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Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is a granulomatous, inflammatory lung disease caused by inhalation of organic Ags, most commonly thermophilic actinomycetes that cause farmer's lung disease. The early response to Ag is an increase in neutrophils in the lung, whereas the late response is a typical Th1-type granulomatous disease. Many patients who develop disease report a recent viral respiratory infection. These studies were undertaken to determine whether viruses can augment the inflammatory responses in HP. C57BL/6 mice were exposed to the thermophilic bacteria Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula (SR) for 3 consecutive days per wk for 3 wk. Some mice were exposed to SR at 2 wk after infection with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), whereas others were exposed to SR after exposure to saline alone or to heat-inactivated RSV. SR-treated mice developed a typical, early neutrophil response and a late granulomatous inflammatory response. Up-regulation of IFN-gamma and IL-2 gene expression was also found during the late response. These responses were augmented by recent RSV infection but not by heat-inactivated RSV. Mice with a previous RSV infection also had a greater early neutrophil response to SR, with increased macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2, murine equivalent of IL-8) release in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. These studies suggest that viral infection can augment both the early and late inflammatory responses in HP.  相似文献   

For a virus population within its host, two important levels of structure can be considered: multiple cell types which can be infected, and tissue types or body compartments which may be coupled via movement. We develop a model with both types of structure. Migration between compartments can create "sources" and "sinks" within the virus population, where realized viral growth rate and abundance is lowered in some compartments compared to what would be observed in isolation. Using both analytical and numerical methods, we investigate how this within-host spatial structure affects the conditions for persistent viral infection. We find that migration between compartments makes the establishment of infection more difficult than it would be in the absence of migration, implying that within-host spatial structure combined with viral movement decreases the likelihood of viral establishment. If migration is symmetrical and compartments are heterogeneous, an increase in migration rates between compartments generally makes establishment less likely. This may help to explain the tissue specificity observed for many viruses. There are, however, important exceptions to this result. These include circumstances where the virus initially invades a compartment that is unfavorable to population growth and migration is necessary to infect other parts of the host body. Stochastic aspects of viral establishment may also favor increased migration as it tends to dampen the amplitude of fluctuations in population size during the initial transient phase of establishment.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the foremost respiratory pathogen in newborns and claims millions of lives annually. However, there has been no methodical study of the pathway(s) of entry of RSV or its interaction with nonrespiratory tissues. We and others have recently established a significant association between allergic conjunctivitis and the presence of RSV in the eye. Here we adopt a BALB/c mouse model and demonstrate that when instilled in the live murine eye, RSV not only replicated robustly in the eye but also migrated to the lung and produced a respiratory disease that is indistinguishable from the standard, nasally acquired RSV disease. Ocularly applied synthetic anti-RSV small interfering RNA prevented infection of the eye as well as the lung. RSV infection of the eye activated a plethora of ocular cytokines and chemokines with profound relevance to inflammation of the eye. Anticytokine treatments in the eye reduced ocular inflammation but had no effect on viral growth in both eye and lung, demonstrating a role of the cytokine response in ocular pathology. These results establish the eye as a major gateway of respiratory infection and a respiratory virus as a bona fide eye pathogen, thus offering novel intervention and treatment options.  相似文献   

Fundamental cellular operations, including DNA synthesis and the generation of ATP, require iron. Viruses hijack cells in order to replicate, and efficient replication needs an iron-replete host. Some viruses selectively infect iron-acquiring cells by binding to transferrin receptor 1 during cell entry. Other viruses alter the expression of proteins involved in iron homeostasis, such as HFE and hepcidin. In HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus infections, iron overload is associated with poor prognosis and could be partly caused by the viruses themselves. Understanding how iron metabolism and viral infection interact might suggest new methods to control disease.  相似文献   


Nitric oxide (NO), superoxide (O(2)(-)), and their reaction product peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)) are generated in excess during a host's response against viral infection, and contribute to viral pathogenesis by promoting oxidative stress and tissue injury. Here we demonstrate that NO and peroxynitrite greatly accelerates the mutation of Sendai virus (SeV), a nonsegmented negative-strand RNA virus, by using green fluorescent protein (GFP) inserted into and expressed by a recombinant SeV (GFP-SeV) as an indicator for mutation. GFP-SeV mutation frequencies were much higher in the wild-type mice than in those lacking inducible NO synthase, suggesting that mutation of the virus in vivo is NO dependent. High levels of NO and NO-mediated oxidative stress were induced by GFP-SeV infection in the lung of the wild-type mice, but not in the iNOS-deficient mice, as evidenced by electron spin resonance spectroscopy and immunohistochemical analysis for nitrotyrosine formation as well as histopathological examination. Furthermore, peroxynitrite, an NO-derived reactive nitrogen intermediate, enhanced viral mutation in vitro. These results indicate that the oxidative stress induced by NO produced during the natural course of viral infection increases mutation, expands the quasispecies spectrum, and facilitates evolution of RNA viruses.  相似文献   

Only limited attention has been paid to the cell population that is affected in the course of Mouse Thymic Virus (MTV) infection. In the present study, thymic cells of newborn mice infected with MTV were examined for general ultrastructural and immunocytochemical characteristics. The earliest sign of infection was detected 5 days after inoculation. Lymphocytes, epithelial reticular cells, macrophages, and lymphoepithelial cell complexes (thymic nurse cells) were affected. Viral particles and filamentous structures were present in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of these cells. At more advanced stages of cellular necrosis, 6 to 7 days post-infection, cytoplasmic granulation and loss in definition of cytoplasmic organelles became apparent. This was followed by nuclear degradation and cellular aggregation. The selective effect of MTV on lymphocyte subpopulations was also observed. Two populations of infected lymphocytes were identified by single and double immunogold labelling employing monoclonal antibodies and different sizes of gold particles. CD4+8+ and CD4+8- lymphocytes were found to be selectively lysed by MTV.  相似文献   

(1) Fetal thymuses, organs from patients who died from diseases that are not clinically known to be associated with concomitant lymphoid tissue involvement, as well as thymuses from patients dying from diseases which effect the lymphatic complex of the body, one way or another, have been investigated for their alkaline phosphatase activity, using Gomori technique and applying four different phosphate esters as substrates. (2) Three substrates (beta-glycerophophate, riboflavin 5-phosphate and adenosine triphosphate) showed essentially the same pattern of activity in which the cortex and Hassall's corpuscles were reactive, while the medulla was negative. A reversal of this pattern was demonstrated with 5-monophosphoric acid. (3) Before the age of 32-36 weeks of intra-uterine life there is no alkaline phosphatase activity in the thymus; therafter, the enzyme begins to make its first appearance. (4) There is a definite increase in the intensity of the reaction with advance of intra-uterine life. This increase in phosphatase content is continued postnatally, to reach its maximum at about the age of 10 years: after that, the enzyme activity gradually subsides. (5) There is a tremendous augmentation of phosphatase activity in the case of disease which are known to affect the lymphoid complex. (6) The phosphatase activity of the thymus has been discussed in relation to the prevailing concepts about the function of the thymus, with special emphasis on a possible association with 'lymphocyte-stimulating factor' production and/or secretion.  相似文献   

Many works have shown that the enhanced susceptibility to infection seen in diabetic patients can be related to the hyperglycemia-hypoinsulinemia (HH) observed in this condition. Herein, we evaluated the HH effects on the morphofunctional features of the thymus as well as on dermatophytic infection. We demonstrated that, not only the HH condition but also the dermatophytic infection induced transitory alterations in the thymus; it was characterized by loss of cortical-medullar definition and disorganization of the extracellular matrix. These mice also showed a decrease of CD4(+) CD8(+) thymocytes and a higher percentage of CD4(+) CD8(+) lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. After 7 days, the thymus and peripheral lymphocytes subsets returned to normal values. Interestingly, when the two conditions, HH condition and the infection, were associated, the mice showed a decrease in the percentage of CD4(+) CD8(-) blood lymphocytes that are involved in the modulation of immune response and have direct cytotoxic effects on the fungus. Taken together, our results showed that both conditions transitorily changed the thymus, but only when both these conditions are present do they trigger persistent changes that might be responsible for the higher susceptibility to dermatophytosis seen in HH patients.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling of viral replication dynamics, based on sequential measurements of levels of virion-associated RNA in plasma during antiretroviral treatment, has led to fundamental new insights into human immunodeficiency virus type 1 pathogenesis. We took advantage of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected macaque model to perform detailed measurements and mathematical modeling during primary infection and during treatment of established infection with the antiretroviral drug (R)-9-(2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)adenine (PMPA). The calculated clearance half-life for productively infected cells during resolution of the peak viremia of primary infection was on the order of 1 day, with slightly shorter clearance half-lives calculated during PMPA treatment. Viral reproduction rates upon discontinuation of PMPA treatment after 2 weeks were approximately twofold greater than those obtained just prior to initiation of treatment in the same animals, likely reflecting accumulation of susceptible target cells during treatment. The basic reproductive ratio (R0) for the spread of SIV infection in vivo, which represents the number of productively infected cells derived from each productively infected cell at the beginning of infection, was also estimated. This parameter quantifies the extent to which antiviral therapy or vaccination must limit the initial spread of virus to prevent establishment of chronic disseminated infection. The results thus provide an important guide for efforts to develop vaccines against SIV and, by extension, human immunodeficiency virus.  相似文献   

Viral infection permeabilizes mammalian cells to protein toxins   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

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