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A model for the formation of orientation columns   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A mathematical model is proposed to describe the formation of orientation columns in mammalian visual cortex. The model is similar in concept to that proposed for ocular dominance column formation (Swindale 1980), the essential difference being that orientation is a vector rather than a scalar variable. It is assumed that initially orientation selectivity is weak and randomly distributed, and that selectivity develops in such a way that the orientation preferences of neurons less than about 200 microns apart tend to change in a similar direction, whereas the preferences of cells further apart tend to develop in opposite directions. No hypotheses are made about the anatomical or physiological basis of these interactions, and it is not necessary to assume that they are the result of environmental stimulation, as with existing models for the development of orientation selectivity (see, for example, von der Malsburg, 1973). The model reproduces the experimental data on orientation columns: roughly linear sequences of orientation change are produced, and these alternate unpredictably between clockwise and anticlockwise directions of change. Continuous sequences may span several 180 degrees cycles of rotation. The sequences are generally smooth, but abrupt discontinuities of up to 90 degrees also occur. The iso-orientation domains for large orientation ranges (60-90 degrees) are periodically spaced branching stripes that resemble those demonstrated in animals by the 2-deoxyglucose technique. The domains for narrower orientation ranges are periodically spaced but are more irregular in shape, though sometimes thin and elongated. The model makes a number of predictions that can be tested experimentally. Of particular interest are the discontinuities in the orientation sequences: these should be distributed with a spacing roughly equal to, or half, that of the iso-orientation domains. Each should be surrounded by one or two complete sets of iso-orientation domains, and each may be associated with regions where cells are not orientation selective. These regions may be more extensive in younger animals, when the columns are at an intermediate stage of formation, and less numerous where the columns run parallel and unbranched over large areas.  相似文献   

The optimal direction of lines in the visual field to which neurons in the visual cortex respond changes in a regular way when the recording electrode progresses tangentially through the cortex (Hubel and Wiesel, 1962). It is possible to reconstruct the field of orientations from long, sometimes multiple parallel penetrations (Hubel and Wiesel, 1974; Albus, 1975) by assuming that the orientations are arranged radially around centers. A method is developed which makes it possible to define uniquely the position of the centers in the vicinity of the electrode track. They turn out to be spaced at distances of about 0.5 mm and may be tentatively identified with the positions of the giant cells of Meynert.  相似文献   

A model for monocular line perception by humanSs is based on three basic assumptions: (a) the line's inclination is coded by the maximally excited orientation detector's number; (b) the inclination of the perceived line is equivocally determined by the excitation vector in the subjective space; (c) the analyzer has a maximum differential sensitivity over the whole range of the line inclinations. This simple model for the line inclination analyzer, taking into account the optimization of its sensitivity, provides incomplex explanations for a wide range of psychophysical and neurophysiological data obtained from human and animal experiments.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing importance of the extracellular matrix in many biological problems, in this paper we develop a model for fibroblast and collagen orientation with the ultimate objective of understanding how fibroblasts form and remodel the extracellular matrix, in particular its collagen component. The model uses integrodifferential equations to describe the interaction between the cells and fibers at a point in space with various orientations. The equations are studied both analytically and numerically to discover different types of solutions and their behavior. In particular we examine solutions where all the fibroblasts and collagen have discrete orientations, a localized continuum of orientations and a continuous distribution of orientations with several maxima. The effect of altering the parameters in the system is explored, including the angular diffusion coefficient for the fibroblasts, as well as the strength and range of the interaction between fibroblasts and collagen. We find the initial conditions and the range of influence between the collagen and the fibroblasts are the two factors which determine the behavior of the solutions. The implications of this for wound healing and cancer are discussed including the conclusion that the major factor in determining the degree of scarring is the initial deposition of collagen.  相似文献   

Simulander is a feedforward neural network simulating the orientation movement of salamanders. The orientation movement is part of the prey capture behavior; it is performed with the head alone. Simulander is a network which consists of 300 neurons incorporating several cytoarchitectonic and electrophysiological features of the salamander brain. The network is trained by means of an evolution strategy. Although only 100 tectum neurons with fairly large receptive fields are used (coarse coding), Simulander is able to localize an irregularly moving prey precisely. It is demonstrated that large receptive field neurons are important for successful prey localization. The removal of a model tectum hemisphere leads to a network which accounts for investigations made in living monocular salamanders. The model also yields an understanding of electrical stimulation experiments in toads.  相似文献   

Building on a simple model of a tectal column as the unit of processing in the amphibian tectum, we conduct a computer analysis of the interaction of a linear array of such columns. The model suggests that the inhibitory and excitatory activity in the tectum may have three functions: 1) spatiotemporal facilitation of column activity to a moving stimulus; 2) preference for the head of the stimulus, probably to avoid possible defensive reactions of the prey; and 3) modulating the state of excitation of the column once it has produced a response. The model also shows that the spatio-temporal effects of excitation and inhibition increases the acuity of the animal to the direction of the prey, through processes similar to lateral inhibition.The search reported in this paper was supported in part by NIH grant NS14971-02. Our thanks to Peter Ewert and David Ingle for valuable discussions of the experimental data; and to Andrew Cromarty and Donald House for their help with the computer implementation  相似文献   

Nonhuman primate models of poststroke recovery have become increasingly rare primarily due to high purchase and maintenance costs and limited availability of nonhuman primate species. Despite this obstacle, nonhuman primate models may offer important advantages over rodent models for understanding many of the brain's mechanisms for self-repair due to greater similarity in cortical organization to humans. Since the mid-1990s, surgical, neurophysiological, and neuroanatomical methods have been developed to understand structural and functional remodeling of the cerebral cortex after an ischemic event, such as occurs in stroke. These methods require long surgical procedures and entail constant physiological monitoring. With careful attention to intraoperative and postsurgical monitoring, these procedures can be repeated multiple times in individual monkeys without untoward events. This model provides a statistically powerful approach for tracking brain plasticity in the ensuing weeks and months after a stroke-like injury, reducing the number of animals required for individual experiments. This methodology is described in detail, and many of the resulting findings that are relevant for understanding stroke recovery and the effects of rehabilitative and pharmacotherapeutic interventions are summarized.  相似文献   

Grating cells were discovered in the V1 and V2 areas of the monkey visual cortex by von der Heydt et al. (1992). These cells responded vigorously to grating patterns of appropriate orientation and periodicity. Computational models inspired by these findings were used as texture operator (Kruzinga and Petkov 1995, 1999; Petkov and Kruzinga 1997) and for the emergence and self-organization of grating cells (Brunner et al. 1998; Bauer et al. 1999). The aim of this paper is to create a grating cell operator that demonstrates similar responses to monkey grating cells by applying operator to the same stimuli as in the experiments carried out by von der Heydt et al. (1992). Operator will be tested on images that contain periodic patterns as suggested by De Valois (1988). In order to learn more about the role of grating cells in natural vision, operator is applied to 338 real-world images of textures obtained from three different databases. The results suggest that grating cells respond strongly to regular alternating periodic patterns of a certain orientation. Such patterns are common in images of human-made structures, like buildings, fabrics, and tiles, and to regular natural periodic patterns, which are relatively rare in nature.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a simple model for affinity chromatography, the approach used is based on the equilibrium stage model introduced by Martin and Synge (1941). The current development eliminates the need for an equilibrium assumption by using a simplified rate equation to describe the adsorption process. Although it is not mathematically rigorous this method has proved useful for the design of column experiments in our laboratory.  相似文献   

Hemodynamic and endocrine parameters were determined in nine anesthetized adult male cynomolgus monkeys. Simultaneous phasic and mean pressures were measured in the right atrium, pulmonary artery, and abdominal aorta. Intermittent pulmonary artery wedge pressures and mean cardiac output measured by the thermal dilution method were used to calculate stroke volume, systemic vascular resistance, and pulmonary vascular resistance. Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, and plasma renin activity were measured throughout the procedure. Technical aspects, data in the anesthetized monkey, and comparison with previously reported data are presented.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) studies have been made on hyaluronic acid (HA) obtained from dialyzed owl monkey vitreous. The protein content of these samples is low enough not to interfere with the CD measurements of hyaluronic acid. The ellipticity values of vitreous HA are higher than those of HA from other tissues, indicating a higher degree of preferred order. Since the purification procedures involve only dialysis, the owl monkey vitreous can be a model tissue for structural studies of HA close to its native state.  相似文献   

During neural development, neurons extend axons to target areas of the brain. Through processes of growth, branching and retraction these axons establish stereotypic patterns of connectivity. In the visual system, these patterns include retinotopic organization and the segregation of individual axons onto different subsets of target neurons based on the eye of origin (ocular dominance) or receptive field type (ON or OFF). Characteristic disruptions to these patterns occur when neural activity or guidance molecule expression is perturbed. In this paper we present a model that explains how these developmental patterns might emerge as a result of the coordinated growth and retraction of individual axons and synapses responding to position-specific markers, trophic factors and spontaneous neural activity. This model derives from one presented earlier (Godfrey et al., 2009) but which is here extended to account for a wider range of phenomena than previously described. These include ocular dominance and ON-OFF segregation and the results of altered ephrinA and EphA guidance molecule expression. The model takes into account molecular guidance factors, realistic patterns of spontaneous retinal wave activity, trophic molecules, homeostatic mechanisms, axon branching and retraction rules and intra-axonal signaling mechanisms that contribute to the survival of nearby synapses on an axon. We show that, collectively, these mechanisms can account for a wider range of phenomena than previous models of retino-tectal development.  相似文献   

A model for the interfacial orientation and the mode of action of lipase is proposed. Lipase is oriented so that its active site is near the oil-water boundary. This orientation is achieved by oil-enzyme bonding at the “hydrophobic head” of the enzyme, a region free of electric charges and relatively resistant to unfolding. The measured KM is a complex constant including the dissociation constant of this oil-enzyme “complex”. The interfacial orientation of lipase is further aided by hydrophilic negative charges on the “back” of the enzyme and by a hydrophilic carbohydrate “tail”.It is suggested that similar hydrophobic heads and hydrophilic tails and asymmetric charge distributions establish the orientation of many enzymes which act at interfaces. Many phospholipases, for instance, appear to be charge-oriented, and the carbohydrate residues of ribonucleases and many other glycoproteins may be hydrophilic tails.Lipase is probably a serine enzyme with a catalytic center similar to that of chymotrypsin, but more hindered, perhaps owing to the presence of a leucine residue, and there is no binding of substrate lipid chains in the “active complex”. The substrate molecule is fixated on the enzyme in a two-dimensional orientation, because its leaving alkoxy group must be received by the serine hydroxyl hydrogen which is directed towards the imidazol ring of the reactive histidine through a hydrogen bond. The high turnover rate of lipolysis, 5 × 105/min, exceptional even for an enzyme, results from the extremely high substrate concentration near the active site, and from an almost complete extrusion of water because of the hydrophobicity of both the active site and the substrate. In addition, both substrate and enzyme, because of their polarity, are already so favorably positioned at the interface that the formation of the “active complex” requires only a proper two-dimensional alignment, perhaps with partial extraction of the substrate molecule from the lipid phase.  相似文献   

Blasiak J  Mulcahy DL  Musgrave M 《Planta》2001,213(2):318-322
Chemical gradients and structural features within the pistil have been previously proposed as factors determining the directionality of pollen tube growth. In this study, we examine the behavior of pollen of eight species germinated in a dynamic oxygen gradient. While the germination rates of some species decreased directly with decreasing oxygen tension, other species showed no decrease in germination at oxygen tensions as low as 2 kPa. In one species, germination was consistently greater at decreased oxygen tensions than at ambient atmospheric levels. In three of the eight species tested, the developing pollen tube showed clear directional growth away from the more-oxygenated regions of the growth medium, while in one species growth was towards the more-oxygenated region. The remaining four species showed random tube growth. The pattern of oxytropic responses among the taxa suggests that this tropic behavior is both widespread and phylogenetically unpredictable.  相似文献   

The proximal portion of a subfossil monkey femur found in a Jamaican cave shares all the femoral characters of a mature male Cebus apella.The fragment alone, however, does not prove conspecificity. The Jamaican femur is also of a size that could belong to the extinct Xenothrix mcgregoriof the same island. In contrast, the distal portion of a monkey tibia recovered from a kitchen midden in the Dominican Republic cannot be identified with that of any known living platyrrhine or catarrhine monkey. Geological age, geographic locality, and size of fragment point to probable alignment of the tibia with the recently extinct cebid Saimiri bernensis.Although no conclusive identifications are made, the distinctive characters of the two limb bones are described on the basis of comparisons with femurs and tibias representing all genera of living platyrrhines, most genera of catarrhine monkeys, and some strepsirhines.  相似文献   

All mobile animals respond to gradients in signals in their environment, such as light, sound, odours and magnetic and electric fields, but it remains controversial how they might use these signals to navigate over long distances. The Earth's surface is essentially two-dimensional, so two stimuli are needed to act as coordinates for navigation. However, no environmental fields are known to be simple enough to act as perpendicular coordinates on a two-dimensional grid. Here, we propose a model for navigation in which we assume that an animal has a simplified ‘cognitive map’ in which environmental stimuli act as perpendicular coordinates. We then investigate how systematic deviation of the contour lines of the environmental signals from a simple orthogonal arrangement can cause errors in position determination and lead to systematic patterns of directional errors in initial homing directions taken by pigeons. The model reproduces patterns of initial orientation errors seen in previously collected data from homing pigeons, predicts that errors should increase with distance from the loft, and provides a basis for efforts to identify further sources of orientation errors made by homing pigeons.  相似文献   

The Merkel cell-neurite complex is considered to be one class of mechanoreceptors in the skin. Merkel cells are innervated by slowly adapting type I (SAI) tactile nerve fibers. In this paper, the detailed distribution of Merkel cells is studied by immunohistochemical labeling of the monkey (Macaca fascicularis) digital glabrous skin. Specific morphometric variables (density of intermediate epidermal ridges and Merkel cells, distance between skin surface and ridge tips and bases, maximum and average cell counts per ridge, distance between cells and ridges) were measured by a combination of light/fluorescence microscopy and computer-image analysis. The morphometric results were similar for each digit of the monkey's hand. Next, the anatomical data were used to form a three-dimensional reconstruction of the Merkel-cell distribution in the fingertip skin. A patch of the distal-pad surface was then computationally flattened to obtain the two-dimensional distribution of Merkel cells. Based on previous anatomical and physiological data, SAI fibers were simulated to innervate clusters of Merkel cells in the distal-pad surface. On average, 28 cells were innervated by a single fiber. The resulting anatomical model may be used to estimate the population response of SAI fibers by incorporating spike generation.  相似文献   

Atherton TJ 《Spatial Vision》2002,15(4):415-441
A computational model is proposed for spatial orientation processing beyond the initial stage of linear filtering in visual cortex. The model accounts for orientation pop-out, edge location and orientation, and bar location and orientation. It naturally extends to higher order orientation symmetries. The model is consistent with much of the current understanding of early processing in mammalian visual cortex. It builds on the notions of orientation and spatial frequency specific simple cells, any subsequent non-linearity, and orientation 'pooling'. The processing treats simple cell energy, real, and imaginary responses in a unified way to generate 'feature maps'. The 'pooling' operation in each case is a discrete Fourier transform of the simple cell responses over orientation. The suggested processing has implications for psychophysics (e.g. providing an explanation of why orientation discrimination thresholds are more than an order of magnitude less than simple cell orientation bandwidths), provides some understanding of the variety of 'complex-cell' properties found in visual cortex, and provides a plausible starting point for subsequent processing.  相似文献   

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