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A diel plasma melatonin profile measured in adult pot-bellied seahorses Hippocampus abdominalis showed that this species produces elevated levels of melatonin during the scotophase, returning to basal levels during the photophase.  相似文献   

A knowledge of diel variation and the vertical distribution of phytoplankton communities may contribute to a better understanding of the driving factors of key species. Applying functional-group classification provides important information on the causes of species selection in the pelagic community. The diel variation of phytoplankton functional groups was analysed during an autumnal stratification period with the aim of understanding their changes in the vertical position related to light, mixing regime and grazing pressure. Phytoplankton and zooplankton communities were sampled every 4 h during a 24-h period in a vertical profile in a subtropical meso-eutrophic reservoir. Strong stratification during a 24-h cycle and a mixed clear epilimnion with partial atelomixis marked the autumn season in the Faxinal reservoir, southern Brazil. The highest phytoplankton densities and biomass were found during the second part of the day, a general pattern reported in the literature, and may be explained by zooplankton dynamics. During the 24-h cycle, phytoplankton functional groups lacking a self-regulating capacity and those able to regulate their vertical position were vertically segregated in the lake. The diel behaviour of both groups was driven by the mixing regime (including atelomixis), light and zooplankton grazing pressure.  相似文献   

Most vertebrates living in seasonal environments show seasonal reproductive cycles and diel rhythms. The rhythmicity in behavior and morphology is accompanied by diel and seasonal patterns of hormone secretions. In small animals, the investigation of diel patterns of hormones has been hampered because repeated blood sampling is difficult and may influence subsequent measurements. A possibility to avoid these caveats is to investigate excreted hormone metabolites instead. Here, we describe the diel excretion patterns of testosterone and corticosterone metabolites in a small captive songbird during 4 seasons: winter, early spring (Zugunruhe), summer, and autumn molt. Our approach is quite unique, because the diel patterns of steroids have rarely--if at all--been investigated in the same individuals within several seasons. Small birds should be ideal to investigate diel patterns of hormone metabolites, because they defecate frequently enough to establish a diel profile. However, concentration measurements of hormone metabolites rely on the assumptions that hormone metabolites are placed into droppings of similar mass (the "dropping amount assumption") and are excreted in constant time intervals (the "constant interval assumption"). These assumptions were clearly violated in our study, as the dropping mass per time interval and the defecation intervals varied depending on the time of day and season. We thus used the rate of hormone metabolite excretion as an alternative measure to concentration. Both testosterone and corticosterone metabolites showed diel and seasonal rhythmicity. Furthermore, the diel pattern varied depending on season. Concentration and rate measurements gave similar results when the differences between hormone metabolite levels were large-for example, when testosterone metabolites were compared across seasons. When the differences were more subtle, though, the 2 measures did not always correspond well, indicating that the violation of the 2 basic assumptions affected the comparability of concentration measurements. We conclude that diel and seasonal comparisons of hormone metabolites potentially give biologically meaningful results, especially when rates instead of concentrations are measured. However, such studies require awareness of the limitations and pitfalls of noninvasive hormone measurements, a carefully designed experiment, and very cautious interpretation of the data.  相似文献   

The diel rhythm of juvenile (0+) Astacus astacus was studied experimentally with constant and dielly fluctuating water levels. In the first case the diel rhythm was mainly crepescular, but with tendencies of a phase shift towards diurnal rhythm during low light conditions. The locomotor activity increased with temperature and with the length of the dark period. In presence of a crepescular predator the crayfish decreased their light period activity.
With fluctuating water levels the activity increased especially when the water level changes occurred during normal resting periods. Crayfish did not show any adaptation to fluctuating water levels by preferring covers constantly situated beneath the surface. The relative effect of the water level fluctuations increased with temperature.
As the main part of the juvenile crayfish population is concentrated to the litoral zone, diel water level regulations are thought to be detrimental to crayfish populations even if the regulation amplitude is small.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) titer in virgin females of Heliothis virescens is significantly lower than that in mated females of the same age. The JH titer in virgin females follows a diel pattern in which it begins to increase towards the end of photophase, remains high around the onset of scotophase, and declines during scotophase. The titer reaches its lowest levels at the onset of photophase, and remains low during the first half of photophase. In mated females, the diel pattern of JH titers is not as pronounced. JH-esterase (JHE) activity in mated females is significantly lower than that of virgin females during photophase; JHE levels in the former are similar to levels seen in newly emerged females. JHE activity in mated females also exhibits a diel pattern, in which activity is low during photophase and high at the onset of scotophase. Evidence for the indirect involvement of JHE in the mating-stimulated egg development is provided by the effect of selected JHE inhibitors in inhibiting JHE activity and stimulating egg production in virgin females.  相似文献   

Although diel food habit studies have been undertaken on a number of individual species, few studies have examined diel variation in the diets of fish communities. We examined the diel diet variation and feeding periodicity of a fish community in the Juniata River, Pennsylvania. Nine species, totalling 1,098 fish, were collected at 4-h intervals over a 24-h period in October 1989, in numbers sufficient to describe their diel variation in diet composition. Diel variation in diet composition was evident in all species, as no single prey taxon was dominant in the diet of any species during any 4-h interval. Ephemeropterans were the most important prey taxa for four species of centrarchids, whereas chironomids were the main prey of banded killifish, mimic shiners, and spotfin shiners. Algae was the major component in the diet of spottail shiners, whereas bluntnose minnows contained mostly detritus. Feeding activities of rock bass, redbreast sunfish, and pumpkinseed occurred at low levels throughout the day; peak feeding occurred from 2000 to 0400 hours. Food consumption of smallmouth bass increased throughout the day with peak consumption occurring at 2000 hours. Non-centrarchids fed little during daylight hours and showed peak activity at 2000–2400 h. Construction of a 24-hour diet from six 4-h interval estimates and feeding periodicity data provided a comprehensive representation of the diel feeding ecology of all species collected.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the temporal control of behavior of honey bee queens under natural conditions. To determine if mated honey bee queens possess diel rhythmicity in behavior, we observed them in glass-sided observation hives, employing two focal studies involving continuous observations of individual queens as well as a scan-sampling study of multiple queens. In all cases, all behaviors were observed at all times of the day and night. In four of the five queens examined in focal studies, there were no consistent occurrences of diel periodicity for any of the individual behaviors. A more encompassing measure for periodicity, in which the behaviors were characterized as active (walking, inspecting, egg-laying, begging for food, feeding, and grooming self) or inactive (standing), also failed to reveal consistent diel rhythmicity. Furthermore, there were no consistent diel differences in the number of workers in the queen's retinue. Behavioral arrhythmicity persisted across seasons and despite daily changes in both light and temperature levels. Both day and night levels of behavioral activity were correlated with daytime, but not with nighttime, ambient temperatures. The behavior of the one exceptional queen was not consistent: diurnal activity patterns were present during two 24-h observation sessions but arrhythmicity during another. Based on the behavior observed by all but one of the queens examined in this work, the arrhythmic behavior by the mated honey bee queen inside the colony appears to be similar to that exhibited by worker bees before they approach the age of onset of foraging behavior.  相似文献   

Previous research suggested larval fishes do not exhibit a diel drift cycle in turbid rivers (transparency <30 cm). We evaluated this hypothesis in the turbid, lower Missouri River, Missouri. We also reviewed diel patterns of larval drift over a range of transparencies in rivers worldwide. Larval fishes were collected from the Missouri River primary channel every 4 h per 24‐h period during spring‐summer 2002. Water transparency was measured during this period and summarized for previous years. Diel drift patterns were analyzed at the assemblage level and lower taxonomic levels for abundant groups. Day and night larval fish catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) was compared for the entire May through August sampling period and spring (May – June) and summer (July – August) seasons separately. There were no significant differences between day and night CPUE at the assemblage level for the entire sampling period or for the spring and summer seasons. However, Hiodon alosoides, Carpiodes/Ictiobus spp. and Macrhybopsis spp. exhibited a diel cycle of abundance within the drift. This pattern was evident although mean Secchi depth (transparency) ranged from 4 to 25 cm during the study and was <30 cm from May through August over the previous nine years. Larval diel drift studies from 48 rivers excluding the Missouri River indicated the primary drift period for larval fishes was at night in 38 rivers and during the day for five, with the remaining rivers showing no pattern. Water transparency was reported for 10 rivers with six being <30 cm or ‘low’. Two of these six turbid rivers exhibited significant diel drift patterns. The effect of water transparency on diel drift of larval fishes appears taxa‐specific and patterns of abundant taxa could mask patterns of rare taxa when analyzed only at the assemblage level.  相似文献   

Body mass, fat stores, activities of lipogenic and lipolytic enzymes, and plasma corticosterone were measured throughout seasonal and diel transitions from fall through spring encompassing the non-migratory stages of early and mid winter, the prealternate molt, and the spring migratory stage in captive dark-eyed juncos to determine the physiological mechanisms underlying adaptations for migration. On a seasonal basis, lipid enzymes and corticosterone varied little throughout the stages even though the birds underwent dramatic alterations in mass, fat deposition, behavior, and activation of the reproductive axis. By contrast, diel changes were found in lipogenesis, lipolysis, muscle lipoprotein lipase, and plasma corticosterone when comparing birds in the two phases of spring migration--active flight and resting, as during times of stopover. In these two phases of migration, coordination of the lipogenic and lipolytic systems appear to maximize storage of fatty acids during rest and delivery/utilization during flight. Diel patterns of corticosterone revealed fairly consistent peaks during the night time (23:00) throughout the nonmigratory period. The profile of this pattern altered during the migratory period with variation between the flight and resting phases. In sum, the results from these captive studies offer a new approach for studying the regulation of migratory physiology in free-living birds.  相似文献   

The marine cladocerans Pseudevadne tergestina and Penilia avirostrisuse different strategies to avoid visual predators. Pseudevadnetergestina exhibited a pronounced diel cycle in reproduction,but did not perform diel vertical migration. Parthenogeneticfemales with fully developed embryos were absent during theday in both fishless enclosures and in the natural environment.This observation suggests that the diel cycle was due to nocturnalrelease of neonates and not the result of selective predationby fish. The need to use the compound eye to locate food wouldforce P. tergestina to remain in the illuminated surface waterduring the day and release their offspring in darkness thusdecreasing their visibility to fish. The diel cycle in reproductionin P. avirostris was not as pronounced as that in P. tergestina,but females with mature embryos were still more common at nightthan during the day. As a grazer of phytoplankton, P. avirostrisperformed diel vertical migration and retreated to dark, deeperwaters during the day, avoiding visual predators.  相似文献   

The variation in diel activity patterns was determined by implanting transmitters in adult brown trout of various sizes in two montane streams in two summers in the central Rocky Mountains, U.S.A. More brown trout tended to be active, and to move greater distances, each hour during twilight and night than during the day. Mean hourly light intensity was significantly negatively correlated with the proportion of fish active and with the distance moved. Maximum water temperature was not correlated with any measure of diel activity. Brown trout displayed fidelity to diurnal positions within a given diel cycle. Overall, fish were active an average of 11 h, had an average home range of 41 m, and moved an average of 121 m over the diel cycle. Fish length and distance moved were significantly positively correlated. Water temperature, predator avoidance, and foraging tactics may influence these patterns of diel behaviour in adult brown trout in U.S. streams.  相似文献   

Michard  Maria  Aleya  Lotfi  Devaux  Jean 《Hydrobiologia》1995,300(1):85-91
The diel changes of the biochemical composition of particulate matter was studied in Villerest reservoir (located on the Loire river, near the city of Roanne, France) during July 92. Several biomass and metabolic indicators (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, chlorophyll a and primary production) were assessed bihourly over 2 days.Since the P/C is largely recognized as a good integrator of the metabolic functions of the cells, we examined its distribution pattern concomitantly with aforementioned parameters. The results demonstrated enhanced P/C ratios clearly indicating that nutrients were sufficiently available for growth. In addition, this index showed a diel significant variation with levels higher in the night than in the day. Moreover, these results suggest that phytoplankton species during the night used the day-synthesized carbohydrates to insure the cell metabolic functioning.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms occur widely amongst living organisms, often in response to diel changes in environmental conditions. In aquatic animals, circadian activity is often synchronised with diel changes in the depths individuals occupy and may be related to predator–prey interactions, where the circadian rhythm is determined by ambient light levels, or have a thermoregulatory purpose, where the circadian rhythm is governed by temperature. Here, these two hypotheses are examined using animal-attached accelerometers in juvenile freshwater sawfish occupying a riverine environment displaying seasonal changes in thermal stratification. Across seasons, diel patterns of depth use (shallow at night and deep in the day) tended to occur only in the late dry seasons when the water was stratified, whereas individuals were primarily shallow in the early dry season which featured no thermal stratification. Activity was elevated during crepuscular and nocturnal periods compared to daytime, regardless of the thermal environment. Our observation of resting at cooler depths is consistent with behavioural thermoregulation to reduce energy expenditure, whereas activity appears linked to ambient light levels and predator–prey interactions. This suggests that circadian rhythms in activity and vertical migrations are decoupled in this species and respond to independent environmental drivers.  相似文献   

Distinguishing the factors that influence activity within a species advances understanding of their behavior and ecology. Continuous observation in the marine environment is not feasible but biotelemetry devices provide an opportunity for detailed analysis of movements and activity patterns. This study investigated the detail that calibration of accelerometers measuring root mean square (RMS) acceleration with video footage can add to understanding the activity patterns of male and female Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) in a captive environment. Linear regression was used to relate RMS acceleration output to time‐matched behavior captured on video to quantify diel activity patterns. To validate captive data, diel patterns from captive sharks were compared with diel movement data from free‐ranging sharks using passive acoustic tracking. The RMS acceleration data showed captive sharks exhibited nocturnal diel patterns peaking during the late evening before midnight and decreasing before sunrise. Correlation analysis revealed that captive animals displayed similar activity patterns to free‐ranging sharks. The timing of wild shark departures for migration in the late breeding season corresponded with elevated diel activity at night within the captive individuals, suggesting a form of migratory restlessness in captivity. By directly relating RMS acceleration output to activity level, we show that sex, time of day, and sex‐specific seasonal behavior all influenced activity levels. This study contributes to a growing body of evidence that RMS acceleration data are a promising method to determine activity patterns of cryptic marine animals and can provide more detailed information when validated in captivity.  相似文献   

Scent profile of the ephemeral nocturnal floral species Murraya paniculata was characterized to assess diel and seasonal variability. The floral fragrance was found to constitute a characteristic set of 15 major volatile organic compounds (VOCs) dominated by benzenoids, terpenoids and phenylethanoids. Strong diel variability was detected due to dominantly endogenous regulation of 2-phenylethanol and (E)-β-ocimene emission levels, along with temperature-correlated emission rates of 2-phenylethanal, methyl benzoate, methyl anthranilate and germacrene D, resulting in high diurnal contents of the former two VOCs and high nocturnal contents of the latter four VOCs in the fragrance. Significant seasonal variation was contributed by a separate suite of VOCs including linalool, nonanal, decanal, methyl salicylate and methyl palmitate. Higher abundances of these components in certain seasons were found to add subtle variations in the strong diurnal/nocturnal division in the scent profile. Emission rate of linalool is endogenously regulated on a seasonal scale, but that of (E,E)-α-farnesene was maintained at consistent proportions even if correlated to temperature variations. It was concluded that the two sub-sets of major scent compounds, each comprising six VOCs, are adaptive responses such that the strong day/night component of variation in maintained along with necessary physiological adjustments to changing seasons. The varying effects of climatic factors on the 15 major VOCs indicated different regulating mechanisms comprising environmental and endogenous mechanisms in different degrees.  相似文献   

Evaluation of temporal patterns in offshore marine mammal activity through visual data collection can be impaired by light and weather conditions and the cost of ship time. The conditions-independence and cost-efficacy of acoustic data collection make it popular for researching the temporal patterns of wild dolphins. However, Pacific white-sided dolphins (PWSDs) north of Southern California remain under-researched. This study evaluates diel and seasonal patterns in PWSD communication signals detected in 480 days of near-continuous passive acoustic data collected over 20 months from the Barkley Canyon node of Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE observatory, offshore Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. In this study, a random forest classifier is used to identify PWSD pulsed calls and false positives are manually removed. The resulting acoustic presence-absence data set is evaluated for seasonal and diel patterns using generalized additive mixed models, considering masking effects from ambient noise. PWSDs are found to be vocally active during all diel periods year-round, with high summer and low spring activity. Seasonally dependent diel patterns are identified, with PWSD pulsed calls exhibiting no diel pattern in spring, a slight increase in vocal activity during dusk and night in fall and winter, and a notable increase during night and dawn in summer.  相似文献   

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