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Deep-sea hydrothermal vent species are widely dispersed among habitat islands found along the global mid-ocean ridge system. We examine factors that affect population structure, gene flow and isolation in vent-endemic mussels of the genus Bathymodiolus from the eastern Pacific Ocean. Mussels were sampled from localities including the Galapagos Rift (GAR, 0 degrees 48' N; 86 degrees 10' W) and the East Pacific Rise (EPR, 13 degrees N to 32 degrees S latitude) across a maximum distance of 4900 km. The sampled range crossed a series of topographical features that interrupt linear aspects of the ridge system, and it encompassed regions of strong cross-axis currents that could impede along-axis dispersal of mussel larvae. Examinations of mitochondrial DNA sequences and allozyme variation revealed significant barriers to gene flow along the ridge axis. All populations from the GAR and EPR from 13 degrees N to 11 degrees S were homogeneous genetically and appeared to experience unimpeded high levels of interpopulational gene flow. In contrast, mussels from north and south of the Easter Microplate were highly divergent (4.4%), possibly comprising sister-species that diverged after formation of the microplate approximately 4.5 Ma. Strong cross-axis currents associated with inflated bathymetry of the microplate region may reinforce isolation across this region.  相似文献   

Specific and genetic diversity at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hydrothermal vent communities are ancient (i.e. early Mesozoic) and characterized by high biomasses, low number of species and high levels of endemism. However, little is known about the ecology and behaviour of the vent macro-and megafauna. Data on the biology and the life-history of hydrothermal-vent organisms are scarce and lead us to hypothesize various ways in which such species disperse and colonize their habitat. Such biological and ecological patterns are important for assessing both the spatial and temporal distribution of the vent fauna and the evolution of such peculiar species with geological times and, therefore need to be reviewed. Scattered information referring to vent-site distribution, bottom currents, temporal evolution of the vent emissions and their implication on the related fauna have been accumulated over the last decade. To date, several ecological and genetic studies have attempted to analyse vent fauna structures to understand how populations and communities evolve with time in such a patchy and unstable environment. They also provide faunistic comparisons across the vent communities discovered so far on well-separated oceanic ridges. This article provides a synthetic overview on biodiversity in deep-sea hydrothermal vents, genetic diversity of hydrothermal-vent species and factors responsible for similarities or differences among the vent fauna within and between well-separated venting areas of the Atlantic and Pacific ridges.  相似文献   

The diversity of thermophilic prokaryotes inhabiting deep-sea hot vents was actively studied over the last two decades. The ever growing interest is reflected in the exponentially increasing number of novel thermophilic genera described. The goal of this paper is to survey the progress in this field made in the years 2000–2005. In this period, representatives of several new taxa of hyperthermophilic archaea were obtained from deep-sea environments. Two of these isolates had phenotypic features new for this group of organisms: the presence of an outer cell membrane (the genus Ignicoccus) and the ability to grow anaerobically with acetate and ferric iron (the genus Geoglobus). Also, our knowledge on the diversity of thermophilic bacteria from deep-sea thermal environments extended significantly. The new bacterial isolates represented diverse bacterial divisions: the phylum Aquificae, the subclass Epsilonproteobacteria, the order Thermotogales, the families Thermodesulfobacteriaceae, Deferribacteraceae, and Thermaceae, and a novel bacterial phylum represented by the genus Caldithrix. Most of these isolates are obligate or facultative lithotrophs, oxidizing molecular hydrogen in the course of different types of anaerobic respiration or microaerobic growth. The existence and significant ecological role of some of new bacterial thermophilic isolates was initially established by molecular methods.  相似文献   

Hyperbenthic harpacticoid samples from Japanese hydrothermal vents in the Okinawa Trough and cold seep sites in Sagami Bay were examined and resulted in the discovery of four new species belonging to three new genera of Aegisthidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Females of Nudivorax todai gen. et sp. nov. possess a large area of flexible integument between the cephalosome and the first pedigerous somite which is suggestive of a gorging feeding strategy. Main diagnostic characters separating the new genus from other Aegisthidae are provided by the unusually short caudal rami, the complete lack of intcgumcntal surface lamellae, and the presence in the male of a linear array of pores along the rostral margin which appears to be sensory in function. Scabrantenna yooi gen. et sp. nov. displays several similarities with Aegisthus aculeatus Giesbrecht, 1891 but is highly distinctive in its male morphology which includes extremely atrophied mouthparts and a unique prehensile antenna. Jamstecia terazakii gen. et sp. nov. is only known from a single female caught in the Okinawa Trough. Jamstecia gen. nov. is most closely related to Andromastax Conroy-Dalton & Huys, 1999 but can be distinguished on the basis of the elongate antennules, the antennary morphology, the absence of lateral spinous processes on the cephalosome and swimming legs 2–4, and differences in the mandibular palp and armature of the maxilliped. Andromastax cephaloceratus sp. nov. differs from the type species A. muricatus Conroy-Dalton & Huys, 1998 primarily in the presence of long spinous processes on the cephalosome and the absence of the inner seta on the female P5.  相似文献   

The characterization of evolutionary and biogeographical patterns is of fundamental importance to identify factors driving biodiversity. Due to their widespread but discontinuous distribution, deep‐sea hydrothermal vent barnacles represent an excellent model for testing biogeographical hypotheses regarding the origin, dispersal and diversity of modern vent fauna. Here, we characterize the global genetic diversity of vent barnacles to infer their time of radiation, place of origin, mode of dispersal and diversification. Our approach was to target a suite of multiple loci in samples representing seven of the eight described genera. We also performed restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing on individuals from each species. Phylogenetic inferences and topology hypothesis tests indicate that vent barnacles have colonized deep‐sea hydrothermal vents at least twice in history. Consistent with preliminary estimates, we find a likely radiation of barnacles in vent ecosystems during the Cenozoic. Our analyses suggest that the western Pacific was the place of origin of the major vent barnacle lineage, followed by circumglobal colonization eastwards through the Southern Hemisphere during the Neogene. The inferred time of radiation rejects the classic hypotheses of antiquity of vent taxa. The timing and the mode of origin, radiation and dispersal are consistent with recent inferences made for other deep‐sea taxa, including nonvent species, and are correlated with the occurrence of major geological events and mass extinctions. Thus, we suggest that the geological processes and dispersal mechanisms discussed here can explain the current distribution patterns of many other marine taxa and have played an important role shaping deep‐sea faunal diversity. These results also constitute the critical baseline data with which to assess potential effects of anthropogenic disturbances on deep‐sea ecosystems.  相似文献   

During the BIOACCESS Japanese cruises (1996 & 1998), active hydrothermalism and associated vent fauna were studied on the South-eastern Rift of Manus Basin (South-western Pacific). In the PACMANUS vent field, a conspicuous vent fauna was sampled, including an actinostolid sea anemone (Actiniaria) belonging to an undescribed genus and species. Pacmanactis hashimotoi gen. et spec. nov. is here described, and represents the 9th sea anemone reported from hydrothermal vents.  相似文献   

We studied population genetic differentiation in the sympatric Sonoran Desert cactophilic flies Drosophila pachea, D. mettleri and D. nigrospiracula across their continental and peninsular ranges. These flies show marked differences in ecology and behaviour including dispersal distances and host cactus specialization. Examination of a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (mtCOI) reveals that the Sea of Cortez has constituted an effective dispersal barrier for D. pachea, leading to significant genetic differentiation between the continental and peninsular ranges of this species. No genetic differentiation was detected, however, within its continental and peninsular ranges. In contrast, our mtCOI-based results for D. mettleri and D. nigrospiracula are consistent with a previous allozyme-based study that showed no significant genetic differentiation between continental and peninsular ranges of these two species. For D. mettleri, we also found that the insular population from Santa Catalina Island, California, is genetically differentiated with respect to continental and peninsular localities. We discuss how differences in the genetic structure patterns of D. pachea, D. mettleri and D. nigrospiracula may correspond to differences in their dispersal abilities, host preferences and behaviour.  相似文献   

Echinometra is a pantropical sea urchin made famous through studies of phylogeny, speciation, and genetic structure of the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) species. We sequenced 630 bp of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial gene to provide comparable information on the eastern Pacific and Atlantic species, using divergence between those separated by closure of the Isthmus of Panama 3.1 million years ago (Ma) to estimate dates for cladogenic events. Most recently (1.27-1. 62 Ma), the Atlantic species E. lucunter and E. viridis diverged from each other, at a time in the Pleistocene that sea levels fell and Caribbean coral speciation and extinction rates were high. An earlier split, assumed to have been coincident with the completion of the Isthmus of Panama, separated the eastern Pacific E. vanbrunti from the Atlantic common ancestor. Transisthmian COI divergence similar to that in the sea urchin genus Eucidaris supports this assumption. The most ancient split in Echinometra occurred between the IWP and the neotropical clades, due to cessation of larval exchange around South Africa or across the Eastern Pacific Barrier. Gene flow within species is generally high; however, there are restrictions to genetic exchange between E. lucunter populations from the Caribbean and those from the rest of the Atlantic. Correlation between cladogenic and vicariant events supports E. Mayr's contention that marine species, despite their high dispersal potential, form by means of geographical separation. That sympatric, nonhybridizing E. lucunter and E. viridis were split so recently suggests, however, that perfection of reproductive barriers between marine species with large populations can occur in less than 1.6 million years (Myr).  相似文献   

The microbial diversity associated with actively venting deep-sea hydrothermal deposits is tightly connected to the geochemistry of the hydrothermal fluids. Although the dominant members of these deposits drive the structure of the microbial communities, it is less well understood whether the lower abundance groups are as closely connected to the geochemical milieu, or driven perhaps by biotic factors such as microbial community interactions. We used the natural geochemical gradients that exist in the back-arc basin, Eastern Lau Spreading Center and Valu-Fa Ridge (ELSC/VFR) in the Southwestern Pacific, to explore whether the chemolithotrophic Aquificales are influenced by geographical location, host-rock of the vent field or deposit type. Using a combination of cloning, DNA fingerprinting (DGGE) and enrichment culturing approaches, all genera of this order previously described at marine vents were detected, i.e., Desulfurobacterium, Thermovibrio, Aquifex, Hydrogenivirga, Persephonella and Hydrogenothermus. The comparison between clone libraries and DGGE showed similar patterns of distribution of different Aquificales whereas results differed for the enrichment cultures that were retrieved. However, the use of cultivation-based and -independent methods did provide complementary phylogenetic diversity overview of the Aquificales in these systems. Together, this survey revealed that the ELSC/VFR contains some of the largest diversity of Aquificales ever reported at a deep-sea vent area, that the diversity patterns are tied to the geography and geochemistry of the system, and that this geochemical diverse back-arc basin may harbor new members of the Aquificales.  相似文献   

The relative importance of factors that may promote genetic differentiation in marine organisms is largely unknown. Here, contributions to population structure from a biogeographic boundary, geographical distance and the distribution of suitable habitat were investigated in Axoclinus nigricaudus, a small subtidal rock-reef fish, throughout its range in the Gulf of California. A 408-bp fragment of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced from 105 individuals. Variation was significantly partitioned between 28 of 36 possible combinations of population pairs. Phylogenetic analyses, hierarchical analyses of variance and a modified Mantel test substantiated a major break between two putative biogeographic regions. This genetic discontinuity coincides with an abrupt change in ecological characteristics, including temperature and salinity, but does not coincide with known oceanographic circulation patterns or any known historic barriers. There was an overall relationship of increasing genetic distance with increasing geographical distance between population pairs, in a manner consistent with isolation-by-distance. A significant habitat-by-geographical-distance interaction term indicated that, for a given geographical distance, populations separated by discontinuous habitat (sand) are more distinct genetically than are populations separated by continuous habitat (rock). In addition, populations separated by deep open waters were more genetically distinct than populations separated by continuous habitat (rock). These results indicate that levels of genetic differentiation among populations of A. nigricaudus cannot be explained by a single factor, but are due to the combined influences of biogeography, geographical distance and availability of suitable habitat.  相似文献   

Aim The co‐evolutionary interaction between the common garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, and the rough‐skinned newt, Taricha granulosa, takes place throughout much of the Pacific Northwest (North America). The biogeography of the Pacific Northwest has been heavily influenced by the last Pleistocene glaciation, which reached a maximum as late as 14,000 yr bp . We researched: (1) what type of population structure is present for garter snakes and newts, (2) whether the population structure of these species is consistent with a Pleistocene glaciation hypothesis, and (3) how population structure and migration possibly affect co‐evolution between these species. Location The Pacific Northwest of North America, specifically northern California, Oregon and Washington in the USA. Methods We sampled approximately 20 populations for each species from three different transects. Using microsatellite markers and tissue samples from both species, we quantified the population structure for both species. Individual‐based assignment tests were used to estimate contemporary migration rates. Results Both Th. sirtalis and Ta. granulosa exhibited little genetic differentiation among our study sites, even among those separated by large distances. Significant population structure was detected on multiple geographic scales. Differences in population structure were observed among transects and between garter snake and newt transects. Contemporary migration rate estimates indicate high levels of genetic exchange between populations. Main conclusions Prior to this study, little was known about the fine‐scale population structure of either species in this region. Patterns of population structure for garter snakes and newts reflect a shared biogeographical history affected by the Pleistocene glaciation in the Pacific Northwest. Both species apparently migrate frequently between populations, thus potentially retarding the process of adaptive co‐evolution. We find that populations from a northern coastal transect (Washington) are most likely to be locally adapted.  相似文献   

【目的】木领针蓟马Helionothrips mube近年来成为芋头Colocasia esculenta上的一种常见害虫。本研究旨在探讨其中国西南地区地理种群间的遗传变异。【方法】通过Sanger法测定了21个地理种群132头木领针蓟马的线粒体COI基因序列,利用MEGA, DnaSP, Arlequin和Network等软件对木领针蓟马种群间的遗传多样性、遗传分化、分子变异等进行分析。【结果】获得的木领针蓟马132条线粒体COI序列(643 bp)中共发现34个变异位点、16种单倍型,其中单倍型H1出现频率最高、分布最广。木领针蓟马总群体的遗传多样性较高(Hd=0.712, Pi=0.00413, K=2.655),遗传分化程度极大(Fst=0.3443),基因交流水平不高(Nm=0.96)。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,木领针蓟马的遗传分化主要来自种群内部,Mantel检测出种群地理距离与遗传距离呈正相关。总群体中性检验Tajima’s D值显著负值,Fu’s Fs值不显著,错配分布曲线呈多峰。综合种群间遗传距离、单倍型系统发育树及中介网络图结果,表明四川成都(CHD)、云南昌宁(CHN)和贵州遵义(ZY)3个种群的遗传分化程度均高于其他种群。【结论】中国西南地区木领针蓟马总群体的遗传多样性较高,遗传分化明显,种群间的基因交流受到地理距离的影响,总群体在较近的历史时期内没有出现扩张现象。  相似文献   

The mite genus Steganacarus is represented in the Canary Islands by three endemic species, one recently discovered species, and several morphotypes of uncertain taxonomic position. We used a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among representatives of the different taxa from the three central islands of the archipelago, Tenerife, La Gomera and Gran Canaria. Sequence data were analysed by both maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. The inferred phylogenetic relationships do not correlate well with current morphological taxonomy but reveal four deeply divergent and geographically coherent lineages, one each on Gran Canaria and La Gomera and two on Tenerife. No pattern of molecular differentiation was observed among different morphotypes. Possible explanations for this incongruence are suggested in relation to the ecology and biogeography of the group. A recently discovered Steganacarus species from La Gomera, morphologically quite distinct from the other Canarian Steganacarus, is clearly identified as a taxon distantly related to all the other Canarian samples.  相似文献   

In the present study, we assessed the inter‐ and intrapopulation genetic and morphological variation of Cerithidea decollata along the eastern coast of Africa. The population structure of C. decollata along the latitudinal gradient was examined by sequencing 420 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene in 172 snails from 29 sites, in a combined analysis with geometric morphometrics in 1799 snails from 32 sites. Analysis of molecular variance and spatial analysis of molecular variance showed a moderate spatial population differentiation from Kenya to the Republic of South Africa, suggesting genetic divergence between the northern, central, and southern regions. This structure appears to be the result of life‐history traits combined with oceanographic features. Haplotype network and mismatch analysis suggest a recent population expansion during the Holsteinian interglacial period in the northern region and several colonization events in the central and southern regions. The morphometric approach suggests that morphological variation in shell shape is somewhat independent of the genetic divergence, revealing an overlap of shape across the latitudinal gradient but significant differences among‐population at a local level. This may indicate that similar ecological pressures are acting along the coast, leading to the occurrence of similar morphological characters. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107 , 647–663.  相似文献   

The coastline is a heterogeneous and highly dynamic environment influenced by abiotic and biotic variables affecting the temporal stability of genetic diversity and structure of marine organisms. The aim of this study was to determine how much the genetic structure of four species of marine Bangiales vary in time and space. Partial sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene obtained from two Pyropia (Py. sp. CHJ and Py. orbicularis) and two Porphyra (P. mumfordii and P. sp. FIH) species were used to compare the effect of the 40° S/41° S biogeographic break (spatial-regional scale) and the one of the Valdivia River discharges (spatial-local scale) and determine their temporal stability. Four seasonal samplings were taken during 1 year at five sites, one site located in Melinka (Magallanes province) and four sites along the coast of Valdivia (Intermediate area), on both sides of the river mouth. Results showed a strong genetic spatial structure at regional scale (ΦST > 0.4) in Py. sp. CHJ, Py. orbicularis, and P. mumfordii, congruent with the 41° S/42° S biogeographic break. A potential barrier to gene flow, related to the Valdivia River discharge, was detected only in P. mumfordii. In P. sp. FIH, spatial genetic structure was not detected at any scale. The genetic structure of all four species is stable throughout the year. The potential effect of main currents and river discharge in limiting the transport of Bangiales spores are discussed. We propose that both a restricted propagule dispersal and the formation potential for persistent banks of microscopic stages could lead to a temporally stable spatial partitioning of genetic variation in bladed Bangiales.  相似文献   

Experiments supporting the possible role of the free sulfur-containing amino acid thiotaurine, as a transport and storage compound for sulfide in invertebrates with thiotrophic symbionts are described. The free-living chemotrophic sulfur-oxidising bacterium, Thiobacillus hydrothermalis (strain DSMZ 7121), was used as a model for the symbionts as the actual symbionts have not been obtained in culture.Thiotaurine contains two sulfur atoms, namely the inner sulfone and the outer sulfane sulfur; the latter presents a potential source of reducing equivalents for the symbiont. Nevertheless, we observed no oxidation of thiotaurine when this compound was added to a culture of T. hydrothermalis pre-grown on sulfide. In contrast, when thiotaurine was added to the culture together with an extract of the trophosome of a vestimentiferan tubeworm from the Manus basin, we observed that thiotaurine was oxidised to hypotaurine with concomitant acidification and formation of bacterial biomass. Thus, the trophosome contains an unknown catalytic factor. We suggest that thiotaurine requires reduction prior to oxidation by T. hydrothermalisand that the host may catalyse the conversion of thiotaurine through the glutathione redox couple. This way, the host can accurately control energy delivery (as reduced sulfur) to the symbionts and can therefore control their symbiont biomass.  相似文献   

The circumpolar arctic fox Alopex lagopus thrives in cold climates and has a high migration rate involving long-distance movements. Thus, it differs from many temperate taxa that were subjected to cyclical restriction in glacial refugia during the Ice Ages. We investigated population history and genetic structure through mitochondrial control region variation in 191 arctic foxes from throughout the arctic. Several haplotypes had a Holarctic distribution and no phylogeographical structure was found. Furthermore, there was no difference in haplotype diversity between populations inhabiting previously glaciated and unglaciated regions. This suggests current gene flow among the studied populations, with the exception of those in Iceland, which is surrounded by year-round open water. Arctic foxes have often been separated into two ecotypes: 'lemming' and 'coastal'. An analysis of molecular variance suggested particularly high gene flow among populations of the 'lemming' ecotype. This could be explained by their higher migration rate and reduced fitness in migrants between ecotypes. A mismatch analysis indicated a sudden expansion in population size around 118 000 BP, which coincides with the last interglacial. We propose that glacial cycles affected the arctic fox in a way opposite to their effect on temperate species, with interglacials leading to short-term isolation in northern refugia.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 79–89.  相似文献   

Although most eastern North Pacific (ENP) gray whales feed in the Bering, Beaufort, and Chukchi Seas during summer and fall, a small number of individuals, referred to as the Pacific Coast Feeding Group (PCFG), show intra‐ and interseasonal fidelity to feeding areas from northern California through southeastern Alaska. We used both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and 12 microsatellite markers to assess whether stock structure exists among feeding grounds used by ENP gray whales. Significant mtDNA differentiation was found when samples representing the PCFG (n = 71) were compared with samples (n = 103) collected from animals feeding further north (FST = 0.012, P = 0.0045). No significant nuclear differences were detected. These results indicate that matrilineal fidelity plays a role in creating structure among feeding grounds but suggests that individuals from different feeding areas may interbreed. Haplotype diversities were similar between strata (hPCFG = 0.945, hNorthern = 0.952), which, in combination with the low level of mtDNA differentiation identified, suggested that some immigration into the PCFG could be occurring. These results are important in evaluating the management of ENP gray whales, especially in light of the Makah Tribe's proposal to resume whaling in an area of the Washington coast utilized by both PCFG and migrating whales.  相似文献   

Aim  Phylogeographical breaks may reflect historical or present-day impediments to gene flow, and the congruence of these breaks across multiple species lends insight into evolutionary history and connectivity among populations. In marine systems, examining the concordance of phylogeographical breaks is challenging due to the varied sampling scales in population genetics studies and the diverse life histories of marine organisms. A quantitative approach that considers the effects of sampling scale and species life history is needed.
Location  The south-east and south-west coasts of the United States.
Methods  We quantitatively analysed previously published datasets of marine fauna to look for concordance among phylogeographical breaks. We used a bootstrap approach to determine the regions where phylogeographical breaks are more common than expected by chance among species with planktonic dispersal as well as those with restricted dispersal.
Results  On the south-west coast, breaks were clustered near Point Conception among planktonic dispersers and near Los Angeles among restricted dispersers. On the south-east coast, breaks were most common near the southern tip of Florida for planktonic dispersers and near Cape Canaveral for restricted dispersers.
Main conclusions  Dispersal ability is an important determinant of phylogeographical patterns in marine species. Breaks among planktonic dispersers on both coasts are congruent with present-day flow-mediated barriers to dispersal, suggesting that phylogeographical structure in species with planktonic larvae may reflect contemporary oceanography, while breaks in restricted dispersers reflect historical processes. These results highlight the importance of explicitly considering sampling scale and life history when evaluating phylogeographical patterns.  相似文献   

The pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) is widely distributed along the Amazon and Orinoco basins, covering an area of approximately 7 million km2. Previous morphological and genetic studies have proposed the existence of at least two evolutionary significant units: one distributed across the Orinoco and Amazon basins and another confined to the Bolivian Amazon. The presence of barriers in the riverine environment has been suggested to play a significant role in shaping present‐day patterns of ecological and genetic structure for this species. In the present study, we examined the phylogeographic structure, lineage divergence time and historical demography using mitochondrial (mt)DNA sequences in different pink dolphin populations distributed in large and small spatial scales, including two neighbouring Brazilian Amazon populations. mtDNA control region (CR) analysis revealed that the Brazilian haplotypes occupy an intermediate position compared to three previously studied geographic locations: the Colombian Amazon, the Colombian Orinoco, and the Bolivian Amazon. On a local scale, we have identified a pattern of maternal isolation between two neighbouring populations from Brazil. Six mtDNA CR haplotypes were identified in Brazil with no sharing between the two populations, as well as specific cytochrome b (cyt b) haplotypes identified in each locality. In addition, we analyzed autosomal microsatellites to investigate male‐mediated gene flow and demographic changes within the study area in Brazil. Data analysis of 14 microsatellite loci failed to detect significant population subdivision, suggesting that male‐mediated gene flow may maintain homogeneity between these two locations. Moreover, both mtDNA and microsatellite data indicate a major demographic collapse within Brazil in the late Pleistocene. Bayesian skyline plots (BSP) of mtDNA data revealed a stable population for Colombian and Brazilian Amazon lineages through time, whereas a population decline was demonstrated in the Colombian Orinoco lineage. Moreover, BSP and Tajima's D and Fu's Fs tests revealed a recent population expansion exclusively in the Bolivian sample. Finally, we estimated that the diversification of the Inia sp. lineage began in the Late Pliocene (approximately 3.1 Mya) and continued throughout the Pleistocene. Published 2011. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 812–827.  相似文献   

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