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Insect epidermal cells display planar polarity (i.e. polarity in the plane of the cell sheet) by secreting oriented cuticular denticles and bristles before each moult. We investigate how cell polarities in an abdominal segment are uniformly oriented towards the posterior of the animal. Recently we have shown for the cotton bug Dysdercus that, in 180 degrees-rotated grafts pretreated with colchicine, graft cells tend to adopt the orientation prevailing in surrounding host cells via an intermediate stage with outward oriented denticles (Nübler-Jung and Grau, 1987). Here we show that, in untreated grafts that were transposed along the anteroposterior segment axis, the denticles also always tend to point outwards. This independence of the polarity pattern from the direction of transposition is compatible neither with a gradient model for polarity control, nor with the assumption that epidermal cells orient according to the local sequence of distinctly differentiated cells. Instead we found that outward orientation of graft denticles correlates with an elongation of epidermal cells along a host-graft border with divergent cell adhesiveness. We therefore propose that outward orientation in a graft results from a combination of two factors: epidermal cells stretch along an interface with divergent cell adhesiveness, and they form a denticle perpendicular to their long axis. By analogy, the normal anteroposterior orientation of denticles in a segment may result because epidermal cells tend to elongate parallel to the segment boundary and to form denticles perpendicular to this mediolateral cell elongation, i.e. along the anteroposterior segment axis.  相似文献   

A new conodont species, Icriodus marieae, is described from pelagic limestone beds of the Carnic Alps (Austria). Specimens are obtained from the upper part of the Valentin Formation (Central Carnic Alps) and range from the latest Eifelian to middle Givetian. Significantly differing from other icriodontid conodonts is that the icriodontan element of the new species develops only three denticles on either lateral denticle row, which are constricted to the central part of the element. The anterior part of the element is free of lateral row denticles and consists of two to four denticles, which have a fan-shaped outline in lateral view. The anterior part as well as the posterior part (consisting of cusp and two to three pre-cusp denticles) is higher than the denticles of the central part of the element. Shape analysis confirms that the parameters chosen for landmarks (element size relation and denticle setting) show little variation between different specimens.  相似文献   

Patterning of the Drosophila ventral epidermis is a tractable model for understanding the role of signalling pathways in development. Interplay between Wingless and EGFR signalling determines the segmentally repeated pattern of alternating denticle belts and smooth cuticle: spitz group genes, which encode factors that stimulate EGFR signalling, induce the denticle fate, while Wingless signalling antagonizes the effect of EGFR signalling, allowing cells to adopt the smooth-cuticle fate. Medial fusion of denticle belts is also a hallmark of spitz group genes, yet its underlying cause is unknown. We have studied this phenotype and discovered a new function for EGFR signalling in epidermal patterning. Smooth-cuticle cells, which are receiving Wingless signalling, are nevertheless dependent on EGFR signalling for survival. Reducing EGFR signalling results in apoptosis of smooth-cuticle cells between stages 12 and 14, bringing adjacent denticle regions together to result in denticle belt fusions by stage 15. Multiple factors stimulate EGFR signalling to promote smooth-cuticle cell survival: in addition to the spitz group genes, Rhomboid-3/roughoid, but not Rhomboid-2 or -4, and the neuregulin-like ligand Vein also function in survival signalling. Pointed mutants display the lowest frequency of fusions, suggesting that EGFR signalling may inhibit apoptosis primarily at the post-translational level. All ventral epidermal cells therefore require some level of EGFR signalling; high levels specify the denticle fate, while lower levels maintain smooth-cuticle cell survival. This strategy might guard against developmental errors, and may be conserved in mammalian epidermal patterning.  相似文献   

The development of denticle rows on the ventral Drosophila embryo is a valuable system for studying the genetic control of epithelial patterning. During late embryogenesis, the apical surfaces of denticle-producing cells acquire a distinctive rectangular morphology with long anteroposterior boundaries, along which the denticles form, and short ventrolateral boundaries that stain strongly for adherens junction proteins. We observe that ventrolateral denticle cell boundaries are also convoluted, suggesting that the strong adherens staining results, at least in part, from the additional membrane in these regions. Embryos mutant for the Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) Effector gene multiple wing hairs (mwh), or expressing dominant negative form of the small GTPase Rac1, have cells present between the normal denticle cell rows. These 'Interloper Cells' do not have convoluted ventrolateral boundaries with strong adherens protein staining, but have normal denticle placement, suggesting that adherens protein localization is not critical for denticle cell PCP. Based on these and other observations, we propose that denticle cell morphology arises from an epithelial stretch without junction remodeling. A crude mechanical model suggests that this mechanism can generate both the straight anteroposterior boundaries and the compacted ventrolateral boundaries typical of denticle cells. We discuss the significance of cell adhesion for denticle cell morphogenesis, especially given the established role for Rac1 in cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Shark skin denticles (scales) are diverse in morphology both among species and across the body of single individuals, although the function of this diversity is poorly understood. The extremely elongate and highly flexible tail of thresher sharks provides an opportunity to characterize gradients in denticle surface characteristics along the length of the tail and assess correlations between denticle morphology and tail kinematics. We measured denticle morphology on the caudal fin of three mature and two embryo common thresher sharks (Alopias vulpinus), and we compared thresher tail denticles to those of eleven other shark species. Using surface profilometry, we quantified 3D-denticle patterning and texture along the tail of threshers (27 regions in adults, and 16 regions in embryos). We report that tails of thresher embryos have a membrane that covers the denticles and reduces surface roughness. In mature thresher tails, surfaces have an average roughness of 5.6 μm which is smoother than some other pelagic shark species, but similar in roughness to blacktip, porbeagle, and bonnethead shark tails. There is no gradient down the tail in roughness for the middle or trailing edge regions and hence no correlation with kinematic amplitude or inferred magnitude of flow separation along the tail during locomotion. Along the length of the tail there is a leading-to-trailing-edge gradient with larger leading edge denticles that lack ridges (average roughness = 9.6 μm), and smaller trailing edge denticles with 5 ridges (average roughness = 5.7 μm). Thresher shark tails have many missing denticles visible as gaps in the surface, and we present evidence that these denticles are being replaced by new denticles that emerge from the skin below.  相似文献   

Shark skin is covered with numerous placoid scales or dermal denticles. While previous research has used scanning electron microscopy and histology to demonstrate that denticles vary both around the body of a shark and among species, no previous study has quantified three‐dimensional (3D) denticle structure and surface roughness to provide a quantitative analysis of skin surface texture. We quantified differences in denticle shape and size on the skin of three individual smooth dogfish sharks (Mustelus canis) using micro‐CT scanning, gel‐based surface profilometry, and histology. On each smooth dogfish, we imaged between 8 and 20 distinct areas on the body and fins, and obtained further comparative skin surface data from leopard, Atlantic sharpnose, shortfin mako, spiny dogfish, gulper, angel, and white sharks. We generated 3D images of individual denticles and measured denticle volume, surface area, and crown angle from the micro‐CT scans. Surface profilometry was used to quantify metrology variables such as roughness, skew, kurtosis, and the height and spacing of surface features. These measurements confirmed that denticles on different body areas of smooth dogfish varied widely in size, shape, and spacing. Denticles near the snout are smooth, paver‐like, and large relative to denticles on the body. Body denticles on smooth dogfish generally have between one and three distinct ridges, a diamond‐like surface shape, and a dorsoventral gradient in spacing and roughness. Ridges were spaced on average 56 µm apart, and had a mean height of 6.5 µm, comparable to denticles from shortfin mako sharks, and with narrower spacing and lower heights than other species measured. We observed considerable variation in denticle structure among regions on the pectoral, dorsal, and caudal fins, including a leading‐to‐trailing edge gradient in roughness for each region. Surface roughness in smooth dogfish varied around the body from 3 to 42 microns.  相似文献   

The correlation of the origin of teeth with jaws in vertebrate history has recently been challenged with an alternative to the canonical view of teeth deriving from separate skin denticles. This alternative proposes that organized denticle whorls on the pharyngeal (gill) arches in the fossil jawless fish Loganellia are precursors to tooth families developing from a dental lamina along the jaw, such as those occurring in sharks, acanthodians, and bony fishes. This not only indicates that homologs of tooth families were present, but also illustrates that they possessed the relevant developmental controls, prior to the evolution of jaws. However, in the Placodermi, a phylogenetically basal group of jawed fishes, the state of pharyngeal denticles is poorly known, tooth whorls are absent, and the presence of teeth homologous to those in extant jawed fishes (Chondrichthyes + Osteichthyes) is controversial. Thus, placoderms would seem to provide little evidence for the early evolution of dentitions, or of denticle whorls, or tooth families, at the base of the clade of jawed fishes. However, organized denticles do occur at the rear of the placoderm gill chamber, but are associated with the postbranchial lamina of the anterior trunkshield, assumed to be part of the dermal cover. Significantly, these denticles have a different organization and morphology relative to the external dermal trunkshield tubercles. We propose that they represent a denticulate part of the visceral skeleton, under the influence of pharyngeal patterning controls comparable to those for pharyngeal denticles in other jawed vertebrates and Loganellia.  相似文献   

Three new species of Tricorythopsis Traver (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) are described and illustrated based on nymphs from southeastern Brazil. These new species can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the following characters: Tricorythopsis araponga sp. n.: (1) femora with long setae; (2) abdominal segments 5–7 with dorsal tubercles; (3) tarsal claws with 4–6 marginal denticles and 7 + 4 submarginal denticles. Tricorythopsis baptistai sp. n.: (1) tarsal claws with 4–5 large marginal denticles and one submarginal denticle on each side; (2) abdominal colour pattern; (3) abdomen without tubercles; (4) coxae without projections. Tricorythopsis pseudogibbus sp. n.: (1) abdominal segments 6–8 with small dorsal tubercles; (2) tarsal claws with four large marginal denticles, and 3 + 1 or 2 submarginal denticles; (3) coxae dorsally projected; (4) femora broad and with short setae; (5) pronotum with anterolateral projection.  相似文献   

A new species of Trichodina Ehrenberg, 1830 collected from the skin and fins of farmed North African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) fingerlings, is described. The new species can be distinguished from other trichodinids by the characteristics of the adhesive disc, especially by the great number of denticles. Trichodina merciae n. sp. is morphologically similar to T. renicola (Mueller, 1931) and T. marplatensis Martorelli, Marcotegui & Alda, 2008, in the number of denticles, but differs in the morphometric data, denticle morphology, environment and location. Trichodina merciae n. sp. has broad sickle-shaped blades and thin, straight rays, while T. marplatensis has broad club-shaped blades and wide S-shaped rays. Besides, denticle length, blade length, ray length, width of central part and denticle span of the new species are greater than T. marplatensis. However, the diameter of denticle ring and the diameter of the central area in T. marplatensis is larger than the ones in T. merciae n. sp. This is the first record of freshwater ectoparasite trichodinid with an average number of denticles greater than 50.  相似文献   

The postlarval development of gill raker denticles is described for the engrauloid (anchovy) genera Coilia, Lycothrissa, Setipinna, Thryssa, Stolephorus, and Encrasicholina based on scanning electron microscopy. The raker structure of adult Papuengraulis is also described. In the coiliid genera Coilia, Lycothrissa, Setipinna, Thryssa, and Papuengraulis, denticle development is not confined to particular region(s) of the raker. With few exceptions, the proliferation of denticles with growth is greatest along the upper raker edge; denticles are smaller and less dense on the raker faces and along the lower raker edge. Some Thryssa and Setipinna have a derived condition of denticle clustering along the upper raker edge. In Stolephorus and Encrasicholina, denticle development is confined to the upper raker half and includes the development of a single row of denticles along each raker face. A phylogenetic analysis of engrauloid raker structure, incorporating data from Bornbusch ( 88: Copeia 1988:174–182) and based on outgroup comparisons, indicates that for the Engrauloidea: (1) the pattern of denticle development shared by coiliids is plesiomorphic; and (2) the pattern of denticle development shared by Stolephorus, Encrasicholina, and most other engraulids is synapomorphic for the Engraulidae. There is no evidence that the studied coiliids Stolephorus and Encrasicholina are suspension feeders. The engraulid pattern of raker denticle development which is retained in suspension feeding engraulids of the genus Engraulis was thus derived before the derivation of suspension feeding in Engraulis. Comparative morphological and phylogenetic studies of clupeomorph raker structures and feeding behaviors can infer the historical origins of morphology-behavior associations, help define possible directions for analyses of raker denticle function, and thereby help elucidate the significance of structure-function couplings in the evolution of such clupeomorph trophic behaviors as suspension feeding. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The holotype of Paranthodon africanus (Broom) from the Kirkwood Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of the Algoa Basin, Cape Province, South Africa consists of a partial skull, the bones of which are very similar to those of Stegosaurus. Both sides of the maxillary tooth crowns have a bulbous cingulum and a very prominent central vertical ridge above the large apical denticle that is bordered anteriorly and posteriorly by four to seven smaller denticles. Diagnostically stegosaurian material is also known from the Lower Cretaceous of England (Craterosaurus) and China (Wuerhosaurus) and the Upper Cretaceous of India (Dravidosaurus).  相似文献   

Purebred Hampshire pigs, farrowed and maintained under conditions precluding extraneous helminth infection, were exposed to a single dose of 10,000 Ascaris suum infective eggs. The pigs were killed at intervals of 28, 41, 55, 86, 115, 145, 175, and 206 days after infection. At necropsy, no gross lesions were found in the lungs or livers of infected pigs. The worms were recovered from the small intestine, identified, counted, and fixed. The heads were excised, critical point dried, mounted en face, and examined by scanning electron microscopy. Worms 28 to 115 days old had unworn denticles that were triangular when viewed laterally but blunt when viewed tangentially. Wearing of the denticles was observed first with 145-day-old worms; wearing increased with age both in numbers of denticles affected and in degree of wear so that by 206 days after inoculation, almost all denticles in the center of the lip were worn. Worn denticles appear truncated when viewed from any angle. The denticles outside the central area were not affected by wear. The size of the denticles varies not only between specimens of the same age, but also on each specimen. However, average denticle size is directly related to the size and, accordingly, to the age of the worm. External to each denticle is a corresponding depression that we have called the denticular groove. One 28-day-old specimen had some extra denticles aligned irregularly along the lip; this irregularity gave the appearance of a double row. The denticles of the two subventral lips are similar to those of the dorsal and are equally affected by wear. There was no detectable difference in denticles of male and female worms. Since wear can now be specifically correlated with age, we conclude that the denticles are functional and become worn through use. Consequently, adult A. suum may be an even more injurious pathogen than heretofore supposed.  相似文献   

The fossil group Placodermi is the most phylogenetically basal of the clade of jawed vertebrates but lacks a marginal dentition comparable to that of the dentate Chondrichthyes, Acanthodii and Osteichthyes (crown-group Gnathostomata). The teeth of crown-group gnathostomes are part of an ordered dentition replaced from, and patterned by, a dental lamina, exemplified by the elasmobranch model. A dentition recognised by these criteria has been previously judged absent in placoderms, based on structural evidence such as absence of tooth whorls and typical vertebrate dentine. However, evidence for regulated tooth addition in a precise spatiotemporal order can be observed in placoderms, but significantly, only within the group Arthrodira. In these fossils, as in other jawed vertebrates with statodont, non-replacing dentitions, new teeth are added at the ends of rows below the bite, but in line with biting edges of the dentition. The pattern is different on each gnathal bone and probably arises from single odontogenic primordia on each, but tooth rows are arranged in a distinctive placoderm pattern. New teeth are made of regular dentine comparable to that of crown-gnathostomes, formed from a pulp cavity. This differs from semidentine previously described for placoderm gnathalia, a type present in the external dermal tubercles. The Arthrodira is a derived taxon within the Placodermi, hence origin of teeth in placoderms occurs late in the phylogeny and teeth are convergently derived, relative to those of other jawed vertebrates. More basal placoderm taxa adopted other strategies for providing biting surfaces and these vary substantially, but include addition of denticles to the growing gnathal plates, at the margins of pre-existing denticle patches. These alternative strategies and apparent absence of regular dentine have led to previous interpretations that teeth were entirely absent from the placoderm dentition. A consensus view emerged that a dentition, as developed within a dental lamina, is a synapomorphy characterising the clade of crown-group gnathostomes. Recent comparisons between sets of denticle whorls in the pharyngeal region of the jawless fish Loganellia scotica (Thelodonti) and those in sharks suggest homology of these denticle sets on gill arches. Although the placoderm pharyngeal region appears to lack denticles (placoderm gill arches are poorly known), the posterior wall of the pharyngeal cavity, formed by a bony flange termed the postbranchial lamina, is covered in rows of patterned denticle arrays. These arrays differ significantly, both in morphology and arrangement, from those of the denticles located externally on the head and trunkshield plates. Denticles in these arrays are homologous to denticles associated with the gill arches in other crown-gnathostomes, with pattern similarities for order and position of pharyngeal denticles. From their location in the pharynx these are inferred to be under the influence of a cell lineage from endoderm, rather than ectoderm. Tooth sets and tooth whorls in crown-group gnathostomes are suggested to derive from the pharyngeal denticle whorls, at least in sharks, with the patterning mechanisms co-opted to the oral cavity. A comparable co-option is suggested for the Placodermi.  相似文献   

By using a hsp70-Ubx fusion gene, we have ectopically expressed a Ubx product in the embryonic head primordia and studied the developmental effects on the larval head. We find that after high and persistent levels of Ubx product, the head is replaced by three (C1, C2 and C3) abdominal-like denticle belts. The C2 and C3 belts are the homeotic transformations of parasegments 1 and 2, respectively, while the C1 belt probably derives from the transformation and subsequent fusion of the most anterior procephalic primordia. On the basis of their response to the Ubx product and other arguments, we propose that the larval head is made of two genetically distinct components; one is the procephalon and the anterior region of the mandibular lobe, and the other is part of the parasegmental trunk and includes parasegments 1 and 2. Our results also indicate that most or all the larval head structures derive from precursor cells of ventral origin.  相似文献   

There is a current need to develop novel non-toxic antifouling materials. The mechanisms utilized by marine organisms to prevent fouling of external surfaces are of interest in this regard. Biomimicry of these mechanisms and the ability to transfer the antifouling characteristics of these surfaces to artificial surfaces are a highly attractive prospect to those developing antifouling technologies. In order to achieve this, the mechanisms responsible for any antifouling ability must be elucidated from the study of the natural organism and the critical surface parameters responsible for fouling reduction. Dermal denticles of members of the shark family have been speculated to possess some natural, as yet unidentified antifouling mechanism related to the physical presence of denticles. In this study, the dermal denticles of one particular member of the slow-swimming sharks, Scyliorhinus canicula were characterized and it was found that a significant natural variation in denticle dimensions exists in this species. The degree of denticle surface contamination was quantified on denticles at various locations and it was determined that the degree of contamination of the dorsal surface of denticles varies with the position on the shark body. In addition, we successfully produced synthetic sharkskin samples using the real skin as a template. Testing of the produced synthetic skin in field conditions resulted in significant differences in material attachment on surfaces exhibiting denticles of different dimensions.  相似文献   

Vertebrate skin appendages are incredibly diverse. This diversity, which includes structures such as scales, feathers, and hair, likely evolved from a shared anatomical placode, suggesting broad conservation of the early development of these organs. Some of the earliest known skin appendages are dentine and enamel-rich tooth-like structures, collectively known as odontodes. These appendages evolved over 450 million years ago. Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays) have retained these ancient skin appendages in the form of both dermal denticles (scales) and oral teeth. Despite our knowledge of denticle function in adult sharks, our understanding of their development and morphogenesis is less advanced. Even though denticles in sharks appear structurally similar to oral teeth, there has been limited data directly comparing the molecular development of these distinct elements. Here, we chart the development of denticles in the embryonic small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) and characterize the expression of conserved genes known to mediate dental development. We find that shark denticle development shares a vast gene expression signature with developing teeth. However, denticles have restricted regenerative potential, as they lack a sox2+ stem cell niche associated with the maintenance of a dental lamina, an essential requirement for continuous tooth replacement. We compare developing denticles to other skin appendages, including both sensory skin appendages and avian feathers. This reveals that denticles are not only tooth-like in structure, but that they also share an ancient developmental gene set that is likely common to all epidermal appendages.  相似文献   

Salivary glands are simple structured organs which can serve as a model system in the study of organogenesis. Following a large EMS mutagenesis we have identified a number of genes required for normal salivary gland development. Mutations in the locus small salivary glands-1 (ssg-1) lead to a drastic reduction in the size of the salivary glands. The gene ssg-1 was cloned and subsequent sequence and genetic analysis showed identity to the recently published gene brinker. The salivary gland placode in brinker mutants appears reduced along both the anterior-posterior and dorso-ventral axis. Analysis of the brinker cuticle phenotype revealed a similar loss of anterior-posterior as well as lateral cell fates. The abdominal ventral denticle belts show a reduced number of setae in the first denticle row. Furthermore, we observed a preferential loss of lateral neuroblasts in the anterior parasegment. Together, these phenotypes suggest that brinker not only plays a role in dorso-ventral but also in anterior-posterior axis patterning.  相似文献   

Fused (fu) is a segment polarity gene whose product is maternally required in the posterior part of each segment. To define further the role of fused and determine how it interacts with other segmentation genes, we examined the phenotypes obtained by combining fused with mutations of pair rule, homeotic and other segment polarity loci. When it was possible, we also looked at the distribution of corresponding proteins in fused mutant embryos. We observed that fused-naked (fu;nkd) double mutant embryos display a phenotypic suppression of simple mutant phenotypes: both naked cuticle and denticle belts, which would normally have been deleted by one of the two mutants alone, were restored. In fused mutant embryos, engrailed (en) and wingless (wg) expression was normal until germ band extension, but partially and completely disappeared respectively during germ band retraction. In the fu;nkd double mutant embryo, en was expressed as in nkd mutant at germ band extension, but later this expression was restricted and became normal at germ band retraction. On the contrary, wg expression disappeared as in fu simple mutant embryos. We conclude that the requirements for fused, naked and wingless activities for normal segmental patterning are not absolute, and propose mechanisms by which these genes interact to specify anterior and posterior cell fates.  相似文献   

Maternal haploinsufficiency for a third chromosome Minute, M(3)i55, lowers rates of protein synthesis by approximately 30% during the syncytial nuclear cycles of early embryogenesis. The maternal effect of Mi55 also produces segmentation defects (denticle belt fusions) in the posterior abdomen of larvae. Furthermore, embryos from Minute mothers show abnormal expression patterns of the segmentation gene fushi tarazu (ftz) at the cellular blastoderm stage of embryogenesis. We developed a computer-aided analysis to describe the deviations in ftz expression which demonstrates that abnormally narrow ftz stripes occur in segment primordia that become fused in the larva. Unexpectedly, an abnormally wide ftz stripe occurs in segment primordia which do not develop abnormally. In addition, Mi55 produces a general narrowing of all ftz- interstripes. We phenocopied the Minute mutation by injecting wild-type embryos with cycloheximide concentrations which decreased protein synthesis rates to levels comparable with those of Minute embryos. Thus, a general decrease in protein synthesis during early embryogenesis leads to abnormal determination of posterior abdominal segment primordia.  相似文献   

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