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AKAP signalling complexes: focal points in space and time   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Multiprotein signalling networks create focal points of enzyme activity that disseminate the intracellular action of many hormones and neurotransmitters. Accordingly, the spatio-temporal activation of protein kinases and phosphatases is an important factor in controlling where and when phosphorylation events occur. Anchoring proteins provide a molecular framework that orients these enzymes towards selected substrates. A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) are signal-organizing molecules that compartmentalize various enzymes that are regulated by second messengers.  相似文献   

Cellular function involves the concerted action of signal transduction enzymes. Restriction of enzyme location contributes to the fidelity of each cellular response. A kinase-anchoring proteins (AKAPs) target the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and other signalling enzymes to defined subcellular locations. We have developed a new strategy that combines RNA interference of the endogenous protein and replacement with AKAP79/150 forms unable to anchor selected binding partners. Using this approach we show that AKAP79/150 coordinates different enzyme combinations to modulate the activity of two distinct neuronal ion channels: AMPA-type glutamate receptors and M-type potassium channels. Utilization of distinct enzyme combinations in this manner provides a means to expand the repertoire of cellular events that the same AKAP modulates.  相似文献   

Adaptors are proteins of multi-modular structure without enzymatic activity. Their capacity to organise large, temporary protein complexes by linking proteins together in a regulated and selective fashion makes them of outstanding importance in the establishment and maintenance of specificity and efficiency in all known signal transduction pathways. This review focuses on the structural and functional characterisation of adaptors involved in tyrosine kinase (TK) signalling. TK-linked adaptors can be distinguished by their domain composition and binding specificities. However, such structural classifications have proven inadequate as indicators of functional roles. A better way to understand the logic of signalling networks might be to look at functional aspects of adaptor proteins such as signalling specificity, negative versus positive contribution to signal propagation, or their position in the signalling hierarchy. All of these functions are dynamic, suggesting that adaptors have important regulatory roles rather than acting only as stable linkers in signal transduction.  相似文献   

Protein kinases phosphorylating Ser/Thr/Tyr residues in several cellular proteins exert tight control over their biological functions. They constitute the largest protein family in most eukaryotic species. Protein kinases classified based on sequence similarity in their catalytic domains, cluster into subfamilies, which share gross functional properties. Many protein kinases are associated or tethered covalently to domains that serve as adapter or regulatory modules, aiding substrate recruitment, specificity, and also serve as scaffolds. Hence the modular organisation of the protein kinases serves as guidelines to their functional and molecular properties. Analysis of genomic repertoires of protein kinases in eukaryotes have revealed wide spectrum of domain organisation across various subfamilies of kinases. Occurrence of organism-specific novel domain combinations suggests functional diversity achieved by protein kinases in order to regulate variety of biological processes. In addition, domain architecture of protein kinases revealed existence of hybrid protein kinase subfamilies and their emerging roles in the signaling of eukaryotic organisms. In this review we discuss the repertoire of non-kinase domains tethered to multi-domain kinases in the metazoans. Similarities and differences in the domain architectures of protein kinases in these organisms indicate conserved and unique features that are critical to functional specialization.  相似文献   

The majority of intracellular signalling cascades in higher eukaryotes are initiated by GPCRs (G-protein-coupled receptors). Hundreds of GPCRs signal through a handful of trimeric G-proteins, raising the issue of signal specificity. In the present paper, we illustrate a simple kinetic model of G-protein signalling. This model shows that stable production of significant amounts of free Galpha(GTP) (GTP-bound Galpha subunit) and betagamma is only one of multiple modes of behaviour of the G-protein system upon activation. Other modes, previously uncharacterized, are sustained production of betagamma without significant levels of Galpha(GTP) and transient production of Galpha(GTP) with sustained betagamma. The system can flip between different modes upon changes in conditions. This model demonstrates further that the negative feedback of receptor uncoupling or internalization, when combined with a positive feedback within the G-protein cycle, under a broad range of conditions results not in termination of the response but in relaxed oscillations in GPCR signalling. This variety of G-protein responses may serve to encode signal specificity in GPCR signal transduction.  相似文献   

A-kinase (or PKA)-anchoring protein AKAP95 is a zinc-finger protein implicated in mitotic chromosome condensation by acting as a targeting molecule for the condensin complex. We have identified determinants of chromatin-binding, condensin-targeting and chromosome-condensation activities of AKAP95. Binding of AKAP95 to chromatin is conferred by residues 387–450 and requires zinc finger ZF1. Residues 525–569 are essential for condensation of AKAP95-free chromatin and condensin recruitment to chromosomes. Mutation of either zinc finger of AKAP95 abolishes condensation. However, ZF1 is dispensable for condensin targeting, whereas the C-terminal ZF2 is required. AKAP95 interacts with Xenopus XCAP-H condensin subunit in vitro and in vivo but not with the human hCAP-D2 subunit. The data illustrate the involvement of overlapping, but distinct, domains of AKAP95 for condensin recruitment and chromosome condensation and argue for a key role of ZF1 in chromosome condensation and ZF2 in condensin targeting. Moreover, condensin recruitment to chromatin is not sufficient to promote condensation.  相似文献   

Chaperone signalling complexes in Alzheimer's disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Molecular chaperones and heat shock proteins (Hsp) have emerged as critical regulators of proteins associated with neurodegenerative disease pathologies. The very nature of the chaperone system, which is to maintain protein quality control, means that most nascent proteins come in contact with chaperone proteins. Thus, amyloid precursor protein (APP), members of the gamma-secretase complex (presenilin 1 [PS1] collectively), the microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) as well as a number of neuroinflammatory components are all in contact with chaperones from the moment of their production. Chaperones are often grouped together as one machine presenting abnormal or mutant proteins to the proteasome for degradation, but this is not at all the case. In fact, the chaperone family consists of more than 100 proteins in mammalian cells, and the primary role for most of these proteins is to protect clients following synthesis and during stress; only as a last resort do they facilitate protein degradation. To the best of our current knowledge, the chaperone system in eukaryotic cells revolves around the ATPase activities of Hsp70 and Hsp90, the two primary chaperone scaffolds. Other chaperones and co-chaperones manipulate the ATPase activities of Hsp70 and Hsp90, facilitating either folding of the client or its degradation. In the case of Alzheimer's disease (AD), a number of studies have recently emerged describing the impact that these chaperones have on the proteotoxic effects of tau and amyloid-β accumulation. Here, we present the current understandings of chaperone biology and examine the literature investigating these proteins in the context of AD.  相似文献   

All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) affects cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis through its receptors, RARs and RXRs. Besides these, other receptors such as orphan receptor TR3, are also involved in the regulatory process of ATRA. However, how different receptors function in response to ATRA is still largely unknown. In the present study, we found that formation of TR3/RXRalpha heterodimers in the nucleus and their subsequent translocation into the cytoplasm, in association with regulation of apoptosis-related proteins Bcl-2, Bcl-xl and Bax, was critical for apoptosis induction by ATRA in breast cancer cells MCF-7. When such translocation was blocked by Leptomycin B (LMB), ATRA-induced apoptosis was consequently abolished. However, in ATRA-induced gastric cancer cells MGC80-3, RXRalpha heterodimerised with RARalpha but not with TR3, and remained in the nucleus exerting its effect on cell cycle regulation. When transfected with antisense-RARalpha, MGC80-3 cells changed from ATRA-sensitive to ATRA-resistant and most cells were arrested in the S phase, implying the importance of RARalpha in cell cycle regulation. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the effects of ATRA depend on the relative levels of TR3, RARalpha and RXRalpha expression in cancer cells. In ATRA-induced MCF-7 cells, highly expressed TR3 favours the formation of TR3/RXRalpha and promotes the TR3/RXRalpha signalling pathway causing apoptosis; while in ATRA-induced MGC80-3 cells, high expression of RARalpha favours the formation of RARalpha/RXRalpha and promotes the RXRalpha/RARalpha signalling pathway in mediating cell cycle regulation. In conclusion, these results reveal the novel mechanism that cellular expression and location of protein is associated with diverse signalling transduction pathways and the resultant physiological process.  相似文献   



Microbes must sense environmental stresses, transduce these signals and mount protective responses to survive in hostile environments. In this study we have tested the hypothesis that fungal stress signalling pathways have evolved rapidly in a niche-specific fashion that is independent of phylogeny. To test this hypothesis we have compared the conservation of stress signalling molecules in diverse fungal species with their stress resistance. These fungi, which include ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and microsporidia, occupy highly divergent niches from saline environments to plant or mammalian hosts.  相似文献   

Notch signalling acts in virtually every tissue during the lifetime of metazoans. Recent studies have pointed to multiple roles for Notch in stem cells during quiescence, proliferation, temporal specification, and maintenance of the niche architecture. Skeletal muscle has served as an excellent paradigm to examine these diverse roles as embryonic, foetal, and adult skeletal muscle stem cells have different molecular signatures and functional properties, reflecting their developmental specification during ontology. Notably, Notch signalling has emerged as a major regulator of all muscle stem cells. This review will provide an overview of Notch signalling during myogenic development and postnatally, and underscore the seemingly opposing contextual activities of Notch that have lead to a reassessment of its role in myogenesis.  相似文献   

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE, kininase II) is a plasma membrane zinc metallopeptidase that acts as a key enzyme for the extracellular conversion of vasoactive peptides. Recently, ACE outside-in signalling in endothelial cells has been described. The present study tested the hypothesis that ACE signalling is not restricted to endothelial cells and may act as an additional peptide receptor on human preadipocytes and adipocytes. ACE protein levels were not changed during adipose conversion of human primary preadipocytes. The enzyme was primarily localized to the non-detergent-resistant fraction of the membrane and phosphorylated in non-dividing cells. Antibody arrays of whole cell lysate detected putative ACE-interacting proteins, which all share important roles in cell cycle control and/or apoptosis. These findings suggest that ACE is a versatile molecule, involved both in the regulation of extracellular peptide concentrations and direct intracellular signalling. In human adipose cells ACE may potentially influence exit from the cell cycle, differentiation, and programmed cell death signalling.  相似文献   



Intra-cellular information exchange, propelled by cascades of interacting signalling proteins, is essential for the proper functioning and survival of cells. Now that the interactome of several organisms is being mapped and several structural mechanisms of cooperativity at the molecular level in proteins have been elucidated, the formalization of this fundamental quantity, i.e. information, in these very diverse biological contexts becomes feasible.  相似文献   

Single disseminated tumor cells (DTC) can be detected in the bone marrow (BM) from 20% to 60% of patients with various tumors including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Detection of DTC in the BM of NSCLC patients is associated with poor prognosis and may be responsible for metastatic relapse. However, the functional properties of DTC are widely unknown. Here, we performed the first functional analysis of DTC focusing on the activation of the PI3K/Akt signalling pathway and the functional roles of Akt isoforms. In vitro kinase assays revealed a high activity of Akt3 in NSCLC-derived DTC. Proliferation and survival of DTC was reduced by depletion of Akt3 and to a lesser extend by Akt1, but not after depletion of Akt2. The major effect of Akt3 on the proliferation of DTC was associated with an Akt3-mediated regulation of both, cyclin D1 and cyclin D3, whereas Akt1 regulated the expression of cyclin D1 only. In contrast all three Akt isoforms, especially Akt2, were involved in the regulation of migration. Analysis of signalling events downstream of distinct Akt isoforms revealed that expression levels of urokinase-type plasminogen activator and its receptor were decreased after knockdown of Akt1 and Akt3. In addition, EGF-stimulated proliferative and anti-apoptotic signals are mediated by Akt1 and Akt3 in DTC. Finally, by immunofluorescence staining of primary DTC from BM samples of lung cancer patients, pAkt(S473) and Akt3 positive DTC were detected in vivo. Our data demonstrate that Akt1 and notably Akt3 regulate proliferation, survival, migration and EGF-mediated signal transduction in NSCLC-derived DTC.  相似文献   

黄林娟  于燕妹  安小菲  余林兰  薛跃规 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10264-10275
以天坑内部-边缘-外部森林植物群落为研究对象,通过调查植物的群落结构、叶功能性状,探究天坑内外森林植物群落叶功能性状、物种多样性和功能多样性变化特征及其内在关联,为深入了解负地形森林生态系统的功能和恢复退化喀斯特地区的植被提供一定参考。研究结果如下:(1)比叶面积(SLA: 198.75 cm2/g))、叶面积(LA: 42.70 cm2)、叶磷含量(LPC: 1.70 g/kg)和叶钾含量(LKC: 10.27 g/kg)在天坑内部最高,叶组织密度(LTD: 0.32 g/cm3)和叶干物质含量(LDMC: 0.41 g/g)在天坑外部最高,天坑内外森林均易受到磷限制,表明随天坑内部-边缘-外部生境变化,植物对环境的适应机制和生存策略发生了部分调整,物种的防御策略增强,生长投入策略减弱。(2)Shannon-Wiener指数(2.82)、Simpson指数(0.92)和Pielou’s均匀度指数(0.87)均以天坑外部最高,功能丰富度(1.05)、功能离散度(1.88)和Rao’s二次熵(4.52)以天坑内部最高,表明随天坑内部-边缘-外部生境的变化,植物功能性状的差异减少,物种分布及其功能性状分布总体上更为均匀、物种数量增多。(3)物种多样性指数之间、功能多样性指数之间存在较强的相关性,表明物种多样性指数之间、功能多样性指数之间存在不同的制约关系。(4)叶功能性状与物种多样性、功能多样性的相关性强,物种多样性和功能多样性之间相关性较弱,表明叶性状对生态学过程的变化较为敏感,叶功能性状与物种多样性之间存在较强的耦合关系。  相似文献   

Multiplicity generates diversity in the retinoic acid signalling pathways.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Complexity in the retinoid signalling system arises from a combination of several forms of retinoic acid, multiple cytoplasmic binding proteins and nuclear receptors, and the existence of polymorphic retinoic acid response elements. Additional diversity appears to be generated by heterodimeric interactions between two families of nuclear retinoic acid receptors, and between nuclear retinoic acid receptors and other members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Thus, a complex array of combinatorial effects is beginning to emerge which may account for the pleiotropic effects of retinoids.  相似文献   

1. 2-(N'-Acetyl-L-phenylalanyl)hydroxyethyl 2'-pyridyl disulphide (compound V) was synthesized, and a study of the pH-dependence of the second-order rate constant (k) for its reaction with the catalytic-site thiol group of papain (EC was used to evaluate the consequences for transition-state geometry of the presence of a hydrophobic occupant for the S2 subsite of the enzyme in the absence of the N-H component of the P1-P2 amide bond. 2. Comparison of the pH-dependences of K for reactions of compound (V), 2-(acetamido)ethyl 2'-pyridyl disulphide (compound I) and 2-(acetoxy)ethyl 2'-pyridyl disulphide (compound III) with the cysteine-proteinase minimal catalytic-site model, benzimidazol-2-ylmethanethiol, established the activation of all of these pyridyl disulphides by hydronation and that their reactivities are relatively insensitive to structural change in the non-pyridyl part of the molecule. The marked differences in their reactivities towards papain therefore derive from binding, either directly, or indirectly via signalling mechanisms. 3. Comparison of the kinetic data for the reaction of papain with compound (V) with those for analogous reactions with reactivity probes that provide opportunities for a variety of binding interactions in the S1-S2 intersubsite region and in the S2 subsite itself lead to the following conclusions: (a) the (Gly-66) N-H...O = C less than (P1-P2 ester) interaction of papain with compound (III) provides for better binding relative to that for a probe with a simple hydrocarbon side chain, but no signalling to the catalytic site to provide a (His-159)-ImH+-assisted transition state; (b) when this interaction is augmented either by a (P1-P2 amide) N-H...O = C less than (Asp-158) interaction (compound I) or hydrophobic P2/S2 contacts (compound V), signalling to the catalytic region occurs to provide the assisted transition state; (c) when both the P2/S2 contacts and the interaction involving Gly-66 exist, provision additionally of the (P1-P2 amide) N-H...O = C less than (Asp-158) interaction [as in 2-(N'-acetyl-L-phenylalanylamino)ethyl 2'-pyridyl disulphide] serves only to assist the binding without an additional signalling effect. 4. Such studies promise to allow binding interactions that merely locate substrates in appropriate enzyme loci to be distinguished from those that transmit signals with a chemical consequence to catalytic sites.  相似文献   

Bacterial chemotaxis is mediated by signalling complexes of chemoreceptors, histidine kinase CheA and coupling protein CheW. Interactions in complexes profoundly affect the kinase. We investigated effects of these interactions on chemoreceptors by comparing receptors alone and in complexes. Assays of initial rates of methylation indicated that signalling complexes shifted receptor conformation towards the methylation-on, higher-ligand-affinity, kinase-off state, tuning receptors for greater sensitivity. In contrast, transmembrane and conformational signalling within chemoreceptors was essentially unaltered, consistent with other evidence identifying receptor dimers as the fundamental units of such signalling. In signalling complexes, coupling of ligand binding to kinase activity is cooperative and the dynamic range of kinase control expanded > 100-fold by receptor adaptational modification. We observed no cooperativity in influence of ligand on receptor conformation, only on kinase activity. However, receptor modification generated increased dynamic range in a stepwise fashion, partly in coupling ligand to receptor conformation and partly in coupling receptor conformation to kinase activity. Thus, receptors and kinase were not equivalently affected by interactions in signalling complexes or by ligand binding and adaptational modification, indicating asymmetrical coupling between them. This has implications for mechanisms of precise adaptation. Coupling might vary, providing a previously unappreciated locus for sensory control.  相似文献   

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