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Many intracellular micro-organisms are now known to cause reproductive abnormalities and other phenomena in their hosts. The endosymbiont Wolbachia is the best known of these reproductive manipulators owing to its extremely high incidence among arthropods and the diverse host effects it has been implicated as causing. However, recent evidence suggests that another intracellular bacterium, a Cytophaga-like organism (CLO), may also induce several reproductive effects in its hosts. Here, we present the first survey of arthropod hosts for infection by the CLO. We use a sensitive hemi-nested polymerase chain reaction method to screen 223 species from 20 arthropod orders for infection by the CLO and Wolbachia. The results indicate that, although not as prevalent as Wolbachia, the CLO infects a significant number of arthropod hosts (ca. 7.2%). In addition, double infections of the CLO and Wolbachia were found in individuals of seven arthropod species. Sequencing analysis of the 16S rDNA region of the CLO indicates evidence for horizontal transmission of the CLO strains. We discuss these results with reference to future studies on host effects induced by intracellular micro-organisms.  相似文献   

The dearth of new antibiotics and escalating emergence of multidrug resistant bacteria have created a global healthcare crisis and highlight the drastic need for novel antimicrobial agents. Complementary and alternative strategies including the investigation of ancient medicinals could address this problem. Natural clay minerals with a long history of medicinal and biomedical applications have become an interest due to their broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. Such untapped natural sources may provide new therapeutic agents in the battle against infectious diseases in the post-antibiotic era.  相似文献   

The extent and biological relevance of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in eukaryotic evolution remain highly controversial. Recent studies have demonstrated frequent and large-scale HGT from endosymbiotic bacteria to their hosts, but the great majority of these transferred genes rapidly become nonfunctional in the recipient genome. Here, we investigate an ancient HGT between a host metazoan and an endosymbiotic bacterium, Wolbachia pipientis. The transferred gene has so far been found only in mosquitoes and Wolbachia. In mosquitoes, it is a member of a gene family encoding candidate receptors required for malaria sporozoite invasion of the mosquito salivary gland. The gene copy in Wolbachia has substantially diverged in sequence from the mosquito homolog, is evolving under purifying selection, and is expressed, suggesting that this gene is also functional in the bacterial genome. Several lines of evidence indicate that the gene may have been transferred from eukaryotic host to bacterial endosymbiont. Regardless of the direction of transfer, however, these results demonstrate that interdomain HGT may give rise to functional, persistent, and possibly evolutionarily significant new genes.  相似文献   

Interpreting the formation of genomic variation landscape, especially genomic regions with elevated differentiation (i.e. islands), is fundamental to a better understanding of the genomic consequences of adaptation and speciation. Edaphic islands provide excellent systems for understanding the interplay of gene flow and selection in driving population divergence and speciation. However, discerning the relative contribution of these factors that modify patterns of genomic variation remains difficult. We analysed 132 genomes from five recently divergent species in Primulina genus, with four species distributed in Karst limestone habitats and the fifth one growing in Danxia habitats. We demonstrated that both gene flow and linked selection have contributed to genome-wide variation landscape, where genomic regions with elevated differentiation (i.e., islands) were largely derived by divergent sorting of ancient polymorphism. Specifically, we identified several lineage-specific genomic islands that might have facilitated adaptation of P. suichuanensis to Danxia habitats. Our study is amongst the first cases disentangling evolutionary processes that shape genomic variation of plant specialists, and demonstrates the important role of ancient polymorphism in the formation of genomic islands that potentially mediate adaptation and speciation of endemic plants in special soil habitats.  相似文献   

The effect of multi-allelic balancing selection on nucleotide diversity at linked neutral sites was investigated by simulations of subdivided populations. The motivation is to understand the behaviour of self-recognition systems such as the MHC and plant self-incompatibility. For neutral sites, two types of subdivision are present: (1) into demes (connected by migration), and (2) into classes defined by different functional alleles at the selected locus (connected by recombination). Previous theoretical studies of each type of subdivision separately have shown that each increases diversity, and decreases the relative frequencies of low-frequency variants, at neutral sites or loci. We show here that the two types of subdivision act non-additively when sampling is at the whole population level, and that subdivision produces some non-intuitive results. For instance, in highly subdivided populations, genetic diversity at neutral sites may decrease with tighter linkage to a selected locus or site. Another conclusion is that, if there is population subdivision, balancing selection leads to decreased expected FST values for neutral sites linked to the selected locus. Finally, we show that the ability to detect balancing selection by its effects on linked variation, using tests such as Tajima's D, is reduced when genes in a subdivided population are sampled from the total population, rather than within demes.  相似文献   

Maternal inheritance of mitochondria creates a sex‐specific selective sieve through which mitochondrial mutations harmful to males but not females accumulate and contribute to sexual differences in longevity and disease susceptibility. Because eggs and sperm are under disruptive selection, sperm are predicted to be particularly vulnerable to the genetic load generated by maternal inheritance, yet evidence for mitochondrial involvement in male fertility is limited and controversial. Here, we exploit the coexistence of two divergent mitochondrial haplogroups (A and B2) in a Neotropical arachnid to investigate the role of mitochondria in sperm competition. DNA profiling demonstrated that B2‐carrying males sired more than three times as many offspring in sperm competition experiments than A males, and this B2 competitive advantage cannot be explained by female mitochondrial haplogroup or male nuclear genetic background. RNA‐Seq of testicular tissues implicates differential expression of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes in the B2 competitive advantage, including a 22‐fold upregulation of atp8 in B2 males. Previous comparative genomic analyses have revealed functionally significant amino acid substitutions in differentially expressed genes, indicating that the mitochondrial haplogroups differ not only in expression but also in DNA sequence and protein functioning. However, mitochondrial haplogroup had no effect on sperm number or sperm viability, and, when females were mated to a single male, neither male haplogroup, female haplogroup nor the interaction between male/female haplogroup significantly affected female reproductive success. Our findings therefore suggest that mitochondrial effects on male reproduction may often go undetected in noncompetitive contexts and may prove more important in nature than is currently appreciated.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, certain mutant alleles of YME4, YME6, and MDM10 cause an increased rate of mitochondrial DNA migration to the nucleus, carbon-source-dependent alterations in mitochondrial morphology, and increased rates of mitochondrial DNA loss. While single mutants grow on media requiring mitochondrial respiration, any pairwise combination of these mutations causes a respiratory-deficient phenotype. This double-mutant phenotype allowed cloning of YME6, which is identical to MMM1 and encodes an outer mitochondrial membrane protein essential for maintaining normal mitochondrial morphology. Yeast strains bearing null mutations of MMM1 have altered mitochondrial morphology and a slow growth rate on all carbon sources and quantitatively lack mitochondrial DNA. Extragenic suppressors of MMM1 deletion mutants partially restore mitochondrial morphology to the wild-type state and have a corresponding increase in growth rate and mitochondrial DNA stability. A dominant suppressor also suppresses the phenotypes caused by a point mutation in MMM1, as well as by specific mutations in YME4 and MDM10.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly. Despite decades of study, effective treatments for AD are lacking. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been closely linked to the pathogenesis of AD, but the relationship between mitochondrial pathology and neuronal damage is poorly understood. Sirtuins (SIRT, silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog in yeast) are NAD‐dependent histone deacetylases involved in aging and longevity. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between SIRT3 and mitochondrial function and neuronal activity in AD. SIRT3 mRNA and protein levels were significantly decreased in AD cerebral cortex, and Ac‐p53 K320 was significantly increased in AD mitochondria. SIRT3 prevented p53‐induced mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal damage in a deacetylase activity‐dependent manner. Notably, mitochondrially targeted p53 (mito‐p53) directly reduced mitochondria DNA‐encoded ND2 and ND4 gene expression resulting in increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduced mitochondrial oxygen consumption. ND2 and ND4 gene expressions were significantly decreased in patients with AD. p53‐ChIP analysis verified the presence of p53‐binding elements in the human mitochondrial genome and increased p53 occupancy of mitochondrial DNA in AD. SIRT3 overexpression restored the expression of ND2 and ND4 and improved mitochondrial oxygen consumption by repressing mito‐p53 activity. Our results indicate that SIRT3 dysfunction leads to p53‐mediated mitochondrial and neuronal damage in AD. Therapeutic modulation of SIRT3 activity may ameliorate mitochondrial pathology and neurodegeneration in AD.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies have previously suggested potential association of intermediate filaments (IFs) with mitochondria. Thus, we have investigated mitochondrial distribution and function in muscle lacking the IF protein desmin. Immunostaining of skeletal muscle tissue sections, as well as histochemical staining for the mitochondrial marker enzymes cytochrome C oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase, demonstrate abnormal accumulation of subsarcolemmal clumps of mitochondria in predominantly slow twitch skeletal muscle of desmin-null mice. Ultrastructural observation of desmin-null cardiac muscle demonstrates in addition to clumping, extensive mitochondrial proliferation in a significant fraction of the myocytes, particularly after work overload. These alterations are frequently associated with swelling and degeneration of the mitochondrial matrix. Mitochondrial abnormalities can be detected very early, before other structural defects become obvious. To investigate related changes in mitochondrial function, we have analyzed ADP-stimulated respiration of isolated muscle mitochondria, and ADP-stimulated mitochondrial respiration in situ using saponin skinned muscle fibers. The in vitro maximal rates of respiration in isolated cardiac mitochondria from desmin-null and wild-type mice were similar. However, mitochondrial respiration in situ is significantly altered in desmin-null muscle. Both the maximal rate of ADP-stimulated oxygen consumption and the dissociation constant (K(m)) for ADP are significantly reduced in desmin-null cardiac and soleus muscle compared with controls. Respiratory parameters for desmin-null fast twitch gastrocnemius muscle were unaffected. Additionally, respiratory measurements in the presence of creatine indicate that coupling of creatine kinase and the adenine translocator is lost in desmin-null soleus muscle. This coupling is unaffected in cardiac muscle from desmin-null animals. All of these studies indicate that desmin IFs play a significant role in mitochondrial positioning and respiratory function in cardiac and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Peptide presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules is of central importance for immune responses, which are triggered through recognition of peptide-loaded MHC molecules (pMHC) by cellular ligands such as T-cell receptors (TCR). However, a unifying link between structural features of pMHC and cellular responses has not been established. Instead, pMHC/TCR binding studies suggest conformational and/or flexibility changes of the binding partners as a possible cause of differential T-cell stimulation, but information on real-time dynamics is lacking. We therefore probed the real-time dynamics of a MHC-bound nonapeptide (m9), by combining time-resolved fluorescence depolarization and molecular dynamics simulations. Here we show that the nanosecond dynamics of this peptide presented by two human MHC class I subtypes (HLA-B*2705 and HLA-B*2709) with differential autoimmune disease association varies dramatically, despite virtually identical crystal structures. The peptide dynamics is linked to the single, buried polymorphic residue 116 in the peptide binding groove. Pronounced peptide flexibility is seen only for the non-disease-associated subtype HLA-B*2709, suggesting an entropic control of peptide recognition. Thermodynamic data obtained for two additional peptides support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers genetically linked to root elongation rate (RER) in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). A population of 244 F3 individuals, obtained from the cross between lines L01 (a low RER) and L18 (a high RER), was phenotyped by measuring RER of 11-d-old seedlings grown in a hydroponic culture. Two DNA bulks of 50 F3 individuals with extreme phenotypes were used for bulk segregant analysis by restriction-associated DNA sequencing. A total of 20 376 SNPs were identified. Single nucleotide polymorphisms were filtered to reduce the number of the false positive and mapped on candidate chromosomal regions of the B. vulgaris reference genome. One of the total of SNPs selected, SNP10139, was strongly linked to RER (P < 0.01). The pattern of association between the SNP10139 genotype and RER was also evaluated on a breeding line panel comprising 40 low and 40 high RER individuals with different allele frequencies between groups (P < 0.01). The SNP10139 sequence was mapped on the B. vulgaris peptide transporter (PTR) gene, a carrier that influences root elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Our results suggest that SNP10139 influence RER in sugar beet, and sequence information can be used in marker-assisted selection programs.  相似文献   

SSCP analysis of the bovine growth hormone (bGH) gene in Israel Holstein dairy cattle uncovered five intragenic haplotypes, denoted A to E. Of these, Haplotype E differed from the others at six fragments; one of which corresponded to the polymorphic MspI site in intron III, at which haplotype E carried the disabled MspI (-) allele. Haplotype E was observed in a single sire only, carrying haplotype A as the second bGH allele. In 523 daughters of this sire genotyped for the MspI polymorphism, heterozygous (+/-) as compared to homozygous (+/+) daughters, showed a significant increasing effect on protein percentage and kg protein per year; and a decreasing effect (P < 0.10) on milk somatic cell counts (MSSC). None of the daughters were homozygous (-/-), indicating that the frequency of this allele in the general population was essentially zero. Calculated skewness (g1) values for the two daughter groups differed significantly with (+/-) daughters showing negative skewness (in the direction of lower protein percentage), and (+/+) daughters positive skewness (in the direction of higher protein percentage). The direction of skewness in each group is indicative of the presence of a QTL having an increasing effect on milk protein percentage in coupling linkage with the MspI (-) allele in this sire, but at some distance from it. Maximum likelihood estimates of the proportion of recombination (r) between the putative QTL and bGH, and the allele substitution effect at the QTL (d), were r = 0.33, a = 0.07% protein, with standard errors 0.058 and 0.009% protein, respectively.  相似文献   

Linkage was tested between a mucociliary transport polymorphism and resistance/susceptibility to lethal Sendai virus infection in segregant hybrid mice of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J parents. The distribution of paired phenotypes for tracheal mucociliary transport rates and susceptibility to lethal Sendai virus infection in 171 F1 X DBA/2J mice showed strong interaction of the parental phenotypes.  相似文献   

Many solid tumor cells exhibit mitochondrial respiratory impairment; however, the mechanisms of such impairment in cancer development remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that SNU human hepatoma cells with declined mitochondrial respiratory activity showed decreased expression of mitochondrial 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase/lyase (mtOGG1), a mitochondrial DNA repair enzyme; similar results were obtained with human hepatocellular carcinoma tissues. Among several OGG1-2 variants with a mitochondrial-targeting sequence (OGG1-2a, -2b, -2c, -2d, and -2e), OGG1-2a was the major mitochondrial isoform in all examined hepatoma cells. Interestingly, hepatoma cells with low mtOGG1 levels showed delayed cell growth and increased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. Knockdown of OGG1-2 isoforms in Chang-L cells, which have active mitochondrial respiration with high mtOGG1 levels, significantly decreased cellular respiration and cell growth, and increased intracellular ROS. Overexpression of OGG1-2a in SNU423 cells, which have low mtOGG1 levels, effectively recovered cellular respiration and cell growth activities, and decreased intracellular ROS. Taken together, our results suggest that mtOGG1 plays an important role in maintaining mitochondrial respiration, thereby contributing to cell growth of hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in mitochondrial myopathy   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary In order to test the hypothesis that mitochondrial myopathy may be caused by mutation of the mitochondrial (mt) genome, restriction fragment length polymorphism in leucocyte mt DNA has been studied in 38 patients with mitochondrial myopathy, 44 of their unaffected matrilineal relatives, and 35 normal control subjects. Previously unreported mt DNA polymorphisms were identified in both patients and controls. No differences in restriction fragment patterns were observed between affected and unaffected individuals in the same maternal line, and there was no evidence of major deletion of mt DNA in patients. This study provides no positive evidence of mitochondrial inheritance in mitochondrial myopathy, but this has not been excluded.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2021,56(21):2980-2994.e6
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Ethambutol (EMB), widely used in the treatment of tuberculosis, has been reported to cause Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy in patients carrying mitochondrial DNA mutations. We study the effect of EMB on mitochondrial metabolism in fibroblasts from controls and from a man carrying an OPA1 mutation, in whom the drug induced the development of autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA). EMB produced a mitochondrial coupling defect together with a 25% reduction in complex IV activity. EMB induced the formation of vacuoles associated with decreased mitochondrial membrane potential and increased fragmentation of the mitochondrial network. Mitochondrial genetic variations may therefore be predisposing factors in EMB-induced ocular injury.  相似文献   

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