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Archaeal diversity along a soil salinity gradient prone to disturbance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We employed a cultivation-independent approach to examine archaeal diversity along a transient soil salinity gradient at Salt Spring in British Columbia, Canada that is routinely eroded due to heavy, recurrent rainfall. Archaeal 16S rRNA gene libraries were created using DNA extracted from three soil samples collected along this gradient. Statistical comparisons indicated similar archaeal richness across sites but, a significant shift in archaeal community composition along the salinity gradient. Seven distinct phylogenetic groups were represented in soil libraries. Haloarchaea were the most commonly sampled group. Other 16S rRNA sequences were related to uncultured Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota or halophilic methanogens. Haloarchaeal diversity was remarkably high in soil of elevated salinity compared with previously characterized haloarchaeal communities. Salt Spring haloarchaea were not closely related to known low-salt adapted/tolerant species, suggesting they may be frequently faced with local mortality as a result of frequent declines in soil salinity. We speculate that ecosystem disturbance -- in the form of salinity fluctuations -- is one mechanism for maintaining a diverse community of haloarchaea at Salt Spring.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate archaeal diversity in natural and impacted habitats from Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, a tropical region of South America. METHODS AND RESULTS: 16S rRNA gene was amplified directly by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from genomic DNA, extracted from Guanabara Bay (GB) water, halomarine sediment (HS), municipal landfill leachate, agricultural soil and wastewater treatment (WT) system. Five archaeal 16S rDNA clone libraries were constructed. A total of 123 clones, within the five libraries analysed, were clustered into 29 operational taxonomic units, related to cultivated (24%) and uncultivated (76%) organisms. Rarefaction analysis showed that the libraries contained different levels of diversity. PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S-23S intergenic spacer regions confirmed the presence of a dominant phylotype, revealed by the WT system clone library. CONCLUSIONS: Archaeal communities of impacted environments seem to be confined to specific ecosystems with similar physicochemical properties, while communities from natural environments appear to be widely distributed. The presence of a high number of phylotypes related to uncultivated organisms suggests new archaeal lineages. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study reports, for the first time, the analysis of archaeal diversity in tropical environments from Brazil, and adds sequences from this region to the developing database of 16S rRNA clone libraries from environmental samples.  相似文献   

Over the past 35 years, researchers have explored deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments around the globe and studied a number of archaea, their unique metabolic and physiological properties, and their vast phylogenetic diversity. Although the pace of discovery of new archaeal taxa, phylotypes and phenotypes in deep-sea hydrothermal vents has slowed recently, bioinformatics and interdisciplinary geochemistry-microbiology approaches are providing new information on the diversity and community composition of archaea living in deep-sea vents. Recent investigations have revealed that archaea could have originated and dispersed from ancestral communities endemic to hydrothermal vents into other biomes on Earth, and the community structure and productivity of chemolithotrophic archaea are controlled primarily by variations in the geochemical composition of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

Northern peatlands play a major role in the global carbon cycle as sinks for CO2 and as sources of CH4. These diverse ecosystems develop through accumulation of partially decomposed plant material as peat. With increasing depth, peat becomes more and more recalcitrant due to its longer exposure to decomposing processes. Compared with surface peat, deeper peat sediments remain microbiologically poorly described. We detected active archaeal communities even in the deep bottom layers (−220/−280 cm) of two Finnish fen-type peatlands by 16S rRNA-based terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. In the sediments of the northern study site, all detected archaea were methanogens with Rice Cluster II (RC-II) and Methanosaetaceae as major groups. In southern peatland, Crenarchaeota of a rare unidentified cluster were present together with mainly RC-II methanogens. RNA profiles showed a larger archaeal diversity than DNA-based community profiles, suggesting that small but active populations were better visualized with rRNA. In addition, potential methane production measurements indicated methanogenic activity throughout the vertical peat profiles.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the integration of additive partitioning with species—area relationships to island biogeography in order to address the question “How are the pteridophyte and spermatophyte native and endemic flora of different oceanic archipelagos partitioned across islands?”.Species richness data of all endemic species and all native species of pteridophytes and spermatophytes were obtained for the Azores, Canaries and Cape Verde in the Atlantic Ocean and Galápagos, Hawaii and Marquesas in the Pacific Ocean. Additive partitioning of species diversity was used to quantify how much of the total diversity of an oceanic archipelago flora (γ-diversity) is due to (i) the mean species richness of the flora of each island (α-diversity), (ii) the variability in species richness of the floras across islands (βNestedness) and (iii) the complementarity in species composition of the floras of different islands (βReplacement). The analysis was separately performed for the native and endemic pteridophyte and spermatophyte floras.The diversity partitioning of the six archipelagos showed large differences in how the flora of each archipelago is partitioned among the α, βNestedness and βReplacement components, for pteridophytes and spermatophytes and for all endemic species and all native species. The α-diversity was more important for all native species than for endemic species and more important for pteridophytes than for spermatophytes, with the Azores showing outstanding high values of α-diversity. The βNestedness was higher for pteridophytes than for spermatophytes and higher for endemic species than for all native species in both pteridophytes and spermatophytes. The values of βReplacement suggested that: (i) the spermatophyte native flora is more differentiated across islands than the pteridophyte native flora and (ii) the pteridophyte endemic flora and, especially, the spermatophyte endemic flora are more differentiated across islands than the corresponding native flora. An outstanding value of βReplacement for endemic and all native spermatophytes was found in Hawaii, confirming the biogeographical island differentiation in this archipelago.  相似文献   

Evidence for anaerobic ammonium oxidation in a paddy field was obtained in Southern China using an isotope-pairing technique, quantitative PCR assays and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries, along with nutrient profiles of soil cores. A paddy field with a high load of slurry manure as fertilizer was selected for this study and was shown to contain a high amount of ammonium (6.2–178.8 mg kg−1). The anaerobic oxidation of ammonium (anammox) rates in this paddy soil ranged between 0.5 and 2.9 nmolN per gram of soil per hour in different depths of the soil core, and the specific cellular anammox activity observed in batch tests ranged from 2.9 to 21 fmol per cell per day. Anammox contributed 4–37% to soil N2 production, the remainder being due to denitrification. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of surface soil were closely related to the anammox bacteria ‘Kuenenia'', ‘Anammoxoglobus'' and ‘Jettenia''. Most of the anammox 16S rRNA genes retrieved from the deeper soil were affiliated to ‘Brocadia''. The retrieval of mainly bacterial amoA sequences in the upper part of the paddy soil indicated that nitrifying bacteria may be the major source of nitrite for anammox bacteria in the cultivated horizon. In the deeper oxygen-limited parts, only archaeal amoA sequences were found, indicating that archaea may produce nitrite in this part of the soil. It is estimated that a total loss of 76 g N m−2 per year is linked to anammox in the paddy field.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation coupled to oxidation in bacterial extracts   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The archaeal diversity in a shallow geothermal well on Vulcano Island, Italy was characterized using culture‐independent 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Environmental DNA was extracted from 56 °C well water, and the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was amplified with archaea‐specific primers. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of ~250 clones revealed 35 unique patterns, which were sequenced and analyzed. These yielded 17 operational taxonomic units, of which 13, 3, and 1 were unique cren‐, eury‐, and korarchaeotal sequences, respectively. The majority of the crenarchaeotal phylotypes formed a novel, deeply‐branching clade that includes sequences from other hydrothermal environments, but no cultured representatives. Three phylotypes represent novel lineages in the Thermoproteales and two phylotypes represent a novel genus of Euryarchaeota. One euryarchaeotal phylotype was nearly identical (99%) to Palaeococcus helgesonii, an aerotolerant, hyperthermophilic fermenter previously isolated from the same well. To place this diverse archaeal community in the geochemical framework of this ecosystem, we calculate values of Gibbs free energy of 145 organic and inorganic redox reactions at in situ conditions. Energy yields ranged from 0 to 125 kJ per mole of electrons transferred. The most exergonic organic reactions were organic carbon oxidation with O2 (>100 kJ/mol e?), followed by oxidation with (61–93 kJ/mol e?), Fe(III) (43–60 kJ/mol e?), and S0/ (6–27 kJ/mol e?) as terminal electron acceptors. Overall, energy yields from inorganic reactions were similar to those of the organic reactions considered, but were less systematic with respect to terminal electron acceptor. The oxidation of methane coupled with Fe(III) reduction yielded the most energy (123 kJ/mol e?). However, the most exergonic inorganic reactions were predominantly O2, , or reduction. Reduction of , S0, CO2, and CO yielded significantly less energy (0–18 kJ/mol e?). Metabolisms of the cultured organisms identified in the Pozzo Istmo archaeal clone library were exergonic. However, most of the archaeal diversity remains uncultured and energetic calculations reveal an extensive suite of potential lithotrophic and heterotrophic metabolisms that could be exploited by these novel organisms.  相似文献   

The Salar Grande in the Coastal Range of Northern Chile is a fossil evaporitic basin filled with almost pure halite (95% NaCl average). It is assumed that the basin has not received input of brines since the Pliocene (5.3 to 1.8 million years). Below 1 m the halite has remained undissolved since this time, whereas the upper layer has been dissolved and recrystallized by dripping fogs and occasional rainfall. We compared the archaeal community at different depths using both nested PCR and cultivation. The upper 10 cm of halite crust contained diverse haloarchaeal species, including several from new genera, but their provenance is unknown. For samples deeper in the core, a new and rigorous procedure for chemically sterilizing the surface of single halite crystals was developed. These halite crystals contained only species of the genus Halobacterium (Hbt.). Halobacterium salinarum-like sequences were detected by PCR, and evidence that they were from ancient DNA include: comparison with numerous negative controls; detection of 16S rRNA sequence differences in non-conserved regions, indicating genuine evolutionary mutations rather than PCR-cloning artefacts; independent isolation of Hbt. salinarum from ancient halite; and diverse mechanisms possessed by this species for minimizing radiation damage and thus enhancing its potential for long-term survival. Haloarchaea related to Hbt. noricense were obtained from enrichment cultures from ≈ 0.4 and 15.4 m depth. We investigated Hbt. noricense strain A1 and found that when trapped inside halite crystals its recovery was as rapid after 27 months of entombment as at day 0, faring much better than other extreme halophiles. A biogeographical investigation showed that Hbt. noricense-like organisms were: commonly found in surface-sterilized ancient halite, associated with salt mines, in halite crusts, and, despite a much more intense search, only rarely detected in surface environments. We conclude that some Halobacterium species are specialists at long-term survival in halite.  相似文献   

Gaseous NO2 as a regulator for ammonia oxidation of Nitrosomonas eutropha   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Cells of Nitrosomonas eutropha strain N904 that were denitrifying under anoxic conditions with hydrogen as electron donor and nitrite as electron acceptor were unable to utilize ammonium (ammonia) as an energy source. The recovery of ammonia oxidation activity was dependent on the presence of NO2. Anaerobic ammonia oxidation activity was observed in a helium atmosphere supplemented with 25 ppm NO2 after 20 h. Ammonia oxidation activity was detected after 2–3 days using an oxic atmosphere with 25 ppm NO2. In contrast, ammonia consumption started after 8–9 days under oxic conditions without the addition of NO2; in this case, small amounts of NO and NO2 were detected and their concentrations increased with increasing ammonia oxidation activities. Hardly any ammonia oxidation was detected when nitrogen oxides were removed by intensive aeration. It would seem, therefore, that NO2 is the master regulatory signal for ammonia oxidation in Nitrosomonas eutropha. Anaerobic ammonia oxidation activity was inhibited by the addition of NO. This inhibition was partly compensated by either increasing the NO2 concentration or by using 2,3-dimercapto-1-propane-sulfonic acid as a NO binding substrate. DMPS was inhibitory to nitrification under oxic conditions, while increased amounts of NO or NO2 led to increased oxidation activities.  相似文献   

The diversity of archaea and bacteria was investigated in two slightly alkaline, mesophilic hot springs from the Western Plain of Romania. Phylogenetic analysis showed a low diversity of Archaea, only three Euryarchaeota taxa being detected: Methanomethylovorans thermophila, Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis and Methanococcus aeolicus. Twelve major bacterial groups were identified, both springs being dominated by Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi and Proteobacteria. While at the phylum/class-level the microbial mats share a similar biodiversity; at the species level the geothermal springs investigated seem to be colonized by specific consortia. The dominant taxa were filamentous heterocyst-containing Fischerella, at 45 °C and non-heterocyst Leptolyngbya and Geitlerinema, at 55 °C. Other bacterial taxa (Thauera sp., Methyloversatilis universalis, Pannonibacter phragmitetus, Polymorphum gilvum, Metallibacterium sp. and Spartobacteria) were observed for the first time in association with a geothermal habitat. Based on their bacterial diversity the two mats were clustered together with other similar habitats from Europe and part of Asia, most likely the water temperature playing a major role in the formation of specific microbial communities that colonize the investigated thermal springs.  相似文献   

Archaeal communities of permafrost deposits of King George Island and Bunger Hills Oasis (Antarctica) differing in the content of biogenic methane were analyzed using the clone libraries of two 16S rRNA gene regions. Phylotypes belonging to methanogenic archaea were identified in all horizons.  相似文献   

Propionate was used as fuel to enrich an electrochemically-active microbial consortium in a microbial fuel cell, and the bacterial consortium was analyzed by culture-independent methods including denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of the 16S rDNA, and by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). MFCs fed with propionate produced a current of 4.88 ± 0.1 mA stably on 100 mg propionate/l as COD within 3 weeks of the enrichment. When the MFCs were fed with H2-saturated fuel containing propionate, the current dropped to 3.82 ± 0.07 mA. The maximum current generated was up to 8.8 mA when MFCs were fed with 200 mg propionate/l as COD. The DGGE of 16S rDNA showed that propionate-enriched MFCs have a different bacterial population from that enriched with acetate and from the inoculum used for enrichment. The major member (42%) of the consortium was an unidentified bacterium followed by γ, β, and δ-proteobacteria.  相似文献   

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