oxidation of dihydrolipoamide, Lip(SH)2, by NAD+. The ping-pong kinetic mechanism involves stable oxidized and two-electron-reduced forms. We have investigated the rate-limiting nature of proton transfer steps in both the forward and reverse reactions catalyzed by the pig heart enzyme by using a combination of alternate substrates and solvent kinetic isotope effect studies. With NAD+ as the variable substrate, and at a fixed, saturating concentration of either Lip(SH)2 or DTT, inverse solvent kinetic isotope effects of 0.68 +/- 0.05 and 0.71 +/- 0.05, respectively, were observed on V/K. Solvent kinetic isotope effects on V of 0.91 +/- 0.07 and 0.69 +/- 0.02 were determined when Lip(SH)2 or DTT, respectively, was used as reductant. When Lip(SH)2 or DTT was used as the variable substrate, at a fixed concentration of NAD+, solvent kinetic isotope effects of 0.74 +/- 0.06 and 0.51 +/- 0.04, respectively, were observed on V/K for these substrates. Plots of the kinetic parameters versus mole fraction D2O (proton inventories) were linear in all cases. Solvent kinetic isotope effect measurements performed in the reverse direction using NADH as the variable substrate showed equivalent, normal solvent kinetic isotope effects on V/KNADH when oxidized lipoamide, lipoic acid, or DTT were present at fixed, saturating concentrations. Solvent kinetic isotope effects on V were equal to 1.5-2.1. When solvent kinetic isotope effect measurements were performed using the disulfide substrates lipoamide, lipoic acid, or DTT as the variable substrates, normal kinetic isotope effects on V/K of 1.3-1.7 were observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase is the calcium pump that extrudes calcium ions from cells using ATP hydrolisis for the maintenance of low Ca2+ concentrations in the cell. Calmodulin stimulates Ca2+-ATPase by binding to the autoinhibitory enzyme domain, which allows the access of cytoplasmic ATP and Ca2+ to the active and transport cites. Our kinetic model predicts damped oscillations in the enzyme activity and interprets the known nonmonotonous kinetic behavior of the enzyme in the presence of calmodulin. For the parameters close to the experimental ones, the kinetic model explains the changes in frequency and damping factor of the oscillatory enzyme activity, as dependent on calmodulin concentration. The calculated pre-steady-state curves fit well the known experimental data. The kinetic analysis allows us to assign Ca2+-ATPase to the hysteretic enzymes exhibiting activity oscillations in open systems.  相似文献   

Mutants of the dimeric Escherichia coli trp aporepressor are constructed by replacement of the two tryptophan residues in each subunit in order to assess the effects on equilibrium and kinetic fluorescence properties of the folding reaction. The three kinetic phases detected by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence in refolding of the wild-type aporepressor are also observed in folding of both Trp 19 to Phe and Trp 99 to Phe single mutants, demonstrating that these phases correspond to global rather than local conformational changes. Comparison of equilibrium fluorescence (Royer, C.A., Mann, C.J., & Matthews, C.R., 1993, Protein Sci. 2, 1844-1852) and circular dichroism transition curves induced by urea shows that replacement of either Trp 19 or Trp 99 results in noncoincident behavior. Unlike the wild-type protein (Gittelman, M.S. & Matthews, C.R., 1990, Biochemistry 29, 7011-7020), tertiary and/or quaternary structures are disrupted at lower denaturant concentration than is secondary structure. The equilibrium results can be interpreted in terms of enhancement in the population of a monomeric folding intermediate in which the lone tryptophan residue is highly exposed to solvent, but in which substantial secondary structure is retained. The location of both mutations at the interface between the two subunits (Zhang, R.G., et al., 1987, Nature 327, 591-597) provides a simple explanation for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The loading of Ku onto a DNA end in a double-strand DNA break is thought to be one of the first steps in the non-homologous DNA end joining (NHEJ) pathway, giving it an essential role in the maintenance of genomic integrity. The binding of Ku to DNA is complicated since DNA can accommodate multiple Ku subunits, which can translocate on the DNA strand. Furthermore, Ku may exhibit cooperativity in the loading process. Therefore, simple one- to-one kinetic models are unable to adequately simulate the process. However, through the use of computer simulation and curve-fitting, we are able to provide a comprehensive mechanistic model and rate constants that closely approximate experimental data for DNA molecules that bind one, two, and three Ku molecules under both kinetic and equilibrium conditions. The model obtains a best fit with Ku having a roughly seven-fold preference to bind to DNA ends rather than internal positions and is consistent with Ku having a strong preference of which face of the protein loads onto the DNA end.  相似文献   

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