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The centromere is the locus responsible for the segregation of chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis. The number of newly characterised centromere-associated proteins continues to increase. The kinetochore complex assembles at this site and in many organisms is visible as the primary constriction. In several systems the location of the site of kinetochore assembly is known to vary and the site is not specified by a strict cis-acting primary sequence. It is proposed that tension between bioriented sister centromeres may act to imprint the site.  相似文献   

Dicentric chromosomes and the inactivation of the centromere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The origin and behavior of human dicentric chromosomes are reviewed. Most dicentrics between two non-homologous or two homologous chromosomes (isodicentrics), which are permanent members of a chromosome complement, probably originate from segregation of an adjacent quadriradial; such configurations are the result of a chromatid translocation between two nonhomologous chromosomes, or they represent an adjacent counterpart of a mitotic chiasma. The segregation of such a quadriradial may also give rise to a cell line monosomic for the chromosome concerned (e.g., a 45,X line). Contrary to the generally held opinion, isodicentrics rarely result from an isolocal break in two chromatids followed by rejoining of sister chromatids. In this case the daughter centromeres go to opposite poles in the next anaphase, and the resulting bridge breaks at a random point. This mechanism, therefore, leads to the formation of an isodicentric chromosome only if the two centromeres are close together, or if one centromere is immediately inactivated. Observations on the origin of dicentrics in Bloom syndrome support these conclusions. One centromere is permanently inactivated in most dicentric chromosomes, and even when the dicentric breaks into two chromosomes, the centromere is not reactivated. The appearance and behavior of the acentric X chromosomes show that their centromeres are similarly inactivated and not prematurely divided. Two Bloom syndrome lymphocytes, one with an extra chromosome 2 and the other with an extra chromosome 7, each having an inactivated centromere, show that this can also happen in monocentric autosomes.  相似文献   

Mouse (Mus musculus) whole-mount, surface-spread, meiotic prophase chromosomes have an axial which extend chromatin loops. This arrangement permits a novel approach to the analysis of chromosome structure. Using in situ hybridization, the types of DNA sequences preferentially associated with the SC and the types located primarily in the chromatin loops can be determined. With biotinylated probes, detected by avidin conjugated to FITC, we present evidence for differential chromatin-SC interaction. The telomere sequence (TTAGGG)n is associated exclusively with the two ends of each autosomal SC rather than with the chromatin loops. The minor satellite DNA sequences are predominantly localized to the centromeric region of the SC, as defined by CREST serum anti-centromere antibodies. In contrast, the major satellite DNA probe hybridizes to the chromatin loops of the centromeric heterochromatin, and a probe containing a LINE sequence hybridizes to chromatin loops in general with no obvious preference for the SC. These observations demonstrate that, depending on the type of DNA sequence, the chromatin has different properties in regard to its association with the SC.D.P. Bazett-Jones  相似文献   

Zedek F  Bureš P 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30496
In monocentric organisms with asymmetric meiosis, the kinetochore proteins, such as CENH3 and CENP-C, evolve adaptively to counterbalance the deleterious effects of centromere drive, which is caused by the expansion of centromeric satellite repeats. The selection regimes that act on CENH3 and CENP-C genes have not been analyzed in organisms with holocentric chromosomes, although holocentrism is speculated to have evolved to suppress centromere drive. We tested both CENH3 and CENP-C for positive selection in several species of the holocentric genus Caenorhabditis using the maximum likelihood approach and sliding-window analysis. Although CENP-C did not show any signs of positive selection, positive selection has been detected in the case of CENH3. These results support the hypothesis that centromere drive occurs in Nematoda, at least in the telokinetic meiosis of Caenorhabditis.  相似文献   

Summary Mitotic chromosomes from human peripheral lymphocytes studied at the junction of metaphase and anaphase show that the centromeres of various chromosomes separate in a nonrandom, apparently genetically controlled sequence. It does not depend upon the position of the centromere in the chromosome, the length of the chromosome or total amount of detectable C-chromatin. In man, several chromosomes e.g. 18, 17, 2, separate very early. Such early cells do not include nos. 1, 13, 14, 15, and Y and very rarely nos. 21 and 22. The last separating chromosomes are those from group D, G, no. 1, 16, and Y. The possible implication of these findings in evolution, non-disjunction and the control of centromere separation sequences is discussed.This study was supported by a grant from National Institure of Health (GM 24591)  相似文献   

Proteins of the inner and outer centromere of mitotic chromosomes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
W C Earnshaw  C A Cooke 《Génome》1989,31(2):541-552
We have used immunocytochemistry and molecular cloning methods to identify and characterize structural polypeptides of the centromere. These studies permit us to resolve two distinct regions: the inner and outer centromere. (i) Components of the outer centromere: autoantibodies from certain patients with rheumatic disease identify a family of three immunologically related polypeptides that we have designated CENP-A (17 kDa), CENP-B (80 kDa), and CENP-C (140 kDa). CENP-B has been cloned and sequenced. DNA sequence analysis indicates that this polypeptide possesses two large regions with extraordinary concentrations of acidic residues (region I: 61 residues with 79% glu + asp; region II: 31 residues with 87% glu + asp). Despite this concentration of negative charge, immunocytochemical experiments suggest that CENP-B may be a DNA binding protein. In these experiments, the levels of CENP-B are seen to vary reproducibly from chromosome to chromosome. The role of CENP-B in vivo is unknown. However, it is unlikely to bind directly to the spindle microtubules since it is found at an inactive centromere that apparently does not attach to the spindle. (ii) Components of the inner centromere: we have injected mice with the whole chromosome scaffold fraction to elicit production of monoclonal antibodies. One such antibody identifies two structurally related polypeptides (the INCENP antigens, 135 and 155 kDa) that are preferentially located between the sister chromatids at the centromere. The INCENP antigens undergo dramatic movements from the chromosomes to the central spindle during mitosis. They are ultimately sequestered in the midbody and discarded. Several lines of evidence suggest that the INCENP polypeptides may be involved in the regulation of sister chromatid separation at the metaphase-anaphase transition.  相似文献   

Two reports have shown that mammalian artificial chromosomes (MAC) can be constructed from cloned human centromere DNA and telomere repeats, proving the principle that chromosomes can form from naked DNA molecules transfected into human cells. The MACs were mitotically stable, low copy number and bound antibodies associated with active centromeres. As a step toward second-generation MACs, yeast and bacterial cloning systems will have to be adapted to achieve large MAC constructs having a centromere, two telomeres, and genomic copies of mammalian genes. Available construction techniques are discussed along with a new P1 artificial chromosome (PAC)-derived telomere vector (pTAT) that can be joined to other PACs in vitro, avoiding a cloning step during which large repetitive arrays often rearrange. The PAC system can be used as a route to further define the optimal DNA elements required for efficient MAC formation, to investigate the expression of genes on MACs, and possibly to develop efficient MAC-delivery protocols.  相似文献   

The dicentric and multicentric chromosomes in L cells and a brain tumor cell line of mouse display only one site of kinetochore formation associated with the active centromere. The accessory or inactive centromeres show premature separation. These cell lines were treated with 10–6 M 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) followed by anti-BrdUrd antibody to study the pattern of replication of pericentric heterochromatin flanking the active vs inactive centromeres. Regardless of its quantity, heterochromatin around the inactive centromere replicates earlier than that associated with the active centromere. There appears to be a relationship between the timing of separation of a centromere and the timing of replication of pericentric heterochromatin. The premature replication of heterochromatin associated with an inactive centromere may be responsible for its premature separation and, hence, inactivity.  相似文献   

Recently, human artificial chromosomes featuring functional centromeres have been generated efficiently from naked synthetic alphoid DNA containing CENP-B boxes as a de novo mechanism in a human cultured cell line, but not from the synthetic alphoid DNA only containing mutations within CENP-B boxes, indicating that CENP-B has some functions in assembling centromere/kinetochore components on alphoid DNA. To investigate whether any interactions exist between CENP-B and the other centromere proteins, we screened a cDNA library by yeast two-hybrid analysis. An interaction between CENP-B and CENP-C was detected, and the CENP-C domains required were determined to overlap with three Mif2 homologous regions, which were also revealed to be involved in the CENP-C assembly of centromeres by expression of truncated polypeptides in cultured cells. Overproduction of truncated CENP-B containing no CENP-C interaction domains caused abnormal duplication of CENP-C domains at G2 and cell cycle delay at metaphase. These results suggest that the interaction between CENP-B and CENP-C may be involved in the correct assembly of CENP-C on alphoid DNA. In other words, a possible molecular linkage may exist between one of the kinetochore components and human centromere DNA through CENP-B/CENP-B box interaction.  相似文献   

In this study, we have examined a DNA element specific to the centromere domain of human chromosomes. Purified HeLa chromosomes were digested with the restriction enzyme Sau3AI and fractionated by sedimentation through a sucrose gradient. Fractions showing antigenecity to anticentromere (kinetochore) serum obtained from a scleroderma CREST patient were used to construct a DNA library. From this library we found one clone which has specifically hybridized to the centromere domain of metaphase chromosomes using a biotinylated probe DNA and FITC-conjugated avidin. The clone contained a stretch of alphoid DNA dimer. To determine precisely the relative location of the alphoid DNA stretch and the centromere antigen, a method was developed to carry out in situ hybridization of DNA and indirect immunofluorescent staining of antigen on the same cell preparation. Using this method, we have found perfect overlapping of the alphoid DNA sites with the centromere antigen sites in both metaphase chromosomes and nuclei at various stages in the cell cycle. We have also observed this exact correlation at the attachment sites of artificially extended sister chromatids. These results suggest the possibility that alphoid DNA repeats are a key component of kinetochore structure.  相似文献   

Historically, the prokaryotic genome was assumed to consist of a single circular replicon. However, as more microbial genome sequencing projects are completed, it is becoming clear that multipartite genomes comprised of more than one chromosome are not unusual among prokaryotes. Chromosomes are distinguished from plasmids by the presence of essential genes as well as characteristic cell cycle-linked replication kinetics; unlike plasmids, chromosomes initiate replication once per cell cycle. The existence of multipartite prokaryotic genomes raises several questions regarding how multiple chromosomes are replicated and segregated during the cell cycle. These divided genomes also introduce questions regarding chromosome evolution and genome stability. In this review, we discuss these and other issues, with particular emphasis on the cholera pathogen Vibrio cholerae.  相似文献   

The B1 cell line of rat cerebral endothelium origin exhibits several dicentric and multicentric chromosomes. These chromosomes, unlike multicentrics in mouse (Vig and Zinkowski 1986) do not show premature centromere separation. All centromeres deposit kinetochore proteins and appear to be functional. Even the centromeres which fail to migrate to the poles during anaphase and make side arm bridges bind to spindle microtubules. Some multicentric chromosomes show kinetochores spaced apart with intervening stretches of euchromatin while others are located adjacent to each other thus exhibiting tandem repeats and forming a compound kinetochore (Brinkeley et al. 1984). Also, unlike mouse multicentric chromosomes in which different pericentric regions and the centromeres replicate at different times, the rat chromosomes appear to replicate all pericentric and centric regions in a given multicentric simultaneously. The present studies indicate that centromeres in rat and mouse replicate during the last part of the S-phase and in continuation with the pericentric heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Mouse L cells have many dicentric chromosomes and one with eight centromeres. All eight centromeres behave similarly until midmetaphase when most centromeres split into two units each in apparently quick succession but out-of-phase. This premature separation leaves one or perhaps two closely located centromeres intact, which separate at late metaphase-anaphase, drawing the two chromatids to opposite poles. Such dominance of one centromere over all others, though unexplained, ensures the lack of any mitotic abnormality such as bridges or fragments. These observations show that all the centromeres are retained as functional primary constrictions except for a change in functional regulation when more than one centromere are located on a chromosome.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural and morphometric analyses of centromeric regions by scanning and transmission electron microscopy have been performed in chromosomes from male pronuclei obtained by heterologous fertilisation of hamster oocytes with human spermatozoa. In 1308 of 1323 chromosomes analysed, the primary constriction showed a defined biconcave constriction of variable length (0.56-1.34 microns) and constant width (0.64-0.7 micron). A positive correlation was observed between centromeric length and chromosome length. In some chromosomes, the primary constriction appears as decondensed regions of variable length (1.6-2.51 microns) composed of chromatin fibres with a minimum diameter of 30 nm.  相似文献   

An approximately 4 kb long sequence (designated dh) is located in the centromere regions of all three chromosomes of S. pombe. There is one copy each of dh per centromere in chromosomes I and II and multiples in the centromere of chromosome III. Nucleotide sequence determination shows that dhI and dhII are highly homologous. A part of the sequence (ca. 300-400 bp) contains short direct repeats, otherwise dh is in general internally non-repetitious. Although there are three segmental deletions (total 821 bp) and two insertions (27 bp) in dhII (an 80% overall homology to dhI), there are only nine substitutions between dhI and dhII in the remaining 3980 bp, giving a 99.77% homology. The substitutions are restricted to the non-repetitious domains and are only of the pyrimidine-pyrimidine or purine-purine types. A possible conformational role of dh is discussed.  相似文献   

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