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Sesame is an important vegetable crop for the production of oil in Korea. The main obstacle of sesame cultivation is the occurrence of damping-off diseases and wilt caused by a complex of soil-borne pathogens in fields cultivated for two or more successive years. To protect sesame seedlings against these diseases, Paenibacillus polymyxa E681, a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) previously shown to suppress disease incidence and promote growth on cucumber and pepper in the greenhouse and field experiments, was evaluated for its capacity for biological control and growth promotion in vitro and in situ. Seed treatment with strain E681 alone did not show consistent protection. Therefore, seed pelleting with strain E681 was attempted to increase the seed size and improve the stability and effectiveness of biocontrol capacity by strain E681. Through screening of pelleting materials, a combination of clay and vermiculite was selected for further experiments to enhance seed germination and root colonization of strain E681 on sesame. In greenhouse trials, formulations of strain E681 reduced disease incidence in disease-conducive soil. In the field, pelleting of sesame seeds with strain E681 significantly reduced pre- and post-emergence damping-off compared to the non-treated or pelleting alone controls; pelleting also promoted the plant growth and the grain yield. Furthermore, the efficacy of strain E681 for biological control and plant growth promotion was improved by sesame seed pelleting compared to the treatment with strain E681 alone. Hence, the application of strain E681 via seed pelleting offers potential to overcome some of the problems associated with successive years of sesame cultivation.  相似文献   

Hazel (Corylus avellana L.) seedlings, inoculated with the ecto-mycorrhizal fungus Tuber melanosporum (Vitt.) were grown in pots with soil previously inoculated with fluorescent Pseudomonads. These bacteria have been previously isolated from a typical truffle orchard soil. The effect of Pseudomonads on T. melanosporum synthesis proceeded by a two-stage process. Tuber melanosporum infection first declined and then resumed to almost the original level. Infection by competing mycorrhizal fungi declined after 6 months and was very low after 12 months, at the end of the experiment. The same dynamic process occurred with all bacterial strains tested, regardless of their taxonomical group or iron-chelating power. However, some isolates of Pseudomonads seemed to be more efficient than others. A protective effect of Pseudomonads against soil-borne competitors of mycorrhizae was postulated to occur in orchards, consequently favouring the continuation of the T. melanosporum symbiosis. Prospects for use of Pseudomonads in nurseries are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 produces hydrogen cyanide (HCN), a secondary metabolite that accounts largely for the biocontrol ability of this strain. In this study, we examined the role of HCN production by CHA0 as an antagonistic factor that contributes to biocontrol of Meloidogyne javanica, the root-knot nematode, in situ. Culture filtrate of CHA0, resulting from 1/10-strength nutrient broth yeast extract medium amended with glycine, inhibited egg hatch and caused mortality of M. javanica juveniles in vitro. The bacterium cultured under high oxygen-tension conditions exhibited better inhibitory effects towards nematodes, compared to its cultivation under excess oxygen situation. Growth medium amended with 0.50 or 1.0 mM FeEDDHA further improved hatch inhibition and nematicidal activity of the strain CHA0. Strain CHA77, an HCN-negative mutant, failed to exert such toxic effects, and in this strain, antinematode activity was not influenced by culture conditions. Exogenous cyanide also inhibited egg hatch and caused mortality of M. javanica juveniles in vitro. Strains CHA0 or CHA77 applied in unsterilized sandy-loam soil as drench, caused marked suppression of root-knot disease development incited by M. javanica in tomato seedlings. However, efficacy of CHA77 was noticeably lower compared to its wild type counterpart CHA0. An increased bioavailability of iron following EDTA application in soil substantially improved nematode biocontrol potential of CHA0 but not that of CHA77. Soil infestation with M. javanica eggs resulted in significantly lower nematode population densities and root-knot disease compared to the juveniles used as root-knot disease-inducing agents. Strain CHA0 significantly suppressed nematode populations and inhibited galling in tomato roots grown in soil inoculated with eggs or juveniles and treated with or without EDTA. Strain CHA0 exhibited greater biocontrol potential in soil inoculated with eggs and treated with EDTA. To demonstrate that HCN synthesis by the strain CHA0 acts as the inducing agent of systemic resistance in tomato, efficacy of the strain CHA0 was compared with CHA77 in a split root trial. The split-root experiment, guaranteeing a spatial separation of the inducing agent and the challenging pathogen, showed that HCN production by CHA0 is not crucial in the induction of systemic resistance in tomato against M. javanica, because the HCN-negative-mutant CHA77 induced the same level of resistance as the wild type but exogenous cyanide in the form of KCN failed to trigger the resistance reaction. In the root section where both nematode and the bacterium were present, strain CHA0 reduced nematode penetration to a greater extent than CHA77, suggesting that for effective control of M. javanica, a direct contact between HCN-producing CHA0 and the nematode is essential.  相似文献   

The precipitation of N-cetylamine, N-cetylacetamide, hexadecane-1,2-diol, cetyl alcohol, and poly(butyl metacrylate) in acetone–water media in the presence of the lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens was found to be accompanied by the coprecipitation of the enzyme. Within the lyophilized coprecipitates, the lipase exhibits a high catalytic activity and enantioselectivity in the reaction of (1RS)-phenylethanol acetylation with vinyl acetate in t-butyl methyl ether. In order of increasing lipase activity, the coprecipitates can be arranged in the series: cetyl alcohol, poly(butyl metacrylate), hexadecane-1,2-diol, N-cetylamine, and N-cetylacetamide, with the activity 2.5- to 19-fold exceeding the activity of the native enzyme. Immobilization of the lipase on solid supports, such as Celite 545 (physical sorption) and Eupergit C250L (covalent binding), in the presence of hexadecane-1,2-diol was found to increase the esterifying activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Fourteen strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from rhizosphere soil of rice were tested for their antagonistic effect towards Rhizoctonia solani, the rice sheath blight fungus. Among them, PfMDU2 was the most effective in inhibiting mycelial growth of R. solani in vitro. Production of chitinase, beta-1,3-glucanase, siderophores, salicylic acid (SA) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) by P. fluorescens strains was evaluated. The highest beta-1,3-glucanase activity, siderophore production, SA production and HCN production were recorded with PfMDU2. A significant relationship between the antagonistic potential of P. fluorescens against R. solani and its level of beta-1,3-glucanase, SA and HCN was observed.  相似文献   

In a previous report, it was described that strawberry plants pre-treated with an avirulent isolate of Colletotrichum fragariae (M23) acquired resistance to a virulent isolate of Colletotrichum acutatum (M11) causing anthracnose. In this report we present evidence that the eliciting activity can be found not only in conidial extracts but in culture supernatants of the avirulent pathogen as well. Plants of the cv. Pájaro treated with the culture filtrate (CF) derived from M23, 3 days prior to the inoculation with M11 showed significantly reduced disease severity as compared to control plants and the disease was completely suppressed when plants were pre-treated 7 days before the challenge inoculation with M11. The same effect was achieved when a single leaf was sprayed with CF, suggesting that the resistance acquired is systemic. Control treatments showed that none of the active extracts inhibited the growth of the virulent pathogen, indicating that the protection effect was due to the induction of a defense response. The latter was confirmed by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (e.g. hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion) and the deposition of lignin and callose, usually associated to plant defense, after the CF treatment. Experiments carried out with other strawberry cultivars treated with CF showed that also protected them against different virulent isolates, suggesting that the response observed is cultivar-nonspecific. These outcomes indicate that the protection against anthracnose in strawberry involves a phenomenon of induced resistance (IR) by action of defense-eliciting molecules produced by M23.  相似文献   

Root segments of Pisum sativum L. were transformed by several strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The resulting hairy roots, as well as apical segments from untransformed pea roots, were used to initiate root lines cultured in vitro. Levels of free IAA were quantified in the sub-cultured lines by gas-chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, using selected ion monitoring. For most of the cultured untransformed and transformed root lines the IAA content was very small, compared with levels in untransformed intact primary roots. However, an agropine-type hairy root line (incited by strain 15834) contained significantly higher amounts of IAA. The peculiar phenotype of this root line (abundant production of calli) appears to be associated with an increased IAA level, as opposed to most of the hairy root lines, where the extensive secondary root proliferation associated with the hairy-root disease cannot be merely attributed to a markedly enhanced IAA content.  相似文献   

Rhizosphere and endophytic bacterial isolates from the roots and corms of banana were tested for their biocontrol efficiency against Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV). Molecular characterization using RAPD and microsatellite markers revealed genomic variability in the endophytic Pseudomonas and Bacillus isolates. Bio-formulations of mixtures of the rhizobacterial isolate Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf1) and endophytic Bacillus spp. (EPB22) were effective in reducing the incidence of BBTV under green-house (80%) and field conditions (52%). Reduction in virus titer (0.64) was noticed in the plants treated with compatible mixtures of rhizobacterial and endophytic bacterial isolates as evidenced by ELISA, in comparison to control plants (1.69). In addition to disease control, a significant increase in the yield (53.33%) was noticed in the bacterized plants when compared to the control plants. Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins, chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase and defense-related proteins, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and phenolic compounds were significantly activated in the bacterized plants, thus inducing resistance against bunchy top virus. Populations of endophytic bacteria also remained high and stable throughout the growing period. Thus, application of mixtures of rhizosphere and endophytic bacteria increases yield and has a potential role in inducing resistance against Banana bunchy top virus.  相似文献   

The fungal entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana became established as an endophyte in coffee seedlings grown in vitro and inoculated with B. bassiana suspensions in the radicle. The fungus was recovered as an endophyte 30 and 60 days postinoculation, from stems, leaves, and roots, and at 60 days postinoculation one of the isolates was also recovered as an epiphyte. Fusarium sp., Rhodotorula sp., and four bacterial morpho-species were also detected, indicating these were present as endophytes in the seed.  相似文献   

Integration of foliar bacterial biological control agents and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) was investigated to determine whether biological control of bacterial speck of tomato, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, and bacterial spot of tomato, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria and Xanthomonas vesicatoria, could be improved. Three foliar biological control agents and two selected PGPR strains were employed in pairwise combinations. The foliar biological control agents had previously demonstrated moderate control of bacterial speck or bacterial spot when applied as foliar sprays. The PGPR strains were selected in this study based on their capacity to induce resistance against bacterial speck when applied as seed and soil treatments in the greenhouse. Field trials were conducted in Alabama, Florida, and California for evaluation of the efficacy in control of bacterial speck and in Alabama and Florida for control of bacterial spot. The foliar biological control agent P. syringae strain Cit7 was the most effective of the three foliar biological control agents, providing significant suppression of bacterial speck in all field trials and bacterial spot in two out of three field trials. When applied as a seed treatment and soil drench, PGPR strain Pseudomonas fluorescens 89B-61 significantly reduced foliar severity of bacterial speck in the field trial in California and in three of six disease ratings in the field trials in Alabama. PGPR strains 89B-61 and Bacillus pumilus SE34 both provided significant suppression of bacterial spot in the two field trials conducted in Alabama. Combined use of foliar biological control agent Cit7 and PGPR strain 89B-61 provided significant control of bacterial speck and spot of tomato in each trial. In one field trial, control was enhanced significantly with combined biological control agents compared to single agent inoculations. These results suggest that some PGPR strains may induce plant resistance under field conditions, providing effective suppression of bacterial speck and spot of tomato, and that there may be some benefit to the integration of rhizosphere-applied PGPR and foliar-applied biological control agents.  相似文献   

Björkman T  Cleland RE 《Planta》1988,176(4):513-518
In order to determine the role of the epidermis and cortex in gravitropic curvature of seedling roots of maize (Zea mays L. cv. Merit), the cortex on the two opposite flanks was removed from the meristem through the growing zone; gravitropic curvature was measured with the roots oriented horizontally with the cut flanks either on the upper and lower side, or on the lateral sides as a wound control. Curvature was slower in both these treatments (53° in 5 h) than in intact roots (82°), but there was no difference between the two orientations in extent and rate of curvature, nor in the latent time, showing that epidermis and cortex were not the site of action of the growth-regulating signal. The amount of cortex removed made no difference in the extent of curvature. Curvature was eliminated when the endodermis was damaged, raising the possibility that the endodermis or the stele-cortex interface controls gravitropic curvature in roots. The elongation rate of roots from which just the epidermis had been peeled was reduced by 0.01 mM auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) from 0.42 to 0.27 mm h-1, contradicting the hypothesis that only the epidermis responds to changes in auxin activity during gravistimulation. These observations indicate that gravitropic curvature in maize roots is not driven by differential cortical cell enlargement, and that movement of growth regulator(s) from the tip to the elongating zone is unlikely to occur in the cortex.Abbreviations df degrees of freedom - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

From measurements of the rates of depletion of labelled ions from solution in the low concentration range, we described the phosphate and potassium uptake characteristics of the roots of intact barley plants in terms of the kinetic parameters, K m and I max (the maximum rate of uptake). In relatively young (13 d) and older (42 d) plants, cessation of phosphate supply for 4 d or more caused a marked increase in I max (up to four times), without concomitant change in K m, which remained between 5 and 7 M. By contrast, 1 d of potassium starvation with 14-d plants caused a decline in the K m (i.e. an increased apparent affinity for potassium) from 53 M to 11 M, without alteration to I max. After longer periods of potassium starvation, I max increased (about two times) while the K m remained at the same low value. Growth of shoots and roots were unaffected by these treatments, so that concentrations of ions in the tissues declined after 1 d or more of nutrient starvation, but we could not identify a characteristic endogenous concentration for either nutrient at which changes in kinetic parameters were invariably induced. The possible mechanisms regulating carriermediated transport, and the importance of changes induced in kinetic parameters in ion uptake from solution and soil are discussed.Symbol I max the maximum rate of absorption at saturating concentrations  相似文献   

We modified a video digitizer system to allow short-term high-resolution measurements of root elongation in intact seedlings ofArabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. We used the system to measure the kinetics of promotion and inhibition of root elongation by applied auxin and to determine the dose-response relationship for auxin action on elongation in roots of wild-type seedlings and seedlings of mutants (axr1,aux1, andaxr2) with altered auxin responsiveness. Roots of the mutants showed less inhibition in the presence of inhibitory concentrations of auxin than did roots of the wild type. The latent period preceding the change in elongation rate after auxin application was the same foraxr1 andaxr2 as for the wild type whereas the latent period foraux1 was about twice as long as for the wild type. Low concentrations (ca. 10–11 M) of auxin induced substantial promotion of root elongation in the wild type and inaxr2.We thank Linda Young and Roger Hangarter for helping to develop the system for mountingArabidopsis seedlings and Wendy Hankie, Julia Hufford, and Ruperto Villella for doing some of the experiments. We thank Roger Hangarter for valuable discussions of the data. This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. DCB-9105807 and by National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant No. NAG10-0084  相似文献   

The big and secondary islets of sea bass larvae were characterized ultrastructurally from, 25 to 60 days after hatching. From the 25th day, big islets consisted of inner type II and III, external type I and peripheral type IV cells. From the 55th day, type V cells appeared in limited peripheral areas. Secondary islets, first found in 32-day-old larvae, were made up of inner type II and III, external type I, and peripheral either type IV and V cells (type I islets), or only type V cells (type II islets). Type I cells contained secretory granules with a fine granular, low-medium electron-dense material, whereas the secretory granules of type II cells were smaller and had a high electron-dense core with diffused limits; needle and rod-like crystalloid contents were occasionally found. Type III secretory granules posessed a homogeneous, high or medium electron-dense material with or without a clear halo. Type IV cells had secretory granules with a polygonal dense core embedded in a granular matrix and granules containing a high or medium electron-dense material. Type V cells had secretory granules with a fine granular, high or medium electron-dense content. These cell-types correlated with cells previously identified immuno-cytochemically, as regards to their distribution in the islets, and related to those characterized ultrastructurally in adult specimens. Thus, types I, II, III, IV and V correspond to D1, B, D2, A and PP cells, respectively. From the 32nd day onwards, endocrine cells of all the different types were found grouped, type V cells also being observed in isolation close to pancreatic ducts and/or blood vessels. Small groups consisting of type I and II cells were found in 40-day-old larvae. A mitotic centroacinar ductular cell containing some secretory granules similar to those of type I cells, was seen adjacent to a type I cell. As the larvae grew older, the endoplasmic reticulum developed, the number of free ribosomes decreased, and the number and size of the secretory granules increased. Dark type I, II, III, IV and V cells were found in the islets and cell clusters from the 55th day onwards.  相似文献   

Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography was used to analyse 14C-labelled metabolites of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) formed in the cortical and stelar tissues of Zea mays roots. After a 2-h incubation in [14C]IAA, stelar segments had metabolised between 1–6% of the methanol-extractable radioactivity compared with 91–92% by the cortical segments. The pattern of metabolites produced by cortical segments was similar to that produced by intact segments bathed in aqueous solutions of [14C]IAA. In contrast, when IAA was supplied in agar blocks to stelar tissue protruding from the basal ends of segments, negligible metabolism was evident. On the basis of its retention characteristics both before and after methylation, the major metabolite of [14C]IAA in Zea mays root segments was tentatively identified by high-performance liquid chromatography as oxindole-3-acetic acid.Abbreviations HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography - IAA Indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

The primordial cord and the primitive, single and primordial islets present in the 3 earliest stages of the developing endocrine pancreas of sea bass were studied ultrastructurally. The primordial cord consisted of type I and II cells and was included in the gut. Besides these cell types, X cells were seen in the primitive islet. The single islet was made up of type I, II, III and IV cells. A correlation between these endocrine cell-types and cells previously identified immunocytochemically, was established. Type I, II, III and IV cells, correlated respectively with SST-25-, insulin-, SST-14- and glucagon-immunoreactive cells, and could be related to the D1, B, D2 and A cells, respectively, of older larvae and adult sea bass. Each cell type shows characteristic secretory granules from its first appearance. A progressive development of the organelles and an increase in the number and size of the secretory granules, whose ultrastructure also varied, was observed in the endocrine cells of the primordial cord and the succeeding islets. In 25-day-old larvae at the beginning of the fourth developmental stage, the primordial islet, the first ventral islet found, was close to a pancreatic duct and blood vessel, and consisted of type I and II cells whose ultrastructure was similar to that of the type I and II cells in the primordial cord. These data suggest a ductular origin for the pancreatic endocrine cells in the ventral pancreas. It is suggested that although endocrine cells undergo mitosis, their increase in number during the earliest development stages is principally due to the differentiation of surrounding cells.  相似文献   

The accumulation of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) in cell walls of dicotyledonous plants is thought to be involved in the defense response to pathogens. An antiserum raised against deglycosylated HRGPs from melon was used for studying the subcellular localization of these glycoproteins in susceptible and resistant tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) root tissues infected by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici. A time-course of HRGP accumulation revealed that these glycoproteins increased earlier and to a higher extent in resistant than in susceptible cultivars. In the compatible interaction, increase in HRGPs was largely correlated with pathogen invasion and appeared to occur as a result of wall damage. In the incompatible interaction, HRGPs accumulated in the walls of uninvaded cells, thus indicating a possible role in the protection against fungal penetration. The occurrence of substantial amounts of HRGPs in papillae, known to be physical barriers formed in response to infection, and in intercellular spaces provides additional support to the concept that such glycoproteins play an important role in disease resistance.  相似文献   

Turgor pressure was measured in cortical cells and in xylem elements of excised roots and roots of intact plants of Zea mays L. by means of a cell pressure probe. Turgor of living and hence not fully differentiated late metaxylem (range 0.6–0.8 MPa) was consistently higher than turgor of cortical cells (range 0.4–0.6 MPa) at positions between 40 and 180 mm behind the root tip. Closer to the tip, no turgor difference between the cortex and the stele was measured. The turgor difference indicated that late-metaxylem elements may function as nutrient-storage compartments within the stele. Excised roots were attached to the root pressure probe to precisely manipulate the xylem water potential. Root excision did not affect turgor of cortical cells for at least 8 h. Using the cell pressure probe, the propagation of a hydrostatic pressure change effected by the root pressure probe was recorded in mature and immature xylem elements at various positions along the root. Within seconds, the pressure change propagated along both early and late metaxylems. The half-times of the kinetics, however, were about five times smaller for the early metaxylem, indicating they are likely the major pathway of longitudinal water flow. The hydraulic signal dissipated from the source of the pressure application (cut end of the root) to the tip of the root, presumably because of radial water movement along the root axis. The results demonstrate that the water status of the growth zone and other positions apical to 20 mm is mainly uncoupled from changes of the xylem water potential in the rest of the plant.Abbreviations and Symbols CPP cell pressure probe - EMX early metaxylem - LMX Late metaxylem - Pc cell turgor - Pr root pressure - RPP root pressure probe - t1/2,c half-time of water exchange across a single cell - t1/2 half-time of water exchange across multiple cells We thank Antony Matista for his expert assistance in the construction and modification of instruments. The work was supported by grant DCB8802033 from the National Science Foundation and grant 91-37100-6671 from USDA, and by the award of a Feodor Lynen-Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation (Germany) to J.F.  相似文献   

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