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Mature spermatozoa belonging to four salamander species, Salamandrina terdigitata, Triturus alpestris, Triturus carnifex and Triturus vulgaris, have been investigated by electron microscopy. The sperm ultrastructure of these species was compared with that of previously examined urodeles (36 species and 20 genera) and with that of anurans and caecilians. Many phylogenetic considerations may be inferred as a consequence of comparative spermatology. Urodela appears to be a monophyletic order characterized by three sperm synapomorphies: the acrosomal barb, nuclear ridge and marginal filament. Cryptobranchoidea are confirmed to form a monophyletic suborder having two synapomorphic characters: absence of mitochondria in the tail, and cylindrical shape of the tail axial rod. Within the family Salamandridae, sperm morphology confirms the phylogenetic distance between Salamandrina and Triturus, as already pointed out on the basis of molecular and morphological characters. The very complex ultrastructure of spermatozoa confirms a previous opinion that internal fertilization is the ancestral condition of the Amphibia.  相似文献   

The skull of Greererpeton burkemorani Romer, a temnospondyl amphibian from the Upper Mississippian at Greer, West Virginia is described. A detailed account of the stapes of a Mississippian amphibian is given for the first time and its function is discussed. It is suggested that the stapes formed the principal element of support for the back of the braincase and resisted potential dislocation of the otico-occipital region from the skull roof during contraction of the hypaxial musculature.
Greererpeton is included in the Colosteidae and an amended diagnosis of the family is given. Erpetosaurus differs from Colosteus, Greererpeton and Pholidogaster in the pattern of bones in the skull roof and palate, the dentition and the otic region and, consequently, it is removed from the Colosteidae. The Temnospondyli are considered to be a monophyletic group characterized by the development of a connection between the dorsal portion of the occipital arch, the exoccipital bones, and the skull roof. The loxommatids are removed from the Temnospondyli as they retain the plesiomorphic condition of braincase attachment which relies exclusively on derivatives of the auditory capsules.
On the basis of similarities in the structure of the braincase, palate and manus it is suggested that microsaurs are the collateral descendants (sister group) of temnospondyls. This relationship may account for the large number of similarities in the three living groups of Amphibia: Anura are generally believed to have descended from temnospondyls, while the Urodela and Apoda are often considered to have descended from microsaurs. These systematic conclusions endorse the recent suggestions that neither the Lepospondyli nor the Labyrinthodontia are natural groups, and both terms should be abandoned.  相似文献   

We propose a novel classification of frogs in the family Mantellidae, based on published phylogenetic information and on a new analysis of molecular data. Our molecular tree for 53 mantellid species is based on 2419 base pairs of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, tRNAVal and cytochrome b genes, and of the nuclear rhodopsin gene. Because the genus Mantidactylus Boulenger sensu lato is confirmed to be paraphyletic with respect to Mantella Boulenger, and is highly diverse in morphology and reproductive biology, we propose to partition Mantidactylus into seven genera by elevating four subgenera to genus rank (Blommersia Dubois, Guibemantis Dubois, Spinomantis Dubois, and Gephyromantis Methuen) and creating two new genera (Boehmantis gen. n. and Wakea gen. n.). In addition, we create the new subgenera Boophis (Sahona) subgen. n., Gephyromantis (Duboimantis) subgen. n., G. (Vatomantis) subgen. n., and Mantidactylus (Maitsomantis) subgen. n. The following species are transferred to Spinomantis, based on their phylogenetic relationships: S. elegans (Guibé) comb. n. (formerly in Mantidactylus subgenus Guibemantis); S. bertini (Guibé) comb. n. and S. guibei (Blommers-Schlösser) comb. n. (both formerly in Mantidactylus subgenus Blommersia); S. microtis (Guibé) comb. n. (formerly in Boophis Tschudi). Within Boophis, the new B. mandraka species group and B. albipunctatus species group are established. Boophis rhodoscelis (Boulenger) is transferred to the B. microtympanum group. The following five species are revalidated: Mantidactylus bellyi Mocquard and M. bourgati Guibé (not junior synonyms of M. curtus (Boulenger)); M. cowanii (Boulenger) (not syn. M. lugubris (Duméril)); M. delormei Angel (not syn. M. brevipalmatus Ahl); Mantella ebenaui (Boettger) (not syn. M. betsileo (Grandidier)). The new classification accounts for recent progress in the understanding of the phylogeny and natural history of these frogs, but it is still tentative for a number of species. Future modifications may be necessary, especially as concerns species now included in Gephyromantis and Spinomantis.Full article published online at: http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/06-11.htm  相似文献   

We describe, for the first time, the sperm ultrastructure of the two genera of Pseudinae. Based on sperm ultrastructure, the five species herein examined can be separated into three groups: one containing Pseudis paradoxa, P. bolbodactyla, and P. tocantins, the second containing P. minuta, and the third containing Lysapsus laevis. The midpiece is similar in all species and auxiliary fibers and the undulating membrane are absent. In Pseudis a subacrosomal cone and a multilaminar structure (P. minuta) or a granular material (P. paradoxa group) are seen above the nucleus. Lysapsus laevis has only remnants of the subacrosomal cone. All species have peripheral fibers associated with the outer doublets of the axoneme. We tested the hypothesis of correlation between the presence of an undulating membrane and fertilization environments in anurans using a concentrated changes test (CCT) based on the Hay et al. (Mol Biol Evol 1995;12:928-937) hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships among anuran families. Only a subset of the resolved topologies derived from the Hay et al. (1995) cladogram, where Ranoidea is the sister-group of Sooglossidae, produced significant probabilities of the CCT. Therefore, support for the correlation between sperm ultrastructure and fertilization environments in anurans is, at best, equivocal.  相似文献   

Evolution of reproduction in the Rhacophoridae (Amphibia, Anura)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rhacophorid treefrogs have different reproductive modes: some go through a tadpole stage and some have direct development, and the adults of some species produce foam nests. Philautus is the only genus characterized by direct development. The production of foam nests has been reported in the genera Polypedates, Rhacophorus, Chiromantis and Chirixalus. Recent molecular studies did not provide a robust hypothesis concerning the origin of these reproductive modes in the Rhacophoridae. In order to better understand the evolution of these reproductive modes, we tried to clarify relationships within this group, using DNA sequencing. Our data set consists in a large number of new sequences (1676 base pairs corresponding to threee genes) for five outgroup ranoids and 48 Rhacophoridae, including 16 undescribed species from Sri Lanka and southern India, and all homologous data available in Genbank. After the inclusion of Philautus from India, our data show that the separation of Philautus into clades does not coincide with their geographic distribution. Our data point to the existence of a clade, including the genera Rhacophorus, Polypedates, Chiromantis and Chirixalus, which confirms the results of Wilkinson et al. (2002) and suggests that the ability to produce foam nests has emerged only once in the Rhacophoridae, as already stated by these authors.  相似文献   

Aquatic and terrestrial amphibians integrate acoustic, magnetic, mechanical, olfactory and visual directional information into a redundant-multisensory orientation system. The sensory information is processed to accomplish homing following active or passive displacement by either path integration, beaconing, pilotage, compass orientation or true navigation. There is evidence for two independent compass systems, a time-compensated compass based on celestial cues and a light-dependent magnetic inclination compass. Beaconing along acoustic or olfactory gradients emanating from the home site, as well as pilotage along fixed visual landmarks also form an important part in the behaviour of many species. True navigation has been shown in only one species, the aquatic salamander Notophthalmus viridescens. Evidence on the nature of the navigational map obtained so far is compatible with the magnetic map hypothesis.  相似文献   

The extant amphibians are one of the most diverse radiations of terrestrial vertebrates (>6800 species). Despite much recent focus on their conservation, diversification, and systematics, no previous phylogeny for the group has contained more than 522 species. However, numerous studies with limited taxon sampling have generated large amounts of partially overlapping sequence data for many species. Here, we combine these data and produce a novel estimate of extant amphibian phylogeny, containing 2871 species (∼40% of the known extant species) from 432 genera (∼85% of the ∼500 currently recognized extant genera). Each sampled species contains up to 12,712 bp from 12 genes (three mitochondrial, nine nuclear), with an average of 2563 bp per species. This data set provides strong support for many groups recognized in previous studies, but it also suggests non-monophyly for several currently recognized families, particularly in hyloid frogs (e.g., Ceratophryidae, Cycloramphidae, Leptodactylidae, Strabomantidae). To correct these and other problems, we provide a revised classification of extant amphibians for taxa traditionally delimited at the family and subfamily levels. This new taxonomy includes several families not recognized in current classifications (e.g., Alsodidae, Batrachylidae, Rhinodermatidae, Odontophrynidae, Telmatobiidae), but which are strongly supported and important for avoiding non-monophyly of current families. Finally, this study provides further evidence that the supermatrix approach provides an effective strategy for inferring large-scale phylogenies using the combined results of previous studies, despite many taxa having extensive missing data.  相似文献   

The presence of spicules (also termed spines, teeth, or denticles) on the intromittent organ, a character unique to male members of some species in the African caecilian family Scolecomorphidae, has long been known (Noble, '31; Taylor, '68; Wake,'72; Nussbaum,'85). However, their organization and structure has not been examined. Series of males of three species of Scolecomorphus were examined in order to determine the gross and histological organization of the spicules. Spicule morphology changes with ontogeny within species and differs grossly among species. The cellular organization of the spicules is remarkably similar among species, however. The spicules are composed of chondroid cartilage. The large discoid cells are arranged in “stacks” to form the projections, which emerge from an extensive base plate of the same cartilage. The spicules have a connective tissue sheath, which is not continuous with the cloacal epithelium. The sheath of the spicules may or may not be mineralized; the cartilage itself does not appear to be calcified. Mineralization apparently is not correlated with age, reproductive status, or season. Cartilage in the cloaca of these few species poses a series of questions about the interactions of developmental, structural, functional, and phylogenetic properties in the evolution of the reproductive biology of caecilians. J. Morphol. 237:177–186, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The indirect immunofluorescence method was used to identify and locate LTH-, STH-, LH-, TSH-, ACTH- and MSH-immunoreactive cells in the pituitary of Typhlonectes compressicaudus (Gymnophiona). The present study defines the histological and histochemical staining properties of each cell type identified.  相似文献   

Summary An artificially mesodermalized ectoderm (mE) shows the same properties as the organizer: chordamesoderm formation and neural induction. The neural-inducing activity of the mE was inhibited by treatment with protein synthesis inhibitors (cycloheximide and puromycin) and a specific inhibitor of protein glycosylation (tunicamycin). These antibiotics also inhibited chordamesoderm differentiaton, especiallly that of notochord. Newly synthesized proteins of the mE were compared with those of presumptive ectoderm (pE) using two-dimensional PAGE. There were differences in relative amounts of many protein spots. These results suggest that neural-inducing activity is related to glycoproteins synthesized during the early phase of mesodermalization.  相似文献   

The alignment of sperm in a cloacal sperm storage gland, the spermatheca, was studied in female desmognathine salamanders by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Females representing nine species and collected in spring, late summer, and fall in the southern Appalachian Mountains contained abundant sperm in their spermathecae. The spermatheca is a compound tubuloalveolar gland connected by a single common tube to the middorsal wall of the cloaca. Sperm enter the common tube in small groups aligned in parallel along their axes, and continue in a straight course until encountering divisions of the common tube (neck tubules) or luminal borders of distal bulbs, which can act as barriers. Sperm may form tangles, in which small clusters retain their mutual alignment, at the branches of the neck tubules from the common tube, or in the lumen of the distal bulbs, where subsequent waves of sperm collide with sperm already present. The nuclei of some sperm from the initial group to encounter the walls of the distal bulbs appear to become embedded in secretory material on the luminal border or in the apical cytoplasm of the spermathecal epithelial cells. We propose that these sperm become trapped in the spermatheca and are ultimately degraded. J. Morphol. 238:143–155, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The skull of Spathicephalus mirus Watson, an amphibian from the Namurian, basal Upper Carboniferous, of Scotland is described. It shares with the Loxommatoidea a closed palate, palatal ornament and antorbital vacuities, and the family Spathicephalidae is recognized as the sister group of the Loxommatidae. A new diagnosis of the Loxommatoidea is presented together with one of the Spathicephalidae. An analysis of the functional morphology of the Spathicephalus skull suggests that it was incapable of rapid jaw closure required for catching fish. Instead it is proposed that Spathicephalus was a sluggish bottom-dwelling filter-feeder of small, soft invertebrates.  相似文献   

The treefrog genus Boophis is one of the most species-rich endemic amphibian groups of Madagascar. It consists of species specialized to breeding in brooks (48 species) and ponds (10 species). We reconstructed the phylogeny of Boophis using 16S ribosomal DNA sequences (558 bp) from 27 species. Brook-breeders were monophyletic and probably derived from an ancestral pond-breeding lineage. Pond-breeders were paraphyletic. The disparity in diversification among pond-breeders and brook-breeders was notable among endemic Malagasy frogs, although it was not significant when considering Boophis alone. Sibling species which have different advertisement calls but are virtually indistinguishable by morphology were common among brook-breeders; genetic divergence between these species was high (modal 8% total pairwise divergence). Substitution rates in brook-breeding species were significantly higher than in pond-breeders. Speciation of pond-breeders may be hindered by their usually more synchronous reproduction and a higher vagility which enhances gene flow, while a higher potential of spatial segregation and speciation may exist along brooks.  相似文献   

The Eurasian 'brown frogs' are a morphologically conservative assemblage consisting of the European Rana temporaria and a large number of similar species considered to be related. Although the chromosome number of the great majority of Rana species is 26, there are several species of brown frogs (including R. arvalis, R. chensinensis, R. omativentris and R. dybowskii ) which instead have 24 chromosomes. Yet comparative study of isozyme variation at 25 gene loci from these and seven other European, Caucasian, and east Asian species indicates that the 24-chromosome brown frogs are not a monophyletic group. To the exclusion of R. arvalis , the east Asian 24-chromosome species form a distinct clade related to the 26-chromosome species R. temporaria, R. dalmatina, R. japonica , and R. tagai more closely than to R. arvalis. This result is reinforced by the comparative position of the nucleolar organizer region (NOR) in the karyotypes of these frogs, as shown by NOR-banding of metaphase chromosomes. The NOR is on chromosome No. 2 in R. arvalis but on chromosome No. 10 in the other three 24-chromosome species. The systematic positions of the Causasian species A. camerani and R. macrocnemis relative to the other species are unclear except that these frogs are distinct enough to be considered part of an outgroup clade. However, in general, the systematics of the entire brown frog group remains unresolved due to great genetic divergences between species and the evident homoplasy of the brown frog morphotype. The parallel origins of reduced karyotypes among the brown frogs demonstrate that caution should be exercised when judging systematic relationships based upon gross karyology in the absence of more detailed information.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence of Substance P-(SP)-related peptides in the hypothalamus of three species of Amphibia (newt, clawed, toad, frog) was studied immunohistochemically employing the indirect immunofluorescence method or a double-step technique (indirect immunofluorescence followed by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex method). SP-like immunopositive fibers are seen throughout the hypothalamus. They are especially abundant in the preoptic area and in the outer zone of the median eminence, suggesting a role of SP-related peptides in the hypothalamo-hypophysial regulation in these animals. Some SP-like neurons are seen in the posterior hypothalamus and in the preoptic area. In the newt, such SP-like immunopositive neurons occur frequently in the preoptic periventricular grey.Work performed under the C.N.R. project Biologia della Riproduzione  相似文献   

Summary The multicellular epithelial organs in Proteus anguinus, which Bugnion (1873) assumed to be developing neuromasts, have been analyzed by lightand electron-microscopy. Their fundamental structure consists of single ampullae with sensory and accessory cells with apical parts that extend into the pit of the ampulla, and of a short jelly-filled canal connecting the ampulla pit with the surface of the skin. The organs are located intra-epithelially and are supported by a tiny dermal papilla. The cell elements of sensory epithelium are apically linked together by tight junctions. The free apical surface of the sensory cell bears several hundred densely packed stereocilia-like microvilli whereas the basal surface displays afferent neurosensory junctions with a pronounced round synaptic body. The compact uniform organization of the apical microvillous part shows a hexagonal pattern. A basal body was found in some sensory cells whereas a kinocilium was observed only in a single cell. The accessory cells have their free surface differentiated in a sparsely distributed and frequently-forked microvilli. The canal wall is built of two or three layers of tightly coalescent flat cells bordering on the lumen with branching microvilli. The ultrastructure of the content of the ampulla pit is presented.In the discussion stress is laid on the peculiarities of the natural history of Proteus anguinus that support the view that the morphologically-identified ampullary organs are electroreceptive. The structural characteristics of ampullary receptor cells are dealt with from the viewpoint of functional morphology and in the light of evolutionary hypotheses of ampullary organs.  相似文献   

Summary The presumptive ectoderm (pE) ofCynops gastrulae was artificially mesodermalized by contact with teleost swimbladder. The newly mesodermalized ectoderm (mE) acquired the capacity for neural induction (Suzuki et al. 1986a). SEM observations revealed that the mE cells altered their cellular profiles immediately after mesodermalization. The characteristics of the cell surface and the cell architecture became similar to those of invaginated mesoderm cells. There were distinct differences in the cellular contact between mE—pE and pE—pE combinations. The mE-pE combinations kept close contact at their interior surfaces, while the pE—pE combinations did not keep contact. Both TEM and SEM observations also indicated that there were tight contacts between mE and pE cells. These findings suggest that neural-inducing activity of the newly mesodermalized ectoderm cells is coupled with acquisition of cellular affinity toward the interior surface of competent ectoderm cells, and probably requires close cell contacts.  相似文献   

The oldest recorded anthracosaur amphibian Eoherpeton watsoni Panchen, from localities in the Visean and Namurian of the Scottish Carboniferous, is described. It lacks a distinct otic notch, and reconstruction of the position of cranial ligaments and muscles suggest that a tympanum was never developed. On the basis of these observations it is concluded that arguments used to refute a relationship between anthracosaurs and amniotes, based on apparent differences in the morphology of their otic regions, are invalid. The order Anthracosauria is considered to be a monophyletic group characterized by the development of a sutural connection between the tabular and parietal bones on a skull table which includes both the intertemporal and supratemporal as well as the tabular. It is divided into two suborders: Seymouriamorpha characterized by a sutural connection between the squamosal and intertemporal and the presence of a lateral otic tube, and Anthracosauroideae characterized by the absence of post-temporal fossae. The Discosauriscidae, Kotlassiidae and Seymouriidae are included in the Seymouriamorpha, and the Eoherpetontidae, Gephyrostegidae and Embolomeri comprise the Anthracosauroideae. The Proterogyrinidae are considered the most primitive family of embolomeres. A new phylogeny of Amphibia is presented. The old groupings of Labyrinthodontia, Lepospondyli and Lissamphibia are rejected and Amphibia is divided, on the basis of differences in morphology of the neurocranium and its relationship with the surrounding bones of the skull, into two major groups, the first including the Ichthyostcgalia, Temnospondyli, Microsauria and the extant Anura, Apoda and Urodela, while the Aistopoda, Nectridea, Palaeostegalia, Loxommatoidea, Anthracosauria and Diadectomorpha, together with the Amniota, form the second. Similarities in the dentition of the palaeostegalian Crassigyrinus and loxommatoids suggest the two taxa are sister-groups, but the immediate relationships of anthracosaurs remain indeterminate and they here form an unresolved trichotomy with diadectomorphs and amniotes.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of temperature on the thyroid gland of the Caucasian salamander, Mertensiella caucasica has been studied (1) with the light- and electron microscopes, (2) with enzyme histochemical and quantitative methods. Animals which had been kept for years at 16° C were exposed for 48 hrs to 4° C or 27° C.At 4° C the follicular epithelium consisted of cuboidal cells with well-developed rough ER, occasional distended cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) filling most of the cytoplasm, a relatively small Golgi apparatus and numerous round or oval shaped lysosomes. In animals kept at 27° C the follicular wall was composed of markedly taller epithelial cells, the apices of which bulged into the follicular lumen. Compared to the animals at 4° C, there appeared to be a decrease in the rough ER. The Golgi apparatus did not exhibit clear differences. The lysosomes increased in number and showed various shapes among which elongated ones with pointed ends were particularly striking. In the apical cytoplasm colloid droplets appeared indicating hormone release. The apical microvilli increased in number.The measurements of total T4 have shown that the hormone level in animals kept at 27° C was about twice as high as in animals kept at 4° C.Dedicated in gratitude to Professor Dr. Drs. h.c. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (We 380/5).  相似文献   

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