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A mathematical model of neuronal target structure with spatial anisotropy of lateral inhibition is discussed. The positions of the neuronal target to oriented sensory stimuli are investigated by computer simulation. It is suggested that visual stimuli orientation is coded in the late phase of dynamic responses of cortical neurons. This idea is in agreement with the data obtained in experiments on guinea pig visual cortex neurons.  相似文献   

The response of caudate nucleus neurons to presentation of photic stimuli located at varying distances from the fovea centralis was investigated in awake cats. Stimulation of different sites on the visual field below the fovea produced dissimilar reactions in 25 of the 35 (or 71%) of these neurons responding to photic stimulation. This divergence of response indicates that in 6 of these cells (or 17%) the receptive fields in the test area of the visual field bordered on the central area of the latter and 6 neurons (17%) showed reduced sensitivity to the effects of stimuli nearer to the periphery than to the center of the visual field, while 13 units (37%) were receiving qualitatively different information from various sites on the field of vision. On the basis of our findings we deduced that caudate nucleus neurons are involved in the analysis of visual sensory signals.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 241–250, March–April, 1986.  相似文献   

In experiments on two dogs it has been found that testing electric stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus reproduces instrumental movement in case of elaborated alimentary instrumental conditioned reflexes (CR) to a tone and does not reproduce it at elaborated acid-defensive instrumental CR. Under testing electric stimulation of the medial hypothalamus the instrumental movement practically is not reproduced neither in alimentary nor in defensive situation. Appearance of instrumental movement at LH electro-stimulation in alimentary situation is connected with activation of backward conditioned connection from motivation "alimentary" LH centre to representation of this movement in the motor cortex.  相似文献   

In experiments on rats the influence was studied of tropic hormones of adenohypophysis--somatotropin, thyrotropin and adrenocorticotropin (STH, ThTN and ACTH respectively) on the elaboration and extinction of conditioned reaction of active avoidance (CRAA) in Y-maze and behaviour in the open field under microinjections of hormones into the brain lateral ventricle (0.001-0.002 ME). It has been shown that all studied hormones improve animals learning at negative pain reinforcement; ThTH and ACTH retard it in contrast to STH, which accelerates the extinction of the elaborated CRAA; tropic hormones exert differentiated influence on rats behaviour in the open field. No distinct correlation was found between behavioural manifestation and the level of catecholamines in the rats hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees and gorillas are among man's closest living relatives, sharing most of the human genetic code and having many similarities to humans in anatomy, physiology, and behavior. Like humans, these apes make and use tools and have strong family bonds. Chimpanzees even show population-specific behaviors similar to those of human cultures. However, chimpanzee and gorilla populations are in dramatic decline due to bushmeat hunting, habitat loss, and the varied risks of small, isolated populations. The first step in conserving the world's ape populations in the wild is to recognize and understand the complexities of these threats. Mitigating the risks takes a deeper understanding of ape behavior. This article provides examples of how gorilla and chimpanzee behavioral studies intersect with, and are critical to, conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Experiments on alert non-immobilized rabbits revealed that electrical cutaneous stimulation of a limb, used as a reinforcing agent in elaboration of a conditioned reflex to photic flashes, weakened slow polyrhythmic oscillations of background EEG and late components of evoked potentials in the visual cortex to photic flashes. Against this background, the connection between slow potentials and spike activity in both the visual and sensorimotor cortical areas considerably diminished. During EEG activation, induced by the reinforcing stimulus, inhibitory pauses and post-inhibitory activation in the firing of the neocortical units weakened and protracted, ordered spike activity appeared. The data obtained are in agreement with the hypothesis that weakening of the recurrent inhibition system is one of the basic mechanisms in the action of the reinforcing stimulus in conditioning.  相似文献   

In the present study, the fascicle length (L(fa)) of the human medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle was monitored to evaluate possible input from the short-latency stretch reflex (SLR) during the stance phase of running and to examine its timing at various running speeds. Eight subjects ran at 2.0, 3.5, 5.0, and 6.5 m/s. The L(fa) was measured with the high-speed ultrasound fascicle scanning together with kinematics and myoelectrical activities. The amplitudes and onset latency of SLR activities were determined. During ground contact, the sudden MG fascicle stretch occurred during the early contact at all running speeds. This was followed by the fascicle shortening. The timing of fascicle stretch depended on running speed and type of foot contact. In slower speed conditions (2.0, 3.5, 5 m/s), the MG fascicle stretch and the corresponding SLR activities occurred during the middle of the braking phase. In fast-speed running (6.5 m/s), however, the MG fascicle stretch occurred later compared with the lower speed. The corresponding SLR activities occurred significantly later at the end of the braking phase. In addition to the clear demonstration of the different timings of SLR in MG during ground contact of running, the results imply that the role of the MG SLR during the stance phase of running can be different between fast- and slow-speed running conditions.  相似文献   

The use of the methods of multifactor, orthogonal and composition planning in studying the behavioural disturbances in rats after gamma irradiation with doses of 0.258 to 1.29 C/kg and the application of the proposed method of discrimination of effects by empirical models permitted to establish the informative and adequate dependences of the probability of these disturbances on dose of nonuniform irradiation and the degree of strengthening of the conditioned reflex. It was shown that the effect of radiation decreased, in a discrete manner, the probability of making the first decision by rats in a behavioural task (here we deal with the "dose-response" function). The average time of making the first decision after irradiation was invariable within the dose range under study. Within the range of the studied factors both the value of the dose of whole-body irradiation and the degree of strengthening of the conditioned reflex significantly affected the probability of fulfilling the task by the animals the significance of the radiation dose being several times higher. The effects of the interaction of the two factors, that is, irradiation and the degree of the radiation affection, were insignificant in changing the behavioural reactions under study.  相似文献   

Adult chimpanzees (24 male, 76 female) with low and high rates of conception were examined for ureaplasmas, arginine-metabolizing mycoplasmas and chlamydiae. Ureaplasmas were isolated from the throat of only 1 male and 1 female animal, but from the urethra of 29% of the males and from the vagina of 95% of the females. Mycoplasmas were isolated from the throat more often than were ureaplasmas, but from the genital tract with about the same frequency as ureaplasmas. The numbers of organisms, of either type, isolated from the vagina were larger than the numbers isolated from the male urethra. Chlamydiae were not isolated from any animal. The occurrence of ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas and the numbers of these organisms isolated were similar in animals with low or high rates of conception. Furthermore, no association was noted between the organisms in the lower genital tract and the occurrence of abortion and/or stillbirth.  相似文献   

Orientation selectivity of 24 neurons in area 17 of the visual cortex at different intensities of test bars of light, flashing against a constant light background in the center of the receptive field, was investigated in acute experiments on immobilized cats. Five neurons were invariant in orientation tuning to stimulus intensity (contrast): Although the magnitude of the response and acuteness of orientation selectivity were modified, preferential orientation was unchanged. More than half of the cells studied (13) were classed as noninvariant, for their preferential orientation was significantly shifted by 22–90° with a change in contrast. Small shifts of the peak of orientation selectivity, not statistically significant, were observed for the other neurons. Invariant neurons, unlike noninvariant, were characterized by preferential horizontal and vertical orientation, a lower frequency of spontaneous and evoked discharges, and the more frequent presence of receptive fields of simple type. The mechanisms of the change of orientation selectivity during contrast variation and also the different use of the two types of cells in orientation detection operations are discussed.  相似文献   

Spontaneous activity and responses to photic flashes and tones of 133 neurones were recorded in the visual cortex during polarization of the same area (1.5 to 10 muA, 5 to 30 min) and after it (one to 52 min). Responses of cells to two unimodal stimuli of different parameters were analysed, of which one was presented repeatedly during the polarization ("positive"), and the other one to three times ("negative"). Depending on the previous "learning", 47.4% of the units responded after the polarization to "positive" photic stimulus and 37,8%--to acoustic stimulus. The trace effects of the stimuli pairings are reproduced in polarization after-effect by the action of the sensory signal alone. The recorded differences in the nature and duration of the reproduction of trace processes formed to an adequate and inadequate stimuli, are due to the dissimilar action of polarizing currents on neurones of the cortex cross-section and to different effectivity of the visual and non-visual influences related to it.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees regularly hunt a variety of prey species. However, they rarely scavenge, which distinguishes chimpanzee carnivory from that of some modern hunter-gatherers and, presumably, at least some Plio-Pleistocene hominins. I use observations made over an 11-year period to document all known opportunities for scavenging encountered by chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, and describe all cases of scavenging. I also review data on scavenging from other chimpanzee research sites. Chimpanzees at Ngogo encountered scavenging opportunities only about once per 100 days and ate meat from scavenged carcasses only four times. Scavenging opportunities are also rare at other sites, even where leopards are present (Mahale, Ta?, Gombe), and scavenging of leopard kills is known only from Mahale. Feeding on prey that chimpanzees had hunted but then abandoned is the most common form of scavenging reported across study sites. For example, several individuals at Ngogo ate meat from a partially consumed red colobus carcass abandoned after a hunt the previous day. Such behavior probably was not common among Oldowan hominins. Ngogo data and those from other sites also show that chimpanzees sometimes eat meat from carcasses of prey that they did not see killed and that were not killed by chimpanzees, and that scavenging allows access to carcasses larger than those of any prey items. However, chimpanzees ignore relatively many opportunities to obtain meat from such carcasses. Scavenging may be rare because fresh carcasses are rare, because the risk of bacterial infections and zoonoses is high, and because chimpanzees may not recognize certain species as potential prey or certain size classes of prey species as food sources. Its minimal nutritional importance, along with the absence of technology to facilitate confrontational scavenging and rapid carcass processing, apparently distinguishes chimpanzee foraging strategies from those of at least some Oldowan hominins.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were previously trained [Lazareva, O.F., Freiburger, K.L., Wasserman, E.A., 2004. Pigeons concurrently categorize photographs at both basic and superordinate levels. Psychon. Bull. Rev. 11, 1111-1117] to classify color photographs into either their proper basic-level category (cars, chairs, flowers, or people) or a superordinate-level category (nominally natural or artificial). In Experiment 1, the same pigeons were shown either reflected or inverted versions of the training stimuli. Reflection had no effect on pigeons' classification behavior, whereas inversion impaired discrimination of all stimulus categories, except flowers, on the basic-level and superordinate-level tasks. Pixel matching analysis revealed that pattern matching played at most a minor role in the birds' categorization behavior. In Experiment 2, the pigeons were shown test stimuli that were either blurred or quartered and scrambled. Blurring impaired discrimination of cars, but had no effect on discrimination of people and flowers; scrambling impaired discrimination of people and flowers leaving discrimination of cars and chairs unaffected. These results suggest that categorization of flowers and people may be controlled primarily by the overall shape of the object rather than by local features, whereas categorization of cars and chairs may rely primarily on local features rather than the overall shape of the object.  相似文献   

The patterns of food sharing among mother and infant chimpanzees at the Gombe National Park, Tanzania, are primarily influenced by the infants' ability to procure and process foods independently. Foods infants could find and process on their own were not shared by mothers as frequently as foods infants could not obtain independently. Temporal changes were observed in the patterns of interactions as infants matured. It is suggested that food sharing may be considered a behavioral strategy which facilitates the infant's transition from dependent suckling to independent foraging.  相似文献   

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