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Recent studies have generated data demonstrating significant clinical activity of alpha-interferon therapy in each of six hematological malignancies, chronic myeloid leukaemia, essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia rubra vera, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, multiple myelomatosis and hairy cell leukaemia.  相似文献   

As the primary microtubule organizing center of most eukaryotic cells, centrosomes play a fundamental role in proper formation of the mitotic spindle and subsequent chromosome separation. Normally, the single centrosome of a G1 cell duplicates precisely once prior to mitosis in a process that is intimately linked to the cell division cycle via cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) 2 activity that couples centrosome duplication to the onset of DNA replication at the G1/S transition. Accurate control of centrosome duplication is critical for symmetric mitotic spindle formation and thereby contributes to the maintenance of genome integrity. Numerical and structural centrosome abnormalities are hallmarks of almost all solid tumors and have been implicated in the generation of multipolar mitoses and chromosomal instability. In addition to solid neoplasias, centrosome aberrations have recently been described in several different hematological malignancies like acute myeloid leukemias, myelodysplastic syndromes, Hodgkin's as well as non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, chronic lymphocytic leukemias and multiple myelomas. In analogy to many solid tumors a correlation between centrosome abnormalities on the one hand and karyotype aberrations as well as clinical aggressiveness on the other hand seems to exist in myeloid malignancies, chronic lymphocytic leukemias and at least some types of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Molecular mechanisms responsible for the development of centrosome aberrations are just beginning to be unraveled. In general, two models with distinct functional consequences can be envisioned. First, centrosome aberrations can arise as a consequence of abortive mitotic events and impaired cytokinesis. Second, evidence has been provided that centrosome amplification can also precede genomic instability and arise in normal, diploid cells. Accordingly, this review will focus on recent advances in the understanding of both, causes and consequences of centrosome aberrations in hematological malignancies.  相似文献   

Malignant hematopoietic cells express lineage-restricted antigens that serve as suitable targets for antibody-directed therapy. Although several highly specific, potent and relatively nontoxic, engineered antibodies, immunoglobulin fragments and antibody conjugates have been developed, only three have gained approval for clinical use. Of these, a chimeric mouse-human anti-CD20 antibody has yielded the most impressive clinical results. Encouraging data with the other approved antibodies, and with agents in clinical trials, suggest that rational antibody design will generate effective products for several different hematological malignancies. Despite these advances, significant challenges remain in the identification of optimal cellular targets, antibody forms and treatment schedules for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Rabbit antibodies to the nuclear Tris extract of HeLa cells which have been shown by the indirect immunofluorescence technique to localize in nucleoli of a variety of human malignant tumors but not in a number of nontumor tissues also produced bright fluorescence in nucleoli of tumor cells in several hematological malignancies. The tumors studied included Hodgkins malignant lymphoma, non-Hodgkins malignant lymphoma, acute myeloid and acute myelomonocytic leukemia, chronic lymphatic and chronic myeloid leukemia. In contrast, none of the corresponding normal cell lines in the bone marrow exhibited bright nucleolar fluorescence. In addition, neither the cells of patients with acute infectious mononucleosis nor lymphoid hyperplasia exhibited bright nucleolar fluorescence. These studies suggest that antibodies to HeLa cell nucleolar antigens may be useful in immunodiagnosis of human malignancies.  相似文献   

Wolf YI  Kondrashov AS  Koonin EV 《Genome biology》2000,1(6):research0013.1-1313


Genome comparisons have revealed major lateral gene transfer between the three primary kingdoms of life - Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Another important evolutionary phenomenon involves the evolutionary mobility of protein domains that form versatile multidomain architectures. We were interested in investigating the possibility of a combination of these phenomena, with an invading gene merging with a pre-existing gene in the recipient genome.  相似文献   

Ma J  Ma D  Ji C 《Cytokine》2011,56(2):133-139
IL-21, the newest member of the common γ-chain family of cytokines, has pleiotropic biological effects through regulating a variety of immune cells. Recently, the role of IL-21 in the treatment of cancers has been widely investigated. Conducted phase I trials in metastatic malignant melanoma and renal cell carcinoma have shown that rIL-21 has a favorable antitumor activity. Expression of IL-21 and IL-21R has also been found in many types of hematological malignancies, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), multiple myeloma (MM) and lymphoma. Through binding with IL-21R, IL-21 induces activation of different JAK/STAT signal transduction pathways and regulates proliferation or apoptosis of tumor cells. In this review, we will discuss the expression of IL-21/IL-21R and its effect in different types of hematological malignancies.  相似文献   

Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) or serine protease inhibitor A1 (SERPINA1) is an important serine protease inhibitor in humans. The main physiological role of AAT is to inhibit neutrophil elastase (NE) released from triggered neutrophils, with an additional lesser role in the defense against damage inflicted by other serine proteases, such as cathepsin G and proteinase 3. Although there is a reported association between AAT polymorphism and different types of cancer, this association with hematological malignancies (HM) is, as yet, unknown. We identified AAT phenotypes by isoelectric focusing (in the pH 4.2-4.9 range) in 151 serum samples from patients with HM (Hodgkins lymphomas, non-Hodgkins lymphomas and malignant monoclonal gammopathies). Healthy blood-donors constituted the control group (n = 272). The evaluated population of patients as well as the control group, were at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the AAT gene (χ(2) = 4.42, d.f.11, p = 0.96 and χ(2) = 4.71, d.f.11, p = 0.97, respectively). There was no difference in the frequency of deficient AAT alleles (Pi Z and Pi S) between patients and control. However, we found a significantly higher frequency of PiM1M1 homozygote and PiM1 allele in HM patients than in control (for phenotype: f = 0.5166 and 0.4118 respectively, p = 0.037; for allele: f = 0.7020 and 0.6360 respectively, p = 0.05). In addition, PiM homozygotes in HM-patients were more numerous than in controls (59% and 48%, respectively, p = 0.044). PiM1 alleles and PiM1 homozygotes are both associated with hematological malignancies, although this is considered a functionally normal AAT variant.  相似文献   

血液肿瘤作为一类常见恶性肿瘤疾病主要包括各类白血病、多发性骨髓瘤以及恶性淋巴瘤.随着现代社会高速发展,人群发病率呈逐年升高趋势,且发病年龄逐渐低龄化,发病原因与环境因素以及遗传因素密不可分.近年来研究发现,表观遗传学修饰在血液肿瘤发生发展的过程中扮演了重要角色,一些相关修饰基因作为血液肿瘤的治疗靶点在临床应用上取得了重要进展.针对近年来表观遗传学修饰在血液肿瘤中的研究新进展,本文将系统综述DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA及RNA修饰等在血液肿瘤发病机制方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) either as endocytic or plasma membrane-emerged vesicles play pivotal role in cell-to-cell communication. Due to the bioactive molecules transformation, lymphoma cell-derived vesicles can alter a recipient cell's function and contribute to signal transduction and drug resistance. These vesicles by acting not only in tumor cells but also in tumor-associated cells have important roles in tumor growth and invasion. On the other hand, the total protein level of circulating exosomes reveals the disease stage, tumor burden, response to therapy, and survival. In residual disease, leukemic blasts are undetectable in the bone marrow by conventional methods but exosomal proteins are elevated significantly. In this manner, new methods for measuring exosomes and exosomal components are required. In this review, we try to reveal the concealed role of EVs in hematological malignancies besides therapeutic potentials.  相似文献   

TNF apoptosis-inducing ligand is attracting considerable interest as a potential extrinsic tumor suppressor mechanism, although previous reports have conveyed somewhat contrasting views regarding the likely importance of this pathway. In this study, we provide the first evaluation of spontaneous tumor formation over the life span of TRAIL-deficient mice. Interestingly, >25% of these mice do develop lymphoid malignancies after 500 days of life. TRAIL suppressed the initiation and development of both tumors of lymphoid and stromal origin in the context of the loss of at least one p53 allele. Specific examination of the role of TRAIL in Her2/neu oncogene-driven mammary epithelial cancer revealed no critical role for TRAIL despite the inherent TRAIL sensitivity of such mammary carcinomas. Overall, the data indicate an important function of TRAIL in controlling carcinogenesis, but suggest that further examination of this pathway in epithelial malignancies is warranted.  相似文献   

Cadmium-regulated gene fusions in Pseudomonas fluorescens   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
To study the mechanisms soil bacteria use to cope with elevated concentrations of heavy metals in the environment, a mutagenesis with the lacZ-based reporter gene transposon Tn5B20 was performed. Random gene fusions in the genome of the common soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens strain ATCC 13525 were used to create a bank of 5,000 P. fluorescens mutants. This mutant bank was screened for differential gene expression in the presence of the toxic metal cadmium. Fourteen mutants were identified that responded with increased or reduced gene expression to the presence of cadmium. The mutants were characterized with respect to their metal-dependent gene expression and their metal tolerance. Half the identified mutants reacted with differential gene expression specifically to the metal cadmium, whereas some of the other mutants also responded to elevated concentrations of copper and zinc ions. One of the mutants, strain C8, also showed increased gene expression in the presence of the solvent ethanol, but otherwise no overlap between cadmium-induced gene expression and general stress response was detected. Molecular analysis of the corresponding genetic loci was performed using arbitrary polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA sequencing and comparison of the deduced protein products with sequences deposited in genetic databases. Some of the genetic loci targeted by the transposon did not show any similarities to any known genes; thus, they may represent 'novel' loci. The hypothesis that genes that are differentially expressed in the presence of heavy metals play a role in metal tolerance was verified for one of the mutants. This mutant, strain C11, was hypersensitive to cadmium and zinc ions. In mutant C11, the transposon had inserted into a genetic region displaying similarity to genes encoding the sensor/regulator protein pairs of two-component systems that regulate gene expression in metal-resistant bacteria, including czcRS of Ralstonia eutropha, czrRS of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and copRS of Pseudomonas syringae. Although the P. fluorescens strain used in this study had not been isolated from a metal-rich environment, it nevertheless contained at least one genetic region enabling it to cope with elevated concentrations of heavy metals.  相似文献   

Recently, we and others have described a novel class of chromosome aberrations that involves constitutive heterochromatin on human chromosome 1 (cytogenetic band 1q12). These anomalies are particularly frequent in B cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) and multiple myeloma (MM) and, remarkably, almost invariably involve partial or total gain of chromosome 1q (including 1q12 heterochromatin) and the formation of novel heterochromatin/euchromatin junctions. This review discusses the pathological significance of these anomalies in light of i) recent integrated gene expression and array comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH) profiling in MM and ii) increasing evidence of a key role for heterochromatin in the control of normal and pathological gene silencing.  相似文献   

MicroRNA (miRNA) have been recently attributed a crucial role in the control of gene expression in numerous physiological and pathological processes including growth, differentiation and even oncogenesis. Besides detailed mechanistic studies on their generation and function, there has been a great deal of interest in the study of miRNA as surrogate markers of disease. Numerous studies have attempted to define miRNA profiles as predictors of disease outcome, or for the classification/diagnosis of different pathologies. In the present review, we summarize the main studies describing the involvement of miRNA in bone marrow (BM) diseases and in normal BM function during hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

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