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Chk1 is implicated in several checkpoints of the cell cycle acting as a key player in the signal transduction pathway activated in response to DNA damage and crucial for the maintenance of genomic stability. Chk1 also plays a role in the mitotic spindle checkpoint, which ensures the fidelity of mitotic segregation during mitosis, preventing chromosomal instability and aneuploidy. Mad2 is one of the main mitotic checkpoint components and also exerts a role in the cellular response to DNA damage. To investigate a possible crosslink existing between Chk1 and Mad2, we studied Mad2 protein levels after Chk1 inhibition either by specific siRNAs or by a specific and selective Chk1 inhibitor (PF-00477736), and we found that after Chk1 inhibition, Mad2 protein levels decrease only in tumor cells sensitive to Chk1 depletion. We then mapped six Chk1’s phosphorylatable sites on Mad2 protein, and found that Chk1 is able to phosphorylate Mad2 in vitro on more than one site, while it is incapable of phoshorylating the Mad2 form mutated on all six phosphorylatable sites. Moreover our studies demonstrate that Chk1 co-localizes and physically associates with Mad2 in cells both under unstressed conditions and after DNA damage, thus providing new and interesting evidence on Chk1 and Mad2 crosstalk in the DNA damage checkpoint and in the mitotic spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

The DNA damage response is coordinated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinases, ATM, ATR, and DNA-PK. SMG-1 is the least studied stress-responsive member of this family. Here, we show that SMG-1 regulates the G1/S checkpoint through both a p53-dependent, and a p53-independent pathway. We identify Cdc25A as a new SMG-1 substrate, and show that cells depleted of SMG-1 exhibit prolonged Cdc25A stability, failing to inactivate CDK2 in response to radiation. Given an increased tumor growth following depletion of SMG-1, our data demonstrate a novel role for SMG-1 in regulating Cdc25A and suppressing oncogenic CDK2 driven proliferation, confirming SMG-1 as a tumor suppressor.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling is required for numerous aspects of neural development, including neural induction, CNS patterning and neurogenesis. The ability of FGFs to activate Ras/MAPK signaling is thought to be critical for these functions. However, it is unlikely that MAPK signaling can fully explain the diversity of responses to FGFs. We have characterized a Cdc42-dependent signaling pathway operating downstream of the Fgf8a splice isoform. We show that a Cdc42 effector 4-like protein (Cdc42ep4-l or Cep4l) has robust neuronal-inducing activity in Xenopus embryos. Furthermore, we find that Cep4l and Cdc42 itself are necessary and sufficient for sensory neurogenesis in vivo. Furthermore, both proteins are involved in Fgf8a-induced neuronal induction, and Cdc42/Cep4l association is promoted specifically by the Fgf8a isoform of Fgf8, but not by Fgf8b, which lacks neuronal inducing activity. Overall, these data suggest a novel role for Cdc42 in an Fgf8a-specific signaling pathway essential for vertebrate neuronal development.  相似文献   

黄牛、牦牛和犏牛睾丸组织中Cdc2、Cdc25A基因mRNA表达水平   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄牛和牦牛远缘杂交后代犏牛雄性不育是牦牛杂交改良中的一大难题。Cdc2和Cdc25A是减数分裂的两个关键基因, 其表达水平的下降将使精子发生不能正常进行, 导致雄性不育。为了探讨Cdc2、Cdc25A基因mRNA表达水平与犏牛雄性不育的关系, 文章采用荧光定量PCR技术对Cdc2和Cdc25A基因的组织表达特征以及在黄牛、牦牛和犏牛睾丸组织中的表达水平进行了分析。结果表明: Cdc2和Cdc25A基因在牦牛各种组织中广泛表达, 说明Cdc2和Cdc25A基因在各种组织细胞分裂和细胞周期运行中均发挥作用; 黄牛和牦牛睾丸组织中Cdc2、Cdc25A基因表达水平均显著高于犏牛(P<0.05), 说明睾丸组织中Cdc2和Cdc25A基因的低表达可能与犏牛雄性不育相关。  相似文献   

The activation of Cdc2 kinase induces the entry into M-phase of all eukaryotic cells. We have developed a cell-free system prepared from prophase-arrestedXenopusoocytes to analyze the mechanism initiating the all-or-none activation of Cdc2 kinase. Inhibition of phosphatase 2A, the major okadaic acid-sensitive Ser/Thr phosphatase, in these extracts, provokes Cdc2 kinase amplification and concomitant hyperphosphorylation of Cdc25 phosphatase, with a lag of about 1 h. Polo-like kinase (Plx1 kinase) is activated slightly after Cdc2. All these events are totally inhibited by the cdk inhibitor p21Cip1, demonstrating that Plx1 kinase activation depends on Cdc2 kinase activity. Addition of a threshold level of recombinant Cdc25 induces a linear activation of Cdc2 and Plx1 kinases and a partial phosphorylation of Cdc25. We propose that the Cdc2 positive feedback loop involves two successive phosphorylation steps of Cdc25 phosphatase: the first one is catalyzed by Cdc2 kinase and/or Plx1 kinase but it does not modify Cdc25 enzymatic activity, the second one requires a new kinase counteracted by phosphatase 2A. Furthermore we demonstrate that, under our conditions, Cdc2 amplification and MAP kinase activation are two independent events.  相似文献   

Jian D  Aili Z  Xiaojia B  Huansheng Z  Yun H 《FEBS letters》2010,584(23):4745-3920
Ras-GEF Cdc25p has been found to be hyperphosphorylated upon glucose addition. This work provides evidence indicating that PKA activity positively regulates the degree of Cdc25p phosphorylation, and that the intracellular association of Cdc25p and Ras2p is independent of PKA activity. In vitro experiments revealed that the Ras2-GEF activity of Cdc25p is inhibited by Cdc25p phosphorylation. These data suggest a negative feedback mechanism by which intracellular cAMP synthesis is inhibited by PKA through Cdc25p phosphorylation.

Structured summary

MINT-8053016: CDC25p (uniprotkb:P04821) physically interacts (MI:0915) with ras2p (uniprotkb:P01120) by anti tag co-immunoprecipitation (MI:0007)MINT-8053030: ras2p (uniprotkb:P01120) physically interacts (MI:0915) with CDC25p (uniprotkb:P04821) by anti bait co-immunoprecipitation (MI:0006)  相似文献   

Before S phase, cells license replication origins for initiation by loading them with Mcm2-7 heterohexamers. This process is dependent on Cdc6, which is recruited to unlicensed origins. Using Xenopus egg extracts we show that although each origin can load many Mcm2-7 hexamers, the affinity of Cdc6 for each origins drops once it has been licensed by loading the first hexamers. This encourages the distribution of at least one Mcm2-7 hexamer to each origin, and thereby helps to ensure that all origins are licensed. Although Cdc6 is not essential for DNA replication once licensing is complete, Cdc6 regains a high affinity for origins once replication forks are initiated and Mcm2-7 has been displaced from the origin DNA. We show that the presence of Cdc6 during S phase is essential for the checkpoint kinase Chk1 to become activated in response to replication inhibition. These results show that Cdc6 plays multiple roles in ensuring precise chromosome duplication.  相似文献   

The initiation of DNA replication requires two protein kinases: cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) and Cdc7. Although S phase Cdk activity has been intensively studied, relatively little is known about how Cdc7 regulates progression through S phase. We have used a Cdc7 inhibitor, PHA-767491, to dissect the role of Cdc7 in Xenopus egg extracts. We show that hyperphosphorylation of mini-chromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins by Cdc7 is required for the initiation, but not for the elongation, of replication forks. Unlike Cdks, we demonstrate that Cdc7 executes its essential functions by phosphorylating MCM proteins at virtually all replication origins early in S phase and is not limiting for progression through the Xenopus replication timing programme. We demonstrate that protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is recruited to chromatin and rapidly reverses Cdc7-mediated MCM hyperphosphorylation. Checkpoint kinases induced by DNA damage or replication inhibition promote the association of PP1 with chromatin and increase the rate of MCM dephosphorylation, thereby counteracting the previously completed Cdc7 functions and inhibiting replication initiation. This novel mechanism for regulating Cdc7 function provides an explanation for previous contradictory results concerning the control of Cdc7 by checkpoint kinases and has implications for the use of Cdc7 inhibitors as anti-cancer agents.  相似文献   

Chk1 is a conserved protein kinase originally identified in fission yeast, required to delay entry of cells with damaged or unreplicated DNA into mitosis. The requirement of Chk1 for both S and G2/M checkpoints has been elucidated while only few studies have connected Chk1 to the mitotic spindle checkpoint. We used a small interference RNA strategy to investigate the role of Chk1 in unstressed conditions. Chk1 depletion in U2OS human osteosarcoma cells inhibited cell proliferation and raised the percentage of cells with a 4N DNA content, which correlated with accumulation of giant polynucleated cells morphologically distinct from apoptotic cells, while no increased number of cells in G2 or mitosis could be detected. Down-regulation of Chk1 also caused accumulation of cells in the last step of cytokinesis, and of tetraploid cells in G1 phase, which coincided with activation of p53 and increased levels of p21. In addition, Chk1-depleted U2OS cells failed to arrest in mitosis after spindle disruption by nocodazole and showed decreased protein levels of Mad2 and BubR1. These studies show that U2OS cells lacking Chk1 undergo abnormal mitosis and fail to activate the spindle checkpoint, suggesting a role of Chk1 in this checkpoint.  相似文献   

In the early embryonic cell cycle, exit from M phase is immediately followed by entry into S phase without an intervening gap phase. To understand the regulatory mechanisms for the cell cycle transition from M to S phase, we examined dependence on Cdc2 inactivation of cell-cycle events occurring during the M-S transition period, using Xenopus egg extracts in which the extent of Cdc2 inactivation at M phase exit was quantitatively controlled. The result demonstrated that MCM binding to and the initiation of DNA replication of nuclear chromatin occurred depending on the decrease of Cdc2 activity to critical levels. Similarly, we found that Cdc2 inhibitory phosphorylation and cyclin B degradation were turned on and off, respectively, depending on the decrease in Cdc2 activity. However, their sensitivity to Cdc2 activity was different, with the turning-on of Cdc2 inhibitory phosphorylation occurring at higher Cdc2 activity levels than the turning-off of cyclin B degradation. This means that, when cyclin B degradation ceases at M phase exit, Cdc2 inhibitory phosphorylation is necessarily activated. In the presence of constitutive synthesis of cyclin B, this condition favors the occurrence of the Cdc2 inactivation period after M phase exit, thereby ensuring progression through S phase. Thus, M phase exit and S phase entry are coordinately regulated by the Cdc2 activity level in the early embryonic cell cycle.  相似文献   

Lithium, a therapeutic agent for bipolar disorder, can induce G2/M arrest in various cells, but the mechanism is unclear. In this article, we demonstrated that lithium arrested hepatocellular carcinoma cell SMMC-7721 at G2/M checkpoint by inducing the phosphorylation of cdc2 (Tyr-15). This effect was p53 independent and not concerned with the inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 and inositol monophosphatase, two well-documented targets of lithium. Checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1), a critical enzyme in DNA damage-induced G2/M arrest, was at least partially responsible for the lithium action. The lithium-induced phosphorylation of cdc2 and G2/M arrest was abrogated largely by SB218078, a potent Chk1 inhibitor, as well as by Chk1 siRNA or the over-expression of kinase dead Chk1. Furthermore, lithium-induced cdc25C phosphorylation in 7721 cells and in vitro kinase assay showed that the activity of Chk1 was enhanced after lithium treatment. Interestingly, the increase of Chk1 activity by lithium may be independent of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)/ATM and Rad3-related (ATR) kinase. This is because no elevated phosphorylation on Chk1 (Ser-317 and Ser-345) was observed after lithium treatment. Moreover, caffeine, a known ATM/ATR kinase inhibitor, relieved the phosphorylation of cdc2 (Tyr-15) by hydroxyurea, but not that by lithium. Our study's results revealed the role of Chk1 in lithium-induced G2/M arrest. Given that Chk1 has been proposed to be a novel tumor suppressor, we suggest that the effect of lithium on Chk1 and cell cycle is useful in tumor prevention and therapy.  相似文献   

14‐3‐3 proteins control various cellular processes, including cell cycle progression and DNA damage checkpoint. At the DNA damage checkpoint, some subtypes of 14‐3‐3 (β and ζ isoforms in mammalian cells and Rad24 in fission yeast) bind to Ser345‐phosphorylated Chk1 and promote its nuclear retention. Here, we report that 14‐3‐3γ forms a complex with Chk1 phosphorylated at Ser296, but not at ATR sites (Ser317 and Ser345). Ser296 phosphorylation is catalysed by Chk1 itself after Chk1 phosphorylation by ATR, and then ATR sites are rapidly dephosphorylated on Ser296‐phosphorylated Chk1. Although Ser345 phosphorylation is observed at nuclear DNA damage foci, it occurs more diffusely in the nucleus. The replacement of endogenous Chk1 with Chk1 mutated at Ser296 to Ala induces premature mitotic entry after ultraviolet irradiation, suggesting the importance of Ser296 phosphorylation in the DNA damage response. Although Ser296 phosphorylation induces the only marginal change in Chk1 catalytic activity, 14‐3‐3γ mediates the interaction between Chk1 and Cdc25A. This ternary complex formation has an essential function in Cdc25A phosphorylation and degradation to block premature mitotic entry after DNA damage.  相似文献   

Im JS  Jung BH  Kim SE  Lee KH  Lee JK 《FEBS letters》2010,584(23):4731-4734
PER3 is a member of the PERIOD genes, but does not play essential roles in the circadian clock. Depletion of Per3 by siRNA almost completely abolished activation of checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) after inducing DNA damage in human cells. In addition, Per3 physically interacted with ATM and Chk2. Per3 overexpression induced Chk2 activation in the absence of exogenous DNA damage, and this activation depended on ATM. Per3 overexpression also led to the inhibition of cell proliferation and apoptotic cell death. These combined results suggest that Per3 is a checkpoint protein that plays important roles in checkpoint activation, cell proliferation and apoptosis.

Structured summary

MINT-8052850: Chk2 (uniprotkb:O96017) physically interacts (MI:0915) with Per3 (uniprotkb:P56645) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)MINT-8052875: Per3 (uniprotkb:P56645) physically interacts (MI:0914) with Chk2 (uniprotkb:O96017) and ATM (uniprotkb:Q13315) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007)  相似文献   

Oleg Timofeev  Entan Hu 《FEBS letters》2009,583(4):841-1967
Cdc25 phosphatases activate Cdk/Cyclin complexes by dephosphorylation and thus promote cell cycle progression. We observed that the peak activity of Cdc25A precedes the one of Cdc25B in prophase and the maximum of Cyclin/Cdk kinase activity. Furthermore, Cdc25A activates both Cdk1-2/Cyclin A and Cdk1/Cyclin B complexes while Cdc25B seems to be involved only in activation of Cdk1/Cyclin B. Concomitantly, repression of Cdc25A led to a decrease in Cyclin A-associated kinase activity and attenuated Cdk1 activation. Our results indicate that Cdc25A acts before Cdc25B - at least in cancer cells, and has non-redundant functions in late G2/early M-phase as a major regulator of Cyclin A/kinase complexes.  相似文献   

We show that MAD3 encodes a novel 58-kD nuclear protein which is not essential for viability, but is an integral component of the spindle checkpoint in budding yeast. Sequence analysis reveals two regions of Mad3p that are 46 and 47% identical to sequences in the NH(2)-terminal region of the budding yeast Bub1 protein kinase. Bub1p is known to bind Bub3p (Roberts et al. 1994) and we use two-hybrid assays and coimmunoprecipitation experiments to show that Mad3p can also bind to Bub3p. In addition, we find that Mad3p interacts with Mad2p and the cell cycle regulator Cdc20p. We show that the two regions of homology between Mad3p and Bub1p are crucial for these interactions and identify loss of function mutations within each domain of Mad3p. We discuss roles for Mad3p and its interactions with other spindle checkpoint proteins and with Cdc20p, the target of the checkpoint.  相似文献   

Chk2 (checkpoint kinase 2) is a serine/threonine kinase that participates in a series of signaling networks responsible for maintaining genomic integrity and responding to DNA damage. The development of selective Chk2 inhibitors has recently attracted much interest as a means of sensitizing cancer cells to current DNA-damaging agents used in the treatment of cancer. Additionally, selective Chk2 inhibitors may reduce p53-mediated apoptosis in normal tissues, thereby helping to mitigate adverse side effects from chemotherapy and radiation. Thus far, relatively few selective inhibitors of Chk2 have been described and none have yet progressed into clinical trials. Here, we report crystal structures of the catalytic domain of Chk2 in complex with a novel series of potent and selective small molecule inhibitors. These compounds exhibit nanomolar potencies and are selective for Chk2 over Chk1. The structures reported here elucidate the binding modes of these inhibitors to Chk2 and provide information that can be exploited for the structure-assisted design of novel chemotherapeutics.  相似文献   

When exposed to DNA-damaging insults such as ionizing radiation (IR) or ultraviolet light (UV), mammalian cells activate checkpoint pathways to halt cell cycle progression or induce cell death. Here we examined the ability of five commonly used anticancer drugs with different mechanisms of action to activate the Chk1/Chk2-Cdc25A-CDK2/cyclin E cell cycle checkpoint pathway, previously shown to be induced by IR or UV. Whereas exposure of human cells to topoisomerase inhibitors camptothecin, etoposide, or adriamycin resulted in rapid (within 1 h) activation of the pathway including degradation of the Cdc25A phosphatase and inhibition of cyclin E/CDK2 kinase activity, taxol failed to activate this checkpoint even after a prolonged treatment. Unexpectedly, although the alkylating agent cisplatin also induced degradation of Cdc25A (albeit delayed, after 8-12 h), cyclin E/CDK2 activity was elevated and DNA synthesis continued, a phenomena that correlated with increased E2F1 protein levels and consequently enhanced expression of cyclin E. These results reveal a differential impact of various classes of anticancer chemotherapeutics on the Cdc25A-degradation pathway, and indicate that the kinetics of checkpoint induction, and the relative balance of key components within the DNA damage response network may dictate whether the treated cells arrest their cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

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