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Maitotoxin (MTX), a potent marine toxin involved in ciguatera poisoning, inhibited sea urchin egg fertilization in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 of 7.5 x 10(-3) MU (mouse-unit)/ml. It did not affect male gametes fertilizing capabilities but provoked exocytosis in female gametes. It induced a K+ loss simultaneously with a Na+ entry into unfertilized eggs and increased the Ca2+ influx at higher concentrations. On isolated cortex preparations, high concentrations of MTX reduced the rate of ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation into reticulum compartments and caused a leakage of Ca2+ from a preparation pre-loaded with 45Ca2+. Verapamil (10(-4) M) similarly blocked the increase of egg permeability to Ca2+ and the effect on Ca2+ sequestering into intracellular compartment, induced by MTX. Ion transport perturbations which evolved relatively slowly are probably not the direct cause of fertilization inhibition which could be related to a modification of the plasma membrane of the female gametes by this hydrophilic toxin.  相似文献   

Thapsigargin (Tg), an inhibitor of microsomal Ca2+ ATPase, is used as a tool to study the changes in Ca2+ sequestration in sea urchin eggs and their relationship to embryonic development. Micromolar amounts of Tg inhibit ATP-dependent Ca2+ sequestration in a dose-dependent and non-reversible manner, depending on the bulk of biological material used. IC5O values are 1 nmol/L and 1–10μmol/L, respectively, in the cortical Ca2+ stores (isolated cortices preparation) and in digitonin-permeabilized eggs, a preparation giving access to the deeper reticulum compartment. Micromolar Tg does not induce Ca2+ release from 45Ca pre-loaded cortices but leads to a loss of 25% of the total Ca2+ content from the cortical area. Using microspectrofluorimetry of fura-2-loaded eggs, we found that 10 μmol/L Tg induced a moderate rise in cytosolic Ca2+ activity as compared with the fertilization-induced Ca2+ transient whether eggs were fertilized or not. Early events related to fertilization as, for example, elevation of the fertilization envelope, proton excretion and sustained increase of amino acid uptake, are triggered by 10μmol/L Tg but with a delayed onset relative to sperm-induced effects. The present findings indicate that although it triggers most fertilization-related events, Tg cannot be considered as a true mitotic agent in sea urchin eggs. When added after fertilization, Tg affects cleavage and the further embryonic development giving rise to abnormalities comparable to the animalized larvae obtained with other compounds responsible for the inhibition of reticular Ca2+ sequestration.  相似文献   

In sea urchin eggs activated by sperm, A23187 or melittin, BPB (4-bromophenacyl bromide, a phospholipase A2 inhibitor) blocked fertilization envelope formation and transient CN-insensitive respiration in a concentration-dependent manner. BPB had virtually no effect on the increase in [Ca2+]i, (cytosolic Ca2+ level), the activity of phosphorylase a and the rate of protein synthesis, as well as acid production and augmentation of CN-sensitive respiration. BPB also inhibited fertilization envelope formation and augmentation of CN-insensitive respiration induced by melittin. Melittin, known to be an activator of phospholipase A2, induced the envelope formation, acid production, augmentation of CN-insensitive and sensitive respiration, but did not cause any increase in [Ca2+]i, the phosphorylase a activity and the rate of protein synthesis. An activation of phospholipase A2 induced by Ca2+ or melittin seems to result in cortical vesicle discharge and production of fatty acids, which are to be utilized in CN-insensitive lipid peroxidase reactions. Activation of other examined cell functions in eggs activated by sperm or A23187, probably results from Ca2+-triggered sequential reactions other than Ca2+-caused activation of phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

The allelic division of the Na+/K+-ATPase α-subunit gene was found in eggs of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Two PCR products of different lengths were detected from a genome in one embryo derived from a fertilized egg, although only one product in one embryo derived from an artificially activated egg by parthenogenesis was detected, indicating one copy of the gene in a haploid genome. One of the two PCR products from each fertilized egg was identical in size to the product from an artificially activated egg in the same batch. The other PCR product was the same in length as one of the products from the sperm with which the eggs were fertilized. These results indicate that recombination of the heteromeric alleles of the Na+/K+-ATPase α-subunit gene occurs in the sea urchin egg due to meiosis and fertilization. The sequencing of these products demonstrated that their exon sequences were identical and that the intron, inserted in the PCR products, generated polymorphism in length due to the frequency of the repeating 53 bp sequence and insertion/deletion of other two segments.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]nimodipine to purified synaptic plasma membranes (SPM) isolated from sheep brain cortex was characterized, and the effects of nimodipine, nifedipine, and (+)-verapamil on the [3H]nimodipine binding were compared to the effects on 45Ca2+ translocation under conditions that separate 45Ca2+ fluxes through Ca2+ channels from 45Ca2+ uptake via Na+/Ca2+ exchange. [3H]Nimodipine labels a single class of sites in SPM, with a KD of 0.64 +/- 0.1 nM, a Bmax of 161 +/- 27 fmol X mg-1 protein, and a Hill slope of 1.07, at 25 degrees C. Competition of [3H]nimodipine binding to purified SPM with unlabelled Ca2+ channel blockers shows that: nifedipine and nimodipine are potent competitors, with IC50 values of 4.7 nM and 5.9 nM, respectively; verapamil and (-)-D 600 are partial competitors, with biphasic competition behavior. Thus, (+)-verapamil shows an IC50 of 708 nM for the higher affinity component and the maximal inhibition is 50% of the specific binding, whereas for (-)-verapamil the IC50 is 120 nM, and the maximal inhibition is 30%; (-)-D 600 is even less potent than verapamil in inhibiting [3H]nimodipine binding (IC50 = 430 nM). However, (+)-verapamil, nifedipine, and nimodipine are less potent in inhibiting depolarization-induced 45Ca2+ influx into synaptosomes in the absence of Na+/Ca2+ exchange than in competing for [3H]nimodipine binding. Thus, (+)-verapamil inhibits Ca2+ influx by 50% at about 500 microM, whereas it inhibits 50% of the binding at concentrations 200-fold lower, and the discrepancy is even larger for the dihydropyridines. The Na+/Ca2+ exchange and the ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake by SPM vesicles are also inhibited by the Ca2+ channel blockers verapamil, nifedipine, and d-cis-diltiazem, with similar IC50 values and in the same concentration range (10(-5)-10(-3) M) at which they inhibit Ca2+ influx through Ca2+ channels. We conclude that high-affinity binding of the Ca2+ blockers by SPM is not correlated with inhibition of the Ca2+ fluxes through channels in synaptosomes under conditions of minimal Na+/Ca2+ exchange. Furthermore, the relatively high concentrations of blockers required to block the channels also inhibit Ca2+ translocation through the Ca2+-ATPase and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. In this study, clear differentiation is made of the effects of the Ca2+ channel blockers on these three mechanisms of moving Ca2+ across the synaptosomal membrane, and particular care is taken to separate the contribution of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange from that of the Ca2+ channels under conditions of K+ depolarization.  相似文献   

Two Ca2+ transport systems were investigated in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from sheep brain cortex synaptosomes by hypotonic lysis and partial purification. Synaptic plasma membrane vesicles loaded with Na+ (Na+i) accumulate Ca2+ in exchange for Na+, provided that a Na+ gradient (in leads to out) is present. Agents that dissipate the Na+ gradient (monensin) prevent the Na+/Ca2+ exchange completely. Ca2+ accumulated by Na+/Ca2+ exchange can be released by A 23187, indicating that Ca2+ is accumulated intravesicularly. In the absence of any Na+ gradient (K+i-loaded vesicles), the membrane vesicles also accumulate Ca2+ owing to ATP hydrolysis. Monovalent cations stimulate Na+/Ca2+ exchange as well as the ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake activity. Taking the value for Na+/Ca2+ exchange in the presence of choline chloride (external cation) as reference, other monovalent cations in the external media have the following effects: K+ or NH4+ stimulates Na+/Ca2+ exchange; Li+ or Cs+ inhibits Na+/Ca2+ exchange. The ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport system is stimulated by increasing K+ concentrations in the external medium (Km for K+ is 15 mM). Replacing K+ by Na+ in the external medium inhibits the ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake, and this effect is due more to the reduction of K+ than to the elevation of Na+. The results suggest that synaptic membrane vesicles isolated from sheep brain cortex synaptosomes possess mechanisms for Na+/Ca2+ exchange and ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake, whose activity may be regulated by monovalent cations, specifically K+, at physiological concentrations.  相似文献   

We report here characterization of calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+ transport activities in synaptic plasma membranes (SPM). The calcium transport activity consists of a Ca2+-stimulated, Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis coupled with ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake into membraneous sacs on the cytosolic face of the synaptosomal membrane. These transport activities have been found in synaptosomal subfractions to be located primarily in SPM-1 and SPM-2. Both Ca2+-ATPase and ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake require calmodulin for maximal activity (KCm for ATPase = 60 nM; KCm for uptake = 50 nM). In the reconstituted membrane system, KCa was found to be 0.8 microM for Ca2+-ATPase and 0.4 microM for Ca2+ uptake. These results demonstrate for the first time the calmodulin requirements for the Ca2+ pump in SPM when Ca2+ ATPase and Ca2+ uptake are assayed under functionally coupled conditions. They suggest that calmodulin association with the membrane calcium pump is regulated by the level of free Ca2+ in the cytoplasm. The activation by calmodulin, in turn, regulates the cytosolic Ca2+ levels in a feedback process. These studies expand the calmodulin hypothesis of synaptic transmission to include activation of a high-affinity Ca2+ + Mg2+ ATPase as a regulator for cytosolic Ca2+.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of 45Ca2+ uptake by rat brain mitochondria in Ca2+ - 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid buffers indicated that spermine both increased the apparent affinity for Ca2+ and decreased the cooperativity of uptake. Both effects are consistent with an allosteric activation of uptake by spermine. The stimulating effect of spermine on 45Ca2+ uptake was maximal with mitochondria from postnatal day 10 animals and then steadily decreased with increasing age to reach adult values by approximately 30 postnatal days; this was observed independently of the substrates used to fuel mitochondria. Mitochondrial Ca2+ buffering was also analyzed by use of a Ca2+-selective electrode. Addition of a large bolus of Ca2+ produced a decrease in the subsequent equilibrium extramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration (or a "rebound overshoot") under some conditions. It is proposed that this effect is the result of an allosteric activation of Ca2+ uptake by Ca2+. This effect was slowly reversible, or hysteretic, and was blocked by spermine. The overshoot was increased in the presence of higher concentrations of Mg2+ and was absent when mitochondria were incubated with 0.3 mM Mg2+. It was maximal in mitochondria prepared from early postnatal brain, and changes in the magnitude of the effect during development paralleled those obtained with spermine stimulation of 45Ca2+ uptake. The data suggest that spermine produces an allosteric activation of Ca2+ uptake by binding to the same regulatory sites that are involved in the Ca2+-induced activation. The results as a whole suggest that spermine could modulate mitochondrial buffering of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in brain, particularly during the early postnatal period.  相似文献   

Glycogen in sea urchin eggs is found in both the precipitate and the supernatant fractions obtained by adding perchloric acid to the egg homogenate. Glycogen in the acid-insoluble fraction is apparently protein-bound (bound glycogen) while the acid-extractable form (free glycogen) seems to bind with less protein. The greatest amount of bound glycogen is found in the particulate fraction obtained by centrifugation of the egg homogenate at 10,000g for 30 minutes. The supernatant fraction obtained by centrifugation at 105,000g for two hours contained the largest amount of free glycogen of all the fractions obtained. The bound glycogen decreases and the free glycogen increases markedly following fertilization, while the total level of glycogen does not change. The glycogen release from the bound state occurs in vitro and the rate of release is higher in fertilized eggs than in unfertilized eggs. Polyamines (putrecine, spermidine, and spermine) cause an increase in the rate of glycogen release in the egg homogenate. cAMP, AMP, and ADP exert no effect on glycogen release in vitro, whereas ATP slightly enhances the rate of glycogen release. Na+ and K+ hardly accelerate the rate of glycogen release, and divalent cations, such as Ca2+ and Mg2+, cause an increase in the rate of glycogen release.  相似文献   

To gain some understanding of the regulatory mechanism involved in caffeine-induced Ca2+ release in adrenal chromaffin cells, we took advantage of the paradoxical observation that removal of divalent cations potentiated the secretory response to caffeine. We measured the concentration of cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca]in) in isolated cat chromaffin cells, by fura-2 microfluorometry, to see whether there was any correlation between the secretory response and the rise in [Ca]in. The caffeine-induced [Ca]in rise and catecholamine secretion were increased by treatment of cells with a divalent cation-deficient solution. These potentiated responses were strongly inhibited either by pretreatment with ryanodine, by the reduction of the external Na+ concentration, or by the addition of Ca2+ channel blockers. Removal of divalent cations caused a large rise in the cytosolic free Na+ concentration ([Na]in), which was measured using SBFI microfluorometry. This rise in [Na]in was reduced either by adding Ca2+ channel blockers or by reducing the external Na+ concentration. These results show a good correlation between caffeine-induced Ca2+ release and [Na]in at the time of stimulation, suggesting that caffeine-induced Ca2+ release is regulated by [Na]in.  相似文献   

Kinetic Characterization of Ca2+ Transport in Synaptic Membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lysed synaptosomal membranes were prepared from brain cortices of HA/ICR Swiss mice, and the ATP-stimulated Ca2+ uptake, Ca2+-stimulated Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity, and the Ca2+-stimulated acyl phosphorylation of these membranes were studied. The Km values for free calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]f) for these processes were 0.50 microM, 0.40 microM, and 0.31 microM, respectively. Two kinetically distinct binding sites for ATP were observed for the ATP-stimulated Ca2+ uptake and the Ca2+-stimulated Mg2+-ATPase activity. The high-affinity Km values for ATP for these two processes were 16.3 microM and 28 microM, respectively. These results indicate that the processes studied operate in similar physiological concentration ranges for the substrates [Ca2+]f and ATP under identical assay conditions and, further, that these processes may be functionally coupled in the membrane.  相似文献   

[14C]Acetylcholine (ACh) release and parallel alterations in 45Ca2+ uptake and intrasynaptosomal free CA2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) were measured in guinea-pig brain cortex synaptosomes. Depolarization by high K+ concentrations caused a rapid transient increase in Ca2+ uptake, terminating within 60 s (rate constant = 0.060 s-1; t1/2 = 11.6 s). This resulted in a rapid increase (within 1 s) in [Ca2+1]i, which then fell to a maintained but still-elevated plateau level (t1/2 for the decline was 15 s). Peaks of [Ca2+]i showed a sigmoidal dependence on depolarization, contrasting with the simple linear dependence of plateau levels of [Ca2+]i. The K+-evoked ACh release also had two phases: a fast initial increase (t1/2 = 11.3 s), which terminated within 60 s, was followed by a slow additional increase during sustained depolarizations of up to 10 min. Depolarization by veratridine led to a slow gradual increase in Ca2+ uptake (t1/2 = 130 s) over a 10-min incubation period, whereas an elevated plateau level of [Ca2+]i was achieved within 2 min (without a rapid peak elevation). The Ca2+-dependent fraction of the veratridine-evoked ACh release correlated with the increase in [Ca2+]i rather than with Ca2+ uptake. Using two different methods of depolarization partially circumvented the time limitations imposed by a buffering Ca2+ indicator and we suggest that, in the main, ACh is released in bursts associated with [Ca2+]i transients.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from sea urchin embryos in early development show almost the same activities of cytochrome c oxidase and flavin-linked complex enzymes, which are estimated by cytochrome c reductases as in those isolated from unfertilized eggs. The activities of these cytochrome c reductases are inhibited by Ca2+ at above 10-5 M more strongly than cytochrome c oxidase. To investigate the changes in intramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration at fertilization, the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase, another mitochondrial enzyme, was measured. The activity of this enzyme was controlled by phosphorylation and Ca2+-dependent dephosphorylation of the catalytic unit. The enzyme activity increased for 30 min after fertilization, decreased and became close to zero within ~60 min. Then, the activity appreciably increased again after hatching. This seems to reflect changes in the intramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration. The enzyme activity was enhanced by pre-incubation with Ca2+ at concentrations up to 10-5 M but was made quite low at above 10-4 M Ca2+ and 10-3 M adenosine triphosphate. Although the changes in pyruvate dehydrogenase activity observed at fertilization will reflect the changes in the intramitochondrial calcium concentration, the intramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration of unfertilized eggs cannot be estimated from these results because high (> 10-4 M) or low (10-6 M) Ca2+ can inhibit the enzyme. Measurement of respiration of a single egg showed that injection of ethyleneglycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid released the mitochondrial electron transport in the unfertilized egg. The possibility that changes in intramitochondrial calcium concentration occur at fertilization is discussed in relation to activation of both mitochondrial respiration and pyruvate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Microamperometry was used to monitor quantal catecholamine release from individual PC12 cells in response to raised extracellular K+ and caffeine. K+-evoked exocytosis was entirely dependent on Ca2+ influx through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and of the subtypes of such channels present in these cells, influx through N-type was primarily responsible for triggering exocytosis. L-type channels played a minor role in mediating K+-evoked secretion, whereas P/Q-type channels did not appear to be involved in secretion at all. Caffeine also evoked catecholamine release from PC12 cells, but only in the presence of extracellular Ca2+. Application of caffeine in Ca2+-free solutions evoked large, transient rises of [Ca2+]i, but did not trigger exocytosis. When Ca2+ was restored to the extracellular solution (in the absence of caffeine), store-operated Ca2+ influx was observed, which evoked exocytosis. The amount of secretion evoked by this influx pathway was far greater than release triggered by influx through L-type Ca2+ channels, but less than that caused by Ca2+ influx through N-type channels. Our results indicate that exocytosis may be regulated even in excitable cells by Ca2+ influx through pathways other than voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

Upon fertilization, the sea urchin egg synthesizes proteins which impart a Ca2+ dependence to M-phase onset. A potential target of this Ca2+ dependence may be CaM kinase-II (the multifunctional [type II] Ca2+/calmodulin [CaM]-dependent protein kinase) which is necessary for nuclear envelope breakdown in fertilized sea urchin eggs. This study was intended to determine whether sea urchin CaMK-II is activated after fertilization and whether it interacts with other known M-phase regulators, such as p34cdc2. We report that total CaMK-II activity, measured by solution assays, increases after fertilization, peaking just prior to cleavage. Interestingly, total CaMK-II activity continues to fluctuate, peaking again prior to second and third cleavage. Gel assays also reveal enhanced levels of the 56 and 62 kDa potential CaMK-II phosphoproteins after fertilization. Finally, CaMK-II activity and only the 62 kDa phosphoprotein physically associate with p34cdc2, but again only after fertilization. These changes in CaMK-II activity and p34cdc2-association after fertilization may ensure that Ca2+ signals are targeted to the M-phase machinery at the appropriate developmental times.  相似文献   

Abstract: The role of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and intracellular nonmitochondrial Ca2+ pool in the regulation of cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) during catecholamine secretion was investigated. Catecholamine secretion and [Ca2+]i were simultaneously monitored in a single chromaffin cell. After high-K+ stimulation, control cells and cells in which the Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity was inhibited showed similar rates of [Ca2+]i elevation. However, the recovery of [Ca2+]i to resting levels was slower in the inhibited cells. Inhibition of the exchanger increased the total catecholamine secretion by prolonging the secretion. Inhibition of the Ca2+ pump of the intracellular Ca2+ pool with thapsigargin caused a significant delay in the recovery of [Ca2+]i and greatly enhanced the secretory events. These data suggest that both the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and the thapsigargin-sensitive Ca2+ pool are important in the regulation of [Ca2+]i and, by modulating the time course of secretion, are important in determining the extent of secretion.  相似文献   

Analysis of the initial rates of 45Ca2+ uptake by rat brain mitochondria in Ca2+-1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid buffers indicated that nontelencephalic mitochondria exhibited both a much less pronounced stimulatory effect of spermine and significantly more hyperbolic kinetics of Ca2+ uptake than telencephalic mitochondria. Nontelencephalic mitochondria were also markedly less susceptible to a Ca2+-induced hysteretic allosteric activation of the Ca2+ uniporter. A new Ca2+ loading procedure, which strikingly illustrates differences in mitochondrial Ca2+ buffering characteristics, is also described. In this procedure, low concentrations of Ca2+ (1, 2, or 5 microM) were repetitively added to mitochondria every 30 s while changes in free Ca2+ concentration were recorded. Spermine induced a marked attenuation of the rise in free Ca2+ level under these conditions. Steady-state rates of Ca2+ uptake were determined by a quantitative analysis of the buffering of repetitive Ca2+ additions, and, again, brain regional differences were qualitatively similar to those observed in the initial rate kinetics; Ca2+ uptake by nontelencephalic mitochondria in the steady state was markedly less responsive to stimulation by spermine and appeared to have a more hyperbolic dependence on Ca2+ in the absence of spermine. These results also suggest that there is a lag time in the activation of the uniporter by Ca2+, in addition to the hysteresis that has previously been observed in the deactivation of the uniporter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: Rat brain microsomes accumulate Ca2+ at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. The rate of transport is not modulated by the monovalent cations K+, Na+, or Li+. Both the Ca2+ uptake and the Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity of microsomes are inhibited by the sulfated polysaccharides heparin, fucosylated chondroitin sulfate, and dextran sulfate. Half-maximal inhibition is observed with sulfated polysaccharide concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 8.0 µg/ml. The inhibition is antagonized by KCl and NaCl but not by LiCl. As a result, Ca2+ transport by the native vesicles, which in the absence of polysaccharides is not modulated by monovalent cations, becomes highly sensitive to these ions. Trifluoperazine has a dual effect on the Ca2+ pump of brain microsomes. At low concentrations (20–80 µM) it stimulates the rate of Ca2+ influx, and at concentrations >100 µM it inhibits both the Ca2+ uptake and the ATPase activity. The activation observed at low trifluoperazine concentrations is specific for the brain Ca2+-ATPase; for the Ca2+-ATPases found in blood platelets and in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle, trifluoperazine causes only a concentration-dependent inhibition of Ca2+ uptake. Passive Ca2+ efflux from brain microsomes preloaded with Ca2+ is increased by trifluoperazine (50–150 µM), and this effect is potentiated by heparin (10 µg/ml), even in the presence of KCl. It is proposed that the Ca2+-ATPase isoform from brain microsomes is modulated differently by polysaccharides and trifluoperazine when compared with skeletal muscle and platelet isoforms.  相似文献   

Abstract: Current literature suggests that a massive influx of Ca2+ into the cells of the CNS induces cell damage associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Using an in vitro model for stretch-induced cell injury developed by our laboratory, we have investigated the role of extracellular Ca2+ in astrocyte injury. The degree of injury was assessed by measurement of propidium iodide uptake and release of lactate dehydrogenase. Based on results of in vivo models of TBI developed by others, our initial hypothesis was that decreasing extracellular Ca2+ would result in a reduction in astrocyte injury. Quite unexpectedly, our results indicate that decreasing extracellular Ca2+ to levels observed after in vivo TBI increased astrocyte injury. Elevating the extracellular Ca2+ content to twofold above physiological levels (2 m M ) produced a reduction in cell injury. The reduction in injury afforded by Ca2+ could not be mimicked with Ba2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, or Mg2+, suggesting that a Ca2+-specific mechanism is involved. Using 45Ca2+, we demonstrate that injury induces a rapid influx of extracellular Ca2+ into the astrocyte, achieving an elevation in total cell-associated Ca2+ content two- to threefold above basal levels. Pharmacological elevation of intracellular Ca2+ levels with the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 or thapsigargin before injury dramatically reduced astrocyte injury. Our data suggest that, contrary to popular assumptions, an elevation of total cell-associated Ca2+ reduces astrocyte injury produced by a traumatic insult.  相似文献   

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