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This study identifies patterns of elephant Loxodonta africana africana impacts upon tree species and woody plant communities in Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, a South African savannahs/woodlands area. Elephants were reintroduced there from 1981, following more than 80 years of absence. Data were collected in 2003 on elephant impact on woodland in the Park. Different vegetation types were susceptible to different types and levels of damage by elephants, suggesting that elephants will not homogenize the vegetation. Elephants targeted larger stems for all types of damage, with a strong preference for some of the less abundant species such as Albizia versicolor (breaking and toppling) and Cordia caffra and Schotia brachypetala (debarking). Elephant impacts tended to be distributed evenly across the park landscape, irrespective of stem density or proximity to permanent water. Overall, elephants have little impact on slowing or reversing the spread of undesirable woody species, but are having a marked impact on certain less common tree species and larger tree size-classes in the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park.  相似文献   

The Blue Swallow is confined to the grassland component of the mistbelt region of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, a habitat well suited to intensive agriculture and especially afforestation, due to the high rainfall and deep well-drained soils. The species is listed as amongst the top five Critically Endangered bird species in South Africa and the numbers are dramatically declining. Any further fragmentation of its habitat may well lead to the local extinction of the Blue Swallow. It is in response to these sentiments that this paper investigates the potential influence of land use change, identifies what those changes have been over a 20-year epoch and what the impact on the persistence of Blue Swallow nesting sites has been. To achieve this, the extent and nature of land transformation, adjacent to past and current Blue Swallow nesting sites on five separate study sites in KwaZulu-Natal was investigated, using a Geographical Information System (GIS) as a means of recording the levels of transformation and the change in land use over time. While sample sizes were limited, as a result of dealing with a Critically Endangered species, the data suggest that nest density was positively related to changes in grassland and arable land uses and negatively related to an increase in plantation forestry. A decrease of 55% in active Blue Swallow nest sites coincided with a measured decline in grassland of 46% for the period 1981–2000. It is clear that the current rate of loss of Blue Swallow breeding pairs is critical and without the conservation of primary grassland habitat, the Blue Swallow is heading towards extinction in KwaZulu-Natal. It is recommended that artificial nest site provision and the conservation and sustainable management of the mistbelt grassland biome, both as a vegetation unit worthy of conserving in its own right and in collaboration with surrounding dependant communities, is necessary for the recovery of this charismatic, indicator species.  相似文献   

Maroyi A  MT Rasethe 《Phyton》2015,84(2):288-297
Documentation of use patterns of plants across national boundaries is of relevance in understanding the importance of plant resources to livelihood strategies of different ethnic groups. Plant resources have gained prominence as a natural asset through which families derive food, firewood, income, medicines and timber, enabling particularly poor communities to achieve self-sufficiency. The objective of this study was to investigate the trends in plant usage in South Africa and Zimbabwe. An ethnobotanical investigation was conducted between January 2012 and January 2013 in the Limpopo Province, South Africa and the Midlands Province, Zimbabwe. The study used questionnaire surveys and interviews with a total of 143 participants to explore plant use patterns in South Africa and Zimbabwe. A total of 98 plant species were identified, with Zimbabwe contributing 70 species and 47 species from South Africa. The uses were classified into 15 categories, major use categories were firewood, food plants, medicine and timber. Food plant was a major plant use category in Zimbabwe, contributing 55.1%, followed by medicinal plants (36.8%), firewood (35.7%) and timber (31.6%). In contrast, firewood was the major plant use category in South Africa, contributing 18.4%, followed by food plants (17.3%), medicinal (14.3%) and timber (1.0%). Comparison of the two countries demonstrated remarkable differences in plant use patterns. The results showed that rural households in Zimbabwe were more reliant on plant resources than their counterparts in South Africa. Such a trend could be attributed to a close relationship between the local people, and their natural and agricultural environment leading to a rich knowledge base on plants, plant use and related practices. This comparative analysis strengthens the firm belief that utilization of plant resources represents an important shared heritage, preserved over the centuries, which must be exploited in order to provide further new and useful body of ethnobotanical knowledge.  相似文献   

As most Malawians with epilepsy consider treatment of seizures to be the domain of traditional healers and attend hospital only when they require treatment for burns which they suffer during fits, steps were taken to encourage people with epilepsy to attend hospital for regular treatment with anticonvulsant drugs. At first only a few patients attended, but within two years 461 had registered at the hospital and two mobile clinics. Publicity was spread through the area action committee, which was organised by the area chief. The main drug used was phenobarbitone. After treatment was given for six months seizures were fully controlled in 40 (56%) out of 71 patients. A further 20 (28%) had greatly improved. As news of the clinics spread other health units adopted the model, and eventually over 3000 patients with epilepsy were receiving regular treatment at 45 units throughout Malawi.  相似文献   

Seasonal abundance as total biomass and specific densities ofthe main herbivorous zooplankton (>60 µm) in hypertrophicHartbeespoort Dam from 1981 to 1983 are described. After springzooplankton biomass maxima each year there followed a mid-summerdecline in the Daphnia population and a shift to a smaller bodiedcladoceran community dominated by Ceriodaphnia concomitant witha change from largely edible phytoplankton species to abundantcolonial Microcystis. In situ community grazing rates were measuredthroughout 1983 using a 14C-labelled unicellular alga. Integratedcommunity grazing rates measured in the aerobic water columnwere highest in December (260.2%/day) when Daphnia was abundantand the edible component of the phytoplankton was diminishing.Lowest integrated community grazing rates occurred in January–February(19.8–35.3%/day) and July (28.3%/day) when the phytoplanktonwas composed almost entirely of Microcysris, and Ceriodaphniadominated the zooplankton community whilst food availabilitywas low. Feeding in Ceriodaphnia was not hindered by abundantlarge Microcysris colonies; total biomass specific grazing ratewas high when Ceriodaphnia dominated and low when Daphnia dominatedthe zoo-plankton community. Results indicate that in hypertrophicconditions it is unlikely that large filter-feeders such asDaphnia are able to retard or limit the development of Cyanophyceaeblooms by high grazing pressure.  相似文献   

Dynamics in reef cover, mortality and recruitment success of a high-latitude coral community in South Africa were studied over 20 yr with the aim to detect the effects of climate change. Coral communities at this locality are the southernmost on the African continent, non-accretive, attain high biodiversity and are dominated by soft corals. Long-term monitoring within fixed transects on representative reef was initiated in 1993 and has entailed annual photo-quadrat surveys and hourly temperature logging. Although sea temperatures rose by 0.15 °C p.a. at the site up to 2000, they have subsequently been decreasing, and the overall trend based on monthly means has been a significant decrease of 0.03 °C p.a. Despite this, minor bleaching was encountered in the region during the 1998 El Niño–Southern Oscillation event, again in the summer of 2000/2001 and in 2005. A significant decreasing trend of 0.95% p.a. in soft coral cover has been evident throughout the monitoring period, attributable to significant decreases in Sinularia and Lobophytum spp. cover. In contrast, hard coral cover gradually and significantly increased up to 2005, this being largely attributable to increases in cover by Acropora spp. Recruitment success and mortality of both soft and hard corals has displayed high inter-annual variability with increasing but non-significant trends in the last 5 yr. The reduction in soft coral cover has been more consistent and greater than that of hard corals, but it is difficult at this stage to attribute this to changes in water quality, acidification-linked accretion or temperature.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model is set up to determine the size of the wildlife population compatible with the extraction of the maximum output by rural people from natural resources. It is found that when the size of human population increases, to obtain the maximum output of food, the size of wildlife population decreases if the human population is growing faster than or at the same rate as that of the wildlife population; whereas the size of the wildlife population increases if the human population is growing slower than that of the wildlife. Furthermore, in the event that the increase in the size of the wildlife population is unable to reach the level compatible with the extraction of the maximum output of food, the improvement of the wildlife habitat and supplementing rural people's income with the proceeds of tourism are proposed as policies to maintain a balance between the preservation of the wildlife habitat and the use of natural resources by rural people.  相似文献   

The lower Mkuze River floodplain is located east of the Lebombo Mountains on the Maputaland Coastal Plain in northern KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. The vegetation ecology of the floodplain was examined using the hierarchical framework described by landscape ecology theory. The smallest spatial scale to which the vegetation of the floodplain was described was the relatively homogeneous units of plant communities. From a landscape ecology perspective this level of analysis is referred to as the grain. Six plant communities were identified using two‐way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) classification. The distribution of these plant communities were correlated to an underlying inundation‐sedimentation gradient using the ordination technique, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). This correlation provided a useful foundation for the examination of ecological processes and phenomena at the next higher, spatially coarser level within the landscape hierarchy, namely the reference level. This reference level was described by three functional types delimited by differing flooding and sedimentation regimes. The use of landscape ecology theory guided the interpretation of results by explicitly recognizing the importance of spatial heterogeneity, hierarchical organization and dynamics, and proved invaluable in developing process‐based understanding of the vegetation ecology of the lower Mkuze River floodplain.  相似文献   

‘The Global South’ has become a shorthand for the world of non-European, postcolonial peoples. Synonymous with uncertain development, unorthodox economies, failed states, and nations fraught with corruption, poverty, and strife, it is that half of the world about which the ‘Global North’ spins theories. Rarely is it seen as a source of theory and explanation for world historical events. Yet, as many nation-states of the Northern Hemisphere experience increasing fiscal meltdown, state privatization, corruption, and ethnic conflict, it seems as though they are evolving southward, so to speak, in both positive and problematic ways. Is this so? In what measure? What might this mean for the very dualism on which such global oppositions rest? Drawing on recent research, primarily in Africa, this paper touches on a range of familiar themes—law, labor, and the contours of contemporary capitalism—in order to ask how we might understand these things with theory developed from an ‘ex-centric’ vantage. This view renders some key problems of our time at once strange and familiar, giving an ironic twist to the evolutionary pathways long assumed by social scientists.  相似文献   

The understanding of the determinants of small mammal community structure in arid and semiarid ecosystems is of importance, both in the light of the role that small mammals play, and the impact of livestock grazing on the flora of these systems. In a study aimed at identifying these determinants, small mammal assemblages and environmental features were quantified at six localities (a gradient of floristic structure, with constant annual rainfall) across the southern Karoo, South Africa. Stepwise variable regression indicated that small mammal diversity was correlated with plant and rock cover, as well as plant cover and horizontal foliage diversity at intermediate heights (40–60 cm). Initially, small mammal diversity increased with increasing plant cover, but decreased at cover levels greater than 30%. This relationship is similar to that found in other desert systems, although the peak in diversity found here is at higher levels of plant cover than found previously. I suggest that this higher peak may be owing to the lack of reliance on granivory by these animals, which are relatively omnivorous. This model may therefore explain the conflicting reports on the impact of livestock grazing on desert small mammals, with small mammal diversity decreasing with grazing below the peak, and increasing with grazing above the peak.  相似文献   

In the rural Eastern Cape, South Africa, contests over the meaning and merit of human rights feature prominently in intergenerational and intergendered conflicts. In this article I identify and analyse a tension between amalungelo (a socially embedded and relational form of rights) and irhayti (a Xhosaization of the English ‘[human] right’) as a means of exploring the interpersonal tensions that arise through the production and contestation of the subject positions that human rights set in motion. Using the examples of elders’ complaints of neglect, and of young men's accusations of human rights violations on the part of women, I ground this investigation in men's and elders’ explanations of how human rights enable morally reprehensible actions, and are implicated in what they perceive to be a climate of interpersonal neglect. In analysing these claims, I show that gendered and generational conflict in this region is grounded in uncertainty about the content of gendered and generational subject positions themselves, and speaks to the relative moral value of autonomous versus relational forms of personhood. Moreover, I show that where inequality and interdependence are intrinsic to the ways in which gendered and generational subject positions are constituted and understood, human rights serve both to destabilize the content of these subject positions in ways that render appropriate gendered and generational sociality unclear, and also to bring into question the relative moral value of autonomous versus more relational forms of personhood.  相似文献   

A total of 4,287 primary school children, comprising 1,740 males and 2,547 females in Arochukwu local government area of Abia state Nigeria were examined for clinical signs of dermatophytoses. About 873 (20.4%), consisting of 505 males and 368 females had lesions consistent with dermatophytoses. The disease was more prevalent in males (29%) than females (14.4%) in a ratio of approximately 2:1 (P < 0.05). The infection rate increased from 16.8% in the 4–6 year age group to a peak of 28.1% in the 10–12 year age bracket and dropped sharply to 5.6% in the 16–18 year group. The highest prevalence (39%) was observed among males aged 10–12 years while females 16–18 years had the lowest prevalence (2.5%). Tinea capitis was the predominant clinical type of dermatophytoses, and occurred in 13.7% of the total population studied and 67% of lesion positive cases. Trichophyton soudanense and Trichophyton tonsurans the predominant aetiological agents of dermatophytoses with a prevalence of 26.2% and 21.6%, respectively. Others include Trichophyton mentagrophytes (18.8%), Epidermophyton floccosum (8.3%), Microsporum audouinii (6.4%), Microsporum gypseum (6.0%), Trichophyton rubrum (5.5%) and Microsporum ferrugineum (7.3%), which was isolated for the first time in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Seasonal climate outlooks provide one tool to help decision-makers allocate resources in anticipation of poor, fair or good seasons. The aim of the 'Climate Outlooks and Agent-Based Simulation of Adaptation in South Africa' project has been to investigate whether individuals, who adapt gradually to annual climate variability, are better equipped to respond to longer-term climate variability and change in a sustainable manner. Seasonal climate outlooks provide information on expected annual rainfall and thus can be used to adjust seasonal agricultural strategies to respond to expected climate conditions. A case study of smallholder farmers in a village in Vhembe district, Limpopo Province, South Africa has been used to examine how such climate outlooks might influence agricultural strategies and how this climate information can be improved to be more useful to farmers. Empirical field data has been collected using surveys, participatory approaches and computer-based knowledge elicitation tools to investigate the drivers of decision-making with a focus on the role of climate, market and livelihood needs. This data is used in an agent-based social simulation which incorporates household agents with varying adaptation options which result in differing impacts on crop yields and thus food security, as a result of using or ignoring the seasonal outlook. Key variables are the skill of the forecast, the social communication of the forecast and the range of available household and community-based risk coping strategies. This research provides a novel approach for exploring adaptation within the context of climate change.  相似文献   

We aimed to explore the farm scale effects of three landuse types, communal grazing, wildlife management and commercial cattle farming, on the woody vegetation of a semiarid savanna. Location The study farms were located within a single bioclimatic zone in semiarid savanna, South Africa. Methods The species composition and structure of woody vegetation on three farms of each of three landuse types were sampled. Results We found that communal grazing land sites were classified outside the topland-bottomland vegetation dichotomy characteristic of this region. Comparisons of size class distributions showed the communal grazing lands had fewer small and large individuals; suggesting both lower levels of regeneration and regenerative capacity in the communal grazing lands. The species richness and biomass of woody plants was lower on communal grazing lands than on private game reserves and commercial cattle farms. The longevity of tree species explains the observed lag between changes in abundance and species loss; we consequently predict that there will be future losses of species in the communal grazing lands. By classifying species into a range of use-categories we showed that utilization and species loss was not limited to certain plant use categories. Higher levels of wood harvesting measured in the communal grazing lands are likely to be responsible for the observed differences. Main conclusions It is concluded that communal grazing management at this study site has substantially changed the composition and structure of woody plant communities, and that these changes have reduced the current availability of natural resources and will reduce resource production in the future.  相似文献   

Landscape heterogeneity may influence ranging behaviour of mammals. Here we relate the home range size of elephants living in the Kruger National Park to the number of patches, proportion of each patch, spatial arrangement of patches, patch shape, and contrast between neighbouring patches. Home range sizes decreased exponentially with an increase in the number of patches per 100 km2 and the home range sizes of bulls were in general more strongly related to measures of heterogeneity. This may reflect differences in perception of heterogeneity between the sexes.  相似文献   

Synopsis Seasonality was investigated in an intertidal ichthyofaunal community on the west coast of South Africa. Fishes were collected monthly from 12 to 16 intertidal pools between May 1992 and May 1993, using the ichthyocide rotenone. On each occasion sampling effort was divided equally between four biologically determined shore zones, namely the cochlear, lower and upper balanoid and littorina zones. A total of 5 409 fishes belonging to 20 species and five families was collected. All fishes were intertidal residents. No seasonal trend could be found in the total density of fishes during the year, the densities of individual species, species diversity or evenness. Thus species composition remained stable over the year. The proportion of mature individuals of each species decreased in summer as a result of recruitment of juveniles at this time. This almost complete lack of seasonality was attributed to the absence of transient species from this community.  相似文献   

The farmers of South Africa hare provided the first steps in the domestication of a medicinal herb endemic to the Cape Province.  相似文献   

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