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A novel, pink-pigmented aerobic, facultatively methylotrophic bacterial strain (F3.2T) isolated from the phyllosphere of Funaria hygrometrica, was analyzed using a polyphasic approach. Cells were Gram-negative, motile rods, strictly aerobic and non-spore-forming and exhibited surface structures varying in quantity, distribution and morphology. The isolate grew at 10–33 °C over a pH range of 5.5–8.0 and in the presence of less than 1.0% NaCl. Strain F3.2T shared less than 70% DNA–DNA binding to the next type strain of the genus Methylobacterium (M. adhaesivum DSM 17169T). In addition to the major cellular fatty acid C18:1ω7c (81.7%), present in all Methylobacterium species (and also members of the genus Alphaproteobacteria), a high value (11.7%) of the fatty acids (summed feature) C16:1ω7c and/or iso-C15:02OH was determined. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rDNA and methanol dehydrogenase gene sequences, DNA–DNA hybridization values, chemotaxonomic and phenotypic characteristics indicate that the strain F3.2T represents a novel species within the genus Methylobacterium. We propose the name Methylobacterium bullatum sp. nov. for this species. The type strain is the strain F3.2T (DSM 21893T = LMG 24788T).  相似文献   

A new genus, Hansschlegelia, and a new species, Hansschlegelia plantiphila, are proposed for three strains of methanol-utilizing bacteria isolated from lilac buds (strain S(1)(T)), linden buds (strain S(2)) and blue spruce needles (strain S(4)), which were selected in winter at -17 degrees C. These bacteria are aerobic, Gram-negative, colorless, non-motile short rods that multiply by binary fission and employ the ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) and the serine pathways for C(1) assimilation. The strains have a limited number of growth substrates and use methanol, methylamine, formate, CO(2)/H(2) and glycerol as carbon and energy sources. Only strain S(1)(T) grows with ethanol and inulin. The strains are neutrophilic and mesophilic, and synthesize phytohormones (auxins and cytokinins) and vitamin B(12). Their major cellular fatty acids are saturated C(16:0), straight-chain, unsaturated C(18:1)(omega)(7) and cyclopropane C(19 cyc) acids. The main ubiquinone is ubiquinone-10 (Q-10). The dominant phospholipids are phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and diphosphatidylglycerol (cardiolipin). The DNA G+C content is 68.5+/-0.2 mol%. The strains share almost identical 16S rRNA gene sequences, a high DNA-DNA hybridization value (72-86%) and represent a novel lineage of autotrophic methanol-utilizing bacteria within the Alphaproteobacteria. Collectively, these strains comprise a new genus and species H. plantiphila gen. nov., sp. nov., with strain S(1)(T) (VKM B-2347(T), NCIMB 14035(T)) as the type strain.  相似文献   

A group of isolates of the genus Luteimonas was characterised, which represented a specific component of the healthy core microbiome of Fraxinus excelsior in forest districts with a high infection rate of H. fraxineus, the causal agent of ash dieback. Based on phylogenomic and phenotypic analyses, a clear differentiation from related Luteimonas species was shown. Comparisons of the overall genome relatedness indices with the closest phylogenetic neighbours resulted in values below the recommended species cut-off levels. In addition, differences in several physiological and chemotaxonomic traits allowed a clear demarcation from the type strains of closely related species. Conclusively, the strain group was considered to represent a novel species in the genus Luteimonas, for which the name Luteimonas fraxinea sp. nov. is proposed, with strain D4P002T (=DSM 113273T = LMG 32455T) as the type strain. A functional analysis of the genome revealed features particularly associated with attachment, biofilm production and motility, indicating the ability of D4P002T to effectively colonise ash leaves. In nursery trials, ash seedlings inoculated with this strain showed suppression of the pathogen over a period of three years. This effect was accompanied by a significant shift in the bacterial microbiome of the plants. Altogether, the exclusive occurrence in the microbiome of tolerant ash trees, the genetic background and the results of the inoculation experiment suggest that strain D4P002T may suppress the penetration and spreading of H. fraxineus in or on ash leaves via colonisation resistance or trigger a priming effect of plant defences against the pathogen.  相似文献   

A polyphasic taxonomic study was undertaken to establish the taxonomic position of six representative strains isolated from activated sewage sludge foam. The organisms were found to have chemical and morphological properties consistent with their assignment to the genus Tsukamurella. DNA:DNA relatedness studies showed that five out of the six isolates formed a distinct genomic species, the remaining strain was most closely associated with this taxon. The five isolates had a unique phenotypic profile that served to distinguish them from representatives of the validly described species of Tsukamurella. The combination of the genotypic and phenotypic data indicated that the five strains should be classified as a new species in the genus Tsukamurella. The name proposed for this taxon is Tsukamurella spumae, the type strain is N1171T (= DSM 44.113T = NCIMB 13947T). It was also shown that some of the reference strains were misclassified as Tsukamurella paurometabola.  相似文献   

The genus Methylomonas accommodates strictly aerobic, obligate methanotrophs, with their sole carbon and energy sources restricted to methane and methanol. These bacteria inhabit oxic-anoxic interfaces of various freshwater habitats and have attracted considerable attention as potential producers of a single-cell protein. Here, we characterize two fast-growing representatives of this genus, strains 12 and MP1T, which are phylogenetically distinct from the currently described Methylomonas species (94.0–97.3 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity). Strains 12 and MP1T were isolated from freshwater sediments collected in Moscow and Krasnodar regions, respectively. Cells of these strains are Gram-negative, red-pigmented, highly motile thick rods that contain a type I intracytoplasmic membrane system and possess a particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) enzyme. These bacteria grow between 8 and 45 °C (optimum 35 °C) in a relatively narrow pH range of 5.5–7.3 (optimum pH 6.6–7.2). Major carotenoids synthesized by these methanotrophs are 4,4′-diaplycopene-4,4′-dioic acid, 1,1′-dihydroxy-3,4-didehydrolycopene and 4,4′-diaplycopenoic acid. High biomass yield, of up to 3.26 g CDW/l, is obtained during continuous cultivation of MP1T on natural gas in a bioreactor at a dilution rate of 0.22 h?1. The complete genome sequence of strain MP1T is 4.59 Mb in size; the DNA G + C content is 52.8 mol%. The genome encodes four rRNA operons, one pMMO operon and 4,216 proteins. The genome sequence displays 82–85 % average nucleotide identity to those of earlier described Methylomonas species. We propose to classify these bacteria as representing a novel species of the genus Methylomonas, M. rapida sp. nov., with the type strain MP1T (=KCTC 92586T = VKM B-3663T).  相似文献   

In 2010, cream-coloured, Gram-negative staining, facultatively anaerobic enterobacteria were isolated from a single black oak tree (Quercus kelloggii) exhibiting decline symptoms in southern California, USA. These 12 isolates were tentatively identified as Gibbsiella quercinecans based on partial gyrB sequencing. Closer examination of the strains using multilocus sequence analysis, based on partial sequences of gyrB, rpoB, infB and atpD genes, and almost complete 16S rRNA gene sequencing suggested that the isolates belong to a novel taxon within the genus Gibbsiella with G. quercinecans as their closest phylogenetic relative. DNA–DNA relatedness studies confirmed that the strains belong to a single taxon in Gibbsiella, which can be differentiated from other members of the genus by several phenotypic traits. Therefore, the name Gibbsiella greigii sp. nov. is proposed for this novel species isolated from symptomatic Q. kelloggii in the USA with FRB 224T (=LMG 27716T = NCPPB 4583T) as the type strain.  相似文献   

Phytophthora austrocedrae is a new species isolated from necrotic lesions of stem and roots of Austrocedrus chilensis. It is a homothallic species characterized by semipapillate sporangia, oogonia with amphigynous antheridia, and very slow growth (1–2 mm d−1 on V-8 agar at 17.5 °C optimum temperature). Phylogenetic analysis of ITS rDNA sequence indicates that its closest relative is Phytophthora syringae, another species frequently isolated from soil and streams in A. chilensis forests.  相似文献   

Four isolates of Gram-negative facultatively anaerobic bacteria, three of them producing NDM-1 carbapenemase, were isolated from hospitalized patients and outpatients attending two military hospitals in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and studied for their taxonomic position. Initially the strains were phenotypically identified as Citrobacter species. Comparative analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences then showed that the four strains shared >97%, but in no case >98.3%, 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities to members of the genera Citrobacter, Kluyvera, Pantoea, Enterobacter and Raoultella, but always formed a separate cluster in respective phylogenetic trees. Based on multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) including partial recN, rpoA, thdF and rpoB gene sequence and respective amino acid sequence analysis it turned out that the strains also here always formed separate clusters. Based on further comparative analyses including DNA–DNA hybridizations, genomic fingerprint analysis using rep- and RAPD-PCRs and physiological tests, it is proposed to classify these four strains into the novel genus Pseudocitrobacter gen. nov. with a new species Pseudocitrobacter faecalis sp. nov. with strain 25 CITT (= CCM 8479T = LMG 27751T) and Pseudocitrobacter anthropi sp. nov. with strain C138T (= CCM 8478T = LMG 27750T), as the type strains, respectively.  相似文献   

The presence of Burkholderia, Cupriavidus, and Ralstonia species in northeastern Mexico was investigated. An analysis of the root surrounding soil from different agricultural plants led to the isolation of Burkholderia and Cupriavidus species but no Ralstonia strains. Most Cupriavidus species were unknown and grouped into two clusters according to ARDRA profiles. The 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed that the Cupriavidus isolates were highly related among them and with different Cupriavidus species with validated names. However, SDS-PAGE profiles were distinct among the different ARDRA profiles and to other Cupriavidus species examined, suggesting new species in the genus. This shows that Cupriavidus is more widely associated with plants than previously appreciated. The BCC isolate was 99% similar to B. cenocepacia by recA sequence analysis. Additionally, most Cupriavidus strains from the two largest groups grew on media containing up to 0.1 mg/ml of copper, 10.0 mg/ml arsenic and 1.0 mg/ml zinc. Burkholderia strains grew on media containing up to 10.0 mg/ml zinc, 5.0 mg/ml arsenic and 0.1 mg/ml copper.  相似文献   

The new species Platycarpum vriesendorpiae N. Dávila (Rubiaceae, Henriquezieae) is described from Peru, where it is restricted to white‐sand forests and peatlands in the Tapiche and Blanco River watersheds in southeastern Loreto Region. The new species is generally similar to P. acreanum Rogers of western Brazil in its phyllotaxy, leaf pubescence, and fruit shape and size. However, P. vriesendorpiae differs in its triangular stipules that are 2‐ or 3‐angled at the base and in its smaller corolla.  相似文献   

Strain SBT is a new, strictly anaerobic, gram-negative, nonmotile, non-sporeforming, rod-shaped bacterium that degrades benzoate and certain fatty acids in syntrophic association with hydrogen/formate-using microorganisms. Strain SBT produced approximately 3 mol of acetate and 0.6 mol of methane per mol of benzoate in coculture with Methanospirillum hungatei strain JF1. Saturated fatty acids, some unsaturated fatty acids, and methyl esters of butyrate and hexanoate also supported growth of strain SBT in coculture with Desulfovibrio strain G11. Strain SBT grew in pure culture with crotonate, producing acetate, butyrate, caproate, and hydrogen. The molar growth yield was 17 ± 1 g cell dry mass per mol of crotonate. Strain SBT did not grow with fumarate, iron(III), polysulfide, or oxyanions of sulfur or nitrogen as electron acceptors with benzoate as the electron donor. The DNA base composition of strain SBT was 43.1 mol% G+C. Analysis of the 16 S rRNA gene sequence placed strain SBT in the δ-subdivision of the Proteobacteria, with sulfate-reducing bacteria. Strain SBT was most closely related to members of the genus Syntrophus. The clear phenotypic and genotypic differences between strain SBT and the two described species in the genus Syntrophus justify the formation of a new species, Syntrophus aciditrophicus. Received: 2 June 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

In the framework of a large-scale rock sampling in Continental Antarctica, a number of yeasts have been isolated. Two strains that are unable to grow above 20 °C and that have low ITS sequence similarities with available data in the public domain were found. The D1/D2 LSU molecular phylogeny placed them in an isolated position in the genus Taphrina, supporting their affiliation to a not yet described species. Because the new species is able to grow in its anamorphic state only, the species Taphrina antarctica f.a. (forma asexualis) sp. nov. has been proposed to accommodate both strains (type strain DBVPG 5268T, DSM 27485T and CBS 13532T). Lalaria and Taphrina species are dimorphic ascomycetes, where the anamorphic yeast represents the saprotrophic state and the teleomorph is the parasitic counterpart on plants. This is the first record for this genus in Antarctica; since plants are absent on the continent, we hypothesize that the fungus may have focused on the saprotrophic part of its life cycle to overcome the absence of its natural host and adapt environmental constrains. Following the new International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants (Melbourne Code 2011) the reorganization of TaphrinaLalaria species in the teleomorphic genus Taphrina is proposed. We emend the diagnosis of the genus Taphrina to accommodate asexual saprobic states of these fungi. Taphrina antarctica was registered in MycoBank under MB 808028.  相似文献   

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