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Summary Late blight in potato is caused by the fungusPhytophthora infestans and can inflict severe damage on the potato crop. Resistance toP. infestans is either based on major dominantR genes conferring vertical, race-specific resistance or on minor genes inducing horizontal, unspecific resistance. A dihaploid potato line was identified which carried theR1 gene, conferring vertical resistance to allP. infestans races, with the exception of those homozygous for the recessive virulence allele of the locusV1. The F1 progeny of a cross between this resistant parent P(R1) and P(r), a line susceptible to all races, was analysed for segregation ofR1 and of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers distributed on the potato RFLP map comprising more than 300 loci. TheR1 locus was mapped to chromosome V in the interval between RFLP markers GP21 and GP179. The map position ofR1 was found to be very similar to the one ofRx2, a dominant locus inducing extreme resistance to potato virus X.  相似文献   

Summary Crossability between the diploid species S. circaeifolium subsp. circaeifolium (crc) and other diploid species, primarily diploid S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum (tbr-2x), was studied. Forty-seven hybrids were obtained from crosses between crc as female parent and tbr-2x and some other species from series Tuberosa as male parents. Of these hybrids 17% were diploids; the other 83% were triploids, probably carrying two genomes of crc. Female fertility was sufficient to obtain offspring from backcrosses with the cultivated parent. Pollen stainability of the f1 varied, and micro-pollen as well as unreduced pollen occurred. During meiosis of the diploids and triploids a rather high proportion of univalents was found, and in the triploids on average two or three trivalents per cell were found. All hybrids were resistant to Globodera pallida pathotypes 2 and 3, and 75% of the tested genotypes were highly resistant to Phytophthora infestans. Solanidine, tomatidine, tomatidenol, and demissidine glycosides were found in tubers of the hybrids. Comparisons with somatic hybrids between crc and tbr-2x are made. It is concluded that crc is a valuable Solanum species that can and should be included in potato breeding programs.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic fusions between the cultivated potato Solanum tuberosum and the wild species S. circaeifolium subsp. circaeifolium Bitter were produced in order to incorporate desirable traits into the potato gene pool. Selection of the putative hybrids was based on a difference in callus morphology between the hybrids and their parents, with the hybrids showing typical purple-colored cells in otherwise green calli. In all, 17 individual calli regenerated to plants. Of the nine plants that could be transferred to the greenhouse, eight showed a hybrid and one a parental morphology. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis confirmed the hybrid character in the former group. Chloroplast counts in stomatal guard cells and flow cytometric determination of nuclear DNA content showed that four hybrid plants were tetraploid (4x), one was mixoploid (5x–8x), and the others were polyploid (6x; 8x). Three out of four tetraploid hybrids were found to be fully resistant to Phytophthora infestans, and all four hybrids were resistant to Globodera pallida pathotypes Pa2 and Pa3. It was further observed that the type and amount of steroidal glycoalkaloids varied among the tubers of the parents and the hybrids. Using the hybrids as female parents in crosses with S. tuberosum, viable seeds could be obtained. This demonstrates the potential of these hybrids in practical plant breeding.  相似文献   

Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is the most important fungal pathogen of the potato (Solanum tuberosum). The introduction of major genes for resistance from the wild species S. demissum into potato cultivars is the earliest example of breeding for resistance using wild germplasm in this crop. Eleven resistance alleles (R genes) are known, differing in the recognition of corresponding avirulence alleles of the fungus. The number of R loci, their positions on the genetic map and the allelic relationships between different R variants are not known, except that the R1 locus has been mapped to potato chromosome V The objective of this work was the further genetic analysis of different R alleles in potato. Tetraploid potato cultivars carrying R alleles were reduced to the diploid level by inducing haploid parthenogenetic development of 2n female gametes. Of the 157 isolated primary dihaploids, 7 set seeds and carried the resistance alleles R1, R3 and R10 either individually or in combinations. Independent segregation of the dominant R1 and R3 alleles was demonstrated in two F1 populations of crosses among a dihaploid clone carrying R1 plus R3 and susceptible pollinators. Distorted segregation in favour of susceptibility was found for the R3 allele in 15 of 18 F1 populations analysed, whereas the RI allele segregated with a 1:1 ratio as expected in five F1 populations. The mode of inheritance of the R10 allele could not be deduced as only very few F1 hybrids bearing R10 were obtained. Linkage analysis in two F1 populations between R1, R3 and RFLP markers of known position on the potato RFLP maps confirmed the position of the R1 locus on chromosome V and localized the second locus, R3, to a distal position on chromdsome XI.  相似文献   

Summary Dihaploid calli from Solanum tuberosum were selected, which were resistant to the culture filtrate of Phytophthora infestans. Each of the resistant calli was resistant to all four pathotypes of Phytophthora used in these experiments. The resistance was not lost through regeneration and the induction of new callus.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that suspension-cultured cells of Solanum genotypes with various polygenic resistances to Phytophthora infestans differed in activities of early oxidative processes in response to culture filtrate (CF) from this pathogen. These studies have now been extended by analysing production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation and Lipoxygenase (LOX, E.C. activity induced by CF in detached leaves of S. tuberosum cv Bzura and clone H-8105, polygenically resistant and susceptible, respectively, as well as S. nigrum, nonhost, completely resistant. The relative increase in the ROS production was higher in the susceptible clone H-8105 than in both resistant genotypes. Lipid peroxidation increased only in the nonhost S. nigrum. An increase in lipid peroxidation in S. nigrum leaves coincided with enhanced LOX activity. In both S. tuberosum genotypes, significant increases in LOX activity were delayed and unaccompanied by changes in the level of lipid peroxidation. LOX activity attained a higher level in both of the resistant genotypes than in the susceptible one. The present results suggest that the involvement of both ROS production and LOX activity in the defense strategy in Solanum species/P. infestans interactions.  相似文献   

Under controlled field conditions, a Solanum backcross population segregated for resistance to Phytophthora infestans. The population (`BCT') had been derived previously by crossing the Solanum tuberosum dihaploid USW2230 × Solanum berthaultii PI473331 to obtain the hybrid M200-30, and then backcrossing the hybrid to the S. tuberosum dihaploid HH1-9. Resistance was assessed from analyses of epidemics in small plots of each individual genotype, and data were recorded as area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). The parents of the original cross (USW2230 and a selection from PI473331) were not included in the test, but the hybrid was incompatible and HH1-9 was compatible with the tester strain of P. infestans (US-8 lineage). Somewhat more than half of the progeny also were incompatible with the tester strain, indicating the presence of an R gene. This gene segregated from the S. berthaultii parent and mapped 4.8 cm from the RFLP marker TG63 on chromosome 10. We deduce that the R gene is not R-1, R-2, R-3, R-6, or R-7 and is probably not R-4, R-5, or R-10. Among the remaining, compatible progeny, there was a wide range of quantitative resistance. All were more resistant than the susceptible cultivar Superior, and most individuals were much more resistant than the moderately resistant cultivar Kennebec. AUDPC values among the sub-population of compatible genotypes ranged from about 400 to 1500 units the first year and from 400 to 1760 units the second year. At least five quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected in this sub-population in both 1997 and 1998, including one detected through segregation of alleles from both the hybrid parent and the recurrent S. tuberosum parent. A model of main and epistatic effects explained 56% and 66% of the variation observed for quantitative resistance to late blight in 1997 and 1998, respectively. Several of the QTLs for late blight resistance were located in regions of the genome to which QTLs for late maturity have previously been mapped.  相似文献   

Horizontal resistance to late blight in the potato is a primary objective of many breeding programs. Knowledge of the physiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying it, however, is scarce. The purpose of the present study was the identification of these physiological and biochemical factors in plant material obtained by crossing a late blight resistant Solanum phureja clone with a susceptible dihaploid of S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum. The mRNA RT-PCR differential display method was used to compare the gene expression patterns of a resistant hybrid with that of a susceptible one. By sequence homology, we identified several genes with diverse functions, including genes known to be involved in resistance or stress responses and genes known to be involved in primary or secondary metabolism.  相似文献   

 Due to the complexity of tetrasomic inheritance, mapping studies in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) are generally conducted at the diploid level. In the present study we tested the feasibility of Bulked Segregant Analysis (BSA) using a tetraploid offspring for the identification of AFLP markers linked to the R2 allele, which confers race-specific resistance to Phytophthora infestans. Eleven bulk-specific AFLP markers, detected in fingerprints of 205 AFLP primer combinations, could be mapped in a linkage group encompassing the R2 locus. The efficiency of BSA at the tetraploid level, determined by the frequency of single-dose restriction fragments (SDRF), was much higher than expected on the basis of overall genetic dissimilarity between the parental clones. The fortuitous detection of AFLPs with linkage to the R2 allele is explained on the basis of specific genetic dissimilarity between cultivated potato and the chromosomal segment introgressed from S. demissum carrying the resistant R2 allele. AFLP markers common to those with linkage to R2 were visually recognized by their electrophoretic mobility in the AFLP fingerprint in a parental clone of a reference mapping population. Using these common AFLP markers we anchored the linkage group comprising the R2 allele to potato chromosome 4. Received: 30 October 1997 / Accepted: 6 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of flower colour in diploid potato (2 n = 2x = 24), was found to be controlled by three unlinked loci D, F and P. To determine the allelism with previously described loci and to dissect this oligogenic trait, a set of tester clones with well-defined genotypes was developed. By backcrossing the mapping population with these tester clones it was possible to obtain monogenic segregation ratios. These were required to detect linkage with RFLP loci and, despite distorted Mendelian ratios, the inheritance and mapping of the D, F and P loci could be unambiguously determined. Locus D, involved in the biosynthesis of red anthocyanins, was mapped on chromosome 2, while locus P, involved in the production of blue anthocyanins, was mapped on chromosome 11. Locus F, involved in the flower-specific expression of gene(s) accommodated by the D and P loci, was mapped on chromosome 10. The tester clones and the map position of the D, F and P loci may be of considerable value in simplifying the genetics of anthocyanin pigmentation.  相似文献   

The time courses of sesquiterpenoid phytoalexin accumulation were examined in compatible and incompatible interactions of leaves and tubers from five different R genotypes of potato (Solanum tuberosum) with corresponding pathotypes of Phytophthora infestans, as well as in non-host interactions of all five potato cultivars with Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea and in elicitor-treated tubers from five, and cell suspension cultures from two, of the cultivars. In tubers, rishitin and several structurally related sesquiterpene derivatives accumulated rapidly in non-host incompatible interactions, less rapidly in host incompatible interactions, and more slowly in compatible interactions. Treatment of tubers or cell cultures with fungal culture filtrate or arachidonic acid elicited in most cases a transient accumulation of the sesquiterpenoid phytoalexins. None of these compounds was detectable under any of the applied conditions either in infected or in elicitortreated leaves. Sesquiterpenoid phytoalexins might therefore be helpful, but appear not to be essential, in disease resistance of potato.Abbreviations CF concentrated culture filtrate of Pi - cv. cultivar - Pi Phytophthora infestans (numbering indicates pathotypes corresponding to R genes in potato) - Pmg Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea  相似文献   

The Dissociation transposable element (Ds) of maize containing NPTII was introduced into the diploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) clone J91-6400-A16 through Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation. Genomic DNA sequences flanking the T-DNAs from 312 transformants were obtained with inverse polymerase chain reaction or plasmid rescue techniques and used as probes for RFLP linkage analysis. The RFLP map location of 60 T-DNAs carrying Ds-NPTII was determined. The T-DNA distribution per chromosome and the relative distance between them appeared to be random. All 12 chromosomes have been covered with Ds-containing T-DNAs, potentially enabling tagging of any gene in the potato genome. The T-DNA insertions of two transformants, BET92-Ds-A16-259 and BET92-Ds-A16-416, were linked in repulsion to the position of the resistance gene R1 against Phytophthora infestans. After crossing BET92-Ds-A16-416 with a susceptible parent, 4 desired recombinants (Ds carrying T-DNA linked in coupling phase with the R1 gene) were discovered. These will be used for tagging the R1 gene. The efficiency of the pathway from the introduction to localization of T-DNAs is discussed. Key words : Solanum tuberosum, Phytophthora infestans, Ds element, transposon tagging, R genes, euchromatin.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify molecular markers linked to genes for resistance to powdery mildew (Pm) in wheat using a series of Chancellor near-isogenic-lines (NILs), each having one powdery mildew resistance gene. A total of 210 probes were screened for their ability to detect polymorphism between the NILs and the recurrent parent. One of these restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers (Xwhs179) revealed polymorphism not only between the NILs for the Pm3 locus, but also among NILs possessing different alleles of the Pm3 locus. The location of the marker Xwhs179 was confirmed to be on homoeologous chromosome group 1 with the help of nullitetrasomic wheat lines. The linkage relationship between this probe and the Pm3 locus was estimated with double haploid lines derived from a cross between wheat cvs Club and Chul (Pm3b). The genetic distance was determined to be 3.3±1.9 cM.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis, Kruskal–Wallis analysis, interval mapping and graphical genotyping were performed on a potato diploid backcross family comprising 120 clones segregating for resistance to late blight. A hybrid between the Solanum tuberosum dihaploid clone PDH247 and the long-day-adapted S. phureja clone DB226(70) had been crossed to DB226(70) to produce the backcross family. Eighteen AFLP primer combinations provided 186 and 123 informative maternal and paternal markers respectively, with 63 markers in common to both parents. Eleven microsatellite (SSR) markers proved useful for identifying chromosomes. Linkage maps of both backcross parents were constructed. The results of a Kruskal–Wallis analysis, interval mapping and graphical genotyping were all consistent with a QTL or QTLs for blight resistance between two AFLP markers 30 cM apart on chromosome 4, which was identified by a microsatellite marker. The simplest explanation of the results is a single QTL with an allele from the dihaploid parent conferring resistance to race 1, 4 of P. infestans in the foliage in the glasshouse and to race 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 in the foliage in the field and in tubers from glasshouse raised plants. The QTL was of large effect, and explained 78 and 51% of the variation in phenotypic scores for foliage blight in the glasshouse and field respectively, as well as 27% of the variation in tuber blight. Graphical genotyping and the differences in blight scores between the parental clones showed that all of the foliage blight resistance is accounted for by chromosome 4, whereas undetected QTLs for tuber resistance probably exist on other chromosomes. Graphical genotyping also explained the lack of precision in mapping the QTL(s) in terms of lack of appropriate recombinant chromosomes.  相似文献   

Interval mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to late blight, height, and maturity was performed on a tetraploid full-sib family of potato comprising 227 clones from a cross between a susceptible parent, 12601ab1, and a resistant cultivar, Stirling, which were of similar height and main crop maturity. Thirty-eight AFLP primer combinations provided 585 informative markers, and 23 SSRs proved useful for identifying linkage groups (LGs). A simplex QTL allele was found on LGV of Stirling close to marker STM3179, which was associated with early maturity, short plants, and susceptibility to blight and explained 54.7, 26.5, 26.3, and 17.5% of the variation for maturity, height, tuber blight, and foliage blight. When the residuals from the regressions of foliage and tuber blight on maturity were analyzed, there was no significant effect of a QTL on LGV, but a duplex QTL allele for resistance was found on LGIV of Stirling, which explained 30.7 and 13.6% of the variation for foliage and tuber blight on an additive model. Partial dominance for resistance explained even more of the variation, up to 37.2% for foliage blight. A major gene for blight resistance in Stirling was also mapped to LGXI.  相似文献   

Summary The segregation of different isozymic loci was investigated in backcrosses and F2s in rye. The leucin aminopeptidase-1 (Lap-1), Aconitase-1 (Aco-1), Esterase-6 (Est-6), Esterase-8 (Est-8), and Endopeptidase-1 (Ep-1) loci were linked. The Aco-1, Est-6, and Est-8 loci have been previously located on the 6RL chromosome arm. The Lap-1 locus has been located on the 6RS chromosome arm. The results favor the gene order: Lap-1... (centromere)... Aco-1... Est-8... Est-6... Ep-1. The isoelectric focusing separations of aqueous extracts from mature embryo tissue of wheat-rye addition and substitution lines involving the chromosomes of cereal rye Secale cereale L. confirmed the gene location of locus Ep-1 on the 6RL chromosome arm. Screening of wheat-rye addition lines involving the chromosomes of Secale montanum revealed that Ep-1 locus is not located on chromosome 6R of S. montanum. These results are the first biochemical evidence of the translocation between chromosome arms 6RL/7RL in the evolution of S. cereale from S. montanum.  相似文献   

Summary The progenies of two different rye test-crosses were analyzed for secalin proteins by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) using unreduced and reduced aqueous ethanol extracts. Segregation for two high-molecular-weight secalin bands (Glu-R1 or Sec3), one -secalin band (Gli-R1 or Sec-1), two 40K -secalin bands (Gli-R1 or Sec1) and two -type secalin bands (new locus) were studied. One recombinant between - and -secalins was found in one test-cross. The new locus, designated Gli-R3 or Sec-4, was mapped between Glu-R1 and Gli-R1, more displaced towards Gli-R1. In test-cross 1 recombination between Glu-R1 and Gli-R3 was 33.80±3.22%, and between Gli-R3 and Gli-R1, 12.04±2.21%. In the other test-cross the map distances were relatively similar but smaller, likely due to less recombination within two different species of Secale. Genes coding for 40K -secalins at Gli-R1 were likely proximal to the centromere with respect to genes coding for -secalins at the same complex locus.  相似文献   

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